, David Zwirner , 2020 hardcover, dusjacket, 241 x 171 mm, 76 pages, 30 colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9781644230336.
Widely credited with having contributed to the revival of painting in the 1990s, Belgian painter Luc Tuymans continues to expand our understanding of the medium. Sourcing imagery from books, magazines, films, the internet, and increasingly his own iPhone photos, Tuymans's unique selection of subject matter reveals his fascination with moral complexities. Exploring diverse and sensitive topics, many of which include historic references from World War II to more contemporary events such as 9/11, Tuymans presents imagery that at first seems innocuous or approachable but upon deeper inspection can be entirely unsettling. Achieved through his masterful handling of paint, his works are often suggestive of memories or familiar people, places, and things. The latest in the Spotlight Series, which focuses on new bodies of work by contemporary artists, Tuymans continues to take on increasingly complex subject matters in his primarily muted palette. Published on the occasion of the artist's 2020 solo exhibition at David Zwirner Hong Kong, this book features an essay by art critic Su Wei, who approaches Tuymans's newest paintings and how they expand his oeuvre. Luc Tuymans (b. 1958) is known for a distinctive style of painting that demonstrates images' power to simultaneously communicate and withhold. Emerging in the 1980s, Tuymans pioneered a decidedly non-narrative approach to figurative painting, instead exploring how information can be layered and embedded within certain scenes and signifiers. Based on preexisting imagery culled from a variety of sources, his works are rendered in a muted palette that is suggestive of a blurry recollection or a fading memory. Their quiet and restrained appearance, however, belies an underlying moral complexity. They engage equally with questions of history and its representation as they do with quotidian subject matter. Tuymans's canvases, which are typically executed on a large scale, both undermine and reinvent traditional notions of monumentality through their insistence on the ambiguity of meaning. Su Wei is a curator and art critic based in Beijing. He is the senior curator of Inside-Out Art Museum (IOAM), Beijing. His curatorial projects include the 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale, China (2012)
, Labor , 1990 Softcover, 207 pages, Texte en Francais, 280 x 245 x 15 mm, Tres belle exemplaire, Illustrations en n/b. ISBN 9782804008031.
T moins na fs ou savants de l'invention technique et du d veloppement conomique, les constructions industrielles sont aussi des ?uvres d'architecture l' tat naissant. Suscit es parfois par l'urgence, toujours par la n cessit , elles frappent le spectateur par une simplicit qui se traduit dans des formes directes, pures, d barrass es de tout artifice ornemental, ou par le jeu complexe des structures. Cet ouvrage est la rencontre de cette architecture et de la vision photographique ou po tique: une compr hension sensible qui ne se veut ni arch ologique ni technique.
Knokke-Heist, Galerie Luc Van Middelem , 2016 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 33x24cm, 48 pages met talrijke afbeeldingen z/w en kleur.
Tentoonstellingscatalogus Paul Van Hoeydonck : zero artist: first art on the moon
, Bij de auteurs, s.d. , 2021 Gebonden, hardcover, 207 pagina's, 25.5x33cm., talrijke ills. in kleur, In nieuwstaat.
In dit boek Herman Vanspringel @ Herman Vanspringels Diamond, Diamonds For Ever? worden alle belangrijke overwinningen van Monsieur Bordeaux-Paris beschreven. Als supporter was het voor Luc Wuyts de logica zelve om enkel en alleen de succesmomenten van zijn wielerheld te beschrijven. In het boek zijn woordelijk de interviews met Herman weergegeven -met af en toe een sappig woordje Kempens dialect- om zo een beeld te geven hoe de Grobbendonkenaar zijn succesrijke wielercarri re heeft beleefd en hoe hij als mens in elkaar zit. In zijn zeventien profjaren won Herman 136 koersen, de meeste met een duidelijke meerwaarde. Hij haalde het eindpodium van de drie grote ronden, won in zijn topjaar 1968 de Giro di Lombardia zes weken nadat hij in ? Imola vice-wereldkampioen werd. In 1971 werd hij in Martelange kampioen van Belgi .Vanspringel vooral als "monsieur Bordeaux-Paris" opvoeren is hem schromelijk tekort doen. Die mooie zevenledige vlag is nog te klein om de immense lading te dekken. Herman won vooral ook Gent-Wevelgem 1966, de Omloop Het Volk 1968, Paris-Tours 1969, de G.P. des Nations 1969 & 1970, de Trofeo Baracchi 1969, de groene trui in de Tour van 1973, de E3 Harelbeke 1974, ? naast dagzeges in rittenkoersen nu meetellen in de World Tour. Luc van Lin van Sus Kab , is de zoon van Celine Dockx, de oudste dochter van Frans Dockx, in de volksmond Sus Kab genoemd. Moeder en grootvader zijn beiden geboren en getogen in Lille en zo wil Luc Wuyts met zijn pseudoniem de verbondenheid met Kempenaar Herman Vanspringel accentueren. Luc Wuyts is sinds zijn 10 jaar trouw supporter van Herman Vanspringel en werd later als wielerorganisator de geestelijke vader van de Herman Vanspringels Diamond. In die hoedanigheid liet hij in 1999 door Robert Janssens, gerenommeerd wielerjournalist bij Het Laatste Nieuws, een eerste boek over Herman Vanspringel schrijven. Toen Luc Wuyts met de camera?s van ATV het eerste exemplaar van het boek van Robert Janssens kwam overhandigen ten huize Herman Vanspringel, ontsnapte hem de ontgoocheling niet van zijn idool, die een veel groter formaat en een veel luxueuzere uitvoering had verwacht. Dit was voor de auteur de reden waarom er een vierde boek over Herman Vanspringel moest verschijnen. Het tweede gedeelte van het boek schetst de evolutie van de wielersport tussen 1945 en 2030. Luc Wuyts doet dit aan de hand van zijn betrokkenheid met de wielersport sinds 1974 als bestuurslid en latere voorzitter van het Koninklijk Wieler-Sportcomit Kalmthout. De Wisselbeker Herman Vanspringel die in 2002 omgedoopt werd tot Herman Vanspringels Diamond is daarbij een bijzonder item. Deze nieuwelingenwedstrijd werd 25 jaar in Kalmthout georganiseerd om daarna tussen Duffel en Vorselaar zijn verloop te kennen. De intense samenwerking tussen de Duffelse Wielervrienden en Wielercomit Vorselaar bracht de Herman Vanspringels Diamond naar ongekende successen met als motors het enthousiasme en de werkkracht van Jan Vervoort en de stuwende kracht van burgemeester Lieven Janssens. In het boek brengt Mark Uytterhoeven ook nog een schitterend hoofdstuk voor zijn wielerheld zoals alleen Mark Uytterhoeven dit kan.
, National Galleries Of Scotland, 2014 Hardcover, 104 pages, ENG, 270 x 220 x 15 mm, As New, dustjacket, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9781906270179.
A celebration of the later works of Louise Bourgeois looking at her sculpture, prints and drawings.
, British Library 2022, 2022 Hardcover, 160 pages , ENGLISH , 245 x 190 mm, NEW , dozens of coloured images, . ISBN 9780712354363.
The idea of the book was central throughout the western European and the eastern Mediterranean world in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. From the beginning, the word for 'book'-sefer in Hebrew, biblia in Greek, and liber in Latin-was identified with sacred writings--the Holy Scriptures of Jews and Christians, who were known as 'people of the book'. The centrality of the book to medieval thought is reflected materially in the countless images of books that appear in the manuscripts of the era, be they in the most treasured, highly decorated, sacred texts or in devotional and secular works as well. In Penned & Painted, Lucy Freeman Sandler, one of one of the world's most respected authorities on medieval art, takes us on a personal but highly insightful exploration of some of the British Library's most precious manuscript holdings and describes the many uses and meanings of these 'books in books'. Through the fascinating face-to-face discovery of 60 manuscripts, she investigates the various types and forms of books as depicted in the era. How were they produced and what did they look like? What do they tell us of the lives and skills of the scribes and illuminators? What did these books record and signify? How were they displayed, consumed and how did some of these objects of supreme beauty even come to be wantonly destroyed? Penned & Painted is presented in full-colour throughout and includes a high number of images specially photographed for this volume.
Strasbourg, Editions des dernières nouvelles ISTRA 1979, 275x200mm, XVI - 397pages, reliure d'éditeur. Tirage limité à 1700 exemplaires. Bel exemplaire.
photos couleurs et n/b,
ABC décor, numéro spécial ABC décor, Paris, 1973. In-4, reliure pleine toile éditeur, 113 pp. 1709-1750 : A la recherche d'un style : Dans la flamme du grand feu. - La magie du petit feu. - Premières figurines - 1750-1775 : L'apogée : Paul Hannong. - Les "trompe-l'oeil". - Joseph Hannong. - Les marques. - ...
Abondante iconographie en couleur. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
, Houtekiet, 2014 Paperback 214 pagina's. ISBN 9789089242839.
Aan het einde van de 18de eeuw stelde Immanuel Kant een aantal pertinente vragen. Wat kunnen we weten? Wat mogen we hopen? Wat kunnen we doen? Na twee eeuwen zijn die actueler dan ooit: wat kunnen we met zekerheid weten, vooral nu de Grote Verhalen van het christendom, het liberalisme, het socialisme en zelfs de democratie hun aantrekkingskracht verloren hebben? Mogen we nog hopen op een andere, betere samenleving, zowel lokaal als internationaal? Anders gezegd: kunnen we nog nieuwe maatschappijmodellen ontwerpen die het beste van de emancipatietraditie bewaren en toch vernieuwend zijn? En zo ja, kan deze vernieuwing voor de eerste keer in de geschiedenis gedragen worden door een meerderheid van gewone burgers? En wat zijn daar de noodzakelijke voorwaarden van? Democratie n sterven liggend begint daarom met een aantal reflecties over de betrouwbaarheid van onze kennis. Daarna pleit Ludo Abicht voor 'een christendom zonder God' en 'een communisme zonder leiders'. Tot slot schetst de auteur een geloofwaardige en haalbare tactiek om een stap naar een ondubbelzinnig democratisch project te zetten.
, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC (1981), 1981 Paperback, 47 pages, ENG, 270 x 230 mm, reasonable condition, with illustrations in colour and b/w. ISBN 9780865280120.
, Uitgever:Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig de B le, 2004 Paperback, 383 pages, Texte en Francais, 290 x 245 x 30 mm, Tres belle exemplaire.Illustrations en couleur / n/b. ISBN 9783905057188.
r ussi un v ritable tour de force: faire venir en Suisse des chefs-duvre du patrimoine culturel mondial qui n'avaient pas quitt l' gypte depuis plus de vingt ans, certains n'ayant m me jamais t montr s hors de leur pays d'origine. Le temps d'une exposition, ces tr sors sont accessibles un large public. La culture de l'ancienne gypte n'a jamais cess de nous fasciner; ; cela fait des g n rations qu'elle inspire artistes et intellectuels. Si elle fait partie de l'h ritage culturel mondial, elle marque galement de son empreinte l'art visuel contemporain. Il est d sormais possible d'admirer B le de fabuleux t moins de cette civilisation raffin e. L'exposition Toutankhamon - L'or de l'au-del " rassemble des pi ces inestimables provenant de la Vall e des Rois. D s le premier regard, nous sommes frapp s par la perfection et la beaut de ces uvres et voulons en savoir plus sur le contexte culturel dans lequel elles ont vu le jour. L'exposition apporte un clairage nouveau sur la civilisation et l'art gyptiens, sur lesquels la pr sente publication nous fournit des informations d taill es
, Schwann Verlag , 1969 Softcover, 238 seiten, Deutsch, 300 x 210 mm, mit abbildungen, .
Berlin, 1971 99pp. + 54 bl/w plates out of text, 29cm., text in German, Doctoral Dissertation ("Vom Fachbereich 8 - Bauplanung und -fertigung der Technischen Universität Berlin zur Verleihung des akademischen Grades Doktor-Ingenieur genehmigte Dissertation"), softcover, stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, S113254
La Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne), Zodiaque 1975, 220x175mm, 419pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Très bel exemplaire
158 photos en héliogravure, 6 planches en couleurs, illustrations n/b in et hors texte: cartes, plans, croquis,
Ed. Zodiaque - Coll. "La nuit des temps" vol. 43 - 1975 - grand in-8 - couv. cartonnée, pleine toile, jaquette éditeur illustrée - 421 pages - nbses photos couleurs et N&B hors texte - première éditionExcellent état malgré petite salissure sur le dos de la jaquette
Zodiaque, 1975, gr. in-8vo, 419 p., ill. de très nombreuses photos n/b + couleur, reliure en toile originale avec jaquette ill.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Zodiaque, 1975, gr. in-8vo, 421 p., ill. de nombreuses photos en héliogravure, reliure en toile originale avec jaquette ill. et étui (étui abîmé).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
P., Copedith, 1972, gr. in-8°, 152 pp, notes, broché, bon état (Système économique urbain - Document de travail - Action concertée des recherches urbaines)
Sion, Imprimerie Constantin SA 1995, 310x180mm, 120pages, reliure d'éditeur. Bel exemplaire.
photos couleurs et n/b,
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, x + 286 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:34 b/w, Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9782503606767.
Summary Sound is an essential element of human experience. It is part of the complex semiotic system that enables human communities to orient themselves in time and space, to be informed, to participate in social life as conscious listeners, capable of deciphering and giving meaning to the collective action of the urban space in which they live. Deeper sound horizons reverberate at different levels on the sonic dimension of reality, contributing to a more complex semantic process of the collective civic rituality and the construction of institutional and individual sound identities. In order to investigate the urban soundscape, it is important to define the nature of the sound phenomena to be examined, but also the dynamics concerning their perception as part of complex anthropological processes. These perspectives can be considered from a historical point of view. The studies collected in this volume aim to investigate sound as an element of urban space in early modern Italy. They consider different phenomenologies investigated through innovative methodological perspectives. Particular importance is given to the sound of urban rituality, to its declinations and local connotations, to its ability to interact with public and private dimensions, to the social and aesthetic dynamics that regulate it, and to the definition of the sonic identity of early modern urban space. TABLE OF CONTENTS LUIGI COLLARILE & MARIA ROSA DE LUCA, Introduction VALERIA DE LUCCA, Regulating Sound and Noise in Seventeenth-Century Rome LUIGI COLLARILE, Ephemerides itineris romani : Experiencing the Sound of Italy in two Swiss Travel Diaries of the Seventeenth-Century UMBERTO CECCHINATO, Suoni pericolosi. Musica sacra, emozioni e disciplinamento dello spazio sonoro nelle chiese venete della prima et moderna ANGELA FIORE, Suoni, spazi, identit della Modena estense GIOVANNI FLORIO, Celebrating the Prince from Afar: Echoes of the Jubilant Terraferma in the Orations to the Newly Elected Doges (XVI-XVII Century) NICOLA USULA, Traditional Music in Seventeenth-Century Operas 'alla Veneziana': Intersections in the Italian Soundscape ELIA PIVETTA, Forms of Circulation of Musical Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Italy: Giambattista Martini's Risposta to abate Pavona friulano ANGELA FIORE, Urban Spaces and Sound Practices in Neapolitan Female Monasteries Between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries MARIA ROSA DE LUCA, Ritualizing a Resilient City: Soundscape, Collective Performances and Construction of Urban Imaginary GIUSEPPINA LA FACE BIANCONI, La musica come persecuzione. L'inquinamento musicale nelle citt odierne
, Taschen 2022, 2022 Hardcover, 788 pages, ENG / FR / D, , 350 x 260 mm, NEW, dustjacket, illustrations in colour and b/w. ISBN 9783836587617.
Explore the complete etchings of Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the 18th-century engraver famed for his architectural views of Rome and his imaginary prisons. In this edition, you?ll find all the extraordinary detail and fantasy with which Piranesi shaped not only the European image of Italy, but also an impressive artistic legacy, from Edgar Allan Poe to the moving staircases at Hogwarts.
Deganello in4. Sans date. Broché. 63 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
, Luigi Moretti , 1950-1953 NRS. 1 7 complet, 33x25cm .
SPAZIO NRS. 1 7 complet. 1950-1953 Rome. R d. : Luigi Moretti. Textes importants de Moretti (Eclecticism and unity of language, Structures and sequences of spaces, Transfigurations of wall structures, etc.). S rie des 7 num. publi s between 1950-1953 qui rendirent c l bre la revue, qui paru ensuite de mani re plus sporadique. // Spazio, Rassegna delle Arti e dell'Architettura una rivista d'arte edita dal 1950 al 1953 a Roma con l'intento di proporre collegamenti fra le diverse forme d'arte (dall'architettura alla scultura, dalla pittura al cinema e al teatro). Fu fondata dall'architetto romano Luigi Walter Moretti, che non a caso apriva il primo numero con l'articolo Eclettismo e unit di linguaggio. Attraverso di essa pubblic i suoi saggi pi importanti: oltre al gi citato Eclettismo e unit di linguaggio del 1950, Genesi di forme della figura umana (1950), Forme astratte nella scultura barocca (1950), Colore di Venezia (1950), Trasfigurazioni di strutture murarie (1951), Discontinuit dello Spazio in Caravaggio (1951), Valori della modanatura, (1951), Strutture e sequenze di spazi (1953). La rivista, stampata a Milano prima dalla tipografia E. Barigazzi e quindi dalla tipografia Lucini, aveva la sede amministrativa a Roma e uffici a Milano e Parigi. Luigi Moretti ne fu direttore e principale redattore, direttore responsabile era Felicia Abruzzese, collaboratrice dello studio Moretti. La rivista ebbe una certa continuit dal 1950 al 1953, periodo in cui uscirono i sette numeri che resero celebre la testata tra gli addetti ai lavori. Nei decenni successivi Moretti fece uscire la rivista in maniera sporadica, in un numero del 1957 pubblic il suo saggio Forma come struttura; nel gennaio febbraio 1959 usc un numero contenente articoli di Fernand L ger, Alberto Gatti, Giampiero Giani e un'Antologia di Spazio dedicata allo scultore Pietro De Laurentiis, articolo che venne poi estratto e pubblicato - sempre a cura delle edizioni Spazio - come catalogo di una mostra tenutasi quello stesso anno; nell'aprile del 1963 pubblic il saggio Strutture di insiemi e, nel 1964, il saggio Significato attuale della dizione architettura. del luglio del 1968 un numero in cui compare il saggio Capogrossi dedicato al celebre pittore romano.
Luisa Attardi, Margaret Binotto, Roberto Contini, Miguel Falomir, Peter Humfrey,
Reference : 61305
, Silvana Editorale, 2013 Paperback with flaps / SIZE23 x 28 cm / PAGES264 / 113 colour illustrations / English./ Very Good Condition ! ISBN 9788836625857.
Titian (c. 1490?1576) is the artist who best illustrates the revolution and triumph of color, and hence the very art of the 16th century and beyond. His work represents the point of arrival for a whole pictorial tradition: his early emphasis on color developed into the art of a mature and then elderly painter seeking to explore night and darkness, to dim hues, and to push the use of liquid and dusky tones to the very limit. A prolific painter and the head of a well?organized workshop, Titian was at the same time capable of perfectly meeting new tastes. By renewing and setting the standard for the official images and aesthetics of the ruling class of his day, he became the first truly European artist, praised to high heaven by his admirers. Particularly revealing is Ludovico Dolce?s panegyric: ?the greatness and the power of Michelangelo, the sweetness and beauty of Raphael and the very colors of Nature herself.? Highly sought after by collectors, disputed by royal courts and pontiffs, the master from Cadore created works that are now on display in museums across the world. This volume exceptionally brings together some of Titian?s greatest masterpieces, including his large altarpieces, in such a way as to illustrate the whole span of his career.
H. DE J.THOMAS. NON DATE. In-16. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos fané, Intérieur frais. 28 pages de texte avec deux plans illustrés en noir et blanc + 48 planches illustrées en noir et blanc. Jaquette contrepliée, illustrée en couleurs.Texte en espagnol. Ouvrage de bibliothèque avec étiquette au dos et bandeau sur la page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture