Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, in 4 pleine toile rouge de l’éditeur. Belle plaque dorée animée avec titre sur le premier plat de A.Souze. Titre et fers dorés en long au dos. Faux-titre, titre, 400 pages, texte sur 2 colonnes, illustrations hors-texte et dans le texte ? une carte de France en fin de volume sous serpente. Alfred Mame et fils 1892 rousseurs, en début et fin de volume .Cartonnage frais. Beau premier plat
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2023 Hardback, 448 pages, Size:220 x 285 mm, Illustrations:60 b/w, 268 col., Language(s):English, Italian, Latin. ISBN 9781912554577.
Summary This volume comprises 207 drawings, about half of which are in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle and the rest in the Department of Greece and Rome in the British Museum and numerous public or private collections in the UK and abroad. They depict a wide variety of ancient statues of gods and humans, standing, seated or supine, large and small, whole and fragmentary, mainly of marble but also of bronze, as well as statuettes in marble and alabaster, figurines in bronze and terracotta, both Roman and Etruscan, military trophy groups and phallic sculptures. Also represented are herms, a sizeable series of portrait busts and heads, miniature busts in semi-precious stones and figurative appliqu s. Some are wellknown pieces, from the Barberini, Giustiniani, Medici and Pamphilj collections in Rome, but many are unusual and otherwise unrecorded. The drawings were largely commissioned in the 1630s and 1640s from artists such as Pietro Testa and Vincenzo Leonardi, with smaller groups thereafter, the last in the mid-1680s. The assemblage was probably initially intended by Cassiano for publication as a series of prints for the benefit of antiquarian scholars and artists, complementing the larger quantity of drawings of bas-reliefs which Cassiano had begun to assemble from the early 1620s onwards (published in Part A.III) and constituting the core of the Paper Museum in Cassiano's narrower definition of it in 1654 as 'everything good in marbles and bronze which can provide some information about antiquity'.
, Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1997 Paperback, 219 pages, ENG, 305 x 235 x 16 mm, as good as new, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9780500279878.
Cindy Sherman is one of the leading American artists of our time, creating staged and manipulated photographs that draw upon popular culture and art history to explore female identity. By visually examining the ways in which gender is dressed, made up and culturally enforced, Sherman has for many become an icon of feminism and postmodernism. Provocative and engaging, the visceral physicality of her photographs is the key to their dramatic power. In this retrospective, essayists Amada Cruz, Elizabeth A.T. Smith and Amelia Jones offer key insights from several distinct vantage points, positioning Sherman's work within the trajectory of feminist art history as well as revealing her influence on the art of the last twenty years. More than 270 images show the breadth of Sherman?s body of work, from the Untitled Film Stills of the 1970s to series such as Centrefolds, Fashion, Disasters, Fairy Tales and History Portraits, as well as photographs influenced by surreal artists. Also included are intriguing excerpts from Sherman?s notebooks, selections from her contact sheets and numerous Polaroid studies, all of which shed light on the artist's process. Cindy Sherman: Retrospective is an essential reference and guide to the work and ideas of this extraordinary artist
, Rebo Productions, 1996 Hardcover, 440 pages/pagina's, ENG / NL / FR, 310 x 240 mm, stofomslag, in prima staat, met illustraties / foto's in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789036611145.
DE BESTE FOTO'S UIT DE 20E EEUW geeft een fotografisch verslag van de periode tussen 1918 en 1990. Hier ziet u de helden, heldinnen, schurken en 'gewone' mensen uit deze periode, vastgelegd zoals de camera ze zag. Hier ziet u hun grote en kleine verdiensten, hun mislukkingen en hun dagelijkse beslommeringen. Hier ziet u opnamen van 1000 momenten 'geschiedenis'.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, 376 pages, Size:240 x 240 mm, Illustrations:136 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554942.
Summary A carefully-integrated group of studies begins with the so-called ?Chertsey? ceramic tiles, depicting combat between King Richard the Lionheart and Saladin. Found at Chertsey Abbey not far outside London and admired since the nineteenth century, we present here a new reconstruction of both the tiles and their previously-undeciphered Latin texts. The reconstruction demonstrates not only that the theme of the entire mosaic is the Crusades, but also that the overall appearance of the tiles, when laid as a floor, draws from the composition and iconography of imported Islamic and Byzantine silks. Essays illuminate specific material contexts that similarly witness western Europe's, and particularly England's, engagement with the material culture of the eastern Mediterranean, including ceramics, textiles, relics and reliquaries, metalwork, coins, sculpture, and ivories. TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTRIBUTORS FOREWORD by Michael Wood DIRECTOR'S FOREWORD by Meredith Fluke PREFACE by Amanda Luyster We who were Occidentals have now become Orientals CATALOGUE ESSAYS Amanda Luyster The Chertsey Tiles: Reassembling Fragments of Meaning Suleiman A. Mourad A Clash of Civilizations? Diverse Motivations, Multiple Actors, and the Hidden Richness of Muslim Historical Sources David Nicolle The Crusades: A Short History Euan Roger So Much National Magnificence and National History: The Foundation, Structure, and Fall of Chertsey Abbey Richard A. Leson Epic Sensibilities in French Art of the Crusader Period Cynthia Hahn Re-creating the Holy Land at Home: Relics from the East in England Elizabeth Dosp?l Williams The Mobility of Fabric: Textiles in and around Medieval Eurasia Eva R. HoFFman Crusaders in Jerusalem: Frankish Encounters with Idols, Holy Monuments, and Portable Objects Sarah M. Gu rin Oliphants and Elephants: African Ivory in England Scott Redford A Cupbearer Crosses Cultures: Figural Ceramic Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean Paroma Chatterjee Citizens and Invaders: Encounters with Sculpture in Constantinople during the Fourth Crusaded OBJECTS IN FOCUS Andrea Myers Achi Black Fighters on a Late Antique Textile Sean Gilsdorf St. Menas Pilgrim Flask Nina Masin-Moyer Brooch/Amulet with Inscribed Arabic Seal Nina Masin-Moyer Enkolpion Reliquary Cross Nina Masin-Moyer Chess Piece with King or Vizier Alicia Walker So-called Crusader's Bowl A. L. McClanan Architectural Fragment with Griffin Nina Masin-Moyer Amphora with Confronted Hybrid Figures Meredith Fluke Section of a Cassone Panel with Beasts in Roundels Grace P. Morrissey Lusterware Bowl with Figure Eurydice S. Georganteli Gold Penny of Henry III Nina Masin-Moyer Gemellion with the Arms of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Students From Boston College The Morgan Picture Bible WORKS CITED INDEX
Dallas, Meadows Museum, 2008 Bound, cloth with dustjacket, 360pp., 28.5x25.5cm., ills. in col. and b/w., new. ISBN 9780856676512.
The twenty-six panels of the altarpiece of the cathedral of Ciudad Rodrigo (Castile) rank among the most beautiful and ambitious works by two of Castile?s gifted late medieval painters, Fernando Gallego and the virtually unknown Master Bartolome. Accompanying a major new exhibition of their work, this extensively illustrated volume includes full catalog entries for each of the panels, as well as a collection of essays exploring both their cultural and artistic significance. Ranging in subject matter from the physical life and composition of the altarpiece itself, to Fernando Gallego, the Hispano-Flemish tradition in Spain and millennialism in late fifteenth-century Castile, these essays highlight individual techniques and workshop practices in the context of the cosmopolitan communities of a gothic city.
, Snoeck Publishers , 2024 softcover, 96 pages, illustr , 25x19cm. . ISBN 9789461619174.
Dans le paysage de la c ramique des ann es 1950, l'oeuvre de Mado Jolain (1921-2019) s duit par sa modernit et les jeux formels qu'elle a multipli s. La c ramiste manifeste tr s t t une pr f rence pour les volumes simples, architectur s et travaill s de telle sorte que l'articulation subtile de l'ombre et de la lumi re puisse s'y panouir. Au d but des ann es 40, Mado Jolain s'initie la c ramique l' cole nationale des arts d coratifs de Paris et fr quente parall lement les ateliers de dessin et de scu
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 433 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: French. ISBN 9782503609294.
Summary Franciscain d'origine ombrienne, Matthieu d'Aquasparta (v. 1240-1302) est ma tre en th ologie l'universit de Paris au moment de la censure de 1277. Il rejoint ensuite la Curie pontificale en 1279. Dot de talents politiques certains, il est bri vement ministre g n ral de l'ordre franciscain avant d' tre cr cardinal par Nicolas IV en 1288. Il obtient la charge de grand p nitencier et devient un soutien fid le de Boniface VIII. Depuis le d but du XXe si cle, la pens e du th ologien avait surtout fait l'objet d' tudes construites partir de l' dition progressive de ses Questions disput es. Cet ouvrage propose une biographie compl te de Matthieu d'Aquasparta au prisme de ses textes universitaires gr ce l'analyse de sa biblioth que personnelle, de ses manuscrits de travail, l gu s aux couvent d'Assise et de Todi et de ses Quodlibets, encore in dits. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPITRE PREMIER. LES ORIGINES ITALIENNES CHAPITRE II. LE CURSUS TUDIANT EN THEOLOGIE CHAPITRE III. LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DU FRANCISCAIN CHAPITRE IV. MAITRE EN THEOLOGIE A PARIS EN 1277 CHAPITRE V. MATTHIEU D'AQUASPARTA FACE AUX DISSENSIONS DOCTRINALES CHAPITRE VI. L'ENSEIGNEMENT LA CURIE PONTIFICALE CHAPITRE VII. UN FRANCISCAIN AU SERVICE DE LA PAPAUTE CHAPITRE VIII. TRANSMISSION DES TEXTES ET HERITAGE CONCLUSION ANNEXES SOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHIE INDEX
San Francisco, Heian / Dohosha, 1979 Hardcover. Fine in Very Good dustjacket. 248 pages and 200 of which are color plates. In-folio, 43x30cm. ISBN 0893460176.
Textiles of the Andes Catalog of Amano Collection
Paris Perrin 2006 In-4 (32 x 25 cm.) 190 pp. couverture cartonnée, jacquette imprimée.
Histoire et photographies des résidences diplomatiques de France à Alger, Ankara, Athènes, Belgrade, Berne, Bruxelles, Bucarest, Le Caire, Londres, Ouagadougou, Pékin, Séoul, Stockholm, Tachkent, Téhéran et Varsovie. Très bel exemplaire de cette publication recherchée. Libraire membre du S.L.A.M. (Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne) et de la L.I.L.A. (Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne). N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail pour des photographies et des détails supplémentaires, pour des recherches ou des estimations de livres anciens et rares.
Genève, Halles Sud, 1987 ; in-4, broché, 95 p. Nombreuses reproductions , figures, plans, en noir et couleurs. Bibliographie.
New York, Rizzoli International Publications, 1992, in-4to, 360 p., fully illustr. with photogr. in colors, orig. clothbound with orig. illustr. jacket.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
La colonne de la grande armée d'Austerlitz ou de la Victoire de Ambroise Tardieu au Dépôt de l'atlas géographique Non Daté (1833). Le livre est illustré à la suite de 4 pages de texte, les 38 planches (COMPLET) représentent la vue générale, les médailles, piédestaux, bas-reliefs et la statue de l'Empereur au sommet de la colonne. Le livre mesure 32x25 cm et pèse 0,900 kg (c) Non paginé. Reliure d'époque cartonnée. Le livre est en état d’usage, bon, quelques rousseurs, coiffes frottée, absence de la page de titres.
Avertissement La Colonne de la Grande Armée, ce monument impérissable de la gloire des soldats français, était peu connue dans tous ses détails, son élévation empêchant l'oeil de distinguer jusqu'à son sommet les sculptures qui l'entourent. Les bas-reliefs, au nombre de quatre-vingts, représentent, dans une suite de belles compositions, tous les faits importants de l'étonnante campagne de 1805, depuis la levée du camp de Boulogne, jusqu'à la paix de Presbourg. J'ai pensé qu'il serait agréable aux nombreux admirateurs de notre gloire nationale, et aux braves qui l'ont élevée à un si haut degré, de posséder une description exacte du seul monument érigé à la Grande Armée par son illustre chef. En conséquence, j'ai dessiné et gravé avec le plus grand soin la vue générale, les piédestaux, bas-reliefs, statue et médailles dont il se compose, et n'ai rien négligé pour que l'exécution réponde à la noblesse du sujet, et que cet ouvrage forme, pour ainsi dire, le chapiteau du beau monument des Victoires et Conquêtes élevé par M. Panckoucke à la valeur française. Ambroise Tardieu
De Bayser 2000 In-4 broché. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
, Kroller-Muller Museum, 1994 Hardcover, 83 pages, Texte en Francais / Tres belle exemplaire, ill. en couleur / n/b, 230 x 220 x 10 mm. ISBN 9074453139.
Editions Flammarion, Paris, 1996. In-4, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, 255 pp. Introduction - Chapitre I. Bernard Palissy (1510-1590) - II. Les Grottes - III. Les céramiques rustiques - IV. Bernard Palissy et "Saint-Porchaire" - VI. Les palissystes - Annexes - Notes - Bibliographie - Index.
Avec 203 illustrations et planches en noir et en couleurs. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
AMIET, Pierre, BARATTE, François, DESROCHES NOBLECOURT, Christiane, METZGER, Catherine, PASQUIER, Alain:
Reference : 87427aaf
London, Faber and Faber Limited, 1981, in-8vo, 567 p., fully illustr. with drawings in b/w, copy from the archives of the publisher with stamp ‘Exemplaire d’Archive’, orig. ill. clothbound.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
AMIET, Pierre, BARATTE, François, DESROCHES NOBLECOURT, Christiane, METZGER, Catherine, PASQUIER, Alain:
Reference : 87428aaf
London, Faber and Faber Limited, 1981, in-8vo, 567 p., fully illustr. with drawings in b/w, copy from the archives of the publisher with stamp ‘Exemplaire d’Archive’, orig. ill. clothbound with jacket.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
AMIET, Pierre, BARATTE, François, DESROCHES NOBLECOURT, Christiane, METZGER, Catherine, PASQUIER, Alain:
Reference : 87396aaf
Fribourg, Office du Livre, 1981, in-8vo, 571 S., ill. mit 370 Abb., Verlags-Archiv Exemplar mit Stempel ‘Exemplaire d’Archive’, Original-Pappband. Schönes Exemplar.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
A.Milton Henry ; Lampugnani Vittorio
Reference : 113482
ISBN : 2080117696 9782080117694
Flammarion 1995 In-4 broché 29,7 cm sur 21. 399 pages. Couverture légèrement passée et écornée, premier plat légèrement plié, intérieur très propre. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Couverture rigide Liv éditions , 2010 , in4° cartonnage illustré éditeur , 93 pp . La somme de récits proposée dans ce recueil n'a pour but que de rassembler des écrits plus ou moins imaginaires et quelques témoignages oraux tournant autour de l'abbaye de Beauport. L'ensemble comporte trois grandes parties, toutes en rapport avec Beauport. La première concerne les moines, la seconde évoque quelques anecdotes liées à ce grand personnage que fut Saint Yves et la troisième rapporte quelques croyances populaires encore liées à la vie de l'abbaye.Cet ouvrage est d'une nature résolument originale. Aux récits récoltés par les cueilleurs de légendes, que sont Luzel, Sébillot ou encore Pierre Bernard, répond la technique de «mémoire de papier» de l'artiste A.-M. Ollivier-Henry. Alchimie subtile et improbable Langue: Français
, Brepols 2021, 2021 2 vols., 536 pages ., 216 x 280 mm , 260 colour ill., English, Hardcover, . FINE ISBN 9782503595702.
This is Volume I of the three-volume catalogue raisonn of all drawings considered by the authors to be by Rubens. It covers the years 1590- 1608, Volumes II and III dealing, respectively, with the periods 1609?20 and 1621?40. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement provides the user with a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject and functions of Rubens?s drawings at an one time. Volume I consists of the drawings of the artist?s childhood, apprenticeship and first years as a master in Antwerp to his formative years in Italy, spent mostly in Mantua and Rome, with an excursion to Spain. These are the years primarily devoted to learning and absorbing the art of the past, from sixteenth-century German and Netherlandish prints to the works of the ancient and Italian Renaissance masters. A large number of these drawings consists of copies after the works of other artists, largely executed as part of the artistic training at the time. For the first time, Rubens?s copies and their models are not discussed and illustrated as a separate entity but are fully integrated into the rest of his graphic oeuvre, thus showing copies and original compositions created at the same time side by side. The volume contains 204 entries, including several sheets with drawings on recto and verso. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. In addition, Volume I contains an essay on the history of the scholarship of Rubens?s drawings, a subject that has not been treated before. All drawings by Rubens and the works by other artists he copied as well as a selection of other comparative images are reproduced in color. Anne-Marie Logan is a specialist in Rubens?s drawings and in those of his Flemish contemporaries, especially Van Dyck?s. Kristin Lohse Belkin is a Rubens specialist who has carried out extensive research on the artist.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021-2023 4 vols., 536 pages + 732 pages, 216 x 280 mm , 260 + 291 colour ill., English, Hardcovers, FINE ISBN 9782503595702.
This is the 4-volume catalogue raisonn of all drawings considered by the authors to be by Rubens. It covers the years 1590- 1608, Volumes II and III dealing, respectively, with the periods 1609-20 and 1621- 40. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement provides the user with a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject and functions of Rubens?s drawings at an one time. Volume I consists of the drawings of the artist?s childhood, apprenticeship and first years as a master in Antwerp to his formative years in Italy, spent mostly in Mantua and Rome, with an excursion to Spain. These are the years primarily devoted to learning and absorbing the art of the past, from sixteenth-century German and Netherlandish prints to the works of the ancient and Italian Renaissance masters. A large number of these drawings consists of copies after the works of other artists, largely executed as part of the artistic training at the time. For the first time, Rubens's copies and their models are not discussed and illustrated as a separate entity but are fully integrated into the rest of his graphic oeuvre, thus showing copies and original compositions created at the same time side by side. The volume contains 204 entries, including several sheets with drawings on recto and verso. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. In addition, Volume I contains an essay on the history of the scholarship of Rubens?s drawings, a subject that has not been treated before. All drawings by Rubens and the works by other artists he copied as well as a selection of other comparative images are reproduced in color. This is Volume II in the three-volume catalogue raisonn of the drawings by Rubens covering the years 1609?20. The project is a collaboration between Anne-Marie Logan, to whom belong all the Rubens attributions, and Kristin Lohse Belkin. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement offers the user a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject matter and functions of Rubens?s drawings at any one time. Accordingly, Volume II consists of the drawings from the time of Rubens?s return from Italy and the establishment of his workshop in Antwerp to the completion of his contribution to the furnishing and decoration of the city?s new Jesuit church, today?s St. Charles Borromeo. The decade is characterized by a broad range of genres and iconography: large altarpieces stand next to cabinet-size pictures, book illustrations next to designs for tapestry, sculpture and architectural reliefs; religious, mythological and historical subjects alternate with allegories, portraits, exotic hunts and scenes from country life. Copies after other artists? works that constitute such a large part of Rubens?s early years discussed in Volume I have given way to original inventions in pen and ink and, above all, by life studies in chalk of the human body, naked or dressed. The whole spectrum of Rubens?s extraordinary creativity, nowhere presented as directly and immediately as in his drawings, is there to be contemplated in all its astonishing diversity. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. All drawings by Rubens as well as a selection of comparative images are reproduced in color.
Genève, Domus Antiqua Helvetica 1999- 2001, 250x310mm, 348 + 319pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Format oblong, “à l’italienne”. Très bel exemplaire, comme neuf.
photos couleurs et n/b, avec le plan dépliant et le tiré à part “Landey”,