, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, viii + 356 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:16 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Languages: English, Old Norse, Latin. ISBN 9782503578101.
Reference : 65910
Summary The culmination of over a decade's research on verbal culture in the pre- and post-Conversion medieval North at Bergen's Centre for Medieval Studies, this volume traces the movement of words and texts temporally, geographically, and intellectually across different media and genres. The contributions gathered here begin with a reassessment of how the unique verbal cultures of Scandinavia and Iceland can be understood in a broader European context, and then move on to explore foundational Nordic Latin histories and vernacular sagas. Key case studies are put forward to highlight the importance of institutional and individual writing communities, epistolary and list-making cultures, and the production of manuscripts as well as runic inscriptions. Finally, the oral-written continuum is examined, with a focus on important works such as slendingab k and Landn mab k, Old-Norse Icelandic translated romances, and the development of prosimetra. Together, these essays form a state-of-the-art volume that offers new and vital insights into the role of literacy in the Norse-speaking world. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction - AMY C. MULLIGAN Literacy Studies: Past, Present, and Future - LEIDULF MELVE Medieval Nordic Backgrounds: Written Culture in an Oral Society - ELSE MUNDAL Creating Absence: The Representation of Writing in Early Histories of the North - AIDAN CONTI Tracing Scribal Centres in Medieval Norway - SLAUG OMMUNDSEN Letters from Kings: Epistolary Communication in the Kings' Sagas (until c. 1150) - JONAS WELLENDORF Letters, Networks, and Public Opinion in Medieval Norway (1024-1263) - LEIDULF MELVE Gyr ir lykil (Gyr ir owns the key): Materialized Moments of Communication in Runic Items from Medieval Bergen - KRISTEL ZILMER Moving Lists: Enumeration between Use and Aesthetics, Storing and Creating - LUCIE DOLE?ALOV Talking Place and Mapping Icelandic Identity in slendingab k and Landn mab k - AMY C. MULLIGAN Traversing the Space of the Oral-Written Continuum: Medially Connotative Back-Referring Formulae in Landn mab k - SLAVICA RANKOVI? ?rvar-Oddr's vikvi a and the Genesis of ?rvar-Odds saga: A Poem on the Move - HELEN F. LESLIE-JACOBSEN 'Blood flying and brains falling like rain': Chivalric Conflict Gone Norse - INGVIL BR GGER BUDAL From Oral to Written in Old Norse Culture: Questions of Genre, Contact and Continuity - ELSE MUNDAL Index
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