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‎Darwin, Capitaine‎

Reference : JH33736

‎Manuel de la conservation du gibier par l'extirpation du braconnage et la destruction des animaux nuisibles.‎

‎1870 (3rd ed.) Bruxelles, Parent, (1870) : In-8 Carré, Reliure bradel. 3° édition, vii, 160 pp., 3 planches hors-texte, reliure à la bradel avec pièce de titre sur toile décorée, 1° plat conservé, coins et coiffes à peine frottées, un ouvrage peu courant à la Bibliothèque du Sportsman suivi d'une instruction sur l'emploi des furets et du texte annoté des lois belge et française sur la chasse Très bon état, ‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎DARWIN Capitaine‎

Reference : 4771


‎Manuel de la conservation du gibier par l'extirpation du braconnage et la destruction des animaux nuisibles‎

‎ 1870 Bruxelles, Paris Vve Parent & fils, Tanera [1870] In-8°, percaline éditeur bordeaux, titre en médaillon doré au premier plat. ‎

‎Figures hors-texte. Dos insolé. ‎


Phone number : 02 47 64 12 77

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎DARWIN Carlo‎

Reference : 65431


‎Prima traduzione italiana col consenso dell'autore di Giovanni Canestrini, Professore di zoologia ed anatomia comparata nella R. Univerista' di Padova, e Lamberto Moschen Dottore di storia naturale. Unione Tipografico Editrice, Torino, 1883. In-8 gr. (mm. 272x187), mz. pelle coeva, dorso a cordoni con fregi e tit. oro, pp. 207, illustrato da incisioni su legno nel t. Con timbri di apparten. ma ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎DARWIN Carlo‎

Reference : 20776


‎L'espressione dei sentimenti nell'uomo e negli animali. Versione italiana col consenso di Carlo e Francesco Darwin per cura di Giovanni Canestrini. Seconda edizione.‎

‎Torino Unione Tipografica Editrice 1890 In-8°, pp. VI, 284, 7 tavole f.t in eliotipia, 21 illustrazioni nel testo, legatura in tela editoriale con titolo in oro al dorso e decoro in oro al piatto superiore. Traccia di umidità al margine superiore della legatura. Il saggio di Darwin, 'L'espressione delle emozioni nell'uomo e negli altri animali' uscì un anno dopo l'Origine dell'uomo, nel 1872 ed ebbe un immediato successo di pubblico. Agli inizi del XIX secolo, la teoria psicologica predominante era l'associazionismo: la mente è una tabula rasa sino a quando non riceve delle impressioni dai sensi; queste, depositandosi nella memoria e associandosi fra loro, vanno a costituire la nostra vita mentale. Darwin, invece, tentò di spiegare i meccanismi cognitivi animali e umani, estendendo la teoria dell’evoluzione per selezione naturale ai substrati biologici della cognizione. Si trattava di un programma scientifico interdisciplinare completamente nuovo che nel Novecento porterà alla nascita e allo sviluppo dell'etologia e delle neuroscienze. Nel saggio, l'autore fornisce dei dati atti a dimostrare che le espressioni dell'uomo, come degli altri animali, sono innate, sono un semplice prodotto dell'evoluzione, per cui molte espressioni che denotano paura, rabbia, stupore si ritrovano invariate non solo in uomini di diversa estrazione culturale o appartenenti a civiltà diverse, ma anche, in primati non umani o in altri animali; il fatto che il riso, ad esempio, sia molto simile nell'uomo e nello scimpanzé testimonia un'origine comune fra le due specie. Ma anche dal punto di vista metodologico il libro è di una sorprendente modernità: il primo a fare ricorso estesamente alla fotografia per scopi scientifici e il primo a basarsi su sondaggi prestampati, pratica ormai comune negli studi di psicologia. All’epoca le illustrazioni fotografiche venivano inserite nelle pagine del libro con un procedimento lungo che faceva lievitare i costi di pubblicazione. Darwin cercò tra i vari fotografi londinesi suggerimenti e metodi alternativi per riprodurre le fotografie e si ricordò di aver posato per un ritratto nel 1868 per il fotografo Ernest Edwards. Edwards aveva sviluppato un metodo di riproduzione fotomeccanica detto eliotipia che a differenza delle comuni stampe fotografiche permetteva la produzione in serie delle immagini che potevano così essere rilegate direttamente con le pagine del testo. L’uso dell’eliotipia riduceva di molto i costi di produzione e permise a Darwin di includere un numero senza precedenti di tavole fotografiche e soprattutto di non affidarsi ad artisti che copiassero a mano le fotografie su lastre litografiche. Si scopre qui il Darwin della piena maturità, per metà scienziato e per metà filosofo, innovatore rivoluzionario eppure cauto, sempre attento a fondare su basi empiriche più che salde le sue speculazioni.‎


Phone number : 0039 333 87 35 481

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎DARWIN Carlo‎

Reference : 154645


‎Prima traduzione italiana col consenso dell'A. del prof. Lessona. Unione Tipografico Editrice, Torino, 1871. In-8 gr. (mm. 263x174), mz. pelle coeva, titolo oro al dorso, pp. 672, con 76 figure incise su legno nel testo. "Prima traduzione italiana", curata da Michele Lessona, di una delle opere pi importanti di Darwin e dell'intera storia della scienza - "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex". Pubblicata dopo pi di dieci anni dall'"Origine della specie", per timore delle polemiche, l'opera contiene gli studi relativi alla selezione sessuale, necessaria al miglioramento della specie umana in quanto vengono premiati i meglio dotati e permette la trasmissione dei caratteri pi resistenti. Pagine uniformemente ingiallite per la qualit della carta, peraltro ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR350.00 (€350.00 )

‎DARWIN Carlo‎

Reference : 79901


‎Prima traduzione italiana di Giovanni e Riccardo Canestrini, preceduta da cenni biografici e ritratto dell'Autore. UTE, Torino, 1888. In-8 gr. (mm. 270x180), mz. pelle coeva, dorso a cordoni con fregi e tit. oro (abrasioni), pp. 210,(4), con bel ritratto dell'A. e 3 carte f.t. e pi volte ripieg. (2 a colori). Arricchita di Note sulle pi recenti scoperte. Con timbri di apparten. ma ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : 53223


‎Sulla struttura e distribuzione dei banchi di corallo e delle isole madreporiche. [i.e. English ""The structure and distribution of coral reefs""].‎

‎Torino, Unione Tipografico-Editrice, 1888. 8vo. In comtenporary half vellum with embossed title to spine. First quire partly detached. Occassional light brownspotting throughout. (2), 210, (4) pp. + 3 floded plates and 1 frontiespiece. This‎

‎First Italian translation of ""The structure and distribution of coral reefs"", being the first part of the three-part work ""Geology of the Voyage of the Beagle"" (Freeman 271). Only the present first part was transted into Italian.Compared to France and Spain Darwinism was quickly adopted by Italian biologist and zoologist and meet only little catholic opposition. ""The impact of Darwinism on Italian naturalists was powerful"" the logic and rigorous treatment of the problem of the origin of species as Darwin had presented it, forced zoologists and anthropologists to reconsider those passages of Lamarckisms that they had agreed to with excessive enthusiasm"". (Capanna, Darwinism and the Italian academies). The reception of Darwin's worsk in France and Spain were characterized by a strong chatolic opposition, which also had a strong suppressing effect on the spread of his ideas to academic institutions.Despite of Italy being a catholic stronghold the reception of Darwinism was very favourable and meet very limited criticism from the church:""In contrast to the power Catholicism was able to exert against Darwinism in Spain, it was practically impotent in Italy. Neither could the Italian Catholic intellectual establishment draw upon a repertory of anti-Darwinism arguments from the Italian scientific establishment, as was done in France. As in France under the Third Republic and as was the case sporadically in Spain, the advent of Darwinism in Italy provided a source of ideology for the anticlerical movement. Although Darwinism enjoyed a number of close connections with the English source, the peculiarities of the Italian situation set Darwinism in Italy apart from other situations. Italy was in the forefront in recognizing Darwin, electing him to various academies and societies and awarding him the famous Bressa Prize in 1875.""The three parts of Darwin's geological results of the Beagle voyage were separately published over a period of five years, but they were intended, and described on the title pages, as parts of one work. They were all published by Smith Elder, with the approval of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, some of the £1,000 given for the publication of the results of the voyage going towards the cost of at least the first part. Darwin notes, in May 1842, that the cost of Coral reefs was £130-140 and that 'the government money has gone much quicker than I thought'. By that date there were only two parts of the Zoology of the Beagle still to come out. Smith Elder also published the important later editions."" (Freeman)Freeman 318.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 55760


‎Sull'Origine delle Specie per Elezione Naturale ovvero Conservazione delle Razze perfezionate nella Lotto per L'Esistenza. Prima Traduzione Italiana col Consenso dell' Autore per Cura di G. Canestrini e L. Salimbeni. - [FIRST ITALIAN TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S ""ORIGIN OF SPECIES""]‎

‎Modena, Nicola Zanichelli e. Soci, 1864. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with four raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Reinforced in inner margins and plate with waterstains to lower margin. An unusually fine and well preserved copy, internally as well as externally. XV, 403 pp + 1 plate.‎

‎Rare first edition of the first Italian translation of Darwin's seminal ""Origin of Species"", quite unusually, authorized by Darwin himself. The work was very well received and - compared to France and Spain - Darwinism was quickly adopted by Italian biologist and zoologist and meet only little catholic opposition. ""The impact of Darwinism on Italian naturalists was powerful"" the logic and rigorous treatment of the problem of the origin of species as Darwin had presented it, forced zoologists and anthropologists to reconsider those passages of Lamarckisms that they had agreed to with excessive enthusiasm"". (Capanna, Darwinism and the Italian academies). The reception of Darwin's work in France (1862) and Spain (1877) were characterized by a strong chatolic opposition, which also had a strong suppressing effect on the spread of his ideas to academic institutions.Despite of Italy being a catholic stronghold the reception of Darwinism was very favourable and meet very limited criticism from the church:""In contrast to the power Catholicism was able to exert against Darwinism in Spain, it was practically impotent in Italy. Neither could the Italian Catholic intellectual establishment draw upon a repertory of anti-Darwinism arguments from the Italian scientific establishment, as was done in France. As in France under the Third Republic and as was the case sporadically in Spain, the advent of Darwinism in Italy provided a source of ideology for the anticlerical movement. Although Darwinism enjoyed a number of close connections with the English source, the peculiarities of the Italian situation set Darwinism in Italy apart from other situations. Italy was in the forefront in recognizing Darwin, electing him to various academies and societies and awarding him the famous Bressa Prize in 1875. In Italy the translation of the Origin ""1864"" was given an impeccable scientific presentation by Giocanni Canestrini and Leonardo Salimbeni, which avoided the type of situation that arose from the presentation of Darwinism in France by Clémence Royer as a new scientific basis for a secularistic Weltanschauung. As a general explanation, of course, it is reasonable to accept Cermenati's arguments that the favorable receptivity of the scientific community and the general indifference to ecclesiastical objections to Darwinism are the chief factors explaining the quick spread of Darwinism in Italy"". (Glick, The Comparative Reception of Darwinism).Emma Darwin, Darwin's wife, wrote publisher John Murry on the 17th of December: ""Mr Darwin desires me to say that as you have never hesitated to authorize a foreign translation he has taken upon himself to authorise a translation into Italian without consulting you."" When Darwin was informed that his work was being translated into Italian he wrote to his close friend J. D. Hooker: ""There is an Italian Edit. of Origin preparing!!! This makes fifth foreign Edit, ie in five foreign countries. Owen will not be right in telling Longmans that Book wd be utterly forgotten in ten years. Hurrah!"".Freeman no. 706‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK50,000.00 (€6,706.10 )


Reference : 53225


‎Viaggio di un naturalista Intorno al Mondo. [i.e. English ""Journal of Researches"" or ""Voyage of the Beagle""]. - [FIRST ITALIAN TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S 'JOURNAL OF RESEARCHES']‎

‎Torino, Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, (1872). Large8vo. In publisher's original full green cloth. Embossed title with gilt lettering to spine and front board. Corners of binding bumped and lower part of back hindge with a small tear. An overall very fine and clean copy. (2), 464 pp.‎

‎First Italian translation of Darwin's Journal of researches, now known as Voyage of the Beagle, being his first published book. As Darwin later recalled in his autobiography 'The voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career'. ""On its first appearance in its own right, also in 1839, it was called Journal of researches into the geology and natural history etc. The second edition, of 1845, transposes 'geology' and 'natural history' to read Journal of researches into the natural history and geology etc., and the spine title is Naturalist's voyage. The final definitive text of 1860 has the same wording on the title page, but the spine readsNaturalist's voyage round the world, and the fourteenth thousand of 1879 places A naturalist's voyage on the title page. The voyage of the Beagle first appears as a title in the Harmsworth Library edition of 1905. It is a bad title: she was only a floating home for Darwin, on which, in spite of good companionship, he was cramped and miserably sea-sick"" whilst the book is almost entirely about his expeditions on land."" (Freeman)The first edition appeared in German in 1844, at the instigation of Baron von Humboldt, and the second in Danish, French, German, Italian, Russian and Swedish, in Darwin's lifetimeFreeman 211‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 53616


‎Diario del Viaje de un Naturalista Alrededor del Mundo. 2 vols. - [FIRST COMPLETE SPANISH TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S ""JOURNAL OF RESEARCHES""]‎

‎Madrid, Calpe, (1921 & 1922) 8vo. Bound in one half calf binding with four raised bands. Spine with wear, otherwise a fine copy. X, (6), 361, VIII, 359, (3) pp. + 1 folded map.‎

‎First complete Spanish translation of Darwin's ""Journal of Researches"": ""La única que completa e intacta, se ofrece en castellano"" (From the introduction to the present work). The work now, now known as Voyage of the Beagle, was Darwin's first published book. As Darwin later recalled in his autobiography 'The voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career'. ""On its first appearance in its own right, also in 1839, it was called Journal of researches into the geology and natural history etc. The second edition, of 1845, transposes 'geology' and 'natural history' to read Journal of researches into the natural history and geology etc., and the spine title is Naturalist's voyage. The final definitive text of 1860 has the same wording on the title page, but the spine readsNaturalist's voyage round the world, and the fourteenth thousand of 1879 places A naturalist's voyage on the title page. The voyage of the Beagle first appears as a title in the Harmsworth Library edition of 1905. It is a bad title: she was only a floating home for Darwin, on which, in spite of good companionship, he was cramped and miserably sea-sick"" whilst the book is almost entirely about his expeditions on land."" (Freeman).Freeman 252.Blanco & Llorca: 5 (Blanco & Llorca: Bibliogrfía crítica illustrada de las obras de Darwin en españa, (1857-2005). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎Darwin, C. (Barrett‎

Reference : NG13850


‎A concordance of Darwin's Origin of species.‎

‎P.H. et al. eds), 1981 xv, 834 p., cloth.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )


Reference : 53228


‎I movimenti e le abitudini delle piante rampicanti. Traduzione italiana col consenso dell'autore per cura di Giovanni Canestrini.‎

‎Torino, Unione Tipografico-Editrice, 1878. Large8vo. In recent cardboard wrappers. Occassional light brownspotting, especially to the first and last few leaves. Otherwise fine. 127 pp.‎

‎First Italian translation of Darwin's ""On the movement and habits of climbing plants"". The paper was first published in 1865 in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Freeman 833), later same year it was corrected and published in book form (from which the present translation is made) (Freeman 1834) Darwin described the origins and writing of this book in his autobiography: ""In the autumn of 1864 I finished a long paper on Climbing Plants, and sent it to the Linnean Society. The writing of this paper cost me four months: but I was so unwell when I received the proof-sheets that I was forced to leave them very badly and often obscurely expressed. The paper was little noticed, but when in 1875 it was corrected and published as aseparate book it sold well. I was led to take up this subject by reading a short paper by Asa Gray, published in 1858, on the movements of the tendrils of a Cucurbitacean plant. He sent me seeds, and on raising some plants I was so much fascinated and perplexed by the revolving movements of the tendrils and stems, which movements are really very simple, though appearing at first very complex, that I procured various other kinds of Climbing Plants, and studied the whole subject. I was all the more attracted to it, from not being at all satisfied with the explanation which Henslow gave us in his Lectures, about Twining plants, namely, that they had a natural tendency to grow up in a spire. This explanation proved quite erroneous. Some of the adaptations displayed by climbing plants are as beautiful as those by Orchids for ensuring cross-fertilisation.""The first edition did not appear in America, nor was it translated in Darwin's lifetime, but has a recent facsimile. The second appeared in French, German and Italian and in America from English stereos.Freeman 863.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )

‎Darwin, C. [F. Burckhardt ed.]‎

Reference : ND20193


‎The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Volumes 1-10 (1821-1862).‎

‎1985-1997 xxix, 702, xxxiii, 603, xxix, 523, xxxiii, 711, xxix, 705, xxix, 637, xxxv, 671, xxxvii, 766, xxxiii, 609, xxxvii, 936 p., several figs & pls, num. portraits, cloth (dust jacket). Four volumes with the signature of Dr. A. Brouwer in first end-papers, else clean and spotless.Good set of the cloth-bound edition (in good dust jackets) of the first 10 volumes, which includes the very interesting years just before, during and after the first appearance of ''The Origin of Species".‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎[Darwin, C.] F. Burkhardt & S. Smith (eds)‎

Reference : ND20265


‎A Calendar of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821-1882.‎

‎1985 [6], 690 p., portrait, 4to, cloth. Added is: Supplement to the Calendar, 1994 (iii, 46 p.).‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR72.00 (€72.00 )


Reference : 48931

‎La descendance de l'Homme et la sélection sexuelle‎

‎Reinwald et Cie.1872.2 en percaline verte.Traduit par Moulinié.E.O.76 figures In-T.24 pages de catalogue.Intérieur très frais.Couvertures décolorées.‎


Phone number : 33 05 56 81 68 79

EUR480.00 (€480.00 )

‎Darwin Charles‎

Reference : RO30337445


ISBN : 2707112852

‎2 volumes/Voyage d'un naturaliste autour du monde Tome I: Des îles du Cap-Vert à la Terre de Feu+ Tome II: Les Andes, les Galapagos et l'Australie‎

‎La découverte. 1985. In-12. Broché. Etat passable, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 251+299 pages. Quelques rousseurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 910.41-Tours du monde‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 910.41-Tours du monde‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )


Reference : 60158


‎A fajok eredete a természeti kiválás útján vagyis az elonyös válfajok fenmaradása a létérti küzdelemben. [Hungarian - i.e. On the Origin of Species... Translated by Dapsy László and revised by Margó Tivadar]. 2 vols. - [THE FIRST HUNGARIAN ""ORIGIN OF SPECIES""]‎

‎Budapest, Kiadja a Természettudományi Társulat [Academy of Sciences], 1873 & 1874. 8vo. In two contemporary embossed full cloth bindings with gilt letter- and numbering to spine. Bindings with light wear, primarily affecting hindges. Previous owner's stamp to half title and title page in both volumes. Light occassional brownspotting, primarily affecting first and last leaves. An overall nice copy. XVI, (2), 303, (1)"" VII, (1), 361, (1) pp. + 1 leaf of Advertisement + 2 plates (A frontiespiece of Darwin and one listing the evolution of the different generations).‎

‎The exceedingly rare first Hungarian translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"". Together with the Serbian and the Spanish, the first Hungarian translation of the ""Origin"" is arguably the scarcest of all the translations of the work and very few copies of it are known. The Hungarian public was introduced to Darwinism early on when Ferenc Jánosi reviewed The Origin of Species in the Budapesti Szemle (Budapest Review) half a year after it first appeared in English. Darwin's principal works were first published in Hungarian translation by the Royal Hungarian Natural Science Society (Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat). Translator Dapsy László had been actively working to make Darwin and his idea known in Hungary. Through his articles, he consistently presented Darwinism as a possible model for the type of progressive society that Hungary should attempt to achieve, thus being one of the very earliest to apply Darwin's theories to human society and politics in general. ""Dapsy's translation, inspired by liberal ideals of progress, increasingly became part of the conservative discourse of Hungarian politics, reinterpreted and appropriated according to the nationalist agendas merging in Hungarian Society"". (Mund, The Reception of Charles Darwin in Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Society).Prior to his translation in 1872, Dapsy wrote Darwin: ""I am sorry to say that as yet, here such tendencies are received with a good deal of aversion, but I believe that by-and-by they will accept it, and it would be a great advancement for our political life too"". (Dapsy to Darwin, 12 June 1872). Darwin's response is not known. ""It is characteristic of the enlightened spirit of the country in this period that Darwin received academic recognition earlier in Hungary than in England. Although Cambridge did not honor Darwin until 1879, he was elected an honorary member of The Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1872, the same year on this occasion the renowned Hungarian zoologist Tivadar Margó visited him at Down.Historical circumstances played a major role in this quick appearance of Darwinism and its popularity in Hungary. The failure of the 1848-49 revolution and war of independence seemingly put an end to progressive political discourse, signaling an ideological crisis among the intelligentsia. In this context, the natural sciences with their 'eternal truths' promised a way out, inasmuch as science's promised objectivity might well serve as a politically neutral expression of progressive values"" (Mund, The Reception of Charles Darwin in Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Society).The present book was one of four scientific works published between 1872 and 1874 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the others being Bernhard von Cotta's Geologie der Gegenwart (1865), Huxley's Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy (1864), and Tyndall's Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion (1863). An advertisement for these books occurs on the final leaf of vol. II.During Darwin's lifetime, 'Origin' was published in eleven different languages, some of them in more than one edition: The first foreign translation was the German (1860), followed by a Dutch (1860), French (1862), French (1862), Italian (1864), Russian (1864), Swedish (1869), Danish (1872), Hungarian (1873), Spanish (1877) and Serbian (1878), the last three by far being the rarest. OCLC locates only three complete copies: Paris Mazarin Library, University Library of Szeged and The Huntington Library, CA. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin only hold volume 1. Freeman 703.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK100,000.00 (€13,412.20 )


Reference : 58619


‎Arternes Oprindelse gjennem naturligt Udvalg eller de bedst skikkede Formers Bevarelse i Striden for Livet. Oversatte efter Originalens VI. Udgave af Ingebret Suleng. 2 vols. - [FIRST NORWEGIAN TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES']‎

‎Fagerstrand pr. Høvik, Bibliothek for de tusen hjem, (1890). Small 8vo. 2 volumes uniformly bound in contemporary half calf with gilt lettering to spines. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front free end-paper on both volumes. Previous owner's name to both front free end-papers. Extremities with wear and spines cracked. Internally fine and clean. 379, (5) pp." 383 pp.‎

‎The rare first Norwegian translation of Darwin's Origin of Species. It was published by businessman and publisher Johan Sørensen (1830-1918) as a part of 'Bibliothek for de tusen hjem' (Library for Every Home).""The first volume came out at the end of 1889, in five parts and a total of 379 pages. Each part cost 30 øre, making a total price of 1 kroner 50 øre. The following year , 1890, the second volume appeared and this consisted of four parts totaling 383 pages and cost 1 kroner 20 øre. The books were translated from the English sixth and final edition by the Master of the Arendal Public Secondary College, Ingebret Suleng (1852-1928)"" (Glick, The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe).Not in Freeman‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK16,000.00 (€2,145.95 )

‎Darwin Charles‎

Reference : RO60147357


‎"Autobiography. With two appendices, comprising a chapter of reminiscences and a statement of Charles Darwin's religious views (Collection ""Thinker's library"", n°7)"‎

‎Watts & Co. 1931. In-12. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 154 pages. Texte en anglais. Rousseurs. Nombreuses annotations au crayon dans le texte. Jaquette en état d'usage.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎"Collection ""Thinker's library"", n°7 Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon"‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR199.00 (€199.00 )


Reference : 53520


‎Az Ember Származàsa és az Ivari Kiválás [i.e. Hungarian: ""The Descent of Man.""]. [Translated by:] Török Aurei és Entz Géza. 2 vols. - [FIRST HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S ""THE DESCENT OF MAN""]‎

‎Budapest, Kiadja A. K. M., 1884. 8vo. In the publisher's original two embossed full red cloth bindings with gilt lettering to spine. Small vague stamp to both half-titles. Hindges loose on volume i. A fine fine and clean copy. LXXI, (1), 542 pp."" VII, 5, 436 pp.‎

‎The exceedingly rare first Hungarian translation of Darwin's The Descent of Man. ""Compared with the original and with a biography by Margó Tivador"" (Freeman). The Hungarian public was introduced to Darwinism early on when Ferenc Jánosi reviewed The Origin of Species in the Budapesti Szemle (Budapest Review) a half year after it first appeared in English. Darwin's principal works were first published in Hungarian translation by the Royal Hungarian Natural Science Society (Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat). The Origin of Species, translated by László Dapsy, was published in 1873"" The present work in 1884 and a few years later, in 1897, the latter work was translated anew and published by László Seress. ""It is characteristic of the enlightened spirit of the country in this period that Darwin received academic recognition earlier in Hungary than in England. Although Cambridge did not honor Darwin until 1879, he was elected an honorary member of The Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1872, the same year on this occasion the renowned Hungarian zoologist Tivadar Margó visited him at Down.Historical circumstances played a major role in this quick appearance of Darwinism and its popularity in Hungary. The failure of the 1848-49 revolution and war of independence seemingly put an end to progressive political discourse, signaling an ideological crisis among the intelligentsia. In this context, the natural sciences with their 'eternal truths' promised a way out, inasmuch as science's promised objectivity might well serve as a politically neutral expression of progressive values"" (Mund, The Reception of Charles Darwin in Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Society).""Darwin wrote, in the preface to the second edition, of 'the fiery ordeal through which this book has passed'. He had avoided the logical outcome of the general theory of evolution, bringing man into the scheme, for twelve years, and in fact it had, by that time, been so much accepted that the clamour of the opposition was not strident. He had also been preceded in 1863 by Huxley's Man's place in nature. The book, in its first edition, contains two parts, the descent of man itself, and selection in relation to sex. The word 'evolution' occurs, for the first time in any of Darwin's works, on page 2 of the first volume of the first edition, that is to say before its appearance in the sixth edition of The origin of species in the following year."" (Freeman).Freeman no. 1084.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK20,000.00 (€2,682.44 )


Reference : 56991


‎Brief Descriptions of several Terrestrial Planariae, and of some remarkable Marine Species, with an Account of their Habits. - [DARWIN’S FIRST PUBLICATION ON TAXONOMY]‎

‎London, Taylor and Francis, 1844. 8vo. In a nice later half morocco binding with five raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Blind stamped to upper outer corner of first leaf of table of contents. In ""The Annals and Magazine of Natural History"", volume 14. A very fine and clean copy. [Darwin's paper] pp. pp. 241-251.. [Entire volume:] vii, [1] - 472 + 12 plates.‎

‎First edition of Darwin's paper on flatworms collected by him during the Beagle voyage, one of the important early papers by Darwin on invertebrates originally intended for publication in The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle. This is Darwin's first publication on taxonomy: illustrated with a plate drawn by Darwin, it describes a new genus and 15 new species of flatworm. Extremely rare on the market.""The paper on flatworms [...] was Darwin's first venture into taxonomy. In it, he described a new genus and 15 new species"" most of the latter are still recognised as valid. He took a great deal of interest in these animals, making extensive notes on their morphology and behaviour"" (Porter, Darwin's Sciences).Previously familiar only with marine species, Darwin was astounded to discover two new species of flatworm living on dry land in Brazil. He was intrigued by their close resemblance to snails, and evolutionary questions may well lie behind his strong interest in them. PROVENANCE: From the collection William Pickett Harris, Jr. (1897 - 1972) (pencil note on p. iii). American investment banker and biologist. Following a career in banking, Harris was appointed Associate Curator of the Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan in 1928. ""[Harris] played a highly important role in developing mammalogy and systematic collections of mammals at the University of Michigan"" (Hooper p. 923).Freeman 1669‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK52,000.00 (€6,974.34 )


Reference : 53191


‎Briefe von Darwin. Mit Erinnerungen und Erlaeuterungen. (i.e. English ""Letters on Geology""). - [RARE FIRST TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S FIRST PUBLISHED WORK]‎

‎Berlin, Gebrüder Paetel, 1891. Large8vo. In a nice contemporary half calf binding with 5 raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. In ""Deutsche Rundschau"", Band 67, 1891. Green leather title-label and red leather tome-label to spine, Small paper label pasted on to top left corner of front board. Two stamps to first leaf and one stamp to P. 476. Light wear to extremities, internally very fine and clean. Pp. 357-390. [Entire volume: IV, 480 pp.]‎

‎The Exceedingly rare first (and only 19th century) translation of Darwin's first published work ""Letters on Geology"" from 1835. The pamphlet was initially published without Darwin's consent and he was ""a good deal horrified"" when he learned about the publication, which explains the posthumous translation. The work contains extracts from ten letters written by Darwin to John Stevens Henslow (1796-1861) during his five-year voyage on the Beagle. Henslow, the charismatic and well-connected Regis Professor of Botany at Cambridge, was Darwin's close friend and first mentor in natural history and responsible for obtaining for Darwin his position as ship's naturalist aboard the Beagle. Henslow had this pamphlet printed without Darwin's knowledge for distribution amongst the members of the Cambridge Philosophical Society ""in consequence of the interest which has been excited by some of the Geological notices which they contain, and which were read at a Meeting of the Society on the 16th of November 1835"" an act which secured Darwin's reputation with the scientific community even before his return to England in October, 1836. ""It has always been assumed that it was issued, to members of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, in December 1835 and this is probably so , but I have not seen a copy with a dated ownership inscription, or accession stamp, for that year"" (Freeman).The original pamphlet was reprinted in facsimile in 1960, again for private circulation in the Cambridge Philosophical Society and for friends of that Society. Only two translations has been made: The present first and a Russian from 1959 (Freeman 7).Freeman No. 6.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )

‎DARWIN Charles‎

Reference : 45051

‎CHARLES DARWIN: His Life Told in an Autobiographical Chapter, and in a Selected Series of his Published Letters ‎

‎London, John Murray, 1908, in-8 hardcover, VI + 348 pp, frontispice. Inscription from Francis Darwin (dedicated to Mrs Dowdall), with a manuscript letter by Francis Darwin. Cover in good condition, inside good.‎

Phone number : 06 34 99 23 95

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎Darwin Charles‎

Reference : lom-MS001901

‎Charles Darwin, Puteshestvie vokrug sveta na korable Bigl, 1865. / Charles Darwi‎

‎"In Russian. Short description: Charles Darwin, Puteshestvie vokrug sveta na korable Bigl. [The voyage round the world of the Beagle]. In 2 volumes. Translation ed. A. Beketova. - St. Petersburg: Prince A.S. Golitsyn; A. Golovachev printing house, 1865. Short description: The first Russian lifetime edition of the famous journey of Charles Darwin (1809-1882), the founder of the species origin evolutionary theory. Frontispiece with a portrait of Charles Darwin, engraved by A. Daugel. Rare full set in 2 volumes. Charles Darwin in 1831-1836 traveled around the world on the Beagle. The book gives a vivid description of the peoples the researcher met. He describes the nature, flora and fauna of various regions of the globe in an unusually fascinating way. The materials of this journey helped Darwin in his formation as a scientist and served as the basis for the creation of the species variability doctrine. Along with the famous scientific expeditions of the 19th century, this voyage under the command of Captain Robert Fitzroy occupies one of the prominent places. Rare full set in 2 volumes. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS001901"‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD9,500.00 (€8,202.38 )

‎Darwin (Charles)‎

Reference : 22137


ISBN : 2908965143

‎De la fécondation croisée des Orchidées, par les insectes et des bons résultats du croisement‎

‎Sens 1999 In-8 broché, 332 pp. Préface Pascal Acot. Publié avec le concours du Centre National des Lettres. Illustration Marcel Lecoufle‎

‎La neutralité de ce livre n’est qu’apparente. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence, de manière plus détaillée et approfondie que précédemment, l’apparition constante des variations sur lesquelles peut agir la sélection. La démarche est claire : Darwin s’attache désormais à développer et renforcer ce qui dans l’origine est jugé insuffisant ou sujet à caution...un livre “pour faire du bien à l’Origine”. Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )
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