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Reference : ROD0013923

‎Petite ible illustrée ou récits tirés de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament à l'usage de la jeunesse‎

‎Benziger & Cie SA. Non daté. In-12. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos frotté, Intérieur frais. 277 pages. Coins et coiffes frottés, charnières fendues. Gravures intercalées dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO20016264


‎La femme du monde selon l'Evangile‎

‎Victor Palme. 1875. In-16. Broché. Etat passable, 1er plat abîmé, Mors fendus, Intérieur bon état. 375, manque un coin du 1er plat, manque en coiffe de pied et coiffe de tête est frottée, couverture passée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎

‎Ouvrage précédé de letrres-Préfaces. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎M. Richard;‎

Reference : 38915

‎Opera minora I,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1976 Paperback, 624 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 17550010200.‎

‎ Language : Greek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR44.00 (€44.00 )

‎M. Richard;‎

Reference : 38916

‎Opera minora II ,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1976 Paperback, 624 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 17550020200.‎

‎ Language : Greek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR44.00 (€44.00 )

‎M. Richard;‎

Reference : 38917

‎Opera minora III,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1976 Paperback, 624 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 17550030200.‎

‎ Language : Greek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR44.00 (€44.00 )

‎M. Richard, J.A. Munitiz (eds.);‎

Reference : 36726

‎Corpus Christianorum. Anastasius Sinaita Quaestiones et responsiones,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, LXI+287 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503405919.‎

‎Scholarly appreciation of the Questions and Answers attributed to Anastasios of Sinai (CPG 7746) changed radically in 1969 with the publication by Marcel Richard of his short, but very dense, article, "Les veritables 'Questions et reponses' d'Anastase le Sinaite". By investigating the manuscript tradition Richard was able to establish that the version published by the German Jesuit, Jacob Gretser (1617), represented a revised version of the original and could not be much earlier than the eleventh century, whereas Anastasios had died shortly after 700. Richard further suggested that various other versions had existed before this and had been used by the later compiler, notably a collection of 88 questions. Gretser had also drawn on one of only 15 questions. Richard identified one other collection that seemed indebted to the original. Although Richard was the first to claim that he had discovered the original collection, from the time of Gretser all who had come across "Anastasian" quaestiones et responsiones had been aware that the published collection did not reflect the evidence of the manuscripts. Already in 1575 the French scholar Gentianus Hervet had published a Latin translation of what was in fact the collection of 88 questions. This collection had attracted wide attention because of its presence - in translation - in the Slavonic Izbornik of 1073. The present editor, Joseph A. Munitiz was asked by Richard shortly before his death in 1976 to complete the edition of the original collection. One might have hoped that since 1976, and in particular with the collation of the manuscripts discovered by Richard - for he himself had not drawn up any apparatus criticus for his proposed edition - it would have been possible to establish a text that was reasonably close to that first composed by the monk of Sinai. But it became clear over the years that some uncertainty was likely to remain. The many revisions and adaptations suffered by the original text meant that very few uncontaminated witnesses had slipped through the sieve created by Byzantine librarians and copyists. Only two manuscripts preserving a large proportion of the original collection have survived. Fortunately, a small number of partial manuscripts, and the evidence of the other Collections, allows one to build up a likely text. The haphazard nature of the content of the Original Collection does suggest that the whole collection may have originated after the death of Anastasios. A disciple or group of admirers may have felt that it would be helpful to publish the various questions and answers that had been composed during the author's lifetime and found in a dossier among his papers. At present this Original Collection contains the answers to certain groups of answers (e.g. concerning providence, alms giving, salvation of the non-baptised, wonders and prophecies, sexual ethics, forgiveness of sins), but intercalated among them are isolated problems with no obvious connection (e.g. concerning capital punishment, Paradise, dreams, female infertility). They all fall under the general heading of pastoral theology and are clearly intended to deal with the preoccupations of a lay, rather than a monastic, audience, even if their preservation was ensured by largely monastic compilations. Languages: Greek, French.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR198.00 (€198.00 )

‎Mr. J. B. GAIL‎

Reference : RO20022898


‎Evangile selon S. Matthieu‎

‎Chez Aug. Delalain. 1812. In-18. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Mors arrachés, Quelques rousseurs. 111 p. + 12 pages pour l'index.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎

‎Ecrit en grec. Avec notes et index en français. Ce livre est un prix , pour B. Lapergue. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎M.Robinson James‎

Reference : R320144665


ISBN : 2749905494

‎Les secrets de Judas - Histoire de l'apôtre incompris et de son évangile.‎

‎Michel Lafon. 2006. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 275 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎

‎Traduit et adapté de l'américain par Joseph Antoine, Bernard Ferry, Andrée Nahline et Isabelle St Martin. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎M. Romano, F. Santi (eds.);‎

Reference : 36403

‎Corpus Christianorum. Raimundus Lullus Opera latina XXIX (46-48),‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, XXX+520 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503048314.‎

‎Nachdem Lull dem intellektuellen Erkennen und Erforschen der Realitat die Ars inventiva (op. 44) gewidmet hatte, versuchte er in der Ars amativa darzustellen, wie die erkannte und verstandene Realitat durch die Willenskraft bzw. durch die Liebe intensiv angeeignet wird. Dient die Ars inventiva der Gotteserkenntnis, so die Ars amativa der Gottesliebe. Die Ars amativa gehort in die Struktur der ars lulliana, von der sie ihr ontologisches Fundament, ihre argumentative Logik und die Kombinatorik der vier in der Ars inventiva entwickelten Figuren ubernimmt. Zu Beginn werden die achtzehn Prinzipien vorgestellt, welche anschliessend durch die Figuren visualisiert und dem kombinatorischen System integriert werden. Im zweiten Teil werden die in zwei Gruppen geordneten Regeln, d. h. achtzehn Modalitaten, vorgestellt, die sowohl fur das Erforschen und Erkennen des Wahren wie fur das Wollen und Lieben des Guten eingesetzt werden mussen. Im dritten Teil werden die achtzehn principia artis in bezug auf die Liebe bestimmt, um die spezifischen Aspekte einer 'Kunst' der Liebe zu entfalten. Nach einer einleitenden philosophischen Erorterung wird die fur Lull entscheidende dynamische Funktion des Liebens in der Erkenntnis der Realitat angesprochen. Im vierten Teil werden die behandelten principia charakterisiert und personifiziert. Anhand der vierten Figur der Ars inventiva werden dann 833 'Bedingungen' aufgestellt, die aus allen moglichen Kombinationen zwischen den in Dreiergruppen aufgeteilten achtzehn principia entstehen. Diese 'Bedingungen' sind kurze, ahnlich den 'moralischen Metaphern' des beruhmten Liber amici et amati formulierte Erzahlungen: Die zu handelnden Personen verwandelten Prinzipien reden, zeigen Gefuhle und diskutieren unter sich, jedes in der ihm vorher per definitionem zugeschriebenen Rolle. Im funften Teil werden zunachst 833 Fragen gestellt, eine zu jeder im vorangehenden Teil erzahlten 'Bedingung', und danach zwanzig ausfuhrliche Fragen, die mittels Kombination innerhalb der Figuren entstanden sind und auf die je eine Losung folgt. Im Epilog erscheinen die personifizierten Prinzipien zusammen mit der Liebe, dem Freund und dem Geliebten auf einer Buhne und fordern die Prinzipien auf, sich mehr um die Liebe zu kummern und die einseitige Ausrichtung auf den Intellekt zu beenden. Die Edition des zweiten, wesentlich kurzeren Textes dieses Bandes, Quaestiones quas quaesivit quidam frater minor, hat freundlicherweise Prof. Dr. Francesco Santi, Lecce/Firenze, ubernommen. Wir danken ihm dafur, dass er seine Erfahrung und Kompetenz bei der Edition lateinischer Texte des Mittelalters in den Dienst der Herausgabe dieses kleinen, wichtigen und bislang unedierten Werkes Lulls gestellt hat. Es handelt sich um eine Sammlung von 32 Fragen, die laut Lull von einem Franziskaner, der im Text nicht in Erscheinung tritt, gestellt wurden und mit Hilfe der Ars inventiva, teils auch der Ars amativa und vor allem des Liber chaos gelost werden. Es geht vor allem um naturphilosophische Fragen (erste Ursache, Schopfung, Ewigkeit der Welt, Zeit und Raum), aber auch um das Verhaltnis zwischen der Sprache der zeitgenossischen Metaphysik und der lullschen Theologie. Languages: Latin, Italian.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR258.00 (€258.00 )

‎M. Romig, D.E. Luscombe, C.. Burnett (eds.);‎

Reference : 36558

‎Corpus Christianorum. Petrus Abaelardus Opera theologica V Expositio in Hexameron. Abbreviatio Petri Abaelardi expositionis in Hexameron,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, LXXXVI+172 p., 2 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503031514.‎

‎These two editions present Peter Abelard's Exposition of the Biblical Hexameron and a work which is a shorter version of this and which is usually called an Abbreviation. In his Exposition, which is much influenced by the commentaries of St Augustine, Abelard gives priority to the historical and literal sense and attempts a naturalistic explanation of the process of creation while retaining symbolic and moral interpretations. Like his contemporaries, William of Conches and Thierry of Chartres, Abelard shows an especial interest in Plato's Timaeus, in chaos theory, in the four elements, and in the anima mundi. But his Exposition is also a profoundly religious work. The manuscripts and the contributions of their various scribes are closely examined in an Introduction in which the possibility is considered that one of these scribes may be Abelard himself. Additions and changes made by the scribes are printed in different types in the edition which follows. A separate Introduction assesses the nature of the Abbreviation and compares it with the Exposition. The two editions were begun by Mary Romig+ and Charles Burnett respectively. They have been prepared for publication by David Luscombe. Languages: Latin, English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR132.00 (€132.00 )

‎M. Simonetti, C. Moreschini (eds.);‎

Reference : 36283


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎M. Simonetti (ed.);‎

Reference : 36250

‎Corpus Christianorum. Tyrannius Rufinus Opera,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1961 Hardback, 366 p., 155 x 245 mm._Latin_ ISBN 9782503002019.‎

‎Tyrannius Rufinus ? De benedictionibus patriarcharum ( CPL 195 ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Commentarius in symbolum apostolorum seu Expositio symboli ( CPL 196 ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Apologia <contra Hieronymum> ( CPL 197 ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Apologia ad Anastasium Romanae urbis episcopum ( CPL 198 ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? De adulteratione librorum Origenis ( CPL 198a ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in apologeticum Pamphili martyris pro Origene ( CPL 198b ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Praefatio in homilias sancti Basilii ( CPL 198c ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in regulam sancti Basilii ( CPL 198d ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Praefationes in libros Origenis ???? ????? ( CPL 198e ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in Explanationem Origenis super psalmos XXXVI-XXXVII-XXXVIII ( CPL 198f ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Praefatio in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes ( CPL 198g ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Praefatio in Sexti sententias ( CPL 198h ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in Adamantii (Origenis) libros V adversus haereticos ( CPL 198i ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in libros Historiarum Eusebii ( CPL 198k ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in homilias Origenis super Iesum Nave ( CPL 198l ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Praefatio atque epilogus in explanationem Origenis super epistulam Pauli ad Romanos ( CPL 198m ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in Clementi recognitiones ( CPL 198n ) ? ed. M. Simonetti Tyrannius Rufinus ? Prologus in homilias Origenis super Numeros ( CPL 198o ) ? ed. M. Simonetti‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR88.00 (€88.00 )

‎M. Stallings-Taney (ed.);‎

Reference : 36147

‎Corpus Christianorum. Iohannes de Caulibus Meditaciones vite Christi olim S. Bonaventurae attributae,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1997 Hardback, XXIII+389 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503045313.‎

‎The first critical text of the widely and enormously influential Meditaciones vite Christi responds to a declared desideratum of scholars in a large number of disciplines dealing with devotional and mystical literature of the Middle Ages. A medieval 'bestseller' at one time attributed to Saint Bonaventure, this text at last sheds its neo-Latin overlay and sets in charming outline a synthesis of the new Franciscan movement. After examining over 100 manuscripts, Stallings-Taney has identified 4 manuscripts which contain a text unaltered by neo-Latin standards. She has collated these 4 as well as 7 fourteenth and fifteenth century manuscripts (edited as early as the fourteenth century according to neo-Latin standards) against the Vatican 1596 recension. The consensus of the early 4 manuscripts sets in place the original Italianized Latin of John of Caulibus, a humble Tuscan Franciscan, who had no other goal than the spiritual direction of an unknown Poor Clare nun. The consensus of the later manuscripts, recorded in the critical apparatus, preserves the neo-Latin text known to such translators as J. Meadows Cowper and Nicholas Love. Additionally, Stallings-Taney has re-established several lengthy passages once a part of the original text, but dropped in some of the printed recensions. Of special interest to liturgists is the extensive Index locorum liturgiae as well as the Index locorum S. Scripturae. An Instrumenta Lexicologica Latina fascicle will also be available very soon. Languages: Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR176.00 (€176.00 )

‎M. Stallings-Taney (ed.);‎

Reference : 36210

‎Corpus Christianorum. Iohannes de Caulibus Meditaciones vite Christi olim S. Bonaventurae attributae,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1997 Hardback, XXIII+389 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503045313.‎

‎The first critical text of the widely and enormously influential Meditaciones vite Christi responds to a declared desideratum of scholars in a large number of disciplines dealing with devotional and mystical literature of the Middle Ages. A medieval 'bestseller' at one time attributed to Saint Bonaventure, this text at last sheds its neo-Latin overlay and sets in charming outline a synthesis of the new Franciscan movement. After examining over 100 manuscripts, Stallings-Taney has identified 4 manuscripts which contain a text unaltered by neo-Latin standards. She has collated these 4 as well as 7 fourteenth and fifteenth century manuscripts (edited as early as the fourteenth century according to neo-Latin standards) against the Vatican 1596 recension. The consensus of the early 4 manuscripts sets in place the original Italianized Latin of John of Caulibus, a humble Tuscan Franciscan, who had no other goal than the spiritual direction of an unknown Poor Clare nun. The consensus of the later manuscripts, recorded in the critical apparatus, preserves the neo-Latin text known to such translators as J. Meadows Cowper and Nicholas Love. Additionally, Stallings-Taney has re-established several lengthy passages once a part of the original text, but dropped in some of the printed recensions. Of special interest to liturgists is the extensive Index locorum liturgiae as well as the Index locorum S. Scripturae. An Instrumenta Lexicologica Latina fascicle will also be available very soon. Languages: Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR176.00 (€176.00 )


Reference : LFA-126743254



‎Un ouvrage de 20 pages, format 210 x 290 mm, illustré, relié cartonnage couleurs, publié en 1989, Editions MFG Créations, collection "Contes du Mercredi", bon état‎

Phone number : 04 74 33 45 19

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )

‎M. Testard (ed.);‎

Reference : 36237

‎Corpus Christianorum. Ambrosius Mediolanensis De officiis;‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Hardback, LXI+288 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503001517.‎

‎Languages: Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR160.00 (€160.00 )


Reference : 6573


‎Le nouveau testament de nostre seigneur Jesus-Christ traduit sur l'ancienne édition Latine corrigée par le commandement du Pape Sixte V et publiée par l'autorité du Pape Clément VIII avec des notes sur les principales difficultez, la chronologie, la contreverse et plusieurs tables pour la commodité du lecteur par le père D. Amelote prestre de l'Oratoire, docteur en Théologie‎

‎ 1666 A Paris chez François Muguet, imprimeur et libraire ordinaire du Roy et de Montseigneur l archeveque rue de la Harpe à l adoration des trois Rois 1666/1667/1670 3 volumes In8 reliés plein maroquin noir dos à 5 nerfs fleurons entre les nerfs plats ornés reliure à la du seuil exemplaire règlé 804 et 816 pages‎

‎édition originaleétat parfait bel exemplaire, un envoi découpé sur 2 exemplairesles 3 volumes ‎

Le Monde à l'Envers - Montargis

Phone number : 02 38 89 39 31

EUR1,800.00 (€1,800.00 )


Reference : ROD0126678


‎AMEDEE BEDELET. NON DATE. In-8. Relié toilé. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos abîmé, Quelques rousseurs. 214 pages augmentées de nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans et/ou hors texte - titre et auteur dorés au dos - un macaron doré avec le titre et l'auteur dorés -coiffe en tête arrachée - tranches dorées -coiffe en pied frottée - quelques pages se désolidarisent de l'ouvrage.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎

‎3EME EDITION Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )


Reference : R240083476


‎AMEDEE BEDELET. NON DATE. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Rousseurs. 214 pages - tranches dorées - petite annotation sur la page de garde - rousseurs sans réelle conséquence sur la lecture - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte - coins frottés - dos à 4 nerfs - titre + auteur + filets + fleurons dorés sur le dos - titre doré sur le 1er plat - illustration en noir et blanc sous serpente en frontispice.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎

‎Ouvrage approuvé par Monseigneur l'archevêque de paris. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR119.00 (€119.00 )

‎[Leloir] - ‎ ‎Muller, Elisabeth.‎

Reference : DEZ-97

‎La bible en estampes. Lithographies d'après les tableaux de M. Auguste Leloir. Texte extrait de la bible du jeune âge d'Elisabeth Muller, approuvée par Monseigneur l'Archevêque de Paris.‎

‎Paris, Bédelet, sans date. In-8 à l'italienne, demi toile, plats illustrés en couleurs, 52 pp. Ouvrage illustré de 22 lithographies hors texte de Vallet. Coins très émoussés, dos insolé, plats défraîchis, petit manque au plat inférieur, quelques rousseurs, mouillure claire sans atteinte au texte ou aux illustrations. ‎

Phone number : 02-31-86-52-18

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎MULLER Ulrich B.‎

Reference : R73380


‎Zur frühchristlichen Theologiegeschichte. Judenchristentum und Paulinismus in Kleinasien an der Wende vom ersten zum zweiten Jahrhundert n.Chr.‎

‎Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn 1976 103pp., 23cm., softcover, 2 stamps, VG, R73380‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎MUNCK Johannes‎

Reference : R88293


‎Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte‎

‎Kobenhavn, Munksgaard 1954 [viii] + 343pp., in the series "Acta Jutlandica, publications of the University of Aarhus" vol.XXVI-1 (Theology series 6), few stamps, softcover with minor defects, text in very good condition, R88293‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 107961


‎Bible moderne, livre premier.‎

‎ Chamuel 1892 Chamuel Editeur, Paris, 1892, 96 p., demi-percaline, environ 18x12cm, quelques frottements sur la reliure, une étiquette sur le dos et sur le premier contraplat, premier mors interne superficiellement fendu, un tampon d'appartenance et des chiffres au crayon de couleur sur la page de faux-titre, bon état pour le reste.‎

‎Tome 1 seul, la suite n'est jamais parue. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Phone number : 33 04 78 42 29 41

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )


Reference : R106391


‎La prédication selon saint Paul‎

‎Paris, Gabalda 1966 182pp., dans la série "Cahiers de la Revue Biblique" tome 4, 26cm., brochure originale, pages toujours non coupées, petit cachet, bon état, R106391‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎MURPHY - O'CONNOR , J. o.p.‎

Reference : 7460


‎La Prédication selon Saint-Paul. ‎

‎ 1966 Paris, Gabalda, 1966 ; grand in-8°, broché, couverture gris bleu imprimée en bleu; 182pp.‎

‎Cahiers de la revue Biblique N° 4. Bon exemplaire non coupé. ( CO1) ‎


Phone number : 33 (0)2 54 49 05 62

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )
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