Louis Jean, Imprimeur-Editeur Gap 1929 Plaquette in-8 ( 255 X 165 mm ) de 43 pages, agrafée sous couverture imprimée. EDITION ORIGINALE au tirage limité à 100 exemplaires. Dos et une partie des plats insolés, intérieur pur.
Imprimerie Ribaud Frères Gap 1947 Plaquette in-8 ( 250 X 165 mm ) de 20 pages, agrafée sous couverture imprimée. EDITION ORIGINALE. Bel exemplaire.
Imprimerie Ribaud Frères Gap 1941 Plaquette in-8 ( 255 X 165 mm ) de 32 pages, agrafée sous couverture imprimée. EDITION ORIGINALE au tirage limité à 100 exemplaires. Dos et une partie des plats insolés, intérieur pur.
Imprimerie Ribaud Gap 1941 In-8 ( 250 X 160 mm ) de 76 pages, broché sous couverture imprimée. EDITION ORIGINALE au tirage limité à 100 exemplaires. Marges de la couverture jaunie, bel exemplaire.
L. Jean Et Peyrot Gap 1910 Plaquette in-8 ( 255 X 165 mm ) de 19 pages, agrafée sous couverture imprimée. EDITION ORIGINALE au tirage limité à 100 exemplaires. Petites décharges de papier collant sur les gardes, bel exemplaire.
Manuela Studer-Karlen, Ivan Foletti, Adrien Palladino, Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, Irene Giviashvili, Nato Chitishvili, Thomas Kaffenberger, Irma Mamasakhlisi (eds)
Reference : 65280
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 189 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9788021098886.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Manuela Studer-Karlen, Georgia as a Bridge between Cultures: Dynamics of Artistic Exchange (introduction to A. Palladino's translation of H. Belting) - Ivan Foletti, Belting from Belting. From Moscow to Constantinople, and to Georgia (translation of H. Belting's article) Adrien Palladino, The Painter Manuel Eugenikos from Constantinople in Georgia, translated from Hans Belting Articles: Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, The Khakhuli Dome Decoration Irene Giviashvili, Liturgy and Architecture: Constantinopolitan Rite and Changes in the Architectural Planning of Georgian Churches Nato Chitishvili, Altars in Medieval Georgian Churches: Preliminary Notes on their Arrangement, Decoration, and the Rite of Consecration Thomas Kaffenberger, Liminal Spaces of Memory, Devotion, and Feasting? Porch-Chapels in Eleventh-Century Georgia Manuela Studer-Karlen, The Monastery of the Transfiguration in Zarzma: At the Intersection of Biblical Narration and Liturgical Relevance Irma Mamasakhlisi, The Theme of the Last Judgment in Medieval Georgian Art (Tenth-Thirteenth Centuries)
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 232 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:100 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788028003821.
Summary The essays collected in this volume emphasize the importance of Svaneti, a historical region of the Georgian Great Caucasus as an unparalleled treasury of medieval arts, describe some of its outstanding monuments, provide interpretations of their political and religious role at the intersection of different cultural traditions, and explore the dynamics whereby they have constantly invested with new functions and associations throughout their long history. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Michele Bacci & Ivan Foletti Svaneti and the Rhetoric of Distance Irine Elizbarashvili & Irene Giviashvili Architecture of the Upper Svaneti Salome Meladze Painted Chancel Screens in Upper Svaneti. The Evidence of Early Monuments Nina Chichinadze The Interactions of Images in Sacred Space. A Case Study: The Church of St Barbara in Khe, Upper Svaneti Marine Kenia The Image of the Virgin in the Medieval Painting of Svaneti Ekaterine Gedevanishvili Iprari Murals. Reading of the Scene of the Apparition of the Angel to Joshua Manuela Studer-Karlen Image and Liturgy. The Church of the Archangels in Tanghili Antony Eastmond Icons, Saints, and Society in Svaneti Nana Burchuladze Icons from Svaneti in the Context of Byzantine Paintings Nutsa Batiashvili & Nikoloz Aleksidze Symbolic Treasure, Care, and Materiality in Upper Svaneti
Manuel Borja-Villel, Charlotte Friling, Dirk Snauwaert, foreword by Maria Gilissen-Broodhaers
Reference : 57504
, WIELS, Brussels / Hatje Cantz, 2021 HB, 285 x 235 mm, 400 pages, Eng. edition. ISBN 9783775751322.
Marcel Broodthaers's work is characterized by a complex exploration of the relationship of text and image. This catalog raisonn , prepared by WIELS and developed in close collaboration with the Marcel Broodthaers Succession, is the first to include all of the Belgian conceptual artist's industrial poems created between 1968 and 1972. Borrowing from the aesthetics of industrially manufactured plastic signs, Broodthaers's multi-layered, often enigmatic pictorial poems testify to his interest in the entanglements of language, punctuation, and symbols. In blurring the boundaries between word and image, painting and object, new levels of meaning are made visible. The index is supplemented by a collection of Broodthaers's drawings, writings and "open letters" as well as scholarly contributions that position the poems as a crucial group of works within the artist's oeuvre. MARCEL BROODTHAERS (1924-1976) developed his po mes industriels simultaneously to his seminal work, the Mus e d'Art Moderne, D partement des Aigles. They form an important element in the development of his fictional museum, a central work of institutional critique.
EVEREST. 1976. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 96 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte en espagnol.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
P. Ducher 1879 3 vol. in-8, demi chagrin, dos à nerfs.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, cliv + 435 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language(s):Greek, English. ISBN 9782503528076.
Summary The volume comprises the editio princeps of the treatise On the Procession of the Holy Spirit by the Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425). The lengthy treatise was written in response to the tract of an anonymous Latin monk, presented to the Emperor during his sojourn in Paris (1400-1402). Information in the text and palaeographical evidence in the earlier version (Vat. gr. 1107) suggest that though the major part of the treatise was written in Paris, Manuel continued revising the text after his return to Constantinople, with the help of his fellow theologian Macarius Macres. The edition is based on the revised version (Barb. gr. 219) copied by an anonymous scribe belonging to Manuel's circle. The treatise comprises a brief Preface by the Emperor, a pr cis of the syllogism put forward by the Latin in defense of the dual procession of the Holy Spirit, and Manuel's refutation of the Latin arguments in 156 chapters, followed by the unpublished discourse On the Order in the Trinity. The volume also comprises an edition of Manuel's Letter to Lord Alexius Iagoupes, preserved in two manuscripts (Par. gr. 3041 and Barb. gr. 219). In this long epistolary discourse, addressed ostensibly to his oikeios Alexius Iagoupes, but in reality to an anonymous Latinophron, Manuel defends his views on the study of theology and, to some extent, his imperial duties towards the Church. Internal evidence in the Letter enables us to identify the anonymous critic with Manuel Calecas, placing its composition ca. 1396. The edition of these texts, accompanied by three apparatuses (locorum parallelorum, criticus and fontium), is preceded by Bibliography, an Introduction and a study of the manuscript tradition with detailed description of the extant manuscripts, an examination of the texts, the relations of the manuscripts, and the stemmata codicum, followed by indices locorum Sacrae Scripturae, nominum and verborum.
Manuscrit resté anonyme, daté de 1902 ; 37 feuillets non chiffrés soit 73 pages écrites ou dessinées, dans un carnet in-24° oblong ( 9, 5 cm X 14 cm), pleine toile beige muette de l' époque.
Illustré par l'auteur de 20 dessins dans le texte dont plusieurs à pleine page et 4 sur 2 petits feuillets de papier Canson volants: relevés de détails ou ensembles architecturaux faits dans les églises et cathédrales de Lausanne, Berne, Interlaken,etc.Le texte commente ces relevés et raconte le voyage, les paysages, les villes et villages traversés.Le voyage commence par un petit déjeuner sur la ligne Pontarlier-Lausanne.(GrD2)
, Garant, 2008 Softcover met stofomslag, 247 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Nieuw. ISBN 9789044122633.
De uitgever Bert Bakker (1912-1969) raakte vlak voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog betrokken bij de Haagse uitgeverij D.A. Daamen N.V. Na de oorlog bouwde hij die uitgeverij uit tot een belangrijk literair fonds. Met zijn Ooievaar-pockets as hij in 1954 bovendien een van de eersten die van de kracht van deze moderne verschijningsvorm de vruchten plukte. De hoge oplagen van die boekjes zorgden ervoor dat veel beginnende lezers via de Ooievaars met literatuur in aanraking kwamen. Je hoeft wat dat betreft alleen maar te denken aan het succes van de po ziebloemlezing Nieuwe griffels schone leien. Van Gorter tot Lucebert, van Gezelle tot Hugo Claus door Paul Rodenko. Tegen een interviewer beweerde Bakker begin jaren zesti: 'men gelooft het niet, maar eigenlijk ben ik zeer verlegen'. Men geloofde het inderdaad niet, want Bakker heeft die verlegenheid voor iedereen verborgen weten te houden. De interviews die Ad Fransen voor dit nummer heeft gehouden met mensen die Bakker nog hebben gekend, gaf hij als titel mee; 'Een varken dat van Bach hield'. Bakker wordt met Geert Lubberhuizen van De Bezige Bij en Geert van Oorschot gezien als een van de belangrijke vernieuwers van het naoorlogse boekenvak die een blijvende invloed hebben uitgeoefend op het uitgeversvak. Bert Bakker en zijn fonds worden in deze speciale aflevering in een veelheid van bijdragen belicht; zijn plaats binnen het uitgeverijveld, zijn positie binnen het Haagse kunstleven, zijn literaire werk, zijn verhouding tot auteurs, zijn relatie tot 'vrouwenpo zie', zijn clandestiene Mansarde Pers, zijn tijdschrift Maatstaf, en de Ooievaar-pockets. De veelheid van onderwerpen maakt een sporadische overlapping onvermijdelijk.
Herzogenbuchsee, Ernst Ingold, 1965. Farblithographie auf Papier auf Leine aufgezogen. Bildgrösse: 65 x 90 cm.
Schw. Schulwandbild Nr. 128.
Narni-Terni, Plurigraf, 1986. 20 x 26, 95 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, broché, très bon état.
London, Wildwood House, 1973 Hardcover with dustjacket, 113 pages, 22 x 14.5 cm, EN.
The Poetry of Mao Tse-Tung
1889 1889 Garnier frères, Paris, 1889. 1 volume in folio demi basane fauve, dos muet à nerfs, [III ] et 346 pages, portrait de Louis XIV en frontispice, nombreuses illustrations in et hors-texte. Bon état, intérieur frais.
La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné. La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xiv + 434 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:40 b/w, Language(s):English, French, Spanish. ISBN 9782503608488.
Summary This volume revisits the artificial and enormously limiting historiographical concepts of centre and periphery in European musical life throughout the long 19th century and until the outbreak of the First World War. In this period, music played a prominent role, and cities such as Paris, Vienna, Milan or London, real laboratories of artistic creation, became social and cultural references for the rest of the continent, whose inhabitants strove to imitate their musical habits such as concert and theatrical life, soir es, parties or musical promenades. From diverse perspectives, this volume rethinks the singularity, influence and connections of different European musical centres, analysing the reproduction of cultural models and the conflicts that these models imposed on the peripheries, most of which have been ignored in the historiography of Western European music. In addition, it will also address the birth of musico-national languages situated on the European geographical margins, that develop interesting synergies between universality and nationality. The peripheral models of musical production and circulation in contexts far from the usual musical venues will also be addressed, as well as the derived cultural transfers.
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xiv + 562 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:25 b/w, Language(s):English, Spanish, French. ISBN 9782503595436.
Summary This volume addresses the complex variety of stage works with sung and spoken sections, such as vaudeville , singspiel , op ra-comique , zarzuela or operetta in different European countries from the eighteenth century to the beginning of the Twenties. Beyond a multifaceted perspective, twenty-one essays investigate the nature of these musical theatre forms, attending their origins, literary sources, relationships, vocality or cultural transfers, features that in some cases have made them become a mass phenomenon. The dissemination and adaptation of these genres through different national contexts, confirms the significance of the long-standing relationship between them and the contemporary dramatical and musical repertoire, revealing significant synergies, always conditioned by the market evolution. TABLE OF CONTENTS Mar a Encina Cortizo - Michela Niccolai Preface VAUDEVILLE and OP RA-COMIQUE Danielle L. Herrington Sensibilit , Self-Sacrifice, and the Sentimental: Examining Jacques-Marie Boutet de Monvel and Nicolas Dalayrac's Ideological Diversion Philippe et Georgette (1791) at the Salle Favart Bertrand Porot Un petit r citatif sans accompagnement : les vaudevilles l'op ra-comique, nouvelles perspectives Roberto Scoccimarro L'op ra-comique come creazione collettiva: La Prisonni re (1799),Bayard M zi res (1814), La Marquise de Brinvilliers (1831) William Osmond En Hollandais, s'il vous pla t! : Singing and Reciting French com die-vaudeville in Amsterdam (1830s) SINGSPIEL and Operetta Andrea Horz Johann Adam Hiller's Lottchen am Hofe: Contextualising Singspiel in French Traditions Marijana Kokanovic Markovic - Lada Durakovic The Place and Significance of the Opera Kuku?ka (Tatjana) in Franz Leh r's Opus Angeliki Kordellou The Contribution of Spiridon-Filiskos Samaras (1861-1917) to the Greek Operetta ZARZUELA and Vocality in Spain Luis Antonio Gonz lez Mar n Actrices o cantantes? Aspectos de la vocalidad en el teatro musical de Jos de Nebra Mar a Encina Cortizo The Spanish zarzuela in the 19th Century: French Patterns, Italian Harmonies and Theatrical Hispanic Tradition Ram n Sobrino The Emergence of the revista de actualidades and the sainete l rico: Main Patterns of the g nero chico in the teatro por horas in Spain (1868-1901) Andrea Garc a Torres Discursos literarios sobre el g nero chico: funcionamiento, recepci n y controversias ideol gicas entre el contexto local e internacional Zoila Mart nez Beltr n The Music of Spain (1918) by Carl Van Vechten.Focusing on Spanish Coloratura Singers Portuguese Musical Theatre Catarina Ribeiro Braga The Role of Amateur Societies in the Dissemination of Operetta and Music Theatre in Portugal in the Late Nineteenth Century David Cranmer Musical Theatre in Portugal and Brazil of the Ancien r gime Questions of Genre Jana Frankov From a Comedy to an op ra-comique: The Clandestine Marriage (1766) by Colman and Garrick and Its Adaptations in the 18th-Century Musical Theatre Adela Presas Zarzuela y opereta: formatos dram tico-musicales en un acto en la frontera cr tica del siglo xviii al xix Trevor Penoyer-Kulin Op rette, op ra-comique, and the Field of Operatic Production Francesc Cort s De Barcelona al Parnaso: traducciones y adaptaciones de peras bufas y operetas francesas en Barcelona V ctor S nchez S nchez La zarzuela en las compa as de opereta italiana Jos Ignacio Su rez Garc a Parodias espa olas sobre Tannha ser (1890) Sylvie Douche L'entre-deux d clamatoire ou le m lodrame fran ais du xixe si cle Abstracts and Biographies Index of Names
Harvard Univ. Press, Univ. Houston, , 2008, in-4 softcover, about 160 pp, illustrations. In english. Cover in good condition, inside very good.
, RMN, 2006 Paperback, 128 pages, English, Illustrated. ISBN 9782711851379.
Profiles a tour of the European Art collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. With detailed views of some of the stunning pieces. Includes a written history of the museum; then advances chronologically through the paintings and sculptures, from the 13th century to the 20th century.
Venise, Chorus/Marsilio, 2000. 12 x 22, 119 pp., nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, broché, bon état.
Sl, 1936, in8br, 55pp, nb illustrations et plans Cachet discret. Langue: Français
Couverture souple Cahors , 1937 , in8 broché , 24 pp . Plan , illustrations . Tiré à part de " Bulletin des Etudes . du Lot " Langue: Français
Cahors, Imp. Typographique A. Coueslant, (1937) ; plaquette in-8, br. - 24pp. 4 illustrations en noir et un plan. Bon état.
Extrait du Bulletin de la Société des Etudes littéraires, Scientifiques et Artistiques du Lot, 1937.