, Universidad de Sevilla, 1995, 1995 Softcover, 271 paginas, 30X22CM Spanish, Illustraciones,. ISBN 9788447202409.
Este texto lo edita Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de C diz. A principio de los a os ochenta la editorial comenz su primera singladura impulsada por Universidad de C diz y tiene su sede en C diz. El cat logo de esta editorial asciende a m s de 560 libros. Matem ticas Y F sica., Filosof a, Filolog a Y Ling stica., Ciencias De La Naturaleza., Historia Y Arte., Ciencias Biom dicas. entre otras son las especialidades de Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de C diz. Documentos De Investigaci n Ling stica., Textos B sicos Universitarios., Documentos Del Patrimonio Musical De La Provincia De C diz., Bibliothecae Castellarium., Serie Estudios Internacionales Y Europeos De C diz... son algunos ejemplos de colecciones de dicha editorial. Otros libros de S nchez Mantero, Rafael son Richelieu Y Olivares, La Europa Dividida: 1559-1598, Espa a En Europa : Una Perspectiva Hist rica, El Viejo Mundo Y El Nuevo (1492-1650), Espa a Y America En El Bicenten, La Europa Dividida, 1559-1598, Europa En poca De Felipe Ii y Historia Breve De Andaluc a. Universidad de Sevilla -- Colecciones de arte -- Exposiciones -- Cat logos.
Rafed El-Sayed, Konstantin C. Lakomy and Elisabeth Ehler, C cilia Fluck, Anne Herzberg-Beiersdorf and Olivia Zorn
Reference : 58087
, Imhof-Museen zu Berlin , 2021 softcover, 21 29,7 cm, 400 pages , 341 illustrations. English text. ISBN 9783731911876.
Akhm m Egypt's forgotten city Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin in der James-Simon-Galerie: 21. Mai bis 12. September 2021 With its more than 6,000 years of history, Akhm m is one of the oldest cities in Egypt. Today, only a few archaeological remains of the once large temples and extensive necropoleis bear witness to the long period of settlement in antiquity. The true treasure trove of statues, reliefs, everyday objects, cult implements, coffins, burial objects and written testimonies is scattered in museums around the world, a significant part at the Staat liche Museen zu Berlin. The idea for the exhibition and accompanying publication arose from a cooperation with the M n Panos project at the University of G ttingen, which is dedicated to the material culture of Akhm m and its surroundings. For the first time, selected objects from this region from around the world are brought together and illuminated from various aspects. The cultural and political role of the city, its influence as a religious centre, its importance as the birthplace of famous histor ical figures in Egyptian history and its long tra dition in craftsmanship are traced and rounded off by an overview of the history of research up to the present day.
O.J. (um 1640). Kupferstich von Paulus Pontius nach Joannes Meyssens. Bildgrösse: 22 x 17 cm. Blattgrösse: 25 x 18 cm.
Pontius, Paulus (1603-1658): Flämischer Kupferstecher. Meyssens, Joannes (1612-1670): Fläm. Maler, Kupferstecher u. Verleger. - Bis knapp zum Bildrand beschnitten.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, xxix + 320 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:199 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503602448.
Summary This study of the La Scala opera house uses the approaches of cultural history to explore the world of Milan's historic opera house at a crucial point in Italian History. It sheds new life on La Scala's public, its rules of attendance, management, as well as its central role in the Italian national movement (the Risorgimento ). Based on unpublished archival sources, the book explores a world of secret gatherings, revolutionary conspiracies hatched in opera boxes, displays of power, the architectures of surveillance, and the symbolic and gendered politics of operatic performances; in this world even the central lamp of the opera house took on political significance. In the early nineteenth century, while Giuditta Pasta and Maria Malibran performed Norma , box curtains were used for public demonstrations, keys of lateral doors were contested between the impresario and the police, and a monumental gas lamp was built and installed assembled in order to spy on the public. The central claim of the book is that a multifaceted cultural struggle was fought at La Scala. The argument is constructed through a rigorous approach to original sources and an extensive analysis of archivalmaterial. Thanks to these sources, the book makes an important, original contribution to the study of Italian history. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface by V ctor S nchez S nchez Introduction Chapter 1. Italian Unification Chapter 2. The Risorgimento Movement in Milan Chapter 3. The Idea of Italy: Opera and Gendered Roles for the Risorgimento Movement Chapter 4. La Scala: A Civic Hegemonic Space Chapter 5. The Struggle of the Risorgimento at La Scala Chapter 6. Concluding Reflections on the Role of La Scala during the Risorgimento Bibliography Index of Names
VIEILLES MAISONS FRANCAISES. OCT 1999. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 119 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleur et noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Sommaire : Editorial - Général E. Charlet..Avant-propos - Jean-Pierre Raffarin ..•Les jardins de l'Ile enchantée au château de Dampierre-sur-Boutonne.La France restaurée.Prix de sauvegarde VMF 1999-Se former au patrimoine touristique ..La triste fin de Groussay..Pierre de Lagarde.Écrins de châteaux - Renaud du Dresnay.Restauration à La Roche-Courbon-Renaud du Dresnay.Reconstitution à Saint-Loup-Renaud du Dresnay.Deux exemples contemporains - Alain Richert et Guillaume Geoffroy-Dechaume.Livres PatrimoineExpositions.Fiscalité.L’Europe..Jardins et paysage - Jean-Philippe Minier.Protéger et restaurer-Jean-Pierre Blin et Brigitte Montagne.•Liste des parcs et jardins protégés.Sources historiques - Charlotte Pon-Willemse.BrèvesPrix de l’artisan - Courrier des lecteurs .Friends of VMF.VMF Jeunes..Activités départementales.Liste des délégués adjoints - Carnet Liste des délégués.Annonces .Parcs dans la ville - Claudine Barbeault. Pierre Loti côté jardins - Thierry Liot. jardins d’abbayes - François Jeanneau. Collections de fleurs - Marie-Claire Colignon. Des jardins ouvriers - Dominique Mathis.Guide détachable de 12 pages entre les pages 56 et 57. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris 1950. In-8 broché, 87 pages, illustré de planches photographiques hors-texte et d'un plan de l'édifice. Bon état.
Editorial Canosa,Barcelone,sans date,circa 1929.relié toilé in-4,305 pp.,sous jaquette de couleur orangée,illustrations en nb, une note manuscrite en anglais sur les gardes,usures et déchirures à la jaquette, de discrètes rousseurs,on joint une photographie,photo avec tampon amigos de gaudi palacio Güell.Ouvrage en Espagnol.M04
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 426 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:7 b/w, 5 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503601069.
Summary In 1517, the Brabant city of Louvain witnessed the foundation of the Collegium Trilingue (Three Language College). Funded by means of the legacy of the humanist and diplomat Jerome of Busleyden (d. 1517) and steered by guiding spirit Erasmus of Rotterdam, this institute offered courses in the three so-called sacred languages Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, which students could attend for free. However, this kind of initiative was not unique to Louvain in the early 16th century. In a time span of barely twenty years, Greek and Hebrew were also offered in Alcal de Henares (near Madrid), Wittenberg, and Paris, among other places. It would not take long before these 'sacred' languages were also on the educational agenda at universities throughout the whole of Europe. The present volume examines the general context in which such polyglot institutes emerged and thrived, as well as the learning and teaching practices observed in these institutes and universities. Devoting special attention to the study of the continuity, or rather the discontinuity, between the 16th-century establishment of language chairs and the late medieval interest in these languages, it brings together fifteen selected papers exploring various aspects of these multilingual undertakings, focusing on their pedagogical and scholarly dimensions. Most of the contributions were presented at the 2017 LECTIO conference The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew, and 'Oriental' Languages on Scholarship, Science, and Society in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, which was organized at the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Louvain Collegium Trilingue. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Trilingual Learning in Context (Raf Van Rooy, Pierre Van Hecke & Toon Van Hal) Part I. Greek and Hebrew: Borders and Landmarks Greek Studies in Renaissance Italy: Protagonists, Centers, and Areas of Impact (Luigi-Alberto Sanchi) Hebrew Students and Teachers across Borders in the Renaissance (Saverio Campanini) Part II. New Foundations: Institutes, Methods, Manuals Institutionalizing Trilingual Learning: The Foundation of Hebrew and Greek Chairs at European Universities in the Early Sixteenth Century (Toon Van Hal) Francisco Jim nez de Cisneros and the Greeks at the Collegium and University of San Ildefonso (1495-1517) (Benito Rial Costas) Chr tien Wechel (c. 1495-1554) and Greek Printing in Paris: Education, Networks, and Questions of Orthodoxy (Natasha Constantinidou) In Rutger Rescius' Classroom at the Leuven Collegium Trilingue (1543-1544): His Study Program and Didactic Method (Raf Van Rooy) Reading Vergil through Homer: The Role of the Greek Language in Petrus Nannius' Deuterologiae sive Spicilegia (Xander Feys) Part III. Knowledge in Practice: Greek and Hebrew in Active Use Teaching Greek and Hebrew in Early Modern Estonia (Janika P ll & Anu P ldsam) Greek among Other Academic Disciplines: The Case of a Handwritten Greek Oration from Sixteenth-Century Lithuania (Tomas Veteikis) Part IV. Bridging Traditions: Jewish and Classical Philology Greek in the Arukh of Nathan b. Jehiel (Ayelet Wenger) The Ma?barot of 'Immanu'el of Rome and the Classical Tradition (Vito Andrea Mariggi ) Part V. Trilingual Learning and Beyond: Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic in Theology, Philosophy, and Law Melanchthon as Advocate of Trilingual Humanism (Ralph Keen) Nec quidquam feliciter sit quod accuratione cum Alcorano certare queat: Latin Translations of the Qur??n as Teaching Material for Arabic Learners in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Europe (Katarzyna K. Starczewska) Hebrew as the Original Philosophic Language in the Writings of Medieval Jewish Scholars (Abraham Melamed) De la jurisprudence de Reuchlin aux artes d' rasme. La consolidation de la culture gr co-romaine (Laurent Waelkens)
Roma, Gherardo Casini 1968 948cols.with ills.in colour and bl./w, softcover, 26cm., VG
P., Denoël, 1984, in-8 carré, 108 pp. illustrées de 109 photographies et documents broché (le haut de la couverture est légèrement brunie)
PETIT POINT. 1991. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 91 pages - Quelques illustrations en couleurs dans et hors le texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Dessins de Desclozeaux Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Tiré-à-part de la revue Cimaise, 21e année, n° 117-118, mai-juin-juillet-août 1974. In-4, broché sous couverture illustrée, 12 pp. Constant, par Michel Ragon.
Avec 14 illustrations in texte, dont 2 en couleurs. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Casterman. 1972. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 468 pages. Nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc, in et hors texte. Texte sur deuc colonnes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
format moyen cartonnÈ. Jaquette. 348 pages. Illustrations n/b. Bon Ètat 1971 Casterman
Editions Casterman, Tournai, 1986. In-8, cartonnage éditeur illustré en noir et blanc, signet, 350 pp. Première Partie : Naissance de l'architecture moderne - Deuxième Partie : Naissance de l'urbanisme moderne - Troisième Partie : Naissance de la cité moderne - Conclusion provisoire que est aussi un état récapitulatif : les idées prospectives du 19e siècle ...
Nouvelle édition mise à jour et augmentée. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Casterman 1968.Relié cartonné in-8,non paginé environ 180 pp.. Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc et en couleur dans et hors texte.Epuis é et recherché.M04.
Albin Michel. 1977. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 252 pages. Quelques soulignements au crayon dans le texte. Tampon sur la page de garde et le 2ème contre-plat... . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Robert Laffont. 1958. In-8. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 356 pages augmentées de nombreuses planches en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris Robert Laffont 1958 un volume grand in-8°, 356 pp. Reliure éditeur toilée à la Bradel, étiquette de titre au dos. (jaquette manquante, tassement au sommet du dos, plats et dos brunis, gouttière et tranche supérieure un peu roussi.e.s). Ouvrage orné de quelques planches photographiques.
Edition originale
Robert Laffont. 1958. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos fané, Intérieur frais. 356 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Robert Laffont. 1958. In-8. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos fané, Papier jauni. 356 pages. Quelques rousseurs. Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc, en planches.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
1958 Editions Robert Laffont - 1958 - Grand in-8, cartonné pièce de titre au dos - 356 pages - Illustrations et reproductions photographiques en N&B in et hors texte
Bon état - Menus frottements sur les plats, les coiffes et les coins
Paris Albin Michel 1981 In-8 (h. 21 cm.) 340 pp. couverture souple.
Rare. Très bon état. Libraire membre du S.L.A.M. (Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne) et de la L.I.L.A. (Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne). N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail pour des photographies et des détails supplémentaires, pour des recherches ou des estimations de livres anciens et rares.
grand format, couverture souple. 212 pages. Illustrations n/b. Bon Ètat 1985 Berger Levrault. Coll espaces des hommes