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‎Albert Martens‎

Reference : 63836

‎Plan Manhattan , ou que cr vent les expuls s . dossier critique consacr au sort des habitants du "quartier Nord" touch s par la r alisation des plans particuliers d'am nagement‎

‎Bruxelles :, Martens, Albert , 1975, Hardcover 937 pages 34x22x7cm.‎

‎Le Plan Manhattan , ou que cr vent les expuls s : dossier critique consacr au sort des habitants du "quartier Nord" touch s par la r alisation des plans particuliers d'am nagement‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Albert Mousset ‎

Reference : EXP18649


Phone number : 06 83 06 99 49

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : 2344


‎OLYMPIE ET LES JEUX GRECS, (les antiquités de la Grèce)‎

‎Paris Albert Guillot 1960 1 8° carré Cartonnage éditeur illustré 79 pp, 104 photos Editions Albert Guillot, Paris, 1960, collection "Les Hauts Lieux de l'Histoire". Un volume in 8° relié, cartonnage illustré, 79 pages de texte et 104 photographies h-t, 2 plans, 10 dessins. Bon état. Poids avant emballage 630 gr, frais d'envoi 750‎

‎ Bon état Remises possibles sur les achats en lot, achetez plusieurs objets à la fois ! Reçoit sur rendez-vous pour consultation des ouvrages.‎

Phone number : 06 12 58 45 85

EUR17.50 (€17.50 )

‎Alberto Magnaghi, Thierry Paquot, Hélène Guérin...‎

Reference : RO20255679


ISBN : 1093250569

‎Le principe territoire‎

‎ETEROTOPIA FRANCE / RHIZOME. 2022. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 236 pages - quelques illustrations en noir/blanc, dans le texte - quelques tâches en bas du 1er plat et de quelques pages suivantes. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎Alberto Magnaghi, Thierry Paquot (Préface), Hélène Guérin (Traduction), Daniel Bartement (Traduction) Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )

‎Alberto Melloni, Gianmarco Braghi (eds)‎

Reference : 63433

‎Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation: The Dawn of the Reformation (16th-17th Centuries)‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 2 vols, xxiv + 1092 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 tables b/w., Language(s):Latin, English. ISBN 9782503545066.‎

‎Summary This two-volume set includes the critical editions - in some cases the very first critical editions - of a selection of synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation from 1526 to 1616. This collection of synodal decrees represents different confessional families and covers a wide linguistic and geographical spectrum. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction (Alberto Melloni) Concilium Hombergense (1526) (ed. Johannes Schilling) Concilium Iuliomagense (1527) (ed. Christian Scheidegger) Disputatio et Decem Theses Bernenses (1528) (ed. Pierrick Hildebrand) Concilium Augustanum (1530) (ed. Kirsi I. Stjerna) Concilium Bernense (1532) (ed. Pierrick Hildebrand) Concilium Campi Foranei (iuxta Hengroniam) (1532) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi) Synodus Tigurina (1532) (ed. Emidio Campi) Concilium Argentoratense (1533/1534) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi & Graeme Murdock) Concilium Genevense (1541) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi & Graeme Murdock) Concilia Hungarica et Transsylvanica (1545, 1567, 1570) (ed. Zolt n Csepregi) Concilium Venetianum-Ferrariense (1550) (ed. Davide Dainese) Concilia Lutetianum et Rupellense (1559/1571) (ed. Irene Dingel) Concilium Londinense (1563/1571) (ed. Torrance Kirby) Concilium Antverpianum (1564) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi & Graeme Murdock) Conventus Vesaliensis et Synodus Embdana (1568-1571) (ed. Henning P. J rgens) Concilium Sandomiriense (1570) (ed. Maciej Ptaszy?ski) Concilium Saxonicum (1577) (ed. Irene Dingel & Johannes Hund) Concilium Upsaliense (1593) (ed. Oloph Bexell) Articuli Lambethani (1595) (ed. Torrance Kirby) Concilium Tuiscoburgense (1610) (ed. Andreas M hling) Concilium Hibernicum (1614/1615) (ed. Torrance Kirby) Concilium Aberdoniense Ecclesiae Scoticanae (1616) (ed. Ian Hazlett)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )

‎Alberto Melloni, Giovanni Cavagnini, Giulia Grossi (eds)‎

Reference : 65497

‎Benedict XV: A Pope in the World of the 'Useless Slaughter' (1914-1918)‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 2 vols, 1708 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503582894.‎

‎Summary On August 1, 1917 - three years after the outbreak of World War 1 - pope Benedict XV signed his famous peace note, urging the governments of the belligerent Powers to seek a diplomatic solution to their disputes and stop the "useless slaughter". In order to commemorate the event and to define the place of this "forgotten pope" in twentieth-century history, on November 3-5, 2016, the Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII (Fscire) hosted an international conference, entitled "Benedict XV in the world of the useless slaughter", in which more than a hundred historians from all over the world participated. The aim of the initiative, supported by the Historical and Scientific Committee for Italy's National Anniversaries, is to shed light on the key issues of this pontificate, from Giacomo Della Chiesa's education in the theological seminary in Genua to his heritage and memory all along the twentieth century. The volume resulting from this conference provides a comprehensive and systematic reference work about a key figure in Church history that has all too often been neglected. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations Foreword (Cardinal Pietro Parolin) Introduction (Alberto Melloni) Part One: Stages Origins and Formation Genoa: A Capital between Savoyard Annexation and the Risorgimento (Nicla Buonasorte) The Genoese Aristocracy from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries: Traces of the Della Chiesa Family (Federica Meloni) The Migliorati and the Ancestry of Innocent VII (Anna Falcioni) Giacomo Raggi of Genoa, Capuchin Friar, and the Vocation of Giacomo Della Chiesa (Aldo Gorini) Formation and Studies at the Archiepiscopal Seminary of Genoa (Nicla Buonasorte) The Students of the Almo Collegio Capranica at the time of Rector Francesco Vinciguerra (Maurilio Guasco) A Diplomat of Leo XIII From Minutante to Sostituto in the Papal Secretariat of State (Klaus Unterburger) Controversies at the Top: Merry del Val, Della Chiesa, Pius X (1883-1907) (Annibale Zambarbieri) Rampolla, Della Chiesa, Benedict XV (Jean-Marc Ticchi) The Bologna Episcopate Giacomo Della Chiesa's First Pastoral Letter to Bologna (Giovanni Turbanti) Culture and Catholic Associations in Bologna in the Pre-War Period (1908-14) (Marcello Malpensa) Archbishop Giacomo Della Chiesa Facing the Italo-Turkish War (1911-12) (Alessandro Santagata) The Beginning of the Pontificate The Conclave of Benedict XV (1914) (Alberto Melloni) The First Encyclical: Ad beatissimi (Caterina Ciriello) Ideas of War, Ideas of Peace Churches in War, Faith under Fire (Fr d ric Gugelot) Religion in War and the Legitimization of Violence (Lucia Ceci) Italian Military Chaplains and the 'Useless Slaughter' (Andrea Crescenzi) Pope Benedict XV and Pacifism: 'An Invincible Phalanx for Peace'? (Gear id Barry) Interventionism and Neutrality in Italy The Extremist Neutrality of Guido Miglioli (Claudia Baldoli) Italian Foreign Politics at the Dawn of Benedict XV's Pontificate (Michele Marchi) 'In pro della pace': Benedict XV's Diplomatic Steps to Prevent Italy's Intervention in the Great War (Maurizio Cau) Catholic Interventionism (Guido Formigoni) Diplomacy through Aid Benedict XV: Aid to Belgium (Jan De Volder) Benedict XV and the Armenian Question (Georges-Henri Ruyssen) Aid to the Syrians (1916-17): A Failure (Florence Hellot-Bellier) The International Committee of the Red Cross, the Vatican and Prisoners of War (Mara Dissegna) Neutral Switzerland: The Hospitalization of the Wounded and the Credit Owed to Carlo Santucci (Stefano Picciaredda) The Note of 1917 The Papal Peace Note of 1917: Proposals for Armaments, Arbitration, Sanctions and Damages (Alfredo Canavero) Reshaping Borders: Europe and the Colonies in Pope Benedict XV's 1917 Peace Note (Patrick J. Houlihan) The Italian and French Bishops Dealing with the Note of 1917 (Giovanni Cavagnini) The Note of 1 August 1917 and Its Failure (Xavier Boniface) Part Two: Problems The Missions Cardinal Willem Van Rossum, Benedict XV, and the Centralization of the Pontifical Missionary Works in Rome (1918-22) (Vefie Poels & Hans de Valk) The Roncalli-Drehmanns Mission to the French and German Offices for Missionary Work (1921) (Stefano Trinchese) Maximum illud, a Missionary Turning Point? (Claude Prudhomme) The 'Chinese' Missionary Policy of the Holy See before Costantini (Giuseppe Butturini) The Re-Dimensioning of Anti-Modernism 'A Kind of Freemasonry in the Church': The Dissolution of the Sodalitium Pianum (Alejandro Mario Dieguez) Transformations of Integralist Catholicism under Benedict XV: Benigni's Network after the Dissolution of La Sapini re (Nina Valbousquet) Modernism during the Pontificate of Benedict XV: Between Rehabilitation and Condemnation (Giovanni Vian) Benedict XV and Modernism in Germany (Klaus Unterburger) Votes for Women and 'Catholic Feminism' during the Pontificate of Benedict XV (Liviana Gazzetta) The View of the People of Israel Benedict XV: The 'Children of Israel' and the 'Members of Different Religious Confessions' (Raffaella Perin) The Birth of Vatican Policy on Palestine and the Holy Sites (Paolo Zanini) Between Unionism and Ecumenism An Indecisive Inter-Confessional Situation (1914-1922) ( tienne Fouilloux) A Parallel Diplomacy? Vladimir Ghika and Catholic-Orthodox Relations in Romania during World War I (Cl mence de Rouvray) Theological Questions and Devotional Practices Religious Interpretations of War as Reflected in Prayers during World War I (Maria Paiano) Benedict XV and the Nationalization of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in France and Germany (1914-18) (Claudia Schlager) '... and yet does not touch us': A Survey of European Theology during the Pontificate of Benedict XV (Gianmaria Zamagni) Part Three: Relations France 'Trop petit'? Benedict XV in Cardinal Alfred Baudrillart's Journals and Writings (Rodolfo Rossi) A Case of Oriental Wisdom: The second ralliement (Fabrice Bouthillon) The Doulcet-Gasparri Agreement of 1920 and the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations between France and the Holy See (Audrey Virot) The Appointment of Ambassador Jonnart and the Issue of Religious Associations (Jean Vavasseur-Desperriers) Italy The Reform of Catholic Action (Liliana Ferrari) The Dissolution of the Taparellian Concept of Nationality during the Great War (Cinzia Sulas) The Role of Gaspare Colosimo and the King in the Rejection of the Gasparri Draft (Piero Doria) The Agony of the non expedit (Saretta Marotta) Benedict XV and Proto-Fascism (Alberto Guasco) Germany Benedict XV and the German Episcopate (Sascha Hinkel) The German Reception of the Peace Note (Claus Arnold) The Legacy of Boniface: The Bavarian Episcopate and the In hac tanta Encyclical (December 1918-October 1919) (Patrizio Foresta) The In hac tanta Encyclical (1919) and Peace in Europe (Letterio Mauro) Russia and Ukraine The Holy See's Humanitarian Diplomacy towards the Russian World (1914-22) (Laura Pettinaroli) Benedict XV in Search of Peace for Ukraine (Athanasius McVay) Peace in Eastern Europe (Nathalie Renoton-Beine) Benedict XV and the Caucasus (Simona Merlo) The Other European Nations Benedict XV, the Habsburg Empire and the First Republic of Austria (Francesco Ferrari) Benedict XV and the British Empire (1914-22) (John F. Pollard) Benedict XV and Czechoslovakia (?uboslav Hromj k) Benedict XV and Poland (Roberto Morozzo della Rocca) The Irish War of Independence (Alberto Belletti) Benedict XV and Yugoslavia (1914-22) (Igor Salmi?) Finland and the Catholic Church during the Pontificate of Benedict XV (Milla Bergstr m & Suvy Rytty) The Non-European Countries Appeals to Wilson to Avoid the United States' Entry into War (Liliosa Azara) Benedict XV and the Mexican Revolution (Paolo Valvo) The Holy See's Relations with Brazil (1917-19) (Italo Domingos Santirocchi) Japan on the Vatican's Radar (Olivier Sibre) Part Four: Legacy Benedict XV's Men Benedict XV and the Cardinals (Roberto Regoli) Eugenio Pacelli: Benedict XV's Man of Peace (Philippe Chenaux) A Papal Envoy on the International Stage: Edmund Aloysius Walsh, SJ (Marisa Patulli Trythall) Benedict XV, Father Gemelli, and the Foundation of the Universit Cattolica (Maria Bocci) Bonaventura Cerretti and the Impossible Missions (Marialuisa Lucia Sergio) Europe for Peace and the Aftermath of Versailles The Failure to Revise the Treaty of London (July 1918) (Sergio Marchisio) New Diplomatic Relations and New Agreements in Europe (Stefan Samerski) Post Mortem The Death of the Pope in the Twentieth Century, Change and Continuity: The Example of Benedict XV ( douard Coquet) The 1922 Conclave and the Return of Pope Pius (Lorenza Lullini) The Statue of Benedict XV in Istanbul: The East's Gratitude to the Charitable Pope (Rinaldo Marmara) An Image-Building Failure: Biographies in the Era of Pius XI (Giulia Grossi) From Fernand Hayward's Un Pape m connu to the Spoleto Congress (1955-63) (Federico Ruozzi) Benedict XV and the Founding of the Pontifical Oriental Institute (1917): Foresight, Intuition, Hindsight (Edward G. Farrugia) Continuity and Discontinuity: Pius X, Benedict XV, and Pius XI (Annibale Zambarbieri) Conclusions The Benedict XV Moment (Denis Pelletier) Abstracts Name Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR185.00 (€185.00 )

‎ Alberto Saraiva | Fernando Aq Mota | Tales AM Ab'Saber‎

Reference : 61834


‎, Coletiva, 2013 Hardcover, 250 pages, ENG / POR, 260 x 200 x 27 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9788599247303.‎

‎The book ?Paulo Climachuska?, from the series Arte e Tecnologia, sponsored by Oi Futuro, presents the work of artist Paulo Climachuska, with texts by Alberto Saraiva, Fernando AQ Mota and Tales Ab'S ber. The book is part of the "Paulo Climachuska Re-subtractions" project, which included the Oi Futuro Flamengo exhibition and marked a new stage in the artist's career, in which the use of subtraction beads as a line - a feature that has become an icon has become his work ? has been replaced by references to games and clocks. In these works, Climachauska deepens her exploration of rationalism and mathematical precision, incorporating chance and time into her conceptual universe. In it he returns to numerical systems, which he sees as order and regulation of the world, but without clear figures.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.95 (€59.95 )


Reference : 57877


‎, Urbanismo, 2002 Hardcover, 211 pages, Illustrated. 33x22cm. ISBN 9800020411.‎

‎Publicaci n promovida desde el Instituto de Urbanismo de la FAU UCV dedicada a la obra de Jos Miguel Galia, arquitecto de origen uruguayo quien arrib a Caracas en 1948, cuando daba comienzo el crecimiento de la capital. Sus edificaciones no solo han dejado un impacto en la conformaci n de la imagen urbana sino tambi n una fuerte impronta en la definici n de su morfolog a. Dentro de ellas est n la Torre Polar y el edificio Seguros Orinoco. Tambi n intervino en el dise o de las plazas Miranda y La Candelaria, en la remodelaci n del Parque Los Caobos, en la redacci n tanto del Plan de Parques para el rea Metropolitana como del Plan de Desarrollo del Litoral Central y la normativa urban stica de la Plaza Venezuela, entre otros. La investigaci n y redacci n del texto del libro estuvieron a cargo de Alberto Sato.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Alberto Shayo‎

Reference : 61350

‎Chiparus Master of Art Deco. ‎

‎, ACC Art Books, 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket,336 Pages: 288, Illustrations: 342 colour, 324 x 273 mm, . ISBN 9781788840637.‎

‎One of the most important sculptors of the Art Deco era, Dem tre Chiparus (1886-1947) was a Romanian sculptor who lived and worked in Paris. This book is a stunning monograph covering the most iconic of the Art Deco sculptors. It delves into his work both as a sculptor and a painter This new and updated edition adds new figures as well as historic documents. Of particular interest is the discovery of the long-lost marble figure Polar Bear last seen over 75 years ago in Paris, where it was exhibited for the first and last time at the 1943 Salon des Artistes Fran ais. Accompanying images of this important discovery are presented in this edition for the very first time. Over 26 years ago the first publication of Chiparus: Master of Art Deco brought this artist into the public eye. His name, lost in records and catalogues, was rejuvenated by Alberto Shayo's rediscovery of his works, effectively bringing artist and oeuvre back to life. The book dwells on the sources and inspiration of the Art Deco movement, with particular emphasis on sculptures created by Dem tre Chiparus.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎Alberto TENENTI‎

Reference : 3424


‎LA VIE ET LA MORT A TRAVERS L'ART DU XV° SIECLE, avant propos de Félix Lecoy, Cahier des Annales n° 8‎

‎ 1952 Armand Colin, Paris, 1952. Un volume in 8° broché de 120 pages, bon état.‎

‎ Remises possibles sur les achats en lot, achetez plusieurs objets à la fois ! Reçoit sur rendez-vous pour consultation des ouvrages.‎

Phone number : 06 12 58 45 85

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Albert Prouvost, Anne Prouvost, Brigitte Bosch‎

Reference : 64668

‎Art Deco 1920 - 1930‎

‎marcq-en-baroeul, Fondation Septentrion, 1984 Original publishers paper-covered boards, 47 pages, 21 x 21 cm.‎

‎exhibition catalog , printed by Senecaut Rx‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Albert Roskam‎

Reference : 58132

‎Dazzle painting: kunst als camouflage, camouflage als kunst.‎

‎Rotterdam, Kunstprojecten, 1987, softcover, 80 pagina's, met illustraties, goed exemplaar. ISBN 9071893022.‎

‎Camouflage is in de Eerste Wereldoorlog voor het eerst systematisch toegepast. Het beschilderen van schepen met grillige patronen en kleuren - Dazzle Painting - had als doel de periscoopwaarneming te bemoeilijken door verwarring te stichten omtrent afstand, koers en snelheid van het waargenomen schip. Behandeld wordt ook de relatie tussen de Dazzle-ontwerpen, de Vorticisten, het Britse Cubisme en de Futuristen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Albert-Roulhac Georges‎

Reference : pf6


‎Le Val de Grâce‎

‎Ciba Les Vieux Hôpitaux Français Cartonné 1939 In-8 cartonné, couverture illustrée, 46 pp., sixième volume de cette belle série commanditée par les Laboratoires Ciba et consacrée aux Vieux Hôpitaux Français ; vraiment bel état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.‎

Abraxas-Libris - Bécherel

Phone number : 33 02 99 66 78 68

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )


Reference : RO80144863


‎Le Val de Grâce. Les Vieux Hopitaux Français n°6‎

‎LES LABORATOIRES CIBA. 15 fév. 1939. In-12. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 46 pages. Nombreuses illustrations et photos en héliogravure, dans le texte et hors-texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Albert von Keller.‎

Reference : 38272

‎Zwanzig Photogravuren vom Kunstler autorisierte Ausgabe. Albert von Keller.‎

‎Munchen, F. Bruckmann, S.d. (ca 1910) Decorative binding in green cloth with gilt lettering and ornaments on spine and frontcover, gilt paperedges, 33x43cm., 20 fullpage ills., good condition.‎



Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Albin Guillot, Brassaï, Le Prat, Boucher, Degrave, Adam, Yvon, Tuefferd, Lacheroy, Roubier, Paris, Bellon, Boyer, De Larie Massenef ; Lyautey, Olivier, MauroisFargue, Prévost, Dautry, Demaison, Valery.‎

Reference : 105047

‎FRANCENew York World’s Fair 1939‎

‎ Paris, 1939, 305x235mm, 134p, deux cartes hors texte l’une de France et l’autre de l’empire colonial de France sur papier doré, couverture et dos dorés pages de gardes argent et or, portrait photographique en frontispice du Président F.Roosevelt, le tout relié par 8 anneaux de plastique.Nombreuses photographies in texte de Schall, Albin Guillot, Brassaï, Le Prat, Boucher, Degrave, Adam, Yvon, Tuefferd, Lacheroy, Roubier, Paris, Bellon, Boyer…Ce catalogue d’exposition est dédié à l’amitié franco-américaine. Quelques défauts.Bouqueret 221. ‎

Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Albrecht Classen (ed)‎

Reference : 66009

‎Paradigm Shifts During the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xlvi + 396 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:29 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503583044.‎

‎Summary For a long time we have naively talked about the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and other periods, but at closer analysis all those terms prove to be constructed models to help us understand in rough terms profound changes that affected human conditions throughout time. As the contributions to the present volume indicate, paradigm shifts have occurred regularly and constituted some of the critical developments in human existence. The notion of paradigm shift as first developed by Thomas Kuhn is here considerably expanded to address also literary, religious, scientific, and cultural-historical phenomena, to deal with contrasting conceptions of various parts of the world (China versus Europe), conflicts between genders, economic changes pertaining to women's roles, social and political criticism, models of how to explain our existence, ideological positions and epistemological approaches. The study of paradigm shifts makes it possible to grasp fundamental movements both horizontally (the present world in global terms) and vertically (from the past to the present), exposing thereby central forces leading to shifts in power structures and in the mental-historical world-views. Focusing on paradigm-shifts allows us to gain deep insight into conflicting discourses throughout time and to illuminate the struggle between dominant and competing models explaining or determining reality. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - ALBRECHT CLASSEN 751 C.E.: Watershed Events in the Carolingian, Byzantine, Abbasid and Tang Empires - RYAN HATCH The Role of the Crusades in a Paradigm Shift of the Papal Concept of Power - CHARLES W. CONNELL Shifting Paradigms of Place and Ritual on Crusader Seals Before and After the Fall of Acre in 1291 - LAURA J. WHATLEY Gender and Paradigm Shift in Old French Narrative, or What Happens when the Heroine Becomes a Hero - KATHY M. KRAUSE Women's Legal Capacity: Was the Thirteenth Century a Turning Point? - HEATHER J. TANNER From Marco Polo to Matteo Ricci: Sino-Islamic Knowledge and the European Discovery of Cathay - R. PO-CHIA HSIA The Baby and the Bath Water: Satirical Laughter by Thomas Murner and Herman Bote as Catalysts for a Paradigm Shift in the Age Prior to the Protestant Reformation: Literary Comedy as a Medium to Undermine all Authorities and to Create a Power Vacuum - ALBRECHT CLASSEN "Satura Tota Nostra Est": The Birth of Modern Satire in Renaissance France as Agent and Consequence of a Major Paradigm Shift - BERND RENNER From Myth to Matter: Ulrich Molitor's De Lamiis (1489) and the Construction of Witchcraft - WILLIAM BRADFORD SMITH The Rise of the Spanish Vernacular and the Castilian Literary Canon: From Papal Bulls to Celestina to Vernacular Translations - MARTA ALBAL -PELEGR N Middling Women and Economic Continuity: A Paradigm Shift in the Global Renaissance - JEANETTE M. FREGULIA Alchemy and Science: Dr. John Dee, the Reverend Richard Hakluyt, and Paradigm Change in Early English Exploration - JAMES HELFERS "Your Clogs will be My Stairway to Heaven": A Wife's Spiritual Goodness in Franciso de Osuna's Reformist Dialogue on Marriage, Norte de los Estados - DANA BULTMAN Confusion and Controversy in Spain During the Paradigm Shift of the Protestant Reformation: The Relationship Between Printing, the Council of Trent, and the Inquisitorial Trial of Fray Luey de L on (1527-1591) - J. MICHAEL FULTON Early Modern Pantsuit Politics: Shifting Masculinities in Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona - DORIS BARKIN "If a lie may do thee grace": Shifts of Memory in Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy - JONATHAN BALDO Goddess and Guide or Treasury and Machine?: Seventeenth-Century Debate About the Role of Nature - THOMA S WILLARD List of Contributors Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Albrecht Diem‎

Reference : 65423

‎Pursuit of Salvation. Community, Space, and Discipline in Early Medieval Monasticism - with a critical edition and translation of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 687 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:1 col., 3 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Latin. ISBN 9782503589602.‎

‎Summary The seventh-century Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines (Someone's Rule for Virgins), which was most likely written by Jonas of Bobbio, the hagiographer of the Irish monk Columbanus, forms an ideal point of departure for writing a new history of the emergence of Western monasticism understood as a history of the individual and collective attempt to pursue eternal salvation. The book provides a critical edition and translation of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines and a roadmap for such a new history revolving around various aspects of monastic discipline, such as the agency of the community, the role of enclosure, authority and obedience, space and boundaries, confession and penance, sleep and silence, excommunication and expulsion. TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary The book consists of two sections. The first is a critical edition and translation of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines, a seventh-century Frankish monastic rule for nuns, along with the short treatise De accedendo ad Deum, which most likely formed a part of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines. The second section is a study on the transformations and diversification of monastic theology, concepts of communal life and monastic discipline in the early medieval period. It revolves around the Regula cuisudam ad uirgines in its historical and intertextual context. The study is divided four parts that are related to the four key words of the title of the book (Community, Space, Discipline, and Salvation). Each part consists of a chapter that makes an argument about the place of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines in intertextual contexts and a chapter that applies these arguments in a historical inquiry. Introduction Section I: Edition and Translation of the Regua cuiusdam ad uirgines Section II: Study Part I: Community revolves around the question to what extent the monastic community can serve as an agent of the collective and individual pursuit of salvation Chapter 1: Quidam pater - quaedam mater? The Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines and its author provides a survey of the monastic milieu in which the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines was written, discusses potential authors and stakeholders in the monastic foundation that may have been addressed by the Rule and shows on the basis of semantic and stylistic similarities and shared content and ideas that Jonas of Bobbio, the author of the Vita Columbani, is to be considered the author of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines as well. Chapter 2: The dying nuns of Faremoutiers: the regula in action argues that Jonas of Bobbio's description of the deaths of the nuns of Faremoutiers, which is a part of Book 2 of his Vita Columbani, and the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines represent the same monastic program, once presented as a "narrated rule", once as a normative text. The Faremoutiers episodes are closely modelled after Book 4 of the Dialogi of Gregory the Great and can be read as a critical response to Gregory's eschatology and his notion of pursuing salvation by living a virtuous life. After having fleshed out the parallels and differences between the Dialogi and the Faremoutiers miracles, the chapter analyzes each episode of the Faremoutiers miracles, showing that Jonas wrote his monastic program in a highly sophisticated manner into stories describing the deaths occurring in the founding generation of nuns in Faremoutiers - deaths that were most likely still remembered by the primary audience of the Vita Columbani. Part II: Space discusses the role of space and boundaries for the monastic pursuit of salvation and explores the origins of the medieval cloister Chapter 3 The Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines, a supplement to Caesarius' Rule for Nuns? compares the provisions of Caesarius of Arles' Rule for Nuns with the Regula cuisudam ad uirgines and argues that Jonas wrote his Rule as an expansion and revision of Caesarius work: an "early medieval" update of a "late antique" monastic program, as it were. Chapter 4: Enclosure re-opened: Caesarius, Jonas, and the invention of sacred space discusses the evolution of Caesarius of Arles' notion of enclosure as salvific instrument and then shows how Jonas of Bobbio tried to face the aporias of Caeasarius' theology of enclosure by expanding it towards a system of total control of all physical, social and corporeal boundaries and the implementation of various enclosures. Part III: Discipline provides a historical survey of the evolution of various aspects of monastic discipline in early medieval monastic rules leading to the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines. Chapter 5: The Regula Benedicti in seventh-century Francia explores the role of the Regula Benedicti in Frankish monasticism in the aftermath of Columbanus and shows how Jonas used and revised the Regula Benedicti and refuted some of his main theological premises. Chapter 6: The Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines and its context describes the history of the topics addressed in each chapter of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines and provides a detailed commentary to the Rule itself, showing how Jonas rewrote the Regula Benedicti. I discuss every chapter of the Rule but put a special emphasis on the following topics: abbatial authority, hierarchy, boundaries, love, confession, silence, work, sleep, excommunication, and family ties. Part IV: Salvation focusses on the short treatise De accedendo ad Deum which provides a unique theological rationale why monastic discipline enables monks and nuns to pray effectively and to attain eternal salvation. Chapter 7: De accedendo ad Deum - a lost chapter of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines? shows that De accedendo was most likely a lost chapter of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines and thus written by Jonas of Bobbio as well. Chapter 8: Prompto corde orandum: the theological program of De accedendo analyzes the theological argument that monastic discipline enable a nun or monk to approach God through prayer, which forms one of the most sophisticated early medieval responses to the challenge of the doctrine of prevenient grace and the "semi-Pelagian" debate. De accedendo essentially explains how the monastic pursuit of salvation works. Conclusion Three appendices provide textual evidence for ascribing the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines to Jonas of Bobbio and to document the reception of the Regula cuiusdam ad uirgines in the eighth-century Life of Bertila. Bibliography of manuscripts, sources, and literature Index uerborum‎


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