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‎Al De Boeck‎

Reference : 58868

‎Schaduwen op porselein / Yang po zie reeks. - Gent; vol. 142 / Al De Boeck‎

‎, Gent: Yang, 1989, 1989 Paperback, 46 pagina's, NL, 200 x 120 mm, in goede staat, gedichten, po zie.‎

‎met opdracht en gesigneerd door de auteur‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Aldo Rossi ; Vincent Skully ; translation : Lawrence Venuti‎

Reference : 61225

‎Aldo Rossi : A Scientific Autobiography‎

‎, (Oppositions books), 1981 Hardcover, 120 pages, ENG, 255 x 225 x 15 mm, dustjacket, book is in New condition ! illustrated in b/w. ISBN 9780262181044.‎

‎Aldo Rossi (3 May 1931 ? 4 September 1997) was an Italian architect and designer who achieved international recognition in four distinct areas: architectural theory, drawing and design and also product design. He was one of the leading proponents of the postmodern movement. He was the first Italian to receive the Pritzker Prize for architecture‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Aleander, Hieronymus Hoyoux, Jean [edit.] ‎

Reference : 62971

‎Le Carnet De Voyage De J r me Al andre En France et Li ge (1510-1516)‎

‎, Bruxelles - Rome 1969, Broch , 237 pages;Introduction, texte Latin et traduction juxtapos e en Fran ais. Tres bon etat. ***dedicace de l'auteur.‎

‎Biblioth que de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome - fascicule XVIII. Pages en partie non coup es, ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Alechinsky, Pierre and Diane Kelder‎

Reference : 59602

‎Pierre Alechinsky, ** SIGNED copy.‎

‎, 2RC Edizioni d'Arte, 1988, Original softcover with dustjacket, 60 pages; in English and Italian, illustrations in color. ++ Dedication from the artist Alechinsky.‎

‎Dedica dell'Artista in antiporta, catalogo mostra Galleria 2RC, Roma / Milano, 1988, brossura, formato 24x32, pagine 60, illustrato.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR195.00 (€195.00 )

‎Alejandro Hartmann Matos Julio A. Larramendi‎

Reference : 55815

‎Baracoa bakermat van Cubaanse cacao‎

‎, Stockmans Kalenders 2011, 2011 Hardcover, 247 pagina's/pages, Nederlands/ Francais, 240 x 205 mm, met illustraties en foto's, nieuwstaat, . ISBN 9789077207239.‎

‎Baracoa, bakermat van de Cubaanse cacao, is een noodzakelijk boek. Cacao is immers een autochtoon product waarvan het belang nog niet voldoende wordt benadrukt. Het boek exploreert de kenmerken die Baracoa onderscheiden als de Cubaanse en misschien zelfs Latijns-Amerikaanse en Cara bische stad waar cacao de sterkste sporen heeft achtergelaten en waar in vergelijking met andere producerende landen, reeds lang vervlogen tradities werden bewaard. Baracoa, hoofdstad van de Cubaanse cacao, is een complexe en rijke culturele ruimte waar een eeuwenoude landbouwactiviteit specifieke culturele kenmerken heeft, die bepalend zijn voor de identiteit van die plek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )


Reference : 54776

‎Patinir y la invension del paisaje / Patinir and the Invention of Landscape. Guia de la exposicion.‎

‎, Museo Nacional del Prado, 2007, 2007 Paperback, 55 paginas, Spanish text, Illustraciones,.240 X 190 X 10 mm ISBN 9788484801214.‎

‎Joachim Patinir, que trabaj en Amberes entre 1515 y 1524, fue el primer artista europeo especializado en pintar paisajes. Sus sorprendentes cuadros reflejan la curiosidad por el mundo natural que era caracter stica del Renacimiento, y al mismo tiempo evocan la idea de un universo trascendente. Este documental aborda el enigma de un pintor cuya biograf a apenas se conoce, y que revolucion el mercado del arte e incluso el concepto mismo de la pintura en los albores del siglo XVI. Como conservador del Museo del Prado, Alejandro Vergara ha sido responsable de una gran exposici n retrospectiva de su obra (3 de julio - 7 de octubre de 2007) que le ha llevado a buscar sus pinturas por diversos museos del mundo. A trav s de sus viajes y de diversos encuentros con expertos, Vergara investiga las claves de la pintura de Patinir. El an lisis y la reflexi n que se ofrecen al espectador le gu an en el conocimiento de una bell sima y casi desconocida producci n.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )

‎Alejandro Vergara-Sharp‎

Reference : 63755

‎What is Quality in Art? " A Meditation Based on European Paintings from the 15th to the 18th Centuries"‎

‎, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover, 127 pages, ENG. edition, 220 x 145 mm, NEW, illustr. in color / b/w, Quadrichromie. ISBN 9789464941197.‎

‎ In-depth art-historical reflection on value judgments in art by one of Europe?s leading curators "This is a necessary book. The concept of quality is key in the history of art, and often little understood." ? Miguel Falomir, Director, Museo del Prado "That this is a legitimate question, even a necessary one, is argued by Vergara in a pleasurable manner, with the pace and attitude of a peripatetic thinker. There is something here that reminds one of Montaigne or Stendhal." ? Antonio Mu oz Molina, El Pa s "This wonderful and wise book made me look at the artwork without intimidation or any confusion. It is a great pleasure to be guided by the experienced eye of Alejandro Vergara." ? Olga Tokarczuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature Throughout history, human beings have excelled at creating art of the highest quality. Aristotle wrote that Homer ?surpassed all others? while Pliny the Elder referred to ?masterpieces that we never tire of admiring?. Vel zquez distinguished between portraits ?made with art? and those that were not. What did they all mean exactly? And what do we mean when we say that a work of art is good, of high quality? This book is an attempt to explain this central question, which remains surprisingly unexplored. Alejandro Vergara-Sharp argues that ?a deep knowledge of the history of art provides us with the tools to approach this issue objectively?. He then invites the reader to share with him a Socratic voyage of discovery, gradually unveiling arguments that can assist us in understanding this elusive and crucial concept. Alejandro Vergara-Sharp (b. 1960, Washington DC) is Senior Curator of Flemish and Northern European Paintings at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR32.50 (€32.50 )

‎Aleksandra Lipiska,‎

Reference : 49487

‎Moving Sculptures Southern Netherlandish alabasters from the 16th to 17th centuries in Central and Northern Europe‎

‎, Brill, 2016 Hardcover, xxii, 385 pp., 205 color & b/w illus. Illustrated. Fine. ISBN 9789004270930.‎

‎The Low Countries are generally considered to be the land of painting. Consequently, sculpture, especially that of the 16th century, has been insufficiently explored. In Moving Sculptures Aleksandra Lipi?ska presents a little-known chapter of the history of Netherlandish sculpture: the serial production of small-scale alabaster reliefs, altarpieces and statuettes in the workshops of Mechelen and Antwerp between c. 1525 and 1650. She gives the reader an insight into the rules of this craft, the specificity of the material, and the marketing methods employed. But the innovative element of this study lies in the fact that Lipi?ska analyses the phenomenon from the perspective of its distant recipients in Central and Northern Europe on the basis of works largely unknown to the broader public.At the Source: Production of the Alabaster Sculpture in the Southern Netherlands 1 Alabaster as a Sculpture Material 17 2 Alabaster in Netherlandish Sculpture from the Late Gothic to the Early Baroque 44 3 Serial Production of Alabaster Sculpture in Mechelen 96 4 The Spread of Alabaster Sculpture from the Low Countries 124 Part 2 At the Destination: Southern Netherlandish Alabaster Sculpture in Central and Northern Europe 5 Altarpieces 143 6 Tombs and Epitaphs 205 7 Exhibits of Real and ?Imagined? Collections 254 8 Alabaster Chambers 271 ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR114.00 (€114.00 )

‎"Alena Kubova"‎

Reference : 20053


‎"L'Avant-Garde Architecturale en Tchécoslovaquie 1918-1939"‎

‎"1992. Liège Éditions Mardaga 1992. Cartonné bien complet de la jaquette 25 cm x 34 5 cm 238 pages 250 illustrations photographies dessins maquettes décors noir & blanc in et hors-texte. Texte de Alena Kubova bibliographie chronologie biographies - Etat neuf" ‎

Librairie Sedon - Rochefort

Phone number : 06 19 22 96 97

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Ales Nationalgalerie Berlin‎

Reference : 54193


‎, Hirmer Verlag / Ales Nationalgalerie Berlin, 2020 Hardcover, 280 x 240 mm, 336 pages, 220 colour illustrations. text English edition. ISBN 9783777435244.‎

‎Sensuousness, magic, a profound momentousness and irrationality are the hallmarks of the new art movement of Belgian Symbolism, which emerged during the 1880s. From Georg Minne and Fellicien Rops to Fernand Khnopff and James Ensor, the portraits, figure paintings and landscapes revealed a fascination with the eerie and the nefarious, with Thanatos und Eros. The remarkable feature of Belgian Symbolism is its predilection for the morbid and the bizarre. Death and decay became leitmotifs in art. In around 1900, artists tried to link a new mysticism with an extravagant and precious style. The central figure in this context was the femme fatale as an expression of excess and lust, often paired with echoes of the esoteric and the demonic. Many stimuli for European Symbolism had their origins in Belgium. This wide-ranging and lavishly illustrated volume examines this phenomenon. Artists: William Degouve de Nuncques, Henry De Groux, Jean Delville, James Ensor, mile Fabry, L on Fr d ric, Fernand Khnopff, Eug ne Laermans, Georges Le Brun, Xavier Mellery, George Minne, Constant Montald, F licien Rops, L on Spilliaert, Charles van der Stappen et al. Works of Reference: Arnold B cklin, Gustav Klimt, Edvard Munch, Odilon Redon, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Franz von Stuck et al.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR37.50 (€37.50 )

‎ Alessandro Bertolotti ; Clarisse Deubel ; Frederic Celestin ; translation :Denis-Armand Canal‎

Reference : 55832

‎Curiosa : La biblioth que rotique‎

‎, Editions de la Martini re] 2012, 2012 Hardcover, 254 pages, Texte en Francais, 290 x 260 x 27 mm, belle exemplaire, beaucoup photos et illustrations. ISBN 9782732452746.‎

‎Curiosa, tel est le nom donn la section d'une biblioth que priv e consacr e aux ouvrages sur l' rotisme, la pornographie, la sexualit . Et collectionner des livres rotiques, telle est l'une des passions du c l bre bibliophile italien Alessandro Bertolotti. Ce livre est le fruit de son travail de collectionneur. Les plus importants et les plus rares de ces erotica y sont pr sent s, avec leur couverture et quelques pages int rieures. Ils ne sont pas pr sent s dans un ordre chronologique, mais suivent un classement th matique : l'h ro ne libertine, le couvent bord lique, l' cole d'amour ou le sado-masochisme sont quelques-unes des cat gories tablies par l'auteur pour pr senter environ 130 livres, du XVIIe si cle nos jours, illustr s de gravures, peintures, dessins, photographies ou bandes dessin es.De Sade Guido Crepax, de Leonor Fini Robert Mappelthorpe, de Jean de la Fontaine Georges Bataille, cet ouvrage nous fera parcourir l'infinie vari t du d sir et du plaisir, et de l'imagination humaine. N en 1960, Alessandro Bertolotti est metteur en sc ne pour la t l vision italienne (la Rai) depuis 30 ans. Passionn de photographie, il a publi des portraits et des photographies de nus f minins dans les principales revues italiennes. Il est aussi l'auteur de deux ouvrages sur Capri. Ses photographies sont conserv es dans les collections de la Biblioth que nationale de France.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR42.00 (€42.00 )

‎Alessandro Cecchi ; Guido Cornini ; Ana Debenedetti ; : translation : Marie-Francoise Dispa‎

Reference : 60890

‎BOTTICELLI : Artiste & Designer‎

‎, Mercatorfonds, 2021 HB, 285 x 245 x 25 mm, FR. , 238 p, 120 illustraties, Nouveau,; . ISBN 9789462302815.‎

‎Botticelli (1445 - 1510) est sans doute l'un des peintres les plus connus de la Renaissance italienne malgr la part de myst re qui entoure sa vie et l'activit de son atelier. l ve prodige de Fra Filippo Lippi (1406-1469), le dernier grand repr sentant de la peinture du premier Quattrocento, Botticelli d veloppe rapidement une mani re qui lui est toute personnelle, une v ritable marque de fabrique qui lui permet de dominer pour une grande partie de sa carri re le jeu des commandes et de devenir le peintre des madones que la critique a d'abord retenu avant de red couvrir ses grandes sc nes mythologiques et sa folle entreprise que repr sentent les 92 dessins illustrant la Divine Com die de Dante. Peintre sophistiqu , crit Giorgio Vasari, mais galement entrepreneur averti, Botticelli passera donc sans rel che de la cr ation g niale, unique, la production en s rie o copies et r pliques s'alternent et o sa main s'efface pour ne plus appara tre que dans l'id e originale, le design, laissant le soin d'achever l'ouvrage ses nombreux assistants.Le catalogue d'exposition mettra l'honneur cette pratique d'atelier, laboratoire foisonnant d'id es et de formation, typique de la Renaissance italienne. Il s'agira de red couvrir Botticelli dans son r le de cr ateur, mais galement d'entrepreneur et de formateur. En suivant un ordre chronologique et th matique, ce livre illustrera le d veloppement stylistique personnel de Botticelli, les liens entre son oeuvre et la culture de son temps, ainsi que l'influence qu'il a lui-m me exerc e sur ses contemporains.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Alessandro Mulieri, Serena Masolini, Jenny Pelletier (eds)‎

Reference : 63515

‎Marsilius of Padua. Between History, Politics, and Philosophy‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 440 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503601335.‎

‎Summary Marsilius of Padua (c. 1275-c. 1342) was one of the most influential and controversial political thinkers of the Middle Ages. He is best known for his seminal text Defensor Pacis (1324) in which he attacks the papal theory of plenitude of power and defends an idea of political community based on the strict separation of political and religious authority. Marsilius' work lies at the crossroads of different disciplines, ranging from political philosophy to civil and canon law, to medicine. Indeed, he presents an original synthesis of several contemporary themes and traditions such as Aristotelianism, Augustinianism, the debate on Franciscan property, the communal tradition of the Italian city-states, ecclesiology, medicine, and astrology. This edited volume analyses the life and thought of Marsilius of Padua in his own context and beyond. Gathering many of the leading experts in Marsilian studies across different national and linguistic traditions working today, this volume has two main goals. First, it aims to bring together experts who come from distinct fields in order to investigate the many branches of knowledge present in Defensor Pacis without losing sight of Marsilius as a comprehensive theorist. Second, the volume aims to shed new light on one of the most neglected aspects in Marsilian studies: the Marsilian influence, i.e., his impact in the early modern period during the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, up to twentieth century. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction ? ALESSANDRO MULIERI Part 1. Marsilius's Sources Marsilius of Padua: A Reader of Aristotle's Politica ? ROBERTO LAMBERTINI 'What More do you want?' The Use of the Roman Trial of Jesus by Augustine and Marsilius of Padua ? GERT-JAN VAN DE VOORDE The Early Politics Commentaries as the Missing Link between Marsilius and Aristotle ? MARCO TOSTE Marsilius of Padua on Human Acts, Law, and the (Strengthless) Law of Christ ? IACOPO COSTA Marsilius of Padua and Collective Prudence ? ALESSANDRO MULIERI Part 2. Marsilisus's Thought and his Contemporaries The Social and Political Functions of Emotions in Marsilius of Padua's Defensor pacis (and Defensor minor) ? JUHANA TOIVANEN The Good Life and the Perfect Life in the Defensor pacis ? FERDINAND DEANINI Ghibelline Marsilius. Remarks on Marsilius of Padua's Ghibelline Politico-Institutional Theory ? GIANLUCA BRIGUGLIA Defenders of the Peace: The Political Thought of Marsilius's Italian Dominican Contemporaries ? CHARLES BRIGGS How History Happens: Contingency and Finality in the Political Philosophy of Marsilius of Padua, John Quidort of Paris, and Dante Alighieri ? JACOB LANGELOH 'The Great Refusal': Pilate and Jesus in the Political Theologies of Dante, Valla, and Marsilius ? DAVID LLOYD DUSENBURY Part 3. The Marsilian Moment Between Venice and Sant'Elmo: Tommaso Campanella, Marsilius of Padua, and a 'Modern Theologian' ? SERENA MASOLINI Papacy, Peace, and Political Science: Collective Action Problems in Marsilius of Padua ? CARY J. NEDERMAN The Defender of the Peace during the Third Reich ? FRANK GODHARDT Marsilius of Padua in The Name of the Rose. Between Historical Fiction and post-1968 Ideology ? GREGORIO PIAIA General Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Alexander Christopher‎

Reference : R100055766


ISBN : 2040004327

‎De la synthèse de la forme, essai - Collection aspects de l'urbanisme.‎

‎Dunod. 1979. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. VIII+187 pages - quelques figures en nor et blanc dans le texte - pellicule transparente de la couverture abîmée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎Collection aspects de l'urbanisme - Préface de René Loué - Traduit par Jacques Engelmann et Jacques Sinizergues. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Alexander, J.J.G.‎

Reference : 57327

‎Italiaanse miniaturen uit de renaissance.‎

‎, Het Spectrum 1978, 1978 Hardcover, 120 pagina's, Nederlands, 285 x 210 mm, omslag heeft een betere tijd gehad, boek zelf is in prima staat, met illustraties in kleur, . ISBN 9789027473035.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Alexander Klar ; Juliane Au‎

Reference : 61108

‎Paris ist meine Bibliothek : Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik von F licien Rops‎

‎, Hamburger Kunsthalle, 2023 Hardcover, 216 Seiten, Deutsch, 285 x 215 x 20 mm, NEU, mit abb. in farbe. ISBN 9783731913047.‎

‎Nackte, aufreizend dargestellte Frauenk rper, schockierende satanistische Rituale, fantasievoll-opulente Szenerien: Kaum ein Radierer des 19. Jahrhunderts war derart ber chtigt und einflussreich wie der K nstler F licien Rops (1833?1898). T tig v. a. in Br ssel und Paris pr gten seine immer wieder f r Skandale bekannten Graphiken bis nach 1900 mehrere K nstlergenerationen, zu denen u. a. Max Klinger, Alfred Kubin und Otto Dix geh rten. Hinter seinen frivol-obsz nen Darstellungen stecken scharfer Witz, Gesellschaftskritik sowie politische Satire. Das Kupferstichkabinett der Hamburger Kunsthalle beherbergt seit 1907 eine umfangreiche Sammlung an Werken des belgischen Symbolisten, die bis heute nahezu unbekannt ist. Die Ausstellung ?Paris ist meine Bibliothek? wird erstmals knapp 100 Bl tter aus diesem Konvolut pr sentieren. Dies erlaubt es, die von Rops so h ufig thematisierten Geschlechterrollen, sozialen Verh ltnisse und moralischen Ambivalenzen des 19. Jahrhunderts in den Blick zu nehmen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Alexander Lavrentiev‎

Reference : 57224

‎Varvara Stepanova: A constructivist Life‎

‎, Thames and Hudson 1988, 1988 190 pages, English, 275 x 260 mm, fine copy, illustrations in colour and b/w, . ISBN 9780500091975.‎

‎Omschrijving Leven en werk van Vera Stepanova, die belangrijke bijdragen leverde in de kunst en cultuur van het vroeg-revolutionaire Rusland met andere constructivisten zoals haar man Rodchenko. Zij maakte o.m. stof- en meubelontwerpen, decors en kostuums, boekomslagen en affiches. Met veel foto's van haar werk.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Alexander Streitberger.‎

Reference : 29796

‎Shifting Places: Peter Downsbrough, the Photographs .‎

‎, uni pers leuven, 2011 paperback,Language: English, Series: Lieven Gevaert Series 12, Number of pages: 188 p. Illustrations: 140, Width: 170 cm x Height: 230 cm . ISBN 9789058678720.‎

‎Since the late 1960s Peter Downsbrough (1940) has been an important figure in contemporary art, associated with major international art movements such as minimal art, conceptual art, and visual poetry. In his artistic work he explores various fields including sculpture, architecture, books, film, and photography. This book provides, for the first time, a profound insight into Downsbrough's diverse and complex use of photography within his artistic work over the last 40 years. A substantial essay by Alexander Streitberger discusses the artist's photographic work - which includes single prints, series, postcards, collages, and books - within its aesthetic and historical context. Streitberger relates Downsbrough's work to fundamental issues of photographic practice and discourse such as the photograph as document, the representation of urban space, space-time relations, collage as an aesthetic and political means of expression, the relationship between still and moving image, and the context of presentation. The rich image material - some of which has never been published before - is arranged by the artist himself in order to create a fertile exchange between the topics of the text and his own intervention. Concluding with an exclusive interview with the artist, this book offers a real dialogue between artistic practice and theoretical reflexion. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.50 (€34.50 )

‎ Alexander Tzonis ‎

Reference : 64133

‎Santiago Calatrava: the complete works ‎

‎, Rizzoli, 2004 Hardcover with dusjacket, 432 pages, numerous black-and-white and color illustrations 29x25cm. ISBN 0847826414.‎

‎Spanish-born architect Santiago Calatrava has achieved considerable international acclaim in recent years with his breathtaking feats of engineering in the service of elegant and humanistic modern forms. Santiago Calatrava: The Complete Works comprehensively examines this contemporary master's career, beginning with his education in Valencia and Zurich, and continuing with the origins and development of his celebrated body of work, including the architect's furniture designs, sculpture, and drawings.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.50 (€39.50 )

‎Alexander Tzonis‎

Reference : 49697

‎Santiago Calatrava. The Complete Works‎

‎Paris, Rizzoli International Publications, Relié, jaquette éditeur, rhodoïd., Très bon état ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Alexandra Baudelot, Clara Schulmann, Georgina Jackson, Aisha Sasha John, Lauren A. Wright, Kathy Noble‎

Reference : 53698

‎Zarba Lonsa, _0_0__0, Mesonya / Katinka Bock‎

‎BE - , MER. Paper Kunsthalle, 2018 Softcover, (silver on coated linen) / 192 pages / 28 x 21,6 cm,Languages EN, FR. / FINE ISBN 9789492321701.‎

‎This publication forms the catalogue of three solo-exhibitions of artist Katinka Bock in Paris, London and Toronto that were linked to the work ?Zarba Lonsa? which she created during her residency at Les Laboratoires d?Aubervilliers in Paris in 2016. Particularly interested by the atmosphere of the Quatre-Chemins district where Les Laboratories is located, the artist went to meet merchants to initiate a relationship with them based on the exchange of one of her works for an object of their shop. This gesture was the starting point of a creative process that has unfolded in several forms ? sculptures, installation, films and photos. Renewing the process of this exchange-based relationship in a specific urban context for a new production of works and photographs, a second edition of the project took shape under the title _0_0__0 in June 2017 at Mercer Union in Toronto. To complete the series, a last edition took place at the Siobhan Davies Dance in London under the title Mesonya/ in Fall 2017‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR38.99 (€38.99 )

‎ Alexandra BITCHKOVA, Melle Yvonne BOUCHAUD, M. Alexey BRODOOVITCH, Melle Marianne CLOUZOT, M. Serge GLADY, M Boris LACROIX, M. OKOULOW, M. ICHIMOUKOW, M. Henry VALENSI. ‎

Reference : 13775


‎DESSINS suite de 20 planches en couleurs, au pochoir, 285x380mm. Librairie des Arts Décoratifs A. CALAVAS éditeur Paris. 1929. Planches par Alexandra BITCHKOVA (2) Melle Yvonne BOUCHAUD (2) M. Alexey BRODOOVITCH (2) Melle Marianne CLOUZOT (2) M. Serge GLADY (2) M ; Boris LACROIX (2) M. OKOULOW(2) M. ICHIMOUKOW(2) M. Henry VALENSI. Portefeuille cartonné, muet, dos demi toile rouge, fermoirs à rubans. DRAWINGS; suite of 20 color plates, stencilled, 285x380mm. Librairie des Arts Décoratifs A. CALAVAS publisher Paris. 1929. Plates by Alexandra BITCHKOVA (2) Ms. Yvonne BOUCHAUD (2) Mr. Alexey BRODOOVITCH (2) Ms. Marianne CLOUZOT (2) Mr. Serge GLADY (2) Mr. Boris LACROIX (2) Mr. OKOULOW(2) Mr. ICHIMOUKOW(2) Mr. Henry VALENSI. Cardboard wallet, silent, half red canvas back, ribbon clasps‎

Charbonnel - Bar le Duc

Phone number : 03 29 79 40 63

EUR2,500.00 (€2,500.00 )

‎Alexandra Loske ; Sarah Lowengard‎

Reference : 63580

‎Book of Colour Concepts : 1686-1963 :‎

‎, Taschen, 2024 Hardcover, two vols. in slipcase, 24.3 x 30.4 cm, 846 pages, Multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish). ISBN 9783836595650.‎

‎The human history of color, in two sweeping volumes The earliest forms of human creativity ? in carvings, markings, and cave paintings ? bear witness to humanity?s engagement with color. Almost as old as these examples is the desire to assign structure, order, and meaning to this universal yet elusive concept, and it is this fascination that unites the works compiled in this expansive edition. Gathering over 65 rare books and manuscripts from a wealth of institutions, including the most distinguished color collections worldwide, The Book of Colour Concepts takes the reader on a chromatic odyssey across four centuries and over 1,000 images of luscious wheels and globes, painstakingly collated charts, and meticulous diagrams, many of them newly photographed exclusively for this edition. Some of these concepts provide exhaustive taxonomies of color, while others reflect upon the relationship of color and music, or the affinities between color and human emotions. Seminal works of color theory, such as Isaac Newton?s Opticks and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe?s hugely significant Zur Farbenlehre, are shown alongside rare and unfamiliar contributions, including the theosophical color systems of Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant, the comprehensive color ?dictionary? of Aloys John Maerz and Morris Rea Paul, and the patchwork combinations of the Japanese costume designer and artist Sanz? Wada. The two volumes also bring many intriguing and often overlooked works by women into the spotlight, including the radically inventive color ?blots? of the English flower painter Mary Gartside and a botanical notebook by the pionieering spiritualist Hilma af Klint. The color systems that make up this edition are contextualized by introductory essays from editor Alexandra Loske and co-author Sarah Lowengard, while authoritative texts from the editor on the works reproduced set out each concept in further detail. Illuminating the history of color in all its shapes and forms, The Book of Colour Concepts offers a chromatic chronology unparalleled in scope.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎ALEXANDRE, Arsène ; MACON, Gustave ; NOLHAC, Pierre de‎

Reference : 114540


‎Les châteaux : Versailles, Maison de Saint-Cyr, Compiègne, Chantilly [4 volumes en 1]‎

‎Paris, Librairie A. Pigoreau 1911 4 volumes en 1. In-folio 41,5 x 36,5 cm. Cartonnage éditeur pleine percaline rouge, dos muet, titre doré sur le premier plat encadré d’une frise noir & or, premiers plats de couverture en couleurs conservés, 24-[26]-24-24 pp., abondamment illustré en noir & blanc de reproductions et de documents d’époque, 9 planches en couleurs hors texte sous serpentes. Exemplaire en bon état.‎

‎Contient : Versailles par Pierre de Nolhac - Les fastes de Saint-Cyr (1808-1908) - Le palais de Compiègne, par Arsène Alexandre - Chantilly, par Gustave Macon. Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

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EUR159.00 (€159.00 )

‎Alexandre Ducourneau‎

Reference : 55016

‎lithographies de : La Guienne Historique et Monumentale‎

‎, Les Editions de l'Entre-deux-Mers, 2000 Paperback, 262 pages, Francais, 310 x 225 mm, etat bon!. Illustrations en n/b. ISBN 9782913568082.‎

‎Pr sente la reproduction des 280 lithographies r alis es par A. Ducourneau, autour des monuments les plus remarquables de l'ancienne Guyenne‎


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