Arthaud. 16-01-1978. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 257 pages. Nombreuses illustrations/photographies dans et hors texte.Rousseurs sur les plats.Jaquette légèrement déchirée au niveau de la coiffe de tête... Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
"Collection ""Architectures."" Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture"
Arthaud 1978 Broché - Jaquette glacée illustrée éditeur Bon état général - Jaquette état d'usage 676 g
ARTHAUD. 1978. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 240 pages. Jaquette illustrée en couleurs. Nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc hors texte.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
RICARDO PORRO & RENAUD DE LA NOUE Architectes. FAVRET Anne & MANEZ Philippe (photos)
Reference : 46601
Paris, Editions du Demi-Cercle, collection Etat & Lieux , Architectes et cie, 1990, in-folio broché, 26 pp, avec des illustrations. En français. TRES BON ETAT
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 204 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:57 b/w, 32 col., 2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503604992.
Summary This volume, the third in the series MediTo, investigates the changing landscapes of Tuscany during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Through a selection of thematic case studies, presented initially during the second International workshop held in Paganico (Grosseto, Italy) in June 2019 and here further developed, the volume explores the concepts of settlement, economic, and societal changes in both Tuscany and its broader Mediterranean context over the course of several centuries. Together, the contributions gathered here showcase how cities and rural settlements, when studied in their archaeological and historical context, shed light on a dynamic landscape in which natural resources played a crucial role in defining the success or later abandonment of sites. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction Alessandro Sebastiani and Riccardo Rao 1. The City of Pisae from Late Antiquity to the Early Medieval Period Antonio Alberti 2. Infrastructure, Water Management, Settlement, Agriculture, and Funerary Landscapes near Rusellae in the longue dur e Stefano Campana 3. 'The River and the Villa'. The Arno and the Vetti Villa between the Late Roman and the High-Middle Ages: A Complex Relationship Federico Cantini and Gianluca Martinez 4. Late Antique and Early Medieval Rusellae. Archaeology and Anthropology of the Cemetery of the Episcopal Church Mariagrazia Celuzza, Elena O. Watson, Alexis C. Goots, Mari I. Isa, Jared S. Beatrice, Emily R. Streetman and Todd W. Fenton 5. The Coastal ager Rusellanus between the Fourth and Sixth centuries AD Elena Chirico and Alessandro Sebastiani 6. The nEU-Med Project: Archaeology of a Coastal District in Tuscany during the Early Middle Ages Luisa Dallai and Lorenzo Marasco 7. Cosa during Late Antiquity Andrea U. De Giorgi, Michelle Hobart, Melissa Ludke, and Russell T. Scott 8. Cityness: A Chimera in Early Medieval Tuscany Richard Hodges 9. Late Roman Luna in the Light of the Porta Marina Excavations Simonetta Menchelli, Stefano Genovesi, and Rocco Marcheschi 10. When the Countryside Changes: Landscape between Places of Power and the Environment in Central and Northern Italy Fabio Saggioro 11. Landscapes between the Sea and the Hills: An Early Medieval City in Roman Tuscia Francesca Romana Stasolla 12. The Landscapes of Power in Mediterranean Tuscany (c. 750-850) Paolo Tomei
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xii + 358 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Languages: Italian, Latin. ISBN 9782503586540.
Summary La legge naturale rappresenta un elemento centrale nello sviluppo della cultura del medioevo latino. Frutto della rilettura di un'antica tradizione stoica e del diritto romano alla luce di alcuni passi della Scrittura, in particolare del capitolo secondo dell'Epistola ai Romani di Paolo, questa idea diviene uno dei pilastri del discorso giuridico, politico e teologico a partire dal XII secolo. Il volume ricostruisce le forme molteplici nelle quali la legge di natura viene affrontata da canonisti e civilisti, esegeti e teologi in un contesto nel quale prende forma la grande cultura scolastica e inizia a muovere i primi passi l'istituzione universitaria. Lo studio mostra come questi molteplici orientamenti dialogano fra loro e al tempo stesso rispondono ad un quadro storico e religioso particolarmente vivace e magmatico, segnato dalla costruzione della monarchia papale, dal tentativo di definire una ideologia imperiale di portata universale e dall'emergere delle monarchie europee, a partire da quella francese. Un panorama variegato nel quale gli scritti di Abelardo, dei maestri di Laon, dei Vittorini e dei maestri di Chartres, assieme a quelli di Graziano e dei canonisti, e successivamente di maestri parigini come Langton, Giovanni de La Rochelle e Alberto Magno fissano i termini di un lessico, il perimetro di una discussione destinata ad essere ripresa e ridefinita nei decenni successivi e declinata in forme molteplici non solo lungo i secoli del Medioevo ma anche lungo tutta l'et moderna. TABLE OF CONTENTS Premessa Introduzione I. L'invenzione della lex naturalis II. Adempiono per natura le cose prescritte dalla legge . Bibbia e Legge di natura nel XII secolo III. Natura, potestas, auctoritas. La costruzione di un lessico giuridico e politico IV. Il lessico della natura e gli ordines V. Principia operandi e universalia iuris. Il discorso teologico sulla legge naturale VI. La lex naturalis fra ordini mendicanti e innovazione epistemologica VII. Nota conclusiva Bibliografia Indici
Galerie Philippe Gravier. 2013. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 71 pages. Nombreuses photos couleur, dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Jean-Michel Place Editions 2001 60 pages 14 99x0 89x17 78cm. 2001. Relié. 60 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
Jean-Michel Place Editions 2001 60 pages 14 99x0 89x17 78cm. 2001. Relié. 60 pages.
Comme neuf
Paris Atlas 1982 In 8 Très belle réalisation que cette collection sur papier glacé , illustrée de très nombreuses photographies en couleurs , légendées . - 76 p. , 400 gr.
Couverture souple Parfait État . 1° édition
Atlas / Les passeport le l'art 1982 75 pages in8. 1982. broché. 75 pages. Photographies de Orti G. Dagli
Très Bon Etat-coins un peu frottés
25, Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Chez Henri Lefebvre, libraire à Paris, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Monticello, Virginia 1947 Edition bilingue en français et en anglais. Edition imprimée sur papier Pur Fil Johannot, un des exemplaires numérotés de 1 à 500. In-4 broché 28,5 cm sur 23. Dos muet. 22 pages non coupées + 8 planches en noir et blanc. Bon état d’occasion.
L’hôtel de Langeac était une demeure parisienne, située avenue des Champs-Elysées. Il est connu pour avoir servi de résidence à Thomas Jefferson, lorsqu’il était ministre des Etats-Unis en France entre 1785 et 1789. L’hôtel fut rasé en 1842 Bon état d’occasion
Paris éditions du Moniteur 1990, in-4, 119 pages, nombreuses illustrations photographiques en noir et documents graphiques spécialement dessinés par l'agence RFR. Couverture souple illustrée. Architecture thematique/serie technique.
, British Museum Press (Thames), 2024 Hardcover, 320 pages, ENG. edition, 270 x 220 x 33 mm, NEW, illustrated dustjacket, illustrations / images in color / b/w. ISBN 9780714122939.
This book tells the story of everyday life in the army - including the experiences of women and enslaved people - through a range of rare objects and testimonies. These include letters from Apion and Terentianus, young Egyptian soldiers writing home to their families; the tombstone of 4-year-old Vacia, a touching reminder of the presence of children near forts; the remains of a soldier found at Herculaneum, killed in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79; and a board game played by soldiers in their spare time. Human experiences are set within the context of the first three centuries of the common era, widely recognised as the Roman army's heyday. During this period, forces were split into legions of citizen-only troops and auxiliary units of non-citizen troops, with the latter offered a chance at citizenship and social advancement after around 25 years of service. As well as describing the social forces behind the army, this book addresses its violent reality for civilians and troops - battle tactics, weaponry and the risk for convicted soldiers of becoming amphitheatre entertainment are all explored.
Association Saint-Pierre. 1996. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Coins frottés, Dos frotté, Intérieur frais. Environ 10 pages, non paginé. Nombreuses illustrations et photos en noir et blanc, in texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Croquis et photos par François Morin et Marie-France Renou. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Gent, Mens & Cultuur, 2004 Gebonden, Hardcover , 95 pages, oblong 28x24cm Illustrated. NL tekst. ISBN 9789077135099.
fotografie Carl De Keyzer.
, Rizzoli International Publications, 2002 Hardcover, 240 pages, ENG, 465 x 310 x 32 mm, In Very Good Condition !, dustjacket, Full Page Fabulous coloured photographs !, a Fold - Out page with the Twin Towers, New York by day and by night ! will be packed in a cardboard box for protection. ISBN 9780847824977.
The enormously successful deluxe New York, New York, updated with new photography and reformatted for an affordable price point. In addition to the classic storied neighborhoods and buildings previously showcased in New York, New York, Richard Berenholtz has photographed several new architectural marvels, like the striking Gehry IAC building, a Chelsea residence building by Jean Nouvel, and the new World Trade Tower, to name only a few. This book wonderfully captures the duality of New York in grand style-that timeless yet ever-changing characteristic that makes the city so captivating-and is the perfect gift for those who love New York.
broché - 22,5x29,5 - 325 pp - 1999 - éditions A DIE. collection " l'architecture rurale française, corpus des genres, des types et des variantes "Musée national des arts et traditions populaires. Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre national des Lettres.
collection dirigée par Jean CUISENIER.illustrations dans le texte.
Musée national des arts et traditions populaires, Berger-Levrault, éditeur, 1980. Collection dirigée par Jean Cuisenier.
326 pages, livre sous jaquette (légèrement tâchée et déchirée), sinon en bon état.
, Tate Gallery, 1994 Paperback, 335 pages, ENG, 300 x 235 mm, in good condition, illustr. in colour / b/w. ISBN 9781854371454.
EDF/ Atelier de la Réale, 1980, in-4 rel. oblong (21 x 29,5), 144 p., coll. "Connaissance de l'habitat existant", nombr. ill. photos et dessins, bon état.
Ce document s'adresse à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la réhabilitation. Conçu comme un élément de sensibilisation, il pose des questions permettant de mieux appréhender l'héritage du passé, pour lui restituer ses qualités, tout en l'adaptant au mode de vie actuel, sans toutefois accélérer le vieillissement de la structure par l'introduction de "corps étrangers". Pour cela ce livre permet de poser les problèmes -sans être exhaustif- apprendre à bien connaitre le bâti, les matériaux et les techniques à utiliser, conserver les possibilités qu'offre la structure ancienne, assurer l'avenir du bâtiment ... Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, Pages: 374 p., Size:152 x 229 mm, Language(s):English. ISBN 9780888448354.
The literature of the late middle ages provides the main focus for this collection of eighteen essays, which engage with the tight interweavings of poetry, book production, and politics at a time when all three were in a state of flux. Primarily covering the period from Richard II to Mary Tudor, the essays explore such topics as medieval guides to Ovid, aspects of late fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century book history, and the major court poets of the Ricardian period, Chaucer and Gower.
Paris, Centre de création industrielle Centre Beaubourg, 7 juin 9 septembre 1974, 222x222mm, broché couverture photographique à rabatsExposition organisée par le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleurs. Texte de Richard G Stein, maquette réalisée par Chermayeff et Geismar Associates, photo de couverture d’Yvan Chermayeff.(103569)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
, Hudson Hills Press Inc.,U.S. 1997, 1997 Hardcover, 448 pages, English, 300 x 220 mm, In New Condition !, very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, with dustcover,. ISBN 9781555951238.
The printmaking career of a leading Pop artist, influential creator of public monuments, and bravura draftsman. More than 250 limited-edition graphics.
Princeton, The american school of classical studies at athens, 1958 Blue cloth binding, 261 pages, 56 pages of illustrations, 1 chart, 31 x 24 cm. EN . ISBN 9780876612040.
The author has used the trustworthy chronological data supplied by the scientific excavation of closed deposits at the Athenian Agora to build a continuous series of lamp types from the 7th century B.C. to the 1st century A.D. Many photographs and profiles of sections permit ready identification, and a handy graphical chart of lamp types facilitates quick checking of the chronological range of each.