Avignon, Institut d'études occitanes, section de Vaucluse, 1988 1 volume 20,7 x 29,7cm Encollé sous couverture au 1er plat illustré. 3 feuillets, 73p.; illustrations à presque chaque page. Bon état.
Présentation de types d'architecture rurale et 16 maquettes de maisons traditionnelles provençales et d'Ardèche, Lozère, Aude, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Landes à réaliser par les enfants, par Gabriel SIMONET, "amé l'ajuda de Eli LEBRE, Alan CAMELIO"; texte occitan et traduction française; bibliographie.
Anvers / Antwerpen, L. Opdebeek , 1930, cartonnage illustre de l'editeur. 172 pages, Texte en Francais. Illustrations en noir & blanc nombreuses hors texte par EDMOND VAN OFFEL.
tres bon etat.
Grenoble, Arthaud, 1937. In-8 (190x140mm) broché, 95 p. Bon état général. Coiffes frottées.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xv + 386 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:106 b/w, 75 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9780897223614.
Summary The coins produced by the kings of the Graeco-Bactrian kingdom of the third and second centuries BC are the best and, in some cases only, primary source of evidence for the history of the period. The lack of context has, however, often led to highly speculative uses of the numismatic evidence in previous historical reconstructions. Money and Power in Hellenistic Bactria returns the focus to the coins themselves and presents the results of a full die study of the issues of Euthydemus I, Demetrius I, Euthydemus II, Pantaleon, Agathocles, and Antimachus I. In doing so it proposes a new, soundly based history of the Graeco-Bactrian kingdom under these kings based on a thorough understanding and suggested reconstruction of these enigmatic coins. Winner of the 2021 Numismatic Literary Guild Award for Best Book on Ancient Coins (pre-1500). TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1. Methodology Chapter 2. Types, Denominations, and Iconography Chapter 3. Find Evidence Chapter 4. Euthydemus I Chapter 5. Demetrius I Chapter 6. Euthydemus II Chapter 7. Pantaleon and Agathocles Chapter 8. Antimachus I Chapter 9. Monograms Chapter 10. History from Coins? Appendix A. Catalogue Appendix B. Forgeries Bibliography Plates
Strasbourg, La Nuée Bleue, 2014. Gd in-4, rel. d’édition pleine toile rouge ill. d'une vignette en couleurs, jaquette illustr., 429 pp., texte sur 2 col., très nbr. reprod. photogr. dans le texte et à pleine-page, la plupart en couleurs.
Excellent état. - Frais de port : -France 9,7 € -U.E. 13 € -Monde (z B : 23 €) (z C : 43 €)
Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1963 in-4, 45 pp., texte sur 2 colonnes, avec de nombreuses illustrations dans le texte, [2] ff. n. ch. de réclames,
Forme le n° 1 de la 44e année du Pays lorrain. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Librairie des Arts Nancy. 1966. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 46 pages - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc hors texte. Plats contrepliés en un rabat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Simoni Philippi ; Arnold Newman, Philip Brookman : translation : Sophie Manceau
Reference : 60907
, Taschen, 2000 Hardcover , 276 pages, ENG / FR / GER , 330 x 275 x 32 mm, dustjacket, book is As New !, full page photographs in colour / b/w , Large Format !. ISBN 9783822871935.
Piet Mondrian behind his easel, Igor Stravinsky at his piano, Max Ernst sitting smoking on his throne-like chair: Arnold Newman's photographs are classics of portraiture. His subtle arrangements constituted the foundations of "environmental portraiture." His photographs integrate the respective artist's characteristic equipment and surroundings, thus indicating his or her field of activity. The enormous fame of Newman's portraits can be ascribed to their daring compositions and sometimes astounding spatial structures. The photographer's beginnings, on the other hand, were none too promising. During the Great Depression Newman had to abandon his art studies for financial reasons. Between 1938 and 1942 he concentrated on socio-documentary photography in the ghettos of West Palm Beach, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. One might think that being forced to earn his living in a photography studio would have stifled his artistic potential: Newman portrayed up to 70 clients a day. Yet he still succeeded in developing a very personal touch and establishing himself in the New York art scene of the early 1940s. His subjects included Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Marc Chagall, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and Alexander Calder. With his unmistakable style, Newman became the star photographer of artists, writers and musicians.
Introduction de Denis Soulié, 1 vol. in-4 cartonnage éditeur illustré, Pierre Fanlac, 1991, 207 pp.
Très bon état
LES EDITIONS OUVRIERES. 1944. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos plié, Intérieur bon état. 198 pages illustrées de gravures noir et blanc hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Avec 80 illustrations de l'Auteur. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
EDITIONS OUVRIERES. 1944. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Tâchée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 200 pages,80 illustrations de l'auteur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
LES EDITIONS OUVRIERES. 1944. In-12. Broché. Etat passable, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 198 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors-texte. Manque le 1er plat de couverture. Dos consolidé avec une bande noire.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Milano, Skira Editore, 2023 Couverture reliee, 192 pages, 29.5 x 23 cm. FR. ISBN 9782370741998.
Born in Senegal in 1977, Omar Ba lives and works between Dakar and New York. His paintings ? made with various techniques and materials ? include political and social themes with multiple interpretations. His plastic vocabulary reactivates historical and a temporal questions while elaborating an artistic statement of absolute contemporaneity. Omar Ba was trained at the Beaux Arts in Dakar and Geneva. In recent years, he has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including Voyage au-del de l?illusion at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (2022) and Global(e) R sistance at the Centre Pompidou (2020). His works have entered several public collections, including those of the Centre Pompidou and the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) in France, the Swiss National Collection (Basel) and the Louvre Abu Dhabi. This book is an opportunity to explore Omar Ba?s paintings, some of which will be displayed for the opening exhibition of Galerie Templon in New York.
Actes Sud, 2008, 222 pp., broché, traces de plis sur le dos, état correct.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
1925 EXPOSITION DES ARTS DECORATIF ET INDUSTRIELS MODERNES.VILLE DE PARIS. Ecoles primaires, Cours d'apprentissage, Cours complémentaires professionnels - garçons et maunels et ménagers - filles.Tourte de Petitin, 1925, in4°(21x28) broché agrafes,64 pages quasi exclusivement de photos à pleine page avec serpentes.Couvertures très légèrement tachée , très bon état.
New York, Press of the American Institute of Architecs, Inc. 1927, 335x250mm, 190pages, editor's binding. Book in good condition.
b/w photographs, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Hove, Lokaal Bestuur Hove, 2022 Gebonden, Hardcover, 128 pagina's met foto's in kleur.
Naar aanleiding van 750 jaar Hove schreven Jelle Simons en Davy Verbeeck een boek over de rijke geschiedenis van ons dorp. Schepen van Cultuur Gerda Lambrecht: ?Het was Hugo Peerlinck van verzamelaarsclub Hofila die de aanzet gaf om opzoekingswerk te gaan doen rond 750 jaar Hove. Het vorige geschiedenisboek dateert uit 1957. Een actualisatie was zeker aan de orde. Na vijf maanden verzamelen en schrijven zijn we trots dit nu voor te stellen. We beoogden een vlot leesbaar boek uit te geven waarin ook duidelijk blijkt dat onze slogan niet voor niets 'het dorp is een wereld' is: wat gebeurde er in de wereld en welke weerslag hadden die gebeurtenissen op Hove? Ik denk dat de auteurs daar met de hulp van Hugo (Hofila) en Frans Sermeus en Eddy Beyens van Heemkundige Kring De Markgraaf met glans in geslaagd zijn."
, Tate Gallery, 1990 Paperback, 311 pages, ENG, 270 x 210 mm, in good condition, illustr. in colour / b/w. ISBN 9781854370587.
, Mass. Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 2008 Hardcover, grey cloth with silver imprint, 268 pages, dustjacket, 275 x 250 x 35 mm, book itself is in New condition, illustrated in soft colours / b/w, " easily a Collectors Item", *****The title paraphrases American artist James McNeill Whistler, who said, "Paint should not be applied thick. It should be like breath on the the surface of a pane of glass."*****. ISBN 9780300134063.
Released in conjunction with a 2008 exhibition. The title paraphrases American artist James McNeill Whistler, who said, "Paint should not be applied thick. It should be like breath on the the surface of a pane of glass." Catalog is accompanied by these articles: Painting Softly, An Introduction / Marc Simpson -- Whistler, Modernism, and the Creative Afflatus / Marc Simpson -- George Inness, Softness, and the Vapor Barrier / Leo G. Mazow -- True Illusions in Soft Paintings / Cody Hartley -- Materials for Immateriality / Joyce Hill Stoner -- The "Inaction Painters" and Their Moment / Michael J. Lewis -- Reflections on "The Color of Mood" / Wanda M. Corn. Simply stated, an exquisite book, and one that is worthy of any coffee table or personal library. Through an innovative manner of handling paint, a group of American artists around 1900 created deceptively simple canvases that convey images of shimmering transience, visions suggested rather than delineated. Focusing on this singular aesthetic characteristic, this catalogue explores this painterly phenomenon. This copy was once owned by interior and garden designer Henriette Suhr and carries her bookplate at front.
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 524 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:7 b/w, 19 col., 22 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503602479.
Summary Collection and concealment were hallmarks of early medieval book culture. Materials of all kinds were collected, collated, concealed, condensed, correlated, paraphrased, reorganised, and repurposed in early medieval manuscripts. This volume of essays explores how knowledge was made in the early medieval book in the Latin West through two interrelated practices: collecting and concealing. It provides case studies across cultures and areas (e.g. exegesis, glossography, history, lexicography, literature, poetry, vernacular and Latin learning). Collectio underpinned scholarly productions from miscellanies to vademecums. It was at the heart of major enterprises such as the creation of commentaries, encyclopaedic compendia, glosses, glossaries, glossae collectae, and word lists. As a scholarly practice, collectio accords with the construction of inventories of inherited materials, the ruminative imperative of early medieval exegesis, and a kind of reading that required concentration. Concealment likewise played a key role in early medieval book culture. Obscuration was in line with well-known interpretative practices aimed at rendering knowledge less than immediate. This volume explores the practices of obscuring that predate the twelfth-century predilection, long recognised by historians, for reading that penetrates beneath the ?covering? (integumentum, involucrum) to reveal the hidden truth. Cumulatively, the papers spotlight the currency of two crucial practices in early medieval book culture - the practices of collection and concealment. They demonstrate that early medieval authors, artists, compilers, commentators, and scribes were conspicuous collectors and concealers of knowledge. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sin ad O'Sullivan, Collecting and Concealing in the Field of the World Anna A. Grotans, Understanding the Scope of Knowledge in Early Medieval St Gall Mariken Teeuwen, The Intertwining of Ancient and Late-Antique Authorities in the Margins of Carolingian Manuscripts Michael W. Herren, Philology and Mercury after the Wedding: Truth and Fiction in Three Didactic Works David Ganz, Latin Shorthand and Latin Learning Franck Cinato, Critical Cumulation? How Glossaries were Constituted in the Early Middle Ages (6th-8th Centuries) Patrizia Lendinara, Unveiling the Sources of the Glosses to the Third Book of the Bella Parisiacae Urbis by Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Pr s Rosalind C. Love, ?But what Polybius the Greek Physician Says is More Correct?: Sources of Knowledge in the Glosses to Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy at Tenth-Century Canterbury Kees Dekker, Collecting Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Vocabularius Sancti Galli Evina Stein, Early Medieval Catechetic Collections Containing Material from the Etymologiae and the Place of Isidore of Seville in Carolingian Correctio John J. Contreni, Hic continentur ista: Collecting and Concealing in an Early Ninth-Century Instruction-Reader (Laon, Biblioth que Municipale ?Suzanne Martinet,? MS 265) Ildar Garipzanov, Graphic Ciphers and the Early Medieval Practices of Collectio and Concealment Andy Orchard, Building a Splendid Library: The Background and Context of the Bibliotheca magnifica Michael James Clarke, Medieval Scholarship and Intertextuality: A Case Study of Saxo Grammaticus on the Giants Ciaran Arthur, Harvesting Wisdom from Books and the Beauty of the Unknown Index of Manuscripts General Index
Amsterdam, Meulenhoff 1969 28pp. + 32 plates out-of-text, 24cm., softcover, S68870
EDITIONS COPRUR. 1997. In-4. Relié. Etat du neuf, Couv. remarquable, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais. 158 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en couleur dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris, Galerie de France, 1961. 4°. 43, (4) Bl. Mit zahlr. Illustr. Illustr. Orig.-Broschur.
Erschien zur Ausstellung: «l'exposition des aquarelles de Singier», 10 février – 7 mars 1961. Eins von 2000 Exemplaren. – Titelblatt mit Widmung und Zeichnung des Künstlers.
[Sinisca] - Sinisca, Colombo (Furio), Orlando (Ruggero) & Spaziani (Maria Luisa)
Reference : UUI-5636
In-8 broché de format à l'italienne, Studio S, sans date, non paginé (une soixantaine de pages). Un peu frotté, très bon état général. Ex dono (ou envoi d'un des auteurs ?) en page de garde. Texte en italien et anglais. Poids 520 g. Frais d'envoi 5,35 euros sur la France, 10 euros UE et Suisse, 12 euros pour le reste du monde (tarifs de base hors envois suivis). Possibilité de remise en mains propres sur Paris, n'hésitez pas à me contacter avant de passer commande.
MENGES, 1992, in-4to, volumineux volume pages non num., plein d’images en couleurs, sur garde ms. ‘Noel 92’, reliure en toile originale. Jaquette, étui ill.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808