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‎Jittrathanakul, Anuchit / Roels, Hans‎

Reference : 53775

‎What a wonderful world. Sisters (E)‎

‎, Exhibitions International , 2008 softcover, 60 pages, 31x25 cm. ISBN 9789057790331.‎

‎In Pattaya, Thailand, transgenders called ''Sisters'' are carrying the message that they deserve respect as human beings.n'What a wonderful world' is a collection of portraits of the Sisters, reflecting their vulnerability, their courage and their joy. In accompanying testimonials, the Sisters talk about the complexities in several aspects of their lives.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎J.J. BOURASSE, Abbé, Président de la Société Archéologique de Tourraine.‎

Reference : 82


‎ ALFRED MAME et FILS - TOURS - MDCCCLXVII - (1867) -Septième édition.384 pages - Nombreuses figures, 2 gravures hors-texte;Bien relié.‎

‎Sur le Premier plat figure la mention, entourée d'une couronne de laurier, Institution Saint-Joseph VILLEDIEU. - Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148 ‎

A l's.p.rance - Brest

Phone number : 06 81 23 31 48

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎J.J. Vriend.‎

Reference : 35185

‎Stijlen in de bouwkunst.‎

‎Amsterdam, Kosmos, S.d. (1948) Gebrocheerd, 80pp., 13x19.5cm., ills. in z/w., goede staat.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )

‎ J. Keith Elliott, Patricia M. Rumsey‎

Reference : 64709

‎Protevangelium of James. Critical edition, with translation and commentary‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 126 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Greek. ISBN 9782503593142.‎

‎Summary As a prehistory to the Nativity accounts of the gospels of Matthew and Luke the Protevangelium of James, dated to the second half of the second century, aimed to fill in alleged gaps in the canonical accounts of Jesus' and his mother's ancestry and births. Thus, it describes the birth of Mary, the mother of Christ, the Annunciation, the Nativity and the death of Zachariah, the high priest and father of John the Baptist. The edition of the original Greek text has an English version on its facing pages. There are also editorial notes to enable all interested parties to benefit from reading this important and influential text. The commentary pays particular attention to the early liturgical use of the Protevangelium and to artistic representations of the scenes it describes as these were the main means by which this highly influential text was transmitted throughout the known world. It also questions the usually accepted genre and purpose of the text and suggests that its author may have had a satirical intention or have intended it as an early Christian novelette, using scriptural scenes and themes as his inspiration. Maybe we have approached the Protevangelium of James with solemn faces and have been prepared to carry out serious theological investigations, whereas the many inconsistencies and glaring contradictions so obvious as to be ridiculous might suggest the author's intentions were not quite so grave or weighty.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎J. Keith Vincent‎

Reference : 59320

‎Nailsea Glass ‎

‎, David & Charles 1975, 1975 Hardcover, 112 pages, ENG, 250 x 190 mm, good, illustrations in b/w . ISBN 0715368079.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : R260147984



‎STOCK. 1899. In-12. Relié demi-cuir. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos fané, Intérieur frais. 488 pages. Dos cuir vert, titres et filets dorés. Papier marron et vert sur les plats frottés. Très nombreuses cartes postales en noir et blanc contrecollées sur page de papier blanc. Lettrines et bandeaux en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎J. Lespinasse, L. Grand‎

Reference : 6882

‎La Chaise dieu‎

‎sans date vers 1950-1960 Edition d'art agraphé, 20p. Bon état‎

‎Nombreuses photos n&b. ‎

Phone number : 04 76 97 79 28

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )
Shipping price: €4.00

‎J. Luxford (ed)‎

Reference : 65299

‎Tributes to Paul Binski. Medieval Gothic: Art, Architecture & Ideas‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Hardback, 436 pages, Size:210 x 275 mm, Illustrations:22 b/w, 132 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554744.‎

‎Summary This volume is published in honour of Paul Binski, whose scholarship and teaching have done so much to illuminate the material and intellectual worlds of Gothic art and architecture. Remarkable for its material scope and philosophical depth, Paul's work has had a powerful influence on the current state of the field: this is reflected here in thirty-four essays on buildings, works of art and ideas in a wide range of historical and geographical contexts, from Iberia to Scandinavia and Italy to Ireland. Consistently fresh in their scholarship, these essays combine to make an important contribution to medieval art history. In doing so they reflect the admiration and affection which Paul inspires in his students and colleagues. With contributions by: Gabriel Byng, Meredith Cohen, Emily Guerry, James Hillson, Ethan Matt Kavaler, Tom Nickson, Zo Opa?i?, Claudia Bolgia, Jean-Marie Guillou t, Justin E. A. Kroesen, Julian Luxford, Robert Mills, John Munns, Matthew M. Reeve, Laura Slater, Beth Williamson, Jessica Berenbeim, Spike Bucklow, Marcia Kupfer, Jean-Pascal Pouzet, Miri Rubin, Kathryn M. Rudy, Roc o S nchez Ameijeiras, Lucy Wrapson, Patrick Zutshi, Mary Carruthers, Jill Caskey, Lucy Donkin, Kate Heard, Robert Maniura, Alexander Marr, M. A. Michael, Conrad Rudolph, Betsy Sears. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One: Gothic Architecture 1. Gabriel Byng - The 'Great Rebuilding' of the Late Middle Ages: Revising the longue dur e History of the Gothic Parish Church 2. Meredith Cohen - 'The Forest through the Trees': The Pier as a Seed Plan at the Lady Chapel of Saint-Germain des Pr s 3. Emily Guerry - A Gothic Throne for the King of Kings: A Re-evaluation of the Design, Date, and Function of the Sainte-Chapelle Tribune 4. James Hillson - Linearity and the Gothic Style: Architectural Conception in England and France, 1200-1400 5. Ethan Matt Kavaler - Diamonds are Forever: Cell Vaults and the Beginnings of History 6. Tom Nickson - Describing Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Spain 7. Zo Opa?i? - Cui bono? The Founding and Funding of Medieval Religious Institutions under Charles IV Part Two: Gothic Sculpture and its Environment 8. Claudia Bolgia - The 'Tabernacles' War' II, c.1400: New Light on the Competition between Icons and Relics in Late Medieval Rome 9. Jean-Marie Guillou t - Epigraphic One-Upmanship: Remarks about Text-Image Relationship in Fifteenth Century Monumental Sculpture 10. Justin E. A. Kroesen - Gotland Wonder: Unique High Medieval Interior Ensembles on a Baltic Island 11. Julian Luxford - John and Johanna Ormond's Grave 12. Robert Mills - Wild Forms: The Art of East Anglian Wodewoses 13. John Munns - The Thirteenth-Century Pyx Cover at Wells Cathedral 14. Matthew M. Reeve - Fragments from Wisdom's House: The Lady chapel Juxta Claustrum at Wells Cathedral 15. Laura Slater - Musical Wit and Courtly Connections at Cogges 16. Beth Williamson - The Kilcorban Madonna: Joy and Potential in an Irish Wooden Virgin and Child Part Three: Gothic Painting, Manuscripts and Poetics 17. Jessica Berenbeim - Recapitulation: A Medieval Table of Contents 18. Spike Bucklow - The Economics of Blue and Gold 19. Marcia Kupfer - A Hill of Foreskins: Circumcision in the Alba Bible 20. Jean-Pascal Pouzet - Notes towards a Poetics of Western Medieval Manuscript Form - with an Application to Illuminated Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library 21. Miri Rubin - Ecclesia and Synagoga in Time 22. Kathryn M. Rudy - The Bolton/Blackburn Hours (York Minster Add. Ms. 2): A New Solution to its Text-Image Disjunctions using a Structural Model 23. Roc o S nchez Ameijeiras - If the Sea Were Made of Ink: A Word on Medieval Visual Poetry 24. Lucy Wrapson - A Royal Portrait? Uncovering the Identity of Saints on the Latemedieval Screen at North Tuddenham, Norfolk 25. Patrick Zutshi - The Veronica Images Painted by Matteo Giovannetti for Pope Urban V (1369) Part Four: Gothic Art and Ideas 26. Mary Carruthers - Becoming Like an Angel: The Concept of Sublimis in Monastic Contemplation and in Alchemy 27. Jill Caskey - Treasure, Taxonomy, and Transformation in the Inventories of San Nicola, Bari 28. Lucy Donkin - Mining Mount Tabor: the Schauinsland Window at the Minster of Freiburg im Breisgau 29. Kate Heard - The Ecclesiastical Textiles of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester 30. Robert Maniura - Why Study Miraculous Images? 31. Alexander Marr - Working by Wit Alone: Aspects of Ingenuity in D rer 32. M. A. Michael - Inventing Gothic Painting: Creating Fine Art 33. Conrad Rudolph - The Evidence of the Training of Tour Guides in the Middle Ages 34. Betsy Sears - Gothic Logic: Panofsky's Unwritten Book on 'The Gothic Style' Index of Buildings, Works of Art, Manuscripts, and Medieval Authors‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎J.M. Bresson‎

Reference : 52159


‎L'Architecture de lumière‎

‎Paris, Serg, 1976, in-4, relié, jaquette éditeur, 188 pages. Jaquette défraochie. Intérieur frais. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎J.-M. Cauchies, J. Guisset (eds.);‎

Reference : 33807

‎chateau, autour et alentours (XIVe - XVIe siecles). Paysage, parc, jardin & domaine,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Hardback, 277 pages., 170 x 240 mm.Languages: French. ISBN 9782503524405.‎

‎Un chateau, c'est d'abord une batisse. Forteresse ou lieu de sejour, dans des fonctions souvent combinees et/ou relayees. Mais c'est aussi un environnement, ce sont des arbres, des eaux, la peche, la chasse,... La nature et la main de l'homme y ont leur part, l'une dans les paysages, l'autre dans les parcs et jardins. Les abords de la masse de l'edifice sont constelles de batiments, d'equipements, de terres d'exploitation qui conferent au phenomene du "chateau" sa dimension economique : c'est le domaine. Il y a donc la un faisceau de composantes qui meriteront de capter, a travers textes, images et objets, l'oeil de l'historien, de l'historien de l'art et de l'archeologue. Languages: French.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎J. McNeill, M. Serrano Coll, G. Boto Varela (eds.)‎

Reference : 54598

‎Emerging Naturalism: Contexts and Narratives in European Sculpture 1140-1220‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2020 Hardcover, 436 pages, 156 b/w ill. + 18 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9782503574486.‎

‎For many decades, specialists in Romanesque and Early Gothic art and architecture have questioned the usefulness of traditional stylistic terminology. It is regarded as having limited relevance insofar as it fails to reflect the complexity and plurality of the period under discussion. Nor does it embrace functional, formal or iconographic specificities. Despite these deficiencies, we still have no better way of referring to the art of the period than Romanesque, Late Romanesque or Early Gothic which we make yet more cumbersome by adding a geographical or political term. Of the various media which were affected by artistic innovation in Europe during the second half of the 12th century, particular attention has been paid to stained glass, manuscript illumination, metalwork and enamel. Monumental sculpture was equally subject to profound change during the period, in addition to developing in directions that were largely independent of other media. As a result, late Romanesque sculpture extends across the period from 1140 to 1220, from Saxony to Galicia, though it is still impossible to encapsulate in a single statement what this complex network represented. However, the attainment of a compelling naturalism does seem to have been a shared aspiration among Latin European sculptors. Emerging Naturalism: Contexts and Narratives in European Sculpture 1140?1220 offers a panoramic analysis of this artistic landscape, focused on a central issue in medieval European artistic production. To narrow this field of study, the book concentrates on the innovations and solutions adopted in the great church workshops of western Europe. Gerardo Boto Varela teaches art history at the Universitat de Girona (Spain), is leader of the international research group Templa, and scientific editor of the journal Codex Aquilarensis. Revista de Arte Medieval. His research concentrates on spatial, pictorial, and liturgical aspects of Spanish ecclesiastical architecture from the tenth to thirteenth centuries, as well as on dynastic tombs and memorial culture in Medieval Iberia. Marta Serrano Coll teaches art history at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain) and specializes in Medieval architecture and sculpture, particularly in Catalonia. Her research interests include the display of power through artworks and royal patronage in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. In addition, she has published in the field of Romanesque sculpture and hagiographical studies. John McNeill teaches at Oxford University?s Department of Continuing Education, and is Honorary Secretary of the British Archaeological Association, for whom he has edited and contributed to volumes on Anjou, King?s Lynn and the Fens, the medieval cloister, and English medieval chantries. He was instrumental in establishing a biennial International Romanesque Conference Series and has a particular interest in the design of medieval monastic precincts. Table of Contents Emerging Naturalism and a New Medieval Morphology ? Herbert L. Kessler I.Shaping Late Romanesque Sculpture. Balance and Perspective The Attainment of a Compelling Naturalism in Sculpture c. 1200 ? Gerardo Boto Varela What is So-Called Late Romanesque Sculpture? ? Xavier Barral i Altet II. Late Romanesque / Early Gothic Sculpture in European Cathedrals (1140?1220) The Role of Burgundy in the Development of the First Column-Statues ? Marcello Angheben Late Romanesque Sculpture and the Cathedrals of South-Western France ? Quitterie Cazes An Enigma Put Aside. The Origin and Interpretation of a Decontextualized Capital from Saint Trophime at Arles ? Juan Antonio Ola eta Around and After 1200. Old and New Concepts of Monumental Sculpture in the German Territories of the Holy Roman Empire ? Claudia R ckert Sculpture and Liturgy: Monuments and Art Histories of Southern Italy (c. 1150?1250 and Beyond) ? Elisabetta Scirocco Old Testament Sacrifice and Thirteenth-Century Tithe: Cain and Abel in the Architectural Sculpture of the Holy Roman Empire ? Stephanie Luther Late Romanesque Sculpture in England. How Far Can the Evidence Take Us? ? John McNeill The Gothic Last Judgment Portal c. 1210. Visual Strategies and Communicative Function ? Bruno Boerner Aesthetics and the Imitation of Antiquity in Early Gothic Sculpture ? Laurence Terrier Aliferis III. Sculptural Visualisations in the Cathedrals of the Iberian Kingdoms (1160?1220) The Reception of Burgundian Models in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century and the Naturalist Redefinition of Romanesque Sculpture in Castile ? Marta Poza Yag e Master Mateo and the Cathedral of Santiago at the End of the Twelfth Century ? Ram n Yzquierdo Peir Late Romanesque Sculpture in the Kingdoms of Leon and Castile: Continuity or Change? ? Jos Luis Hernando Garrido & Antonio Ledesma Romanesque Sculpture in Portuguese Cathedrals: Models, Continuity and Adaptation ? Carla Varela Fernandes & Paulo Almeida Fernandes The Meaning of the Romanesque Sculpture in the C mara Santa at the Cathedral of Oviedo ? C sar Garc a de Castro Vald s Images and Stories: The Transformation of Space in the Cathedrals of the Ebro Valley ? Esther Lozano L pez The Vault Corbels in the Cloister of Tarragona Cathedral: Shaping a New Pictorial Corporeality that Goes Beyond the Late Romanesque ? Gerardo Boto Varela & Marta Serrano Coll‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR109.00 (€109.00 )

‎J.M. Coetzee ‎

Reference : 50011

‎Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee We are all Flesh.‎

‎BE - , MER. Paper Kunsthalle , 2013 Paperback, 245x165mm, 144p, English edition. Illustrated. . ISBN 9789490693909.‎

‎Berlinde De Bruyckere's work prompts the viewer to respond. That is why it has a particular appeal for writers of literature: they are fascinated by the compositions of distorted parts of humans and horses that refer to horror and comfort, to a cruel death and the sublime. De Bruyckere empties the bodies. Through holes, the public notices the darkness of a world inside that both appeals and repels. There is space around her work that resonates and in which writers can indulge in creativity-not by writing about objects, but by juxtaposing the work with creative texts. The author does not remove meanings of the work by trying to explain it, but rather adds to its meaning by responding to art with art. Nobel Prize winner J.M. Coetzee rises to this challenge: together with De Bruyckere he has chosen fragments from his impassioned and unsettling novels that are full of great beauty. Thus, the two present a composition of texts and images that from inside illuminates the dark world of their ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎J.M. Colberg‎

Reference : 57390

‎Hellen Van Meene : tout va dispara tre ‎

‎, Ludion 2009, 2009 Hardcover, 87 pages/seiten, English/Deutsch, book in fine condition, guten zustand, pictures/photo's in colour, . ISBN 9789055449323.‎

‎In dit boek fotografeert Hellen van Meene (1972) vrouwelijke adolescenten in al hun kwetsbaarheid en kracht, deze keer met Nederland, Rusland en de Verenigde Staten als voortreffelijke setting. Van Meene blijft boeien; de beelden tonen aan de ene kant het zelfbewuste, aan de andere kant het onzekere gevoel over de eigen identiteit van de gefotografeerde meisjes. Maar meer dan ooit krijgen we beelden te zien die de portretgeschiedenis van het medium fotografie op de meest subtiele manier in vraag stellen, aanvullen en corrigeren. Ook de geografische aspecten spelen in dit verhaal naast Van Meenes rol en de houding van de adolescenten een bijzondere rol, en maken dit boek tot een belangrijk stuk bijzonder 'actuele fotogeschiedenis'.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.99 (€29.99 )

‎ J. M. Rogers‎

Reference : 61427

‎THE ARTS OF ISLAM : Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection‎

‎, Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2010 Hardcover, 400 pages, ENG, 290 x 250 x 40 mm, illustrated in colour / b/w, dustjacket , in good condition, . ISBN 9780500515549.‎

‎This magnificent publication presents nearly 500 masterpieces from the Khalili Collection, the largest and finest privately owned collection of Islamic art in the world. All specially photographed for this book, these precious objects were created for sultans, princes and merchants between the 7th and early 20th centuries, and include rare illustrated manuscripts and Qur'ans, exquisite glass, ceramics and jewelry, magnificent textiles, carpets and paintings. With texts by an international team of experts and specialists, and accompanied by over 650 colour illustrations, this volume is an inspiring and scholarly celebration of the masterpieces of the arts of Islam.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR135.00 (€135.00 )

‎J.N.A van Caldenborgh, Suzanne Swarts, Jorien de Vries, Barbara Bos‎

Reference : 60307

‎Art at Work: Caldic Collectie‎

‎, Caldic collectie, 2014 Hardcover, 172 pages, ENG, 305 x 245 mm, in good condition, illustrated in colours.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : R260157561


ISBN : 2020056674


‎SEUIL. 1980. In-4. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 152 pages. Jaquette illustrée en couleurs. Nombreuses photos en couleurs hors texte.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎J.N.L. Durand‎

Reference : UEI-339

‎Partie graphique des cours d'architecture Fait à l'Ecole Royale Polytechnique, depuis sa réorganisation; précédée d'un sommaire des leçons relatives à ce nouveau travail. ‎

‎Chez l'Auteur. 1821. Format : 29/22cm. 35 pages. Complet de ses 34 planches. Reliure cartonnée râpée intérieur piqué. ‎

Le Livre de Sable - Bagnères de Luchon

Phone number : 06 3053 04 89

EUR230.00 (€230.00 )

‎J. N. L. Durand. Architecte et professeur d'Architecture‎

Reference : 82110


‎Précis des leçons d'Architecture données à l'Ecole Polytechnique. Premier Volume, contenant 32 planches.‎

‎Paris, Chez l'Auteur, A l'Ecole Polytechnique (Imprimerie Firmin Didot), 1809, in-4 (21x26 cm), broché, 84p Première édition. Préface (vij) - Introduction (23p.). Première partie : Eléments des édifices (1à planches). Deuxième partie : Composition en général ( 22 planches). Plats de reliure et dos absents (prévoir restauration). Ouvrage toutefois bien complet et solide, constituant un bon exemplaire d'étude. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )


Reference : 44124


‎Chéneaux en acier. Catalogue. Tarif au 1er octobre 1908. Ateliers des chéneaux métalliques brevetés S.G.D.G.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 15 x 24 cm à l'italienne. 42 pages.‎

‎Livre. G. Joachim et Cie. Usine à Montreuil-sous-Bois. Paris, 1908.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR22.50 (€22.50 )

‎Joachim Ganzert:‎

Reference : 66264

‎Mars-Ultor-Tempel auf dem Augustusforum in Rom in 2 B nden. Mit einem Beitrag von Peter Herz. Bd.11‎

‎Zurich, Zabern Verlag, 1996 Leinen, Textband: 296 Textseiten mit 59 Abbildungen, 26x 34 cm - Tafelband: 100 Tafeln mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, 50 Beilagen und Erl uterungsheft mit 35 Seiten, 51x37 cm, GERMAN, AS NEW. ISBN 9783805317825.‎

‎On the Mars-Ultor temple in the Augustus forum in Rome.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Joachim Grage, Thomas Mohnike, Lena Rohrbach (eds)‎

Reference : 64514

‎Aesthetics of Protestantism in Northern Europe. Exploring the Field‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 260 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:23 b/w, 11 col., 2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503601601.‎

‎Summary This book explores the aesthetic consequences of Protestantism in Scandinavia. Fourteen case studies from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century discuss five abstract and trans-historical principles that characterize Scandinavian aesthetics and that arguably derive from Protestant thinking and practice, namely: simplicity, logocentrism, tension between pronounced individualism and collectivism, relatedness to the world, and ethics. The contributions address the peculiar aesthetics of Scandinavian print, literature, architecture, film, and opera and reflect on the influence of Protestant traditions on the establishment of genres and writing practices. This volume is the first in a new series that will focus on the aesthetics of Protestantism in Scandinavia, both theoretically and through exemplary individual analyses. TABLE OF CONTENTS Joachim Grage, Thomas Mohnike, Lena Rohrbach, Aesthetics of Protestantism in Northern Europe. Introductory Investigations J rg Glauser, The Aesthetics of Protestant Rhetoric: Early Reformation Polemic in Denmark Margr t Eggertsd ttir, The Value and Importance of Poetry in the Vernacular Ueli Zahnd, Which Protestants? Calvinism, Crypto-Calvinism, and the Scandinavian Reformation Lena Rohrbach, Access to the Word of God. Language, Literacy, and Religious Understanding in Protestant Faroese Tradition Arne Bugge Amundsen, Church Architecture in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia Bernd Roling, Rugia Gothorum': Ludwig Gotthard Kosegarten and the Tradition of Gothicism Anna Bohlin, Anti-Catholicism in Bremer and Topelius: Addressing the Historicity of Trans-historical Principles Joachim Grage, Kierkegaard's Journals as a Protestant Practice of Writing Claudia Lind n, Ursus sacer. The Bear as Man's Neighbour in Swedisch Nineteenth-century Fiction Sophie Wennerscheid, Sin and Seduction: Antichrist in Danish Literature, Opera, and Film Thomas Mohnike, Aesthetization of Faith and the Nordic Revival Movements in Scandinavian Post-World War II Literature Giuliano D'Amico, ?Rather Than Buddha's Calm, I Choose the Crucifixion? - H kan Sandell's Christian Palimpsests Joachim Schiedermair, Absence - Remnants of a Protestant Past: Greeley/Vattimo/Ask‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Joachim M. Plotzek oachim M Plotzek Kathatine Winnekes Co-auteur: Kathatine Winnekes Stefan Kraus Ulrike Surnamm‎

Reference : 54669

‎Ars Vivendi. Ars Moriendi‎

‎, Hirmer, 1996 Hardcover, 576 seiten, Deutsch, .fine. ISBN 9783777491806.‎

‎34 der schonsten privaten andachtsbucher des mittelalters aus der wohl bedeutendsten sammlung in deutschem privatbesitz A stunning volume, accompanying an exhibition held in Cologne between December 2001 and May 2002, which discusses and catalogues illuminations from late medieval prayer books which depict scenes of birth and death. Numerous hand-painted illustrations from thirty-four books, dating from the 13th to 16th century and now held in private German collections, are published in full colour accompanied by detailed descriptions. The catalogue is preceded by a discussion of the function and craftsmanship of these works of art. German text.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : RO20148333



‎"AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA. 1973. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 279 pages. Nombreuses photographies en noir et blancs ainsi que plan d'église en noir et rouge hors texte. Frotispice en couleur de ""majestat"" batllo. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture"‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Joan Barclay Lloyd‎

Reference : 64699

‎Dominicans and Franciscans in Medieval Rome. History, Architecture, and Art‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 439 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:159 b/w, 10 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503578835.‎

‎Summary When Saint Dominic (c. 1174-1221) came to Rome to seek papal approval of the Order of Preachers, he founded two houses on the periphery of the city ? a nunnery at S. Sisto, in structures rebuilt by Pope Innocent III, and a priory next to the early Christian basilica of S. Sabina. The Dominicans modified and enlarged the existing buildings, according to their needs. Saint Francis of Assisi (c. 1182-1226) also came to consult the Pope, but he did not make any foundations in Rome. In 1229, Pope Gregory IX ordered the Benedictine monks of SS. Cosma e Damiano in Mica Aurea to cede to the Franciscans their hospice of S. Biagio in Trastevere, where Saint Francis had stayed. The friars built the church and friary of S. Francesco a Ripa there. Later, Gregory IX took over the Benedictine monastery itself, where he established the Franciscan nunnery of S. Cosimato in 1234. Moving into the more densely inhabited parts of the city, the Friars Minor built a new friary and church at S. Maria in Aracoeli on the Capitoline Hill from c. 1248-1252 onwards. The Dominicans, in 1266, acquired a convent near the Pantheon, where they constructed the Gothic church of S. Maria sopra Minerva. In 1285, the Colonna family established a Franciscan nunnery at S. Silvestro in Capite. In the context of the origin and evolution of the two Mendicant Orders, this book traces the history of these thirteenth-century Dominican and Franciscan foundations, focussing on their location in Rome, the history of each site, their architecture, and the medieval works of art connected with them. Popes and cardinals, members of important families, and Franciscan Tertiaries contributed generously to their construction and decoration. The book ends with Saint Catherine of Siena, who lived near S. Maria sopra Minerva, where she was buried. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Preface Abbreviations Colour Plates Introduction Part I. The First Dominican and Franciscan Foundations in Rome Chapter 1. The Dominican Nunnery at S. Sisto (now S. Sisto Vecchio), founded c. 1218-1221 Chapter 2. The Dominican Priory at S. Sabina, founded c. 1220-1222 Chapter 3. The Franciscan Church and Friary of S. Francesco a Ripa, founded in 1229 Chapter 4. The Franciscan Nunnery of SS. Cosma e Damiano (S. Cosimato), founded in 1234 Part II. A New Generation of Dominicans and Franciscans and their Foundations in Rome Chapter 5. The Friars Minor at S. Maria in Aracoeli, founded c. 1248-1252 Chapter 6. The Friars Preachers at S. Maria Sopra Minerva, founded c. 1266-1276 Chapter 7. The Franciscan Nunnery at S. Silvestro in Capite, founded in 1285 Chapter 8. Medieval Dominican Penitents from c. 1286 and Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) Conclusion Glossary‎


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