(Eindhoven), 1936. 8°. P. 385-392, 393-397. Orig. wrappers. = "Laboratoria N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (Holland)", Separaat 1101-1102.
Published in: Physica III, number 6.
VAN DOORN C.J. (naar het Hoogduitsch van dr.Otto Buchner) & LOGEMAN W.M.
Reference : W43382
Haarlem, De erven H.Bohn 1867 vi + 131pp.+ 2 uitvouwbare platen, originele omslag, 20cm., grotendeels onopengesneden, stempeltje, goede staat, W43382
Nathan. 1894. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos frotté, Intérieur bon état. 288 pages. Illustré de nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique
3e édition. Sur la liste des ouvrages fournis aux CC et EPS de la Ville de Paris. Physique et Chimie. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique
P., Hachette, 1967, in 12 broché, 250 pages ; illustrations.
N°26 de la Collection "L'Univers des Connaissances". PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Hachette, 1968. 12 x 19, 255 pp., 153 figures, broché, bon état.
Texte français de C.J.C. Gruijs-Faucher.
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1947 77pp.met 26 figuren, 26cm., in de reeks "Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Wetenschappen" jg.9 no.24, originele omslag, bibl.ex. (enkele stempeltjes, bibliotheeklabel), tekst in goede staat, W73119
Gauthier-Villars à Paris , Institut Belge de Recherches Radioscientifiques Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1944 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur rouge orangé grand In-8 1 vol. - 172 pages
27 figures dans le texte en noir 1ere édition, 1944 Contents, Chapitres : Introduction - Rappel des équations générales - Propagation d'ondes électromagnétiques planes dans les milieux homogènes et isotropes - Propagation de l'onde de phase électromagnétique dans un milieu isotrope transparent - Propagation de l'onde de phase électromagnétique dans un milieu isotrope absorbant - Propagation de l'énergie électromagnétique dans les milieux homogènes et isotropes - Propagation de l'onde de phase électromagnétique dans un milieu isotrope ionisé - Propagation de l'énergie électromagnétique dans un milieu isotrope ionisé - Propagation de l'onde de phase électromagnétique dans un milieu homogène et anisotrope - Propagation de l'énergie électromagnétique dans un milieu homogène et anisotrope - Propagation de l'onde de phase électromagnétique dans un milieu anisotrope transparent - Propagation de l'onde de phase électromagnétique dans un milieu ionisé soumis à l'action d'un champ magnétique constant - Propagation de l'énergie électromagnétique dans un milieu ionisé soumis à l'action d'un champ magnétique constant signature de l'ancien propriétaire au coin supérieur gauche de la page de titres, sinon bel exemplaire, couverture impeccable, intérieur frais et propre
Malines, Dierickx-Beke 1921 viii + 360pp.avec qqs.figures dans le texte, 2e éd., reliure cart. (dos en toile), 18cm.
Paris, chez Delalain, Libraire 1769 In-4 26,5 x 19,5 cm. Reliure de l’époque plein veau marbré, dos à nerfs encadrés de fers dorés, pièce de titre maroquin grenat, 510 pp., 1 tableau replié, 15 planches repliées. Reliure frottée, coiffe de tête arrachée, coins émoussés et frottés, intérieur assez frais.
Bon état d’occasion
Leyden [Leiden], chez Samuel Luchtmans 1751 Complet en 2 tomes; xxiii + 534 + 60pp. (pagination continuée) + frontispice gravé (portrait de l'auteur) + 34 planches dépliantes dont 4 planches illustrant les machines disponibles chez Jean van Musschenbroek, 2e édition française (la première date de 1739), reliures plein-cuir uniformes d'époque à 5 nerfs (titre et encadrements dorés aux dos, dos peu abimés aux bouts supérieurs et inférieurs), 26cm., 2 ex-libris sur la première de garde blanche, quelques pages légèrement brunies, très bon état, [contient e.a. les chapitres suivants: du vuide, de la pesanteur, de la méchanique, du frottement des machines, de l'electricité, des jets d'eau, du feu, de la réfraction de la lumiere, description de l'oeil, de la vision, de la dioptrique, de la catoptrique, des météores de l'air en général, des météores aqueux, des météores ignés, des vents, etc.], W88544
Phone number : +32476917667
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1941 59pp.met ills., 26cm., in de reeks "Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Wetenschappen" jg.3 no.3, auteursexemplaar, originele omslag, goede staat, W73120
In-4 (22x29) relié demi-veau chagrin époque, dos à nerf. Royal academy of sciences at amsterdam. 166 pp, illustré de 2 cartes dépliantes couleur et de 3 plans dépliants
Ad. Hoste à Gand et G. Masson à Paris Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1889 Book condition, Etat : Bon relié, pleine percaline marron à 4 faux-nerfs, titre doré au dos grand In-8 1 vol. - 326 pages
99 figures dans le texte en noir et blanc 1ere édition, 1889 Contents, Chapitres : Table, préface, xvi, Texte, 310 pages - 1. Théorie élémentaire de l'électricité et du magnétisme : Matière et mouvement, énergie - Théorèmes généraux sur la force - Magnétisme - Electricité, principes généraux - Applications de la loi de Ohm - Induction électrostatique - Electro-magnétisme, électromagnétisme- Unité électriques - Induction magnétique - Induction électromagnétique - 2. Production de l'électricité : Description des machines dynamo - Théorie générale des machines dynamo - Electrolyse - Thermo-électricité - 3. Moteurs et lampes électriques - 4. Distribution de l'électricité : Considérations générales - Distribution électrique - Distribution d'eau à haute pression - Air comprimé - Gaz d'éclairage et comparaison - Conclusions reliure ordinaire en percaline en très bon état, mors à peine frottés par endroits sans gravité, intérieur sinon frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bel exemplaire
P., Pissot, 1725, un volume in 4 relié en plein veau moucheté, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque), (coiffes légèrement usées), (8), 128pp., 5 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE GRAND DE MARGES ---- "VARINGON was admired by LAGRANGE who emphasized his importance in promoting the principle of virtual velocities (as is witnessed by Johann Bernoulli's letter of 1717) and in the matter of composition of forces. This posthumous work was edited from Varignon's manuscripts by Pujol. The study opens with a general discussion of motion, declaring Varignon's discoveries in field of forces and acceleration, which were based on Galileo's work. As well, Varignon lays down principles of the movement and measurement of water, and for the measurements of pipes in aqueducts and fountains". (Bibliotheca mechanica pp. 336/339) ---- DSB XIII pp. 584/586**8078/ARM3
(Paris, Jean Boudot, 1711). 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1709"". Pp. 267-308 and 1 folded engraved plate.
An importent work in mechanical physics in whichhe used the mathematics of the new calculus.
(Paris, Jean Boudot, 1712). 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1710"". Pp.(343)-374. and 1 engraved plate.
First appearance of one of Varignon's memoirs in mathematical physics dealing with accelerations treated with the calculus.
(Paris, Jean Boudot, 1706). 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences"". Année 1705. Pp. 347-361 and 1 folded engraved plate.
Importent paper in mathematical physics, daling with the inverse problem of central forces along Newtonian lines.
(Paris, Jean Boudot, 1702). 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1699"". Pp. 1-13 and 1 folded engravedplate.
First printing of a major paper in mathematical physics by Varignon which describes falling bodies by help of the new calculus. ""Nevertheless, he (Leibnitz) encouraged Varignon to ceae de bating principles and to start developing mechanical applications of the new mathematics. The questions that Varignon subsequently treated show how faithfully he followed Leibniz's advice.""(DSB XIII, p. 586).""In working with the model of falling bodies, Varignon encountered difficulties in obtaining acceleration as a second derivative. This problem had the advantage, however, of obliging him to reassess the importance of the new differential and integral calculus. His acceptance of the new procedures occurred between 1692 and 1695, and he was among those who gave the most favorable reception to the publication of L’Hospital’s Analyse des infiniment petits in 1696.""(DSB).
Reference : 46059
(Paris, Jean Boudot, 1706). 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences"". Année 1705. Pp. 300-331, textillustrations.
First apperance of this importent paper in which Varignon describes the function and theory behing his invention of the manometer, a term which he coined in this paper. 'Manometre' from Greek (manos + metron) = sparce measure.Stitched together is another importent paper JOSEPH TOURNEFORT ""Observations sur les Maladies des Plantes"", pp. 332-345 in which he made the first classification of plant diseases.
New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1981. 8vo. Original full green cloth. Volume 60, 1981 of ""The Bell System Technical Journal"". Library stamp to front free end-paper. Minor bumping to extremities. A part from a very few pencil marks, a nice and clean copy. [4ESS:] Pp. 1041-1224. [DSP:] Pp. 1431-1698 [Entire issue: Pp. 785-1709].
First edition of the first publications of two fundamental topics within the history of Bell Technical Journal (AT&T): The No. 4 ESS switch and the Digital Signal Processor (DSP). It was first put into use in Chicago, Illinois to replace the 4a crossbar switch. The last new 4ESS switch was set up in Atlanta in 1999 and is planned to be in operation until 2015. The great advantage with the 4ESS was its flexibility and speed. The pioneering Digital Signal Processor, DSP1 was invented by Bell Labs in the period 1977-78 with first samples tested in May 1979. The DSP1 was a key component in AT&T's 5ESS switch. DSP capability has since been implemented in every generation of the ESS-switches. Articles about the No. 4 ESS: 1. Martersteck, K.E. No. 4 ESS: Prologue. Pp. 1041-1048.2 Frank, R.J." Keevers, R.J. Strebendt, F.B. Waninski, J.E. No. 4 ESS: Mass Announcement Capability. Pp. 1049-1081.3. Anderson, T.W. Bobsin, J.H. Cook, R.F. Gingerich, L. Marouf, M.A. Milczarek, R.J. No. 4 ESS: Mass Announcement Subsystem. Pp. 1083-1108.4. Metz, R. Reible, E.L. Winchell, D.F. No. 4 ESS: Network Clock Synchronization. 1109-1129. 5. Hoppner, K.M. Mann, H. Panyko, S.F. VanZweden, J. No. 4 ESS: Digital Interface. Pp. 1131-1166.6. Carestia, P.D. Hudson, F.S. No. 4 ESS: Evolution of Software Structure. Pp. 1167-1201.7. Davis, E.A. Giloth, P.K. No. 4 ESS: Performance Objectives and Service Experience. Pp. 1203-1224.Articles about the DSP-1.8. Boddie, J.R.Digital Signal Processor: Overview: The Device, Support Facilities, and Applications. Pp. 1431-1439.9. Barber, F.E. Bartoli, T.J. Freyman, R.L. Grant, J.A. Kane, J. Kershaw, R.N. Digital Signal Processor: An Overview of the Silicon Very- Large-Scale-Integration Implementation. Pp. 1441-1447.10. Boddie, J.R. Daryanani, G.T. Eldumiati, I.I. Gadenz, R.N. Thompson, J.S. Walters, S.M. Digital Signal Processor: Architecture and Performance. Pp. 1449-1462.11. Eldumiati, I.I. Gadenz, R.N. Digital Signal Processor: Logic and Fault Simulations. Pp. 1463-1473.12. Aagesen, J. Digital Signal Processor: Software Simulator. Pp. 1475-1481.13. Semmelman, C.L. Digital Signal Processor: Design of the Assembler. Pp. 1483-1497.14. Angelo, E.J. Jr.Digital Signal Processor: A Tutorial Introduction to Digital Filtering. Pp. 1499-1546.15. Boddie, J.R. Johnston, J.D. McGonegal, C.A. Upton, J.W. Berkley, D.A. Crochiere, R.E. Flanagan, J.L. Digital Signal Processor: Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code-Modulation Coding. Pp. 1547-1561.16. McGonegal, C.A. Berkley, D.A. Jayant, N.S. Digital Signal Processor: Private Communications. Pp. 1563-1572.17. Boddie, J.R. Sachs, N. Tow, J.Digital Signal Processor: Receiver for Touch-Tone Service. Pp. 1573-1583.18. Blake, R.B. Bolling, A.C. Farah, R.L. Digital Signal Processor: Voice-Frequency Transmission Treatment for Special-Service Telephone Circuits. Pp. 1585-1619.19. Buric, M.R. Kohut, J. Olive, J.P. Digital Signal Processor: Speech Synthesis. Pp. 1621-1631.20. Crochiere, R.E.Digital Signal Processor: Sub-band Coding. Pp. 1633-1653.21. Favin, D.L. Digital Signal Processor: Tone Generation. Pp. 1655-1671.22. Favin, D.L. Yorkgitis, D.P. Cordray, S. Digital Signal Processor: Power Measurements. Pp. 1673-1685.23. Gadenz, R.N. Digital Signal Processor: Tone Detection for CCITT No. 5 Transceiver. Pp. 1687-1698.
New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1963. 8vo. 3 original full green cloth. Volume 42, 1963-1,2,3 of ""The Bell System Technical Journal"". Library stamp to free front end-paper. Minor bumping to extremities. A nice, clean, uniform set. 20, 738 pp.+ (2), 739-1940 pp. + 1941-2974 pp.
First publication of the first description of the world's first television satellite. Telstar I made a tremendous impact on the world by transmitting transatlantic live television. ""Telstar captured the popular imagination in a way that it is hard to believe any satellite, especially a communication satellite, could do today. According to AT&T, more than half the population of the UK watched its first transatlantic transmission, a remarkable percentage given that far fewer people than today owned television sets."" (Gavaghan, Something New under the Sun, p. 188)According to the US Space Objects Registry, Telstar 1 and 2 were still in orbit as of May 2010. The Telstar-satellites represent the true beginning of satellite communication.Telstar 1 was launched on July 10th 1962 and was the world's first active repeater satellite, the primary function of which was transmission of voice, black/white and colour television, fascimilie, and high- and low-speed data. The Telstar-project had five overall objectives"" to demonstrate broadband transmission, test operational communication satellite reliability, obtain operational experience with ground terminals and provide space radiation measurement.Telstar 1 was a medium-altitude satellite with an elliptic orbit which was completed once every 2 hours and 37 minutes. Due to Telstar's non-geosynchronous orbit, its availability for transatlantic signals was limited to 20 minutes in each orbit that passed over the Atlantic Ocean. The Telstar 2 was almost identical with Telstar 1 but had a higher orbit to reduce exposure to the damaging effect of the radiation belt. The Chief of NASA's Communications Satellite Programs wrote in 1966: ""Although not the first communications satellite, Telstar is the best known of all and is probably considered by most observers to have ushered in the era of satellite communications. This impression was a result of the tremendous impact upon the public by the first transmission of live television across the Atlantic Ocean. Telstar I was launched on July 10, 1962, and on that same day live television pictures originating in the United States were received in France."" (Jaffe, pg. 107)""On the whole, Telstar made a tremendous impact in the nation by transmitting transatlantic live television, which demonstrated the possibilities for commercial satellite television and other services."" (Delbert. Communication via satellite, 83 p). The Telstar-satellites were not the first launched satellites, but they were the first to demonstrate the possibilities of satellites and to present them to a broader audience. The three volumes offered contain a wide variety of articles related to the Telstar satellites from the technical design of the satellite to transmission test and evaluation to spacecraft test.Issue 1:1. Beach, C.D." Trecker, J.M.. A Method for Predicting Interchannel Modulation due to Multipath Propagation in FM and PM Tropospheric Radio Systems. Pp. 1-36.2. Bodtmann, W.F. Ruthroff, C.L. A Wideband Transistor IF Amplifier for Space and Terrestrial Repeaters Using Grounded-Base Transformer-Coupled Stages. Pp. 37-54.3. Coyne, J.C. Monitoring the Percussive Welding Process for Attaching Wires to Terminals. Pp. 55-78.4. MacWilliams, Jessie. A Theorem on the Distribution of Weights in a Systematic Code. Pp. 79-94.5. Peck, D.S. Blair, R.R. Brown, W.L. Smits, F.M. Surface Effects of Radiation on Transistors. Pp. 95-129.6. Graff, H.J. Peacock, J.M. Zalmans, J.J. Development of Solderless Wire Connector for Splicing Multipair Cable. Pp. 131-153.7. Gordon, E.I. Rigden, J.D. The Fabry-Perot Electrooptic Modulator. Pp. 155-179.8. Pfahnl, Arnold. Properties of Fast-Decay Cathode-Ray Tube Phosphors. Pp. 181-201.Issue 2:9. Hallenbeck, F.J. Mahoney, J.J. Jr. The New L Multiplex - System Description and Design Objectives. Pp. 207-221.10. Graham, R.S. Adams, W.E. Powers, R.E. Bies, F.R. New Group and Supergroup Terminals for L Multiplex. Pp. 223-278.11. Albert, W.G. Evans, J.B. Jr Ginty, J.J. Harley, J.B. Carrier Supplies for L-Type Multiplex. Pp. 279-317.12. Clark, O.P. Drazy, E.J. Weller, D.C. A Phase-Locked Primary Frequency Supply for the L Multiplex. Pp. 319-340.13. Andrews, E.G. Pp. Telephone Switching and the Early Bell Laboratories Computers. Pp. 341-353.14. Sandberg, I.W. On the Theory of Linear Multi-Loop Feedback Systems. Pp. 355-382.15. Descloux, A. On Overflow Processes of Trunk Groups with Poisson Inputs and Exponential Service Times. Pp. 383-397.16. Rosenzweig, W. Gummel, H.K. Smits, F.M. Solar Cell Degradation under 1-Mev Electron Bombardment. Pp. 399-414.17. Marcuse, Dietrich. A Further Discussion of Stimulated Emission of Bremsstrahlung. Pp. 415-430.18. Cravis, H. Crater, T.V. Pp. Engineering of T1 Carrier System Repeatered Lines. Pp. 431-486.19. Takacs, L. Delay Distributions for One Line with Poisson Input, General Holding Times, and Various Orders of Service. Pp. 487-503.20. Takacs, L. A Single-Server Queue with Feedback. Pp. 505-519.Issue 3:21. Lindner, R. Semiconductor Surface Varactor. Pp. 803-831.22. Paull, M.C. Reswitching of Connection Networks. Pp. 833-855.23. Sandberg, I.W. The Realizability of Multiport Structures Obtained by Imbedding a Tunnel Diode in a Lossless Reciprocal Network. Pp. 857-876.24. Rado, T. On Non-Computable Functions. Pp. 877-884.25. Schepis, A.J. On the Theory of Shrink Fits with Application to Waveguide Pressure Seals. Pp. 885-907.26. Frisch, H.L. Gordon, S.B. Vyssotsky, V.A. Hammersley, J.M. Monte Carlo Solution of Bond Percolation Processes in Various Crystal Lattices. Pp. 909-920.27. Curtis, Harold E. Interference between Satellite Communication Systems and Common Carrier Surface Systems. Pp. 921-943.28. Gucker, George B. Long-Term Frequency Stability for a Reflex Klystron without the Use of External Cavities. Pp. 945-958.29. Flanagan, James L.Models for Approximating Basilar Membrane Displacement - Part II. Effects of Middle-Ear Transmission and Some Relations between Subjective and Physiological Behavior. Pp. 959-1009.30. Rowe, H.E. Approximate Solutions for the Coupled Line Equations. Pp. 1011-1029.31. Rowe, H.E. Warters, W.D. Transmission in Multimode Waveguide with Random Imperfections. Pp. 1031-1170.Issue 4:32. Tsiang, S.H. Ulrich, W. Automatic Trouble Diagnosis of Complex Logic Circuits. Pp. 1177-1200.33. Benes, V.E. Heuristic Remarks and Mathematical Problems Regarding the Theory of Connecting Systems. Pp. 1201-1247.34. Benes, V.E. Algebraic And Topological Properties of Connecting Networks. Pp. 1249-1274.35. Meadows, H.E.Solution of Systems of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients. Pp. 1275-1294.36. Landau, H.J. Pollak, H.O. Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty -- III: The Dimension of the Space of Essentially Time- and Band-Limited Signals. Pp. 1295-1336.37. Scheinman, A.H. A Method for Simplifying Boolean Functions. Pp. 1337-1346.38. Boyd, G.D. Kogelnik, H. Generalized Confocal Resonator Theory. Pp. 1347-1369.39. Geusic, J.E." Scovil, H.E.D. A Unidirectional Traveling-Wave Optical Maser. Pp. 1371-1397. 40. Morris, Robert. Further Analysis of Errors Reported in ""Capabilities of the Telephone Network for Data Transmission"". Pp. 1399-1414.41. Otterman, Joseph. Grade of Service of Direct Traffic Mixed with Store-and-Forward Traffic. Pp. 1415-1437.42. Fraser, J.M." Bullock, D.B. Long, N.G. Over-All Characteristics of a TASI System. Pp. 1439-1454.43. Miedema, H. Schachtman, M.G. TASI Quality - Effect of Speech Detectors and Interpolation. Pp. 1455-1473.Issue 5:44. Nelson, W.L. Phase-Lock Loop Design for Coherent Angle-Error Detection in the Telstar Satellite Tracking System. Pp. 1941-1975.45. Elliott, E.O. Estimates of Error Rates for Codes on Burst-Noise Channels. Pp. 1977-1997.46. Mc Adoo, Kathryn L. Speech Volumes on Bell System Message Circuits -- 1960 Survey. Pp. 1999-2012.47. Cutler, C.C. Kompfner, R. Tillotson, L.C. A Self-Steering Array Repeater. Pp. 2013-2032.48. Sandberg, I.W. On the Properties of Some Systems that Distort Signals -- I. Pp. 2033-2046.49. Ohm, E.A. Snell, W.W. A Radiometer for a Space Communications Receiver. Pp. 2047-2080.50. Brown, W.S. The ALPAK System for Nonnumerical Algebra on a Digital Computer --- I: Polynomials in Several Variables and Truncated Power Series with Polynomial Coefficients. Pp. 2081-2119.51. Musa, J.D.Discrete Smoothing Filters for Correlated Noise. Pp. 2121-2151.52. Evens, M.J. Myers, G.H. Timko, J.W. Command Guidance of Telstar Launch Vehicle. Pp. 2153-2168. 53. Yu, E.Y. Spin Decay, Spin-Precession Damping, and Spin-Axis Drift of the Telstar Satellite. Pp. 2169-2193.54. Paul, B. West, J.W. Yu, E.Y. A Passive Gravitational Attitude Control System for Satellites. Pp. 2195-2238.55. Fletcher, H.J. Rongved, L. Yu, E.Y. Pp. Dynamics Analysis of a Two-Body Gravitationally Oriented Satellite. Pp. 2239-2266.56. Rice, S.O.Innage and Outage Intervals in Transmission Systems Composed of Links. Pp. 2267-2283.57. Dragone, C. Hogg, D.C.Wide-Angle Radiation Due to Rough Phase Fronts. Pp. 2285-2296.58. Bennett, W.R. Rice, S.O.Spectral Density and Autocorrelation Functions Associated with Binary Frequency-Shift Keying. Pp. 2355-2385.59. Bennett, W.R. Salz, J.Binary Data Transmission by FM over a Real Channel. Pp. 2387-2426.60. Lucky, R.W.A Functional Analysis Relating Delay Variation and Intersymbol Interference in Data Transmission. Pp. 2427-2483.Issue 6:61. Haynie, G.D. Rosenfeld, P.E. An Automated 20-20,000-cps Transmission Measuring Set for Laboratory Use. Pp. 2501-2531.62. Sandberg, I.W.Signal Distortion in Nonlinear Feedback Systems. Pp. 2533-2550.63. Manley, J.M. A Three-Conductor Elementary Clogston Coaxial Transmission Line --- Calculation, Fabrication and Experiment. Pp. 2551-2574.64. Darlington, Sidney. Linear Time-Varying Circuits --- Matrix Manipulations, Power Relations, and Some Bounds on Stability. Pp. 2575-2608. 65. Li, Tingye. Mode Selection in an Aperture-Limited Concentric Maser Interferometer. Pp. 2609-2620.66. DiDomenico, M. Jr. Anderson, L.K. Broadband Electro-Optic Traveling-Wave Light Modulators. Pp. 2621-2678.67. Byrne, C.J. Karafin, B.J. Robinson, D.B. Jr. Systematic Jitter in a Chain of Digital Regenerators. Pp. 2679-2714.68. Curtis, Harold E. Satellite System Interference Tests at Andover, Maine. Pp. 2715-2739.69. Miller, S.E.The Nature of and System Inferences of Delay Distortion Due to Mode Conversion in Multimode Transmission Systems. Pp. 2741-2760.70. Young, D.T.Model for Relating Coupled Power Equations to Coupled Amplitude Equations. Pp. 2761-2764. 71. Enloe, L.H.Interchannel Interference in FM Systems Produced by Continuous Random Mode Conversion in Circular Electric Waveguide. Pp. 2765-2786.72. Young, D.T.Effect of Differential Loss on Approximate Solutions to the Coupled Line Equations. Pp. 2787-2793. 73. Benes, V.E.Markov Processes Representing Traffic in Connecting Networks. Pp. 2795-2837.74. Borenstein, D.P. Spectral Characteristics of Digit-Stimulating Speech Sounds. Pp. 2839-2847.75. Bullington, K.. Reflections from an Exponential Atmosphere. Pp. 2849-2867. 76. Emling, J.W. Mitchell, D.The Effects of Time Delay and Echoes on Telephone Conversations. Pp. 2869-2891.77. Brady, P.T. Helder, G.K.. Pp. Echo Suppressor Design in Telepone Communications. Pp. 2893-2917.78. Riesz, R.R. Klemmer, E.T. Subjective Evaluation of Delay and Echo Suppressors in Telephone Communicaions. Pp. 2919-2941.79. Hill, D.W. Calculation of the Spin-Axis Orientation of the TELSTAR Satellites from Optical Data. Pp. 2943-2960.
New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1979. 8vo. Original full green cloth. Volume 58, 1979 of ""The Bell System Technical Journal"". Library stamp to pasted down front free end-paper. Minor bumping to extremities. A nice and clean copy. XXX, (2), 807 pp.
First publication of the cellular standard AMPS, the first modern cellular phone system which remained in operation until 2008 in the United States. Service started in Chicago on October 13, 1983.""Advanced Mobile Phone Service is the analog cellular telephone service provided in the United States. Cellular service increased capacity of mobile technology because it reuses frequencies in hexagonal-shaped cells. The AMPS standard was used in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia and several other countries.
[New York], Bell Laboraties, 1938-1939. Royal8vo. Bound with the all original printed wrappers in a nice half cloth with blue marbled boards. 12 issues offered. Small library stamp (Pasadena Public Library) to all title pages. Richly illustrated. A very fine and fresh copy. 399, (1) pp.
First printing of 12 issues of Bell Laboratories Record in which many new technological advances was presented for the first time.
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën [1951] 295pp., illustrated with figures in text, contains articles in English French & German, 26cm., publication by the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren", very good condition, W83883
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1961 x + 449pp., 26cm., softcover, with contributions in english and in french, published by the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schone kunsten van België. Klasse der Wetenschappen", very good condition, [Verslagboek van een internationaal kongres gehouden te Leuven van 4 tot 7 september 1961], W87945