Cambridge ,Deighton, Bell & Co., 1888. 2 volumes , in-8° , relié percale éditeur , XII-264pp , XVI-328pp , première édition rare, cachet ,bon état.
Reference : PHO-823
Scarce first edition. In this work Basset describes a force to the lagging boundary layer development with changing relative velocity of bodies moving through a fluid. Alfred Barnard Basset est un mathématicien anglais spécialiste de la géométrie algébrique, de l'électrodynamique et de l'hydrodynamique. En mécanique de fluides il est connu pour la force de Basset décrivant l'histoire d'une particule dans un fluide visqueux, utilisée dans l'équation de Basset–Boussinesq–Oseen. Il a été élu compagnon de la Royal Society en 1889. good copy
Librairie Voyage et Exploration
M. Stéphan Feldman
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Cambridge, Deighton, Bell and Co., 1888. 2 orig. full cloth. XII,264;""XVI,328 pp. Fine and clean, a few scattered brownspots.
Scarce first edition. In this work Basset describes a force to the lagging boundary layer development with changing relative velocity of bodies moving through a fluid. This Basset-force is also known as as the """"History"""" term. The force is difficult to implement and is commonly neglected from practical reasons, however, it can be substantially large when the body is accelerated at a high rate.