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Reference : 6886


‎, Bruxelles, Meddens & co, 1815., Broche, couverture d' editeur, 14x21,5cm, 158pp.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Flemish and Belgian Art‎

Reference : 042297


‎Exhibition of Flemish and belgian Art ( 1300-1900 )‎

‎ Burlington House broché Couverture Illustrée London 1927 96 pages de reproductions en format 18 - 24 cm - dos retouché ‎

‎État Moyen ‎

Phone number : 0032476413494

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎Flemish Calendar. Calendrier flamand Bening, Simon:‎

Reference : 4410DB


‎Blumen-Stundenbuch. Clm 23 637, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München.‎

‎2 Bände in Acry-Kassette und Verkaufsdokumentations-Mappe. Luzern, Faksimile-Verlag, 1991. Kl.-8°. Faksimile-Band: 219 Seiten, (2) Blatt, Mit 70 Miniaturen und über 300 verzierte Seiten; Kommentarband: 431 Seiten, 1 Blatt, 45 Tafeln. Rote Samtbände mit 2 Metall-Schliessen sowie mit dreiseitigem Goldschnitt. Acryl-Schuber.‎

‎Nr. 480 von 980 Ex. (GA 1'060, dv. 80 h.c.). Eines von 300 Exemplaren der Vorzugsausgabe, welche zusätzlich mit zwei Schmuckschließen aus 925er-Sterlingsilber, mit 46 echten Rubinen bestückt wurden. - Tadellos erhalten.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF1,250.00 (€1,339.84 )

‎Flemish Calendar. Calendrier flamand Bening, Simon:‎

Reference : 4228BB


‎Flämischer Kalender. Clm 23 638, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München.‎

‎2 Bände in Acry-Kassette. Luzern, Faksimile-Verlag, 1987-1988. Kl.-8°. (Faksimile-Band:) (2) Bl., (60), (3) S. Mit 26 (dv. 13 ganzs.) farb. Illustr. u. farb. Buchschmuck. (Kommentarband): 482 S. Mit 46 Tafeln. Violetter Samtband. mit 10 Deckelbeschlägen u. 2 Metall-Schliessen sowie mit dreiseitigem Goldschnitt bzw. violetter Samtband mit montiertem Rückenschild. In Acryl-Schuber.‎

‎Nr. 738 von 980 Ex. (GA 1'060, dv. 80 h.c.). – Tadellos erhalten.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF850.00 (€911.09 )

‎Fletcher, Adelene‎

Reference : 59870

‎Bloemen in aquarel : Gids voor het schilderen van bloemen met waterverf Deel 2‎

‎, Librero BV, 2000 Hardcover, 64 pagina's, NL, 195 x 155 mm, in prima staat, met stofomslag, mooie illustraties in kleur, Deel 1 en 2 apart aan 10 euro of de 2 delen samen aan 18 euro !. ISBN 9789057641008.‎

‎Deze praktische en uitgebreide gids voor het schilderen van 70 verschillende bloemen is de opvolger van 'Bloemen in aquarel deel 1'. In dit boekje staat opnieuw een collectie bloemen, bladeren en bessen afgebeeld. Er wordt dieper ingegaan op de technieken uit het eerste deel en u leert er bovendien een paar nieuwe bij. De gebruikte technieken worden stap voor stap gedemonstreerd. De kleurenmengsels die u nodig hebt voor de bloemen worden stuk voor stuk behandeld. Zowel de beginnende als de gevorderde schilder kan met BLOEMEN IN AQUAREL DEEL 2 zelfverzekerd aan de slag voor veel plezier bij het schilderen van bloemen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎F lix Marcilhac‎

Reference : 59830

‎Paul Jouve : peintre sculpteur animalier ‎

‎, Les Editions de l'Amateur , 2005 Hardcover, 400 pages, Texte en Francais, 310 x 240 mm, Nouveau Edition !, jacquette, illustrations en couleur. ISBN 9782859174095.‎

‎ lev dans la for t de Fontainebleau, Paul Jouve dessine les animaux d s son plus jeune ge et fr quente r guli rement le jardin des Plantes et le Mus um d?histoire naturelle. travers ses dessins, aquarelles, peintures et sculptures, Jouve a construit sa r putation autour de sa capacit saisir et p n trer ais ment et profond ment le caract re de chaque esp ce animale. Il a illustr , parmi d?autres, Le Livre de la jungle, La Chasse de Kaa de Rudyard Kipling et Un p lerin d?Angkor de Pierre Loti. Il collaborera avec Jean Dunand, Goulden, se liera d?amiti avec Gustave Miklos, Joseph Csaky, Pierre Legrain, Marcel Coard, Eileen Gray.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Florence Andr , Jean-Marie Bailly, Claire Billen, Odile De Bruyn, St phanie de Courtois, Eric Hennaut, Michael Jakob, Philippe Nys, Anne-Marie Sauvat, Ursula Wieser Benedetti.‎

Reference : 62517

‎JULES BUYSSENS EN LE NOUVEAU JARDIN PITTORESQUE : Collection Lieux de m moire / De wereld van het tuin- en landschapsontwerp in Belgi ‎

‎, CFC- ditions , 2022 hardcover, 240 pages, TEKST IN HET NEDERLANDS , 275 x 210 mm, NOUVEAU, illustrations en couleur / n/b. ISBN 9782930391663.‎

‎Jules Buyssens (1872-1958) is een belangrijke figuur in de wereld van het tuin- en landschapsontwerp in Belgi . Na een opleiding van een vijftiental jaren in binnen- en buitenland, die hij afsloot als bureauchef bij douard Andr in Parijs, cr erde hij meer dan duizend ontwerpen in Belgi en in een tiental andere Europese landen (Frankrijk, Rusland, Zwitserland, Nederland, Monaco, Polen, Litouwen). Hij legde parken en tuinen aan voor de internationale aristocratie en rijke bourgeoisie (prins en prinses Napol on te Ronchinne, de familie Solvay in Terhulpen en Brussel, B atrice Ephrussi de Rothschild in Monte-Carlo, gravin de Pourtal s in Zwitserland?), werkte in opdracht van verscheidene gemeentebesturen en bedacht tijdens het interbellum charmante stadstuintjes, die het pittoreske verenigden met de art-decostijl. Behalve initiatiefnemer van de beweging en het tijdschrift Le Nouveau Jardin Pittoresque was hij tevens ook de landschapsarchitect van de stad Brussel (1904-1937) en de verantwoordelijke voor het landschapsontwerp van de Wereldexpo op de Heizel in 1935. Onder leiding van Eric Hennaut en Ursula Wieser Benedetti Auteurs: Florence Andr , Jean-Marie Bailly, Claire Billen, Odile De Bruyn, St phanie de Courtois, Eric Hennaut, Michael Jakob, Philippe Nys, Anne-Marie Sauvat, Ursula Wieser Benedetti.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎Florent Bex‎

Reference : 58683

‎betoverde plein‎

‎, Stichting Riemers, Wim 2002, 2002 Hardcover, 94 pagina's / pages, NL / ENG, 260 x 220 mm, in prima staat / book in good order, with foto's / pictures in kleur. ISBN 9789080498914.‎

‎Het abdijplein in Middelburg, hedendaagse kunst op het plein in 2002‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎FOLIE J., NINANE L., et alii‎

Reference : 64298

‎L'oeuvre de Roger de Le Pasture Van Der Weyden (catalogue).‎

‎Belgique, Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Culture, 1964. 16 x 25, 87 pp., nombreuses illustrations en N/B, broché, bon état (couverture légèrement défraîchie).‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎FONDS MERCATOR sous la Direction de : Herman Liebaers / Valentin Vermeersch / Leon Voet / Frans Baudouin / Robert Hoozee. ‎

Reference : ART345M

‎L'ART FLAMAND DES ORIGINES A NOS JOURS. Peinture, Architecture, Sculpture, Arts Appliqués.‎

‎Non daté / 587 pages. Relié avec jaquette + emboitage cartonné au format : 26 x 33,5 cm. Editions Albin Michel.‎



Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎FONTANA AMORETTI, Maria en PLOMP, Michiel; MEIJER, Bert W. ( ed. );‎

Reference : 24336


‎Florence/ Utrecht, Centro Di/ University, 1998 Bound, blue cloth, illustrated dustjacket in colour, 240 x 310mm., 286pp., profound colour illustration.‎

‎First volume in the series (edited by Bert W. Meijer) of nine volumes aimed at cataloguing and illustrating the over 10.000 Dutch and Flemish paintings in Italian Public Collections. The first publication of this important research project is dedicated to works of art in the region of Liguria; the over 450 paintings include masterpieces by Gerard David, Hans Memling, Jan van Scorel, Rubens, Antonie van Dyck. Forthcoming volumes: Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto-Friuli, Tuscany-Sardinia. Book is in new condition. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎FONTEYN Guido et MERTENS André‎

Reference : 65222

ISBN : 9020929046

‎Vlaams Brabant.‎

‎Tielt (Belgique), Editions Lannoo, 1997. 26 x 30, 176 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, reliure d'édition pleine toile + jaquette, très bon état.‎

‎"avant-propos de Lodewijk De Witte; quadrilingue : néerlandais, français, allemand, anglais."‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 7510


‎, Zurich, Rentsch Verlag, 1923., Gebunden, leinen, Original - Umschlag illustriert koloriert, 16x22cm,159pp + 32pp tafeln s/w.‎

‎Mit 49 Abbildungen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Francesca Baldassari‎

Reference : 59719

‎Masterpiece of the Florentine Seventeenth Century: Francesco Lupicini's David and Goliath‎

‎, Rob Smeets, 2016 Hardcover, 53 pages, ENG / ITA, 270 x 245 mm, in New condition, with illustrations in colour., dustjacket has some scratches on the backside, but book itself is in New condition ISBN 9788889024812.‎

‎The painting on copper portraying David with the head of Goliath offers, for its outstanding quality, a significant addition to the catalogue of the Florentine painter Francesco Lupicini (Firenze 1591-Saragozza 1656). This artist is still obscure, even to specialists, and has been so far neglected by art historical investigation, despite the works emerged over the last three decades reveal an unusually creative originality and considerably high quality. Lupicini?s difficult emergence from obscurity could be related to the fact that Filippo Baldinucci (1625-1696), the official biographer of Florentine painters, fails to mention him, even briefly, in the pages of his Notizie. [Francesca Baldassari]‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Francesco Caglioti, Rosario Coppel, Jeremy Howard, Peter Humfrey, Peter Marino, Jeremy Warren.‎

Reference : 59739

‎Renaissance : Six Italian masterpieces rediscovered‎

‎, Marsilio / Colnaghi, 2021 Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 310 x 250 mm, in New state, with pagefull illustrations in colour. ISBN 9788829714193.‎

‎Last November, audiences had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience rare and newly discovered masterworks by some of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance, including Donatello, Tintoretto, Antonio Lombardo, and Benedetto da Rovezzano, in a special exhibition at Colnaghi New York. Featuring five exquisite sculptures? including a recently rediscovered terracotta bust by Donatello?alongside a newly attributed portrait painting by the great Venetian master Jacopo Tintoretto, the exhibition marked a rare occasion in which such a significant number of museum-quality works from the Italian Renaissance appeared on the market at one time.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Francine de Nave ‎

Reference : 59188

‎schenking Frans Dille aan het Stedelijk Prentenkabinet van Antwerpen (1982-1989) : een retrospectieve‎

‎, Museum Plantin-Moretus 1990, 1990 Paperback, 127 pagina's, NL, 295 x 210 mm, goed, met illustraties in z/w.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Francis Haskell‎

Reference : 59676

‎Ephemeral Museum : Old Master Paintings and the Rise of the Art Exhibition‎

‎, Yale University Press, 2000 Hardcover, 200 pages, ENG, 240 x 165 mm, in absolute New condition, dustjacket, with illustrations in b/w . ISBN 9780300085341.‎

‎When and why did large-scale exhibitions of Old Master paintings begin, and how have they evolved through the centuries? In this work, art historian Francis Haskell explores the beginning, history and significance of these international art exhibitions‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎Francis M. Naumann‎

Reference : 59196

‎Duchamp Family of Artists‎

‎, Artis-Naples, the Baker Museum 2014, 2014 Softcover, 150 pages, ENG, 240 x 205 mm, NEW, dustjacket, illustrated in colour and b/w, very rare , . ISBN 9780989549424.‎

‎Marcel Duchamp is considered the most influential artist of the 20th century. This reputation is due primarily to his introduction of the readymade, an alternative to the traditional art-making process wherein anything designated by an artist as a work of art?from a bicycle wheel mounted on a stool to a bottle rack purchased from a department store?automatically becomes art and should be treated as such. Whereas this radical notion has done much to alter the course of contemporary art, few realize that it can be traced to Duchamp?s involvement with his family, specifically, to objections expressed by his brothers to his Nude Descending a Staircase, a painting he submitted for display to the Salon des Ind pendants in 1912. Rather than accept the reservations voiced by his brothers and substitute this painting for another, Duchamp chose instead to withdraw it, whereupon he made the momentous decision that he would no longer conform to accepted conventions of taste. At the time, Duchamp?s eldest brother Jacques Villon was a cubist painter and printmaker, and his older brother Raymond Duchamp-Villon was a modernist sculptor. In this context, a readymade can be understood as an open challenge to the art his family practiced and represented, namely, the traditional genres of painting and sculpture. Although books have been written about the three Duchamp brothers, The Duchamp Family of Artists is the first study devoted to the entire family, from their maternal grandfather mile Nicolle, a painter and printmaker of some note in French art at the end of the nineteenth century, to their sister Suzanne and her husband Jean Crotti, who, in the early 1920s, established an art movement of their own called Tabu. The present exhibition and catalogue traces the career of these artists?from their earliest works to those for which they have become best known, emphasizing the phases of the artists? careers in which their paths either conjoined or intersected‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎ Francis Strauven‎

Reference : 59200

‎Aldo Van Eyck : Orphanage - A Modern Monument‎

‎, NAI Publishers 1998, 1998 Softcover, 48 pages, ENG, 190 x 190 mm, in good condition, illustrations b/w, . ISBN 907246950X.‎

‎Aldo van Eyck ; (16 March 1918 - 14 January 1999) was a Dutch architect. He was one of the most influential protagonists of the architectural movement Structuralism.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Francois-Joachim Beer ; Louis Gillet ; Raymond Cogniat‎

Reference : 59612

‎Pierre Bonnard : par Fran ois-Joachim Beer. Suivi d'un texte de Louis Gillet,... Pr face par Raymond Cogniat‎

‎, Editions Francaises D'Art, 1947 Hardcover, 167 pages, Texte en Francais, 315 x 250 mm, bon etat, pas le jacquette, illustrations en couleur et n/b.‎

‎Pierre Bonnard (fran ais : [bna] ; 3 octobre 1867 - 23 janvier 1947) tait un peintre, illustrateur et graveur fran ais, connu surtout pour les qualit s d coratives stylis es de ses peintures et son utilisation audacieuse de la couleur. Membre fondateur du groupe postimpressionniste de peintres d'avant-garde Les Nabis, ses premiers travaux ont t fortement influenc s par le travail de Paul Gauguin, ainsi que par les estampes de Hokusai et d'autres artistes japonais. Bonnard a t une figure de proue de la transition de l'impressionnisme au modernisme. Il peint des paysages, des sc nes urbaines, des portraits et des sc nes domestiques intimes, o les fonds, les couleurs et le style de peinture priment g n ralement sur le sujet.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎ Frank Demaegd, Mark Manders & Marjolein Sponselee.‎

Reference : 59537

‎Mark Manders / Zeno X Gallery : 28 years of collaboration ‎

‎, Walther and Franz Koenig Verlag, 2022 Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG, 285 x 225 mm, NEW, with 227 illustrations of which 215 in colour !. ISBN 9789464366907.‎

‎Mark Manders - Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration offers an overview of the long-standing collaboration between artist Mark Manders ( 1968) and Zeno X Gallery in Antwerp. The publication appears on the occasion of his most recent solo exhibition at the gallery and highlights a number of important exhibitions and special projects for which Manders has been invited at home and abroad from the 1990s to the present. Since 1986, Mark Manders has been working on what he calls "self-portrait as a building". His oeuvre - consisting of installations, sculptures, works on paper and drawings - takes on the metaphor of a fictitious building, subdivided into separate rooms whose precise shape and size cannot be defined. There is no beginning and no end. Manders strives for timelessness and universality by using archetypal forms and familiar-looking materials such as clay, bronze and wood. His bronze sculptures and installations therefore appear more vulnerable than they actually are. With text contributions by Mark Manders, Frank Demaegd (Zeno X Gallery) and Marjolein Sponselee. Publication accompanying the exhibition at Zeno X Gallery, which will take place from September 3 to October 15, 2022. In-depth overview of the oeuvre of artist Mark Manders An astonishing overview of the long-term collaboration between artist Mark Manders and Zeno X Gallery ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Frank Lloyd Wright, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer‎

Reference : 60046

‎Frank Lloyd Wright : His Living Voice‎

‎, Press at California State University, Fresno / CSUF, 1987 Hardcover, 207 pages, ENG, 235 x 160 mm, in good condition, dustjacket, ill. in b/w. ISBN 9780912201139.‎

‎Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8, 1867 ? April 9, 1959) was an American architect, designer, writer, and educator. He designed more than 1,000 structures over a creative period of 70 years. Wright played a key role in the architectural movements of the twentieth century, influencing architects worldwide through his works and hundreds of apprentices in his Taliesin Fellowship. Wright believed in designing in harmony with humanity and the environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. This philosophy was exemplified in Fallingwater (1935), which has been called "the best all-time work of American architecture".‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR17.50 (€17.50 )

‎Frank P. Wartenberg, Wolfgang Behnken, Enno Kaufhold , translation : John S. Southard‎

Reference : 60359

‎Frank P. Wartenberg : Colorpoints‎

‎, Edition Stemmle, 1999 Hardcover, 144 pages , ENG , 335 x 255 x 19 mm, dustjacket , in perfect condition, full-page photographs in colour / b/w. Large Format ISBN 9783908161714.‎

‎With an unerring sense of the contemporary in photography, wartenberg stages dreams, emotions, and moods in his pictures, underscoring the beauty of the models while allowing the viewer room for imaginative interpretation. The central focus of the Hamburg photographer's work is the human being, whom he portrays masterfully and with considerable aesthetic appeal. His spectrum ranges from reduction of the subject to essential details, to opulently staged scenes in vivid color. A particularly remarkable aspect of Wartenberg's work is his unique sense of color and special effects, which he creates through masterful use of lighting manipulated with the sensitivity of a painter. He also employs a diverse selection of technical approaches, including 35mm shots "on location", medium- or large-format work in the studio, and Polaroid 50 x 60 exposures. Only his finished photos are digitized, and he employs the process for the purposes of communication and further processing only.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.90 (€39.90 )

‎Fran oise Dumont ; Roland Doschka‎

Reference : 59927

‎Marc Chagall : Sources et Visions‎

‎, Prestel, 1998 Paperback, 232 pages, Texte en Francais , 300 x 240 mm, bon etat, illustrations en couleur et n/b.‎

‎Marc Chagall, tait un peintre fran ais d'origine juive russe. Catalogue de l'exposition de 1998 Li ge, nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et en noir et blanc, dessins et photos‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Frans Boenders‎

Reference : 59582

‎Mee met morgen : vijftig kortessays over de toekomst van wetenschap en kunst samengebracht door de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgi voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten‎

‎, Academia Press, 2015 Hardcover, 276 pagina's, NL, 305 x 215 mm, in Nieuwstaat !, met foto's en illustraties in kleur, zeer leerrijk !. ISBN 9789038222158.‎

‎Wat is de toekomst van wetenschap en van kunst? In vijftig essays beantwoorden vooraanstaande Vlaamse academici vragen over brandend actuele vragen uit de wetenschap. Hoe zit dat feitelijk met genetische manipulatie, evolutiebiologie, nanotechnologie, in steile opmars verkerende superintelligente computers? Moet je resoluut de groene kaart trekken of kies je juist kritisch de kant der klimaatsceptici? IJlen we naar een gestuurde wereldeconomie? De wereld draait almaar door, jazeker, maar staat de zon dan zelf stil? Dijt het weerzinwekkend lege heelal uit of krimpt het juist in? Wie wil niet volop genieten van vernieuwende hedendaagse muziek - maar komt niet verder dan de hits en toptiens van klassiek en pop? Heeft schilderkunst nog een toekomst; en een schilderij lezen: hoe doe je dat? Waarom reizen we overal rond, dorstig naar nieuw gebouwde kunsttempels vol voorwerpen en installaties die we per se willen begrijpen maar waar we geen weg mee kunnen? Een uniek wetenschapsboek, met de blik op de toekomst.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.95 (€29.95 )
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