Inventaire général / BONNET Claire / DUCOURET Bernard / MIGUEL Sandra
Reference : SPN-61
Langres : Éditions Dominique Guéniot, 2007. 128 p.ill.coul., photos Jacques Philippot, index, carte de localisation des œuvres illustrées en début d'ouvrage, dans la couverture rempliée. Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel/ADAGP/Images du Patrimoine N°246.
Patrimoine en images : édifices religieux, architecture militaire et eau, édifices publics, écoles, architecture du spectacle, monuments, jardins publics, demeures, Reconstruction.
Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France
Reference : ARCH1268M
Relié, on y retrouve de nombreses illustrations ( photos, plans, .), très bon état : le dos se déchire sinon parfait état, vol in-4, reliure skaï vertex bordeaux
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, lxiv + 185 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Language(s):Latin, Greek, English. ISBN 9782503593623.
Summary Cardinal Bessarion's great defense of Plato, the In Calumniatorem Platonis, written in response to George of Trebizond's Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis and first published in 1469, was the first substantial statement of Platonism in the Plato-Aristotle Controversy of the Renaissance. Bessarion, however, had first written the In Calumniatorem a decade earlier, in 1459, without the massive Book III of the 1469 edition proving that medieval scholasticism supported Bessarion's interpretation of Plato and Aristotle. With the discovery of the treatise Notata by the Dominican theologian Giovanni Gatti, we now know the source of Bessarion's new found erudition in medieval scholasticism. Bessarion initially attempted to incorporate Gatti's Notata whole cloth into the In Calumniatorem Platonis, but in the end he exploited it as a storehouse of the scholastic references, quotations, and arguments, especially from Thomas Aquinas' writings, that made up the new Book III of the 1469 In Calumniatorem Platonis. Thus, Giovanni Gatti's treatise played a major, though anonymous role in the Plato-Aristotle controversy for the rest of the Renaissance as Bessarion's work became in its turn a much used authority and source of information.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, lviii + 211 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language(s):Greek, English. ISBN 9782503604473.
Summary The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most creative and interesting Byzantine poets. The poems deal with a variety of subjects (e.g., Byzantine emperors, historical figures and events, saints, relics, iconographic types, theological and philosophical matters, ancient authors) and reflect the cultural and historical developments of tenth-century Byzantium. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Ioannes Geometres: Life and Works 2. Iambic Poems: Content and Function 3. Metrical Analysis 4. The Manuscript tradition 5. Previous Editions 6. Principles of the Edition TEXTVS INDICES Index locorum Sacrae Scripturae Index fontium et locorum parallelorum Index nominum Index uerborum notabilium
Ed de l'académie de roumanie 1972 fort in8. 1972. Relié jaquette. 589 pages. Etat correct de la jaquette interieur propre
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, vii + 303 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 14 tables b/w., 3 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503588537.
Summary Accounts and Accountability in Late Medieval Europe traces the momentous transformation of institutions and administration under the impact of accounting records and procedures, c. 1250-1500. The volume's focus on the materiality and organising logic of a range of accounts is complemented by close attention to the socio-political contexts in which they functioned and the agency of central and local officials. The volume is divided into three parts: the role of financial accountability in the political designs of late medieval states, the uses of accounts auditing and information management as tools for governance, and their impact on the everyday life of local communities. Covering both the centre and the periphery of medieval Europe, from England and the Papal curia to Savoy and Transylvania, the case studies evince the difficult passage from the early experiments with financial accounts towards an accountability of office. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements From the Auditing of Accounts to Institutional Accountability in Late Medieval Europe - IONUT EPURESCU-PASCOVICI Part One: Financial Accountability and Late Medieval Politics The English Exchequer, the King, and the Counties from Reform to Civil War, 1258-1264 - RICHARD CASSIDY Military Recruitment and Funding in Savoy: Piedmont and Chablais, Late-Thirteenth to Mid-Fourteenth Century - ROBERTO BIOLZI Accountability in Building Projects in Piedmont under Philip of Savoy-Achaea: Administrative Experimentation and Political Consolidation - VITTORIA BUFANIO Part Two: The Tools of Governance: Auditing, Information Management, and Budgeting Auditing of Accounts as an Instrument of Royal Power in Catalonia (1318-1419) - ESTHER TELLO HERNÁNDEZ From Auditing to Budgeting in Late Medieval Sicily: Institutions, Administrators, and Information Management - ALESSANDRO SILVESTRI From Administrative Control to Fighting Corruption? The Procedural Steps of Accounts Auditing in the Papal State (Thirteenth to Sixteenth Century) - ARMAND JAMME A Codicological Approach to the Auditing Process: the Duke of Burgundy's Household Accounts during the Swiss Campaign (1476) - EKATERINA NOSOVA The Rolls, the Prince, and their Depositories: The Archiving of Late Medieval Financial Accounts Reconsidered (Savoy, Mid-Fourteenth to Mid-Fifteenth Century) - GUIDO CASTELNUOVO Part Three: Financial Accounts and Local Communities Local Communities and Fiscal Reform in Late Medieval Savoy: Lords, Peasants, and Subsidies - NICOLAS CARRIER A Century of Insults, Adultery, and Fight: Justice and its Administration in the Accounting Records of the Castellany of Pont-de-Vaux (Savoyard Bresse, 1274-1375) - AUDE WIRTH-JAILLARD From Chirograph to Roll: The Records of Thirteenth-Century Anglo-Jewish Moneylending - DEAN A. IRWIN Churchwardens and their Accounts in Transylvania, Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries: A Preliminary Assessment - ADINEL C. DINCÃ List of Contributors
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 483 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:14 b/w, 4 tables b/w., 4 maps b/w, Languages: Italian, English, French. ISBN 9782503586625.
Summary Gli scritti di Stefano Gasparri hanno contribuito in modo fondamentale allo sviluppo della medievistica in Italia ed Europa. La sua capacità di leggere le fonti con uno sguardo sempre nuovo e attento, ci ha offerto originali interpretazioni degli intricati secoli medievali. Argomenti di rilevanza internazionale, come la storia sociale, culturale e politica italiana ed europea, le origini di Venezia o le molteplici identità etniche delle gentes altomedievali, sono sempre stati affrontati con fresca criticità e avvalendosi di discipline, quali la paleografia, l'epigrafia o l'archeologia. TABLE OF CONTENTS Irene Barbariera, Francesco Borri & Annamaria Pazienza, I Longobardi a Venezia. Viaggio in un Medioevo mai concluso I: I Longobardi, il regno e l'Italia Cristina La Rocca, Teodorico, nonno post romano Irene Barbariera, Sexy Scars and Striking Wisdom. The Construction of Masculinity in Gothic Italy Francesco Borri, Re Clefi (572-74) Aldo A. Settia, L'insula Sancti Iuliani. Un presunto ducato longobardo Lidia Capo, Dimensione letteraria e ragioni storiografiche. Il caso dell'Historia Langobardorum Vasco La Salvia, The Smiths in Early Medieval Italy. From Social Identity to Craftsmen Specialisation Annamaria Pazienza, Mobilità interna. Lavoratori e donne in movimento nel Regno longobardo Jean-Marie Martin, Gahagium. Le mot, les réalités et les institutions (VIIe-VIIIe siècle) Flavia de Rubeis, Un diacono, un codice, una storia. La Historia langobardorum a Montecassino alla fine dell'VIII secolo Giuseppe Albertoni, Un desiderio imperiale. Eginardo, Carlo Magno e l'elefante Abul Abbas Régine Le Jan, Mémoire et politique. Les rois d'Italie dans les libri memoriales de Salzbourg, Saint-Gall, Pfäfers et Reichenau (fin VIIIe-début IXe siècle) Francesco Veronese, Un franco (anzi, due) in Brianza: Gli ultimi anni di Ugo di Tours e sua moglie Ava (834-39) Maddalena Betti, Papa Giovanni VIII e l'aristocrazia romana. La fuga dei "Tarquini", aprile 876 Marco Stoffella, In vico Gussilingus. Comunità locali, ufficiali pubblici minori e amministrazione della giustizia nella Verona carolingia François Bougard, Témoigner en justice à Plaisance aux IXe-Xe siècles. Autour d'un breve inédit Tiziana Lazzari, Bertha, amatissima. L'azione politica della figlia di Berengario I, Badessa di S. Sisto e di S. Salvatore di Brescia, nel regno italico del secolo X Igor Santos Salazar, Judicial records as History. The case of the Regnum Italiae in Tenth and Eleventh Centuries II: Venezia, l'Adriatico e il Mediterraneo Salvatore Liccardo, Prelati sunt tituli gentium nomina continentes. A proposito del larterculus etnico del trionfo di Aureliano (HA, 33-34) Salvatore Cosentino, Bankers as Patrons in Late Antiquity Pablo C. Díaz, Honorio I y la Iglesia hispana del siglo VII Thomas S. Brown, 680 (?) and All That. A Problematic Turning Point in the History of Early Medieval Italy Iñaki Martín Viso, El reino y las sociedades locales en la Hispania visigoda Yuri A. Marano, Le sete del patriarca Fortunato Sauro Gelichi, Il vescovo Stefano e Comacchio nel IX secolo Veronica West-Harling, The Doges and the Church of Venice. An Unusual Early Medieval Relationship III: Milites, città, e l'Europa tardomedievale Anna Rapetti, Comunità benedettine nello spazio del Veneto medievale Sandro Carocci, Lo strano caso di Villamagna. Archeologia e fonti scritte della signoria e delle società rurali (X-XIV secolo) Laurent Feller, L'écriture de l'histoire du Mont-Cassin au XIIe siècle. Chroniques et documentation pragmatique François Menant, Choix politiques et évolution sociale des élites communales italiennes. Quelques études de cas sur Crémone Alfio Cortonesi, Terre e paesaggi lungo la via Francigena nel tardo medioevo. Dalla Val d'Arbia verso la Val d'Orcia IV: Fonti, metodi e nuovi indirizzi di ricerca Alessia Rovelli, Note per una storia anche monetaria dell'Italia nella prima età Longobarda Vito Loré, Rischi e limiti della comparazione. Documenti d'archivio e Italie longobarde nell'VIII secolo Antonella Ghignoli, Parole di vescovi, diplomi di sovrani. Ancora sul testo di D Ko. II. 208 Marco Pozza, La Documentazione vescovile veneziana dei secoli XI-XII. Caratteristiche e sviluppi Nicoletta Giovè Marchioli, La maiuscola gotica epigrafica nell'Italia settentrionale. Il caso di Padova Gianmaria Varanini, Le "pergamene maffeiane" della Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona trascritte o regestate da Carlo Cipolla nel 1879 Chris Wickham, Conclusion Tabula gratulatoria
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xii + 336 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:23 b/w, 1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503586045.
Summary The term 'sacred' is often used in relation to the pre-Christian religions of Iron Age and medieval Scandinavia. But what did sacred really mean? What made something sacred for people? Why was one particular person, place, act, or text perceived to hold a sacral quality, while others remained profane? And what impact did such sacrality have on wider society, culture, politics, and economics, both for contemporaries and for future generations? This volume seeks to engage with such questions by drawing together essays from many of the pre-eminent scholars of Old Norse in order to reinterpret the concept of the sacred in the Viking Age North and to challenge pre-existing frameworks for understanding the sacred in this space and time. Including essays from Margaret Clunies Ross, Stephen Mitchell, John Lindow, and Judy Quinn, it is a treasury of commentary and information that ranges widely across theories and sources of evidence to present significant primary research and reconsiderations of existing scholarship. This edited collection is dedicated to Stefan Brink, an outstanding figure in the study of early Scandinavian language, society, and culture, and it takes as its inspiration the diversity, interdisciplinarity and vitality of his own research in order to make a major new contribution to the field of Old Norse studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - OLOF SUNDQVIST, DECLAN TAGGART, AND IRENE GARCÍA LOSQUIÑO Part I: Understanding Sacredness What Does heilagr Mean in Old Norse? - MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS Landscape - Sacred and Profane - JENS PETER SCHJØDT Sacred and Profane, Visual and Lived-in: A Note on some Creative Tensions in the Landscape - MATS WIDGREN Part II: Sacredness and Space Ritual Places, Sacral Place-names, and Wetlands: Some Spatial and Archaeological Contexts from the Baltic Island of Öland - JAN-HENRIK FALLGREN Ritual Space and Territorial Boundaries in Scandinavia - TORUN ZACHRISSON Karlevi: A Viking Age Harbour on Öland - PER VIKSTRAND Stafgarþar Revisited - ANDERS ANDRÉN Sacredness Lost: On the Variable Status of Churches in the Middle Ages - BERTIL NILSSON Part III: The Sacred and the Text Tradition and Ideology in Eddic Poetry - JOHN MCKINNELL Sacred Hero, Holy Places: The Eddic Helgi-Tradition - CAROLYNE LARRINGTON Fifth-Column Mother: Týr's Parentage according to Hymiskviða - JUDY QUINN Part IV: Sacredness Across Contexts From Legend to Myth? - JOHN LINDOW The Landscape of Thor Worship in Sweden - TARRIN WILLS Conversion, Popular Religion, and Syncretism: Some Reflections -ANNE-SOFIE GRÄSLUND Swine, Swedes, and Fertility Gods - BO GRÄSLUND The Goddesses in the Dark Waters - TERRY GUNNELL Part V: Afterlives of Sacredness Valh?ll and the Swedish 'Valhall' Mountains of the Dead - ANDREAS NORDBERG Place-names, Periphrasis, and Popular Tradition: Odinic Toponyms on Samsø - STEPHEN A. MITCHELL Sacred Sites and Central Places: Experiences of Multidisciplinary Research Projects - CHARLOTTE FABECH AND ULF NÄSMAN A Bibliography of Stefan Brink's Publications, Compiled with Assistance from Per Vikstrand
, Brepols - Fidem, 2020 Paperback, xi + 754 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 6 tables b/w., Languages: Spanish, Latin. ISBN 9782503590677.
Summary La transmisión manuscrita de una obra depara, en ocasiones, sorpresas y sucesos inesperados. Este es el caso de los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais, dedicados a la ethica monastica, que muy pronto se independizaron de la obra completa, creando una tradición propia, de la que incluso surgió, tras diversas transformaciones, una obra nueva, los Flores philosophorum et poetarum. En el presente volumen, se aborda, en primer lugar, el estudio de los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale, sus características y su transmisión manuscrita, y, posteriormente, las modificaciones sufridas por estos dos libros, tanto en su estructura como en su contenido, que dan origen a los Flores philosophorum et poetarum y que implican una nueva fase en su transmisión con una evolución de enciclopedia a florilegio. Finalmente se presentan los testimonios manuscritos del florilegio y su filiación con la obra enciclopédica de Vicente de Beauvais. La edición crítica de los Flores philosophorum et poetarum, que ocupa la segunda parte del libro, tiene en cuenta la doble condición de esta obra, original y a la vez subordinada a los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais, por lo que se presenta con tres aparatos (de fuentes, crítico e intertextual), con la intención de reflejar su transición entre la enciclopedia y el florilegio. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducción Estudio Capítulo I. Los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale: la fuente de los Flores philosophorum et poetarum Vicente de Beauvais y su producción literaria El Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais Los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais Capítulo II. Los Flores philosophorum et poetarum: de enciclopedia a florilegio. De enciclopedia a florilegio Modificaciones en la estructura de la obra Modificaciones en el contenido de la obra Testimonios manuscritos Filicación de los testimonios Edición Criterios de edición - Conspectus siglorum - Conspectus abbreviationum communium - Conspectus fontium et abbreviationum Tabula capitulorum Edición de los Flores philosophorum et poetarum Bibliografía Índices
Barcelona, Enimont Iberica, S.A., 1989, in-8vo, non numéroté, ca .80 p., reliure en toile originale, jacquette avec une petite déchirure, bon état.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
1947 Amis des ORATOIRES 1947 ,in8 broché,exemplaire de tete sur simili japon, -ill. de mlle.PRAS-BELLACLAS et de COSTE-LINDER et J.M.LOUSTAUNAU ,71P. non coupé - carte manuscrite à l'editeur (Jean Gavot ?) jointe
petit manque,haut du dos, trés frais,
[coste-linder pras-bellaclas loustaunau] - IRIGOIN Pierre
Reference : GITj314
Aix-en-Provence Les Amis des Oratoires 1947. In-8 broché couverture illustrée 52pp imprimées sur 2 colonnes. Nombreux dessins de Pras-Bellaclas, Coste-Linder, Loustaunau. Bel exemplaire complet.
Editions Des Amis Des Oratoires Aix-en-Provence 1947 In-8 ( 250 X 165 mm ) broché, couverture illustrée, de 70 pages. Illustrations de Mlle Pras-Bellaclas et de C. Coste-Linder et J.-M. Loustaunau. On joint copie d'une Carte des Oratoires de 1957. Envoi autographe signé de l'auteur. 1 des 100 exemplaires du tirage de tête numérotés sur vélin superieur ( No.89 ). Bel exemplaire.
, Langewiesche K.R. 2006, 2006 Hardcover, 171 seite, Deutsch, 250 x 175 mm, in sehr guten zustand, mit viele abbildungen / foto's in farbe und s/w. ISBN 9783784532240.
Mit einem Katalog der allgemein als Arbeiten Riemenschneiders und seiner Werkstatt akzeptierten Werke
, Taschen, 2020 Hardcover with box, Clothbound, 27.6 x 39.5 cm, 4.36 kg, 384 pages. Multilingual Edition: English, French, German. ISBN 9783836535250.
Citrons, lemons, and bitter oranges float like heavenly bodies above Italian villas, Nuremberg gardens, and picturesque countryside in J. C. Volkamer?s ode to the citrus fruit. Reproducing a rare hand-colored set of the copper plates, this publication shows 170 varieties of citrus fruits. Full of fragrance and color, they revive a time when fruits really were exotic. Famous First Edition: First printing of 5,000 numbered copies
, Iris Van der Kerken, 2023 softcover, 120 pag. 27x 22cm Met tekeningen van Iris Van der Kerken. ISBN 9789464943870.
Tussen twee werelden is een uitnodiging om een ogenblik af te dwalen in het serene universum van Iris Van der Kerken. De bedachtzaam opgebouwde schilderijen en tekeningen onthullen voortdurende innerlijke conversaties, zelfonderzoek en overwegingen die door middel van de rijke traditie van de schilderkunst vertaald worden in een hedendaagse beeldtaal. Haar werk vraagt niet om antwoorden op eigen, persoonlijke vragen, maar ontrafelt herkenbare gevoelens. Het is haar manier om te bevatten wat en waar haar plaats is als kunstenaar en als individu. Iris Van der Kerken studeerde schilderkunst aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen. Schilderijen en tekeningen ontwikkelen zich sindsdien tot een uitgesproken figuratief en verhalend oeuvre. De inhoud is van bij het begin vaak van autobiografische oorsprong, maar poëzie blijkt ook steeds vaker een bron van inspiratie. Gedichten van Sven Cooremans uit Het is dat of stoppen met zingen en Zonder is het licht niet zacht genoeg? inspireerden tot schilderijen, waarvan er twee als coverafbeelding voor deze dichtbundels werden gekozen. Enkele gedichten uit deze werken, alsook het gedicht -The Great Garden- van Edith Södergran, zijn opgenomen in dit boek.
, Hirmer Verlag, 1997, 1997 Paperback, 192 seiten, Deutsch, 280 x 220 mm, wie Neu, mit schone illustrationen in farbe und s/w. ISBN 3777476501.
Office du Livre, Fribourg, 1979. In-4, reliure pleine toile éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleur, titre doré sur le dos, 327 pp. Avant-propos - Introduction - I. La représentation du paysage : 1. Concrétisation des "symboles" par les éléments du paysage. - 2. Représentation de décors littéraires et de paysages célèbres. - 3. Rôle de la peinture à l'encre de Chine et ...
Avec 279 illustrations dont 40 en couleur. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Urnäsch, Säntis-Verlag, 1993. Quer-Folio. 211 S., mit zahlreichen farbigen Illustrationen. Leinenband mit illustriertem Schutzumschlag.
Sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar.
, Penn State University Press, 1990 Hardcover, 3 Volumes; 265 + 535 + 893 = 1693 pages, In very Good condition, illustrated dustjackets, Language = 90 pct. English + partly French, Italian , German., images / illustrations in b/w. .290 x 225 x 75 mm; ISBN 9780271006079.
Under the sponsorship of the Comité International d?Histoire de l?Art (CIHA), scholars from 31 countries met in August in Washington, DC, to present papers and discuss the subject of the Congress. The CIHA was created by a group of scholars meeting in Vienna in 1873 to exchange results of research, discuss aspects of the theory of the history of art, and encourage international discourse. CIHA has since sponsored congresses at intervals of three or five years. Until now CIHA focused on European art from Constantine to the present, whereas the XXXVIth Congress, in a critical shift, encompassed the history of art from all periods and places. The seven sessions deal with broad themes that transcend cultural differences and are uniquely perceptible through the discipline of art history. Center and Periphery: Dissemination and Assimilation of Style examines the processes whereby local styles may be formed by ?dissemination? from a dominant cultural center and, conversely, those which form a cosmopolitan style by the ?assimilation? of disparate local tradition. Conceptual Designs: Diagrams and Geometric Patterns discusses form and meaning in diagrams and geometric patterns used as independent compositions or as ?incidental? ornament. The Written Word in Art and as Art explores the relationship between what is written and how it is written, and the contribution of both to an understanding of the work as a whole. The Artist is concerned with significant developments in the history of the artist?s self-consciousness. Art and Ritual examines the contribution of the study of ritual to an understanding of the form and meaning of a work of art, and vice versa. Art and National Identity in the Americas looks at the problems of regional and national self-definition in the art of North, Central, and South America, from the European conquests to the present. Preserving the World Art discusses the history and theory of conservation and restoration of works of art and their settings. Each session was chaired and its program determined by two distinguished scholars from widely divergent fiends, ensuring a broad and varied approach to the subject. Following introductory essays by the Chairs, the papers represent a selection of the best contribution by art historians as well as scholars in other disciplines. Included as well are plenary addresses by three international leaders in the field, Hermann Fillitz, André Chastel, and George Kubler.
FRANCE LOISIRS. VERS 2013. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 960 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 442 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:1 col., Language: French. ISBN 9782503593746.
Summary Achard de Saint-Victor (1171) est un représentant moins connu de l'école de Saint-Victor, élève d'Hugues, chanoine régulier, maître, abbé de Saint-Victor à Paris (1155-1161), évêque d'Avranches (1161-1171). Son oeuvre principal, le De unitate et pluralitate creaturarum, consiste en deux parties qui portent sur la doctrine trinitaire et sur la doctrine de la pluralité des raisons éternelles dans le Verbe de Dieu. Cette recherche entend rétablir les thèses principales exposées par Achard de Saint-Victor dans son livre De unitate et pluralitate creaturarum pour montrer que les capacités métaphysiques de ce penseur ne le cèdent pas aux philosophes plus connus de son époque. Notamment, l'autrice étudie la façon dont le De unitate recourt aux doctrines médio et néoplatoniciennes pour résoudre la question d'une coexistence de l'unité et de la pluralité en Dieu et dans les créatures. L'enjeu est de mieux comprendre la place de la métaphysique platonicienne dans l'école de Saint-Victor, et ce malgré la rareté des sources au XIIe siècle, en particulier des oeuvres de Platon ou de ses disciples grecs. Le présent ouvrage contribue à résoudre deux problèmes de l'histoire de la philosophie : quels éléments et sources platoniciens ont été reçus au XIIe siècle et quelle place la pensée victorine fait à l'héritage platonicien. Les problèmes philosophiques soulevés sont la multiplication des objets intelligibles et sensibles, la définition de la chose et l'identité des êtres.
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 628 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:350 b/w, 348 col., Language(s):French, Old French. ISBN 9782503580036.
Summary Le Lancelot-Graal, dont les différentes parties ont été rédigées entre la toute fin du XIIe siècle et la première moitié du XIIIe siècle, constitue l'un des plus grands cycles romanesques en prose du Moyen Âge. Il se compose de cinq branches dont l'ordre diégétique : l'Estoire del Saint Graal, le Merlin et sa Suite, le Lancelot en prose, la Queste del Saint Graal et la Mort Artu, ne suit pas la chronologie de la composition. Le cycle raconte l'histoire du Graal, depuis ses origines et jusqu'à sa conquête par le Bon Chevalier Galaad, et les aventures de Lancelot, héritée du Chevalier de la Charette de Chrétien de Troyes. Il dessine habilement une histoire capable de réunir les temps christiques à ceux du royaume Arthurien et d'embrasser des discours variés issus de la Bible, de la littérature exemplaire, de la pensée théologique et du roman courtois. Plus de cent quarante manuscrits conservent encore aujourd'hui tout ou partie du Lancelot-Graal, ce qui témoigne d'un succès jamais démenti du XIIIe au XVe siècle et d'un prestige dont de nombreux princes et souverains, d'Henri IV de Luxembourg à Jean de Berry et Jacques d'Armagnac, ont voulu se parer. Pourtant, les manuscrits réunissant toutes les branches du cycle sont relativement peu nombreux. Cette étude iconographique se concentre sur les cinq manuscrits les plus anciens comprenant l'intégralité du Lancelot-Graal, produits entre la fin du XIIIe et le début du XIVe siècle : Bonn, ULB, S 526 ; Paris, BnF, fr. 110 et fr. 344 ; Londres, BL, Add. 10292-294 et un volume actuellement dispersé entre plusieurs collections (l'ex-Amsterdam, BPH, ms 1, Manchester, Rylands, ms Fr. 1, et Oxford, Bodleian, Douce 215). Le cycle iconographique de BnF, fr. 344, reproduit dans son intégralité, fait l'objet d'un commentaire systématique. Ce manuscrit d'origine messine ou verdunoise, que l'on peut rapprocher sur le plan stylistique des trésors enluminés de Renaut de Bar, évêque de Metz entre 1302 et 1313, présente plus de trois cents miniatures et initiales historiées. C'est un témoin de l'importance du développement de l'illustration des ouvrages de type profane en langue vernaculaire à partir de la fin du XIIe siècle. Il constitue une lecture attentive et remarquable du cycle du Graal et permet d'explorer sous un angle nouveau la mise en place progressive d'une iconographie proprement romanesque à partir des modèles cléricaux. TABLE OF CONTENTS « Une histoire totale du Graal et du monde arthurien » Le plus grand succès de la littérature française du XIIIe siècle Segmentation du cycle et sommaire narratif « Lectures cycliques » et composition romanesque Cycle et programme iconographique Le choix du manuscrit Paris, BnF, fr. 344 et sa place dans la tradition manuscrite du Lancelot-Graal Caractéristiques des images : les artistes, le style Répartition des miniatures dans les branches du Lancelot-Graal Comparaison de l'iconographie du manuscrit Paris, BnF, fr. 344 et des autres manuscrits cycliques Le cycle iconographique Liste des manuscrits Bibliographie Tableau synoptique des manuscrits cycliques du Lacelot-Graal (XIIIe-XIVe s.) Index général Planches
, Waanders, 2024 Paperback, 280 x 230 mm, 100 Illustrations col.ill. 112 Pages, Dutch (NL) ed. ISBN 9789462625884.
In een bundeling van artistiek talent en onstuitbare energie zorgde de avant-garde in het begin van de vorige eeuw voor grote omwentelingen in de kunsten. Otto van Rees en Adya van Rees-Dutilh behoorden tot de kern van deze jonge pioniers in Parijs. Dit boek concentreert zich rond de roerige periode 1907-1917 en vormt een ware ontdekkingstocht door deze visuele vormenmagie.
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, lxxxi + 266 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language(s):Greek, English. ISBN 9782503592756.
Summary Isaac Argyros was a leading astronomer and theologian of the late 14th century, who spent most of his life at the Chora monastery in Constantinople. Besides several works on astronomy, he wrote a number of treatises against the Palamites in the tradition of his teacher and mentor Nicephorus Gregoras: (1.) De quattuor modis participationis Dei; (2.) De lumine Transfigurationis ad Gedeonem Zographum; and (3.) Solutio quaestionis cuiusdam Palamiticae. Former emperor John Cantacuzenus composed a lenghty treatise against Argyrus (Contra Argyrum), in which he attacks the fact that Argyros and his followers deny three things: that the seven spirits referred to by Isaiah are uncreated; that the grace of God is uncreated; and that men receive gifts of God in an immediate manner. Together, the four texts in this edition shed light on an interesting chapter in the palamite controversy.