‎R. Ellis, R. Tixier (eds.);‎
‎Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Age,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1996 Paperback, 504 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9782503504483.‎

Reference : 39918

‎Le premier volume de cette collection chez Brepols est le cinquieme d'une serie du meme nom, editee par Roger Ellis, et publiee precedemment chez d'autres editeurs. Comme ses predecesseurs, il presente les communications faites lors de colloques internationaux et traitant de la theorie et de la pratique de la traduction au moyen age. Les articles figurant au sommaire de ce volume ont ete presentes lors du colloque de Conques, les 26-29 juillet 1993. Les articles sont rediges dans une des langues internationales et sont accompagnes de resumes en anglais. Le fil conducteur est le phenomene de la traduction au moyen age, et la serie contient tant les etudes specialisees que les approches plus generales. L'article phare du volume 5 (K. Ashley & P. Sheingorn, The translations of Sainte Foy: bodies, textes and places), par exemple, traite de l'interaction entre la transmission litteraire et la translation de reliques, en partant du cas de sainte Foy. D'autre part, la question des traductions post-medievales ou contemporaines de textes medievaux est egalement abordee. Languages : French.‎

€74.00 (€74.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎J. Jenkins, O. Bertrand (eds.);‎

Reference : 39927

‎Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Age,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Paperback, XXV+466 p., 2 b/w ill., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9782503525358.‎

‎Fundamental to all translation work, the concept of 'displacement' allows one to take into account the multiple successive states inhering in a single text, and to interpret these variations. Translation is, in effect, a form of transfer; more specifically, it involves a movement from one context to another, be it national, social, political, historical, linguistic or religious. The texts examined here illustrate, each in their unique way, the relationship between contextual change and audience. They are also the product of subtle interactions between a variety of elements, the result of which is a 'reinvention' of their respective roles and uses over time. For example, a text intending to entertain may also have educational outcomes; a book of local miracles may attract pilgrims and contribute to the economic life of a monastery; a text and its translations may at some point be appropriated for polemical purposes, while a library of translated texts founded on humanist principals may also serve political ends. Furthermore, each successive adaptation and its accompanying annotations impacts upon the tonality of a text. While this diversity of meanings may inspire some (such as the medieval poet Marie de France), it moreover raises a number of important and difficult questions for the modern translator. How, for example, does one translate the 'harmonics' underlying a series of mystical puns? The 'solution' usually involves a compromise that both enhances and undermines the translated text. This volume presents a selection of twenty-eight papers delivered at the Seventh International Conference dedicated to The Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages, which took place at the University of Paris III - Nouvelle Sorbonne in July 2004. The period covered by the texts and their translations extends from antiquity to the present day. The literary and critical breadth of these papers, as well as the rigorous interrogation of the modern translation theory, illustrates the remarkable vitality and diversity of current scholarship in this field. Au coeur de toute activite de traduction, le concept de deplacement permet de rendre compte des multiples etats successifs d'un meme texte et d'en interpreter les variations. Toute traduction est en effet une translation, c'est-a-dire un changement d'environnement, que ce dernier soit national, social, politique, historique, linguistique ou ecclesial. Les textes examines ici temoignent chacun a sa maniere des transformations qu'ils ont subies lorsque, changeant de langue, de style ou d'epoque, ils ont change de destinataires. La dynamique qui les traverse se nourrit de subtils cotoiements : un desir legitime de divertir peut fort bien s'accommoder d'une intention didactique ; un recueil de miracles locaux peut attirer des pelerins, contribuant ainsi a la vie economique d'un monastere ; un texte et ses traductions peuvent devenir l'objet d'utilisations polemiques ; se constituer en humaniste une bibliotheque de traductions peut aussi servir un dessein politique. Par ailleurs les transpositions successives et leurs gloses, comme en musique, entrainent des changements de tonalite. Ce 'surplus' de sens qu'encourage Marie de France pourra cependant se heurter a des resistances : comment par exemple preserver d'une langue a l'autre toutes les harmoniques que libere un enchainement de jeux de mots mystiques ... Ainsi l'inevitable compromis qui s'imposera au traducteur sera souvent le choix d'un enrichissement double d'une deperdition. Ce volume presente une selection des communications entendues lors du septieme colloque international consacre a la theorie et la pratique de la traduction des textes au Moyen Age qui s'est tenu a l'Universite de Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle en juillet 2004. La periode couverte par ces textes et leurs traductions s'etend de l'Antiquite jusqu'a nos jours. Ce sont au total vingt-huit etudes qui sont ici proposees. La richesse des domaines abordes, la haute technicite des analyses, de meme que la place faite aux questionnements de la traductologie moderne illustrent la remarquable vitalite des etudes actuelles relatives aux multiples aspects de la traduction des textes medievaux. Languages : English, French.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR82.50 (€82.50 )

‎D. Renevey, C. Whitehead (eds.);‎

Reference : 39929

‎Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Age Lost in Translation?,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Paperback, XX+382 p., 38 b/w ill., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9782503531397.‎

‎The contributions to this volume are organised in a way that bear out the vitality of translation activity in the medieval period and the resourcefulness of modern scholarship in addressing the phenomenon of translation at large. No other period relies so heavily on this literary process to construct its cultural identity. Translations from Latin into the vernacular, or from one vernacular into another, or even from a vernacular into the Latin language, are just a few of the many forms medieval translation can take. The codification of the translation process as appropriation, transformation, or accommodation does not sufficiently emphasize the overarching curiosity and interest that motivates any translation activity. Rather, preceding the stages of appropriation and re-interpretation, it is positive inquisitiveness and openness towards linguistic and cultural difference that generate the production of a new text and the transference of culture from one sphere to another. Translation practice creates a dialogic exchange between cultures, it recognises difference and diversity, both linguistic and cultural, yet it also shapes its new product for the use of an audience or readership that is concurrently aware of the reciprocal need to participate in that exchange, in order to improve its own culture. It is that positive inquisitiveness which this volume emphasizes. The volume initially addresses the way in which translators dealt with texts from the early medieval period. It then considers the phenomenon of bilingualism and the privileged relationship that England held with the continent, especially the Italian and French literary traditions. The third part of this volume tackles the problem of fifteenth-century religious translation in England and, to a lesser extent, France, and complicates it by showing its inevitable political implications. Understood more particularly as an act of cultural transfer, translation activity can also be considered beyond the linguistic process. The fourth part of the volume deals with several instances of translations from one genre into another, and from one media into another. The contributions to this volume provide some answers to conundrums in the theory and practice of translation encountered during the medieval period. They also point to new ways of considering this literary process, and by praising diversity and difference, they suggest a less traumatic way of reading Babel than is usually implied. Languages : French, English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR82.50 (€82.50 )


Reference : 39922

‎Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Age Proceedings of the International Conference of Gottingen (22-25 July 1996). Actes du Colloque international de Gottingen (22-25 juillet 1996).,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1998 Paperback, 432 p., 1 fig. + 7 pl., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9782503506944.‎

‎Most of the papers in this volume consider translation in medieval England (in both Old and Middle English and Anglo-Norman), though translations into other medieval vernaculars are also represented (Icelandic, Dutch, German), as is translation of classical Greek into Latin. Most of the translations are anonymous, though major translators are also included: Cicero, King Alfred, Robert Grosseteste, Jean de Meun, Chaucer. Several papers consider the troubled times during the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries in England, when a number of major translation projects were undertaken; others explore the place of translation in daily life (pro forma letters, gynaecological treatises, forged documents in support of a local shrine, texts rewritten so as to update legal references in them); another considers the importance of paper for the rapid dissemination of translated texts. Also featured prominently is the translation of different sorts of religious texts, originally variously in monastic, eremitical and mendicant milieux, and including the 'translations' for their readers of divine messages received by female visionaries. The more generous understanding of the term indicated by the use of quotation marks for these latter is also reflected in a paper considering representations of heaven and hell in visual arts. All the contributions share an awareness of translation as culturally specific - as originating in and addressing specific contexts: of; for example; nationality, politics, class and gender. Above all, translation as a new thing; with a life of its own, may provide a fuller, as well as a different, realisation of what was only partly present in its original. Languages : French.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR77.00 (€77.00 )

‎Ellis - Tixier - Weitemeier‎

Reference : 81856


‎The Medieval Translator - Traduire au Moyen Age‎

‎Paris, 1998, in-8, 416pp, broché, Superbe exemplaire! De la bibliothèque d'André Crépin! Très bel envoi autographe de Texier adressé à A. Crépin! 416pp ‎

Phone number : 06 60 05 09 80

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Ellis - Tixier‎

Reference : 83892


‎The Medieval Translator - Traduire au Moyen Age - Vol 5. Actes du Congrès International de Conques, 26/29 juillet 1993‎

‎, 1996, in-8, 488pp, broché, Très bel exemplaire! de la bibliothèque d'André Crépin, Bel envoi autographe de René Ellis adressé à André Crépin!! 488pp ‎

Phone number : 06 60 05 09 80

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )
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