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‎Elisabeth Dhanens‎

Reference : 57741

‎Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk te Ninove, Inventaris van het kunstpatrimonium in Oost-Vlaanderen‎

‎Gent, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen 1980, 1980 Paperback, 129 paginas + 100 afbeeldingen, Nederlands, 240 x 160 mm, Nieuwstaat, .‎

‎Na een historische inleiding en bibliografie volgt nog wat uitleg over de voormalige parochiekerk van Ninove, die gesloopt werd begin 19de eeuw. Dan komt de volledige inventaris aan bod van de huidige parochiekerk, die eigenlijk de voormalige abdijkerk is.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Elisabeth Dilen Hansen‎

Reference : 59006

‎Gennem hovedet muren / Mit dem Kopf durch die Wand / Head through the wall : Sammlung Block‎

‎, Statens Museum for Kunst 1992, 1992 287 Seiten. Der Katalog verzeichnet 517 Werke und Objekte aus der Sammlung.Texte D nisch / Englisch / Deutsch.Gutes kondition. ISBN 9788775510764.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Elisabeth Foch-Eyssette‎

Reference : 54687

‎Montagne des photographes : La Montagne est tout un art.‎

‎, Bordas, 1989 Hardcover, 239 pages, Francais, Illustrations/ Photo's en n/b, 360 x 270 x 38 mm, Grand Format , jaquette, Prima Conditions !., gaine en carton ISBN 9782040184704.‎

‎Cette cha ne de montagnes a t cr e il y a environ 300 millions d'ann es. Les Romains d couvrirent que cette zone tait riche en filons d?or et d?argent. C'est pourquoi ils ont construit ici plusieurs forts et tabli plusieurs routes commerciales dans cette r gion. Au Moyen ge, cette zone constituait la fronti re entre le royaume des Francs et celui des Wisigoths. Plusieurs ch teaux, comme le ch teau du Hautpoul et le ch teau de Lastours, datent de cette poque. Gr ce l'enclavement de cette zone, la Montagne Noire a t largement pargn e par les effets d vastateurs de la Guerre de Cent Ans. Pendant des si cles, l?exploitation des m taux pr cieux a t la principale source de revenus de cette r gion. Apr s l' puisement des filons d'or, d'argent et de cuivre au XVe si cle, cette zone fut de plus en plus abandonn e. En partie gr ce ce d veloppement, la Montagne Noire est devenue au fil des si cles l'une des plus belles r serves naturelles du sud de la France.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎Elisabeth Gurock, Badisches Landesmuseum‎

Reference : 63598

‎Jugendstil am Oberrhein : Kunst und Leben ohne Grenzen‎

‎, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, 2009 Hardcover, 375 Seiten, DEU. edition, 285 x 250 mm, Gut, mit abb. in Farbe / s/w. ISBN 9783765085109.‎

‎Der Oberrhein war Schauplatz zahlreicher Kriege und gewaltsamer Grenzverschiebungen, aber auch ein Land mit langen Friedenszeiten, die zu h chsten Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Kunst f hrten. Um 1900 erlebte der Kultur- und Wirtschaftraum Oberrhein starke soziale Ver nderungen und einen noch nie da gewesenen Wohlstand. Diese Um- und Aufbruchzeit brachte eine neue k nstlerische Epoche hervor den Jugendstil, der mit enormer Dynamik nahezu alle Bereiche des Lebens eroberte. Autor: Wolfgang Hug: Hochindustrialisierung und B rgergesellschaft am Oberrhein um 1900 Jacqueline Maltzahn-Redling: Orte der Gl ckseligkeit: Unterhaltung und Konsum am Oberrhein Sonia Dehning: In Bilder verbannt und h ufig verkannt: K nstlerinnen am Oberrhein Andreas Seim: Kreuz und Quer die F den: Textiles am Oberrhein und Hochrhein um 1900 Anke E. Sommer: Jugendstilglasmalerei am Oberrhein Brigitte von Savigny: Tapetenindustrie am Oberrhein Ernst Strebel: Einfl sse der Jugendstilbewegung in der Architektur von Curjel & Moser Joanna Flawia Figiel: Karlsruhe: Altehrw rdige Residenzstadt und der neue Stil. Joanna Flawia Figiel: Mannheim: Dynamischer Start ins 20 Jahrhundert Joanna Flawia Figiel: Freiburg und Heidelberg: Universit tsst dte um 1900 Arthur Mehlst ubler: Jugendstilm bel des badischen Oberrheins Gerhard Kabierske: Das Wichtigste ist die k nstlerische Freiheit". Hermann Billings Beitrag zur badischen Architektur um 1900 Cornelie Holzach: Schmuckindustrie und Kunstgewerbeschule um 1900 in Pforzheim Fran ois Ingersheim: Das Elsass um 1900: Die els ssische Renaissance Christine Peltre: Hansi Joanna Flawia Figiel: M hlhausen: Am Rande oder im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens Joanna Flawia Figiel: Basel: Finanzmetropole und ihr Jugendstil. Andrea V gh: Grafik in Basel 1896 bis 1918 Rose-Marie Schulz-Rehberg: Architekten des Fin-de-Si cle in Basel Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Ausstellungskataloge Kunst Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe Regionalgeschichte L ndergeschichte Jugendstil Jugenstil-Kunst-Oberrhein Karlsruhe‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Elisabeth Ivanovsky‎

Reference : 61260

‎CIRKUS Elisabeth Ivanovsky.‎

‎ Antwerpen, Bibliofielenvereeniging TIJL, kammenstraat 65., 1933 Oplage bedraagt slechts 54 exemplaren waarvan 1-50 genummerd en 4 ex. buiten handel. DIT IS EXEMPLAAR 49. Gesigneerd door Elisabeth Ivanovsky Deze uiterst zeldzame portfolio bestaat uit zwart color kaft met daarin zeven sjablonen, naar ontwerp en uitgevoerd door Elisabeth Ivanovsky bewerkt op zwaar pastelpapier. -- Edition is only 54 copies of which 1-50 numbered and 4 ex. outside trade. THIS IS COPY 49. Signed by Elisabeth Ivanovsky This extremely rare folder consists of a black color cover containing seven templates, designed and executed by Elisabeth Ivanovsky, edited on heavy pastel paper.‎

‎In 1933 werkte Elisabeth Ivanovsky af en toe in een drukkerij in Antwerpen om stencils te maken. Ze kreeg de kans om daar haar eigen creatie te publiceren - "Cirkus", een portfolio van zeven sjablonen inclusief omslag - onafhankelijk van de werken die voor de I.S.A.D. (La Cambre) zijn uitgevoerd. De portfolio werd voor het eerst tentoongesteld op de offici le Bessarabische salon in Chisinau in 1934 daarna in "Infancia y Arte moderno", IVAM Centre Julio Gonzalez, Valencia en "Russian Art of the Image for Children (1900-1945)" in het Centre de l'Illustration, H tel de Mora, Moulins. In 2010, opnieuw in Chisinau in het National Museum of Arts van Moldavi tijdens de herdenking "Elisabeth Ivanovschi - 100 ani de la nastere" in 2010 ook daarna tijdens "Lof der zeldzaamheid - Honderd schatten van het zeldzame boekenreservaat" in de Nationale Bibliotheek van Frankrijk Fran ois-Mitterrand in 2014-2015. Van de 59 exemplaren van de originele uitgave (Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Tijl) wordt er n bewaard door de BnF (Parijs) evenals vijf aquarelprojecten, n door de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KBR, Brussel), n door het Van Abbemuseum - LS Collectie (Eindhoven), n door het Nationaal Museum voor Moldavische Kunst (Chisinau), n door de Bibliotheek Universiteit Van Amsterdam en twee door particulieren (Parijs, Brussel) en deze portfolio in Antwerpen). In 1933, Elisabeth Ivanovsky occasionally worked in a printing house in Antwerp to make stencils. She had the opportunity to publish her own creation there - "Cirkus", a portfolio of seven templates including cover - independent of the works submitted for the I.S.A.D. (La Cambre). The portfolio was first exhibited at the official Bessarabian salon in Chisinau in 1934 then at "Infancia y Arte moderno", IVAM Center Julio Gonzalez, Valencia and "Russian Art of the Image for Children (1900-1945)" at the Center de l'Illustration, H tel de Mora, Moulins. In 2010, again in Chisinau in the National Museum of Arts of Moldova during the commemoration "Elisabeth Ivanovschi - 100 ani de la nastere" in 2010 also afterwards in "Praise of rarity - One hundred treasures of the rare book reserve" in the National Library of France Fran ois-Mitterrand in 2014-2015. Of the 59 copies of the original edition (Antwerp: Uitgeverij Tijl), one is kept by the BnF (Paris) as well as five watercolor projects, one by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KBR, Brussels), one by the Van Abbemuseum - LS Collection (Eindhoven) , one by the National Museum of Moldavian Art (Chisinau), one by the University of Amsterdam Library and three by private individuals (Paris, Brussels, and this copie in Antwerp). ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR11,750.00 (€11,750.00 )

‎Elise Meier‎

Reference : 62904

‎scheppende kracht van papier Duurzaam, innovatief en sociaal‎

‎, , 2023 softcover, 127 pp. met prachtige illustraties. 26 18,7 cm. ISBN 9789083189451.‎

‎Meester papierschepper Leo Hoegen uit Utrecht heeft een lange staat van dienst als papierschepper. Ruim veertig jaar ervaring in experimenteren en innoveren, meedoen aan kunstprojecten, advies geven aan buitenlandse bedrijven en vooral heel veel les geven. ?De scheppende kracht van papier? bestaat uit de interessantste hoogtepunten van Leo?s carri re, die lezen als een avonturenboek. Elk hoofdstuk biedt praktijkoefeningen om te leren papierscheppen, met een QR-code voor een film waarin Leo laat zien hoe u dat doet. Stap voor stap wordt u ingewijd in de geheimen van dit eeuwenoude, maar nog springlevende ambacht. Een lesboek dat ook prima geschikt is als leesboek. Auteur Elise Meier heeft diverse boeken over ambachten op haar naam staan zoals Gouden Handen, Kunst& Ambacht, Op zoek naar het nieuwe ambacht. Ook schrijft zij regelmatig in tijdschriften over ambachten en immaterieel erfgoed.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.99 (€39.99 )


Reference : 54671

‎RODOLPHE II Monarque et mecene‎

‎, Cercle d'Art, 1990 Hardcover, 271 pages, Francais, Illustrations. ISBN 9782702202555.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Elisséev / Grousset / Hacqin / Salles / Stern‎

Reference : 2684

‎Arts musulmans . Extrême-Orient.‎

‎ Paris, Armand Colin, 1939. In-4, br. , 496 pp. , nbr. illustrations. ‎

‎dos manquant en partie, titre conservé, à relier ,dans l'état ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR27.44 (€27.44 )

‎Elizabeth A.T. Smith‎

Reference : 62153

‎Case Study Houses 1945-1966 : De Californische impuls‎

‎, Taschen / De Morgen, 2007 Hardcover, 96 pag. NL, 240 x 190 mm, goede staat, ill. in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789077686577.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Elizabeth Austin Ph.D.‎

Reference : 58251

‎Treading on Thin Air: Atmospheric Physics, Forensic Meteorology, and Climate Change : How Weather Shapes Our Everyday Lives‎

‎, Pegasus Books 2016, 2016 Hardcover, 273 pages, EN , 235 x 165 mm , with pictures / illustrations in colour and b/w, in very fine condition !. ISBN 9781605988221.‎

‎Weather, water, and climate. How we feel, how productive we are, even our sheer existence, depends on these three things. The United States economic activity varies annually by 1.7% due to weather-that is more than $500 billion dollars each year! Weather applications on mobile devices are the second most popular 'apps' - more popular than social networking, maps, music,and news. In Treading on Thin Air, Dr. Elizabeth Austin, a world-renowned atmospheric physicist, reveals how the climate is intimately tied to our daily lives. The effects and impacts of weather on humans, society and the planet are changing with the times. Dr. Austin will demystify climate change, revealing what is really happening with our climate and why, whether it is El Nino, tornadoes, floods or hurricanes. Weather and society are at its most fascinating at extremes, and as Dr. Austin is one of a handful of forensic meteorologists around the globe. She has been called upon to investigate plane crashes, murders, wildfires, avalanches, even bombing cases. Drawing upon her rich experiences, Austin's Treading on Thin Air promises to be an enlightening and informative journey through the wild word of weather.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR21.95 (€21.95 )

‎Elizabeth Darling‎

Reference : 117096


ISBN : 1858689635

‎Le Corbusier‎

‎Carlton Books Ltd 2000 Livre en anglais. In-8 cartonnage éditeur. 23 cm sur 17. 80 pages. Nombreuses photographies en couleurs et noir et blanc dont certaines hors-texte. Jaquette en bon état. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )

‎Elizabeth Dawson‎

Reference : 63184

‎Lives and Afterlives. The Hiberno-Latin Patrician Tradition, 650?1100‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 179 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:6 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503606040.‎

‎Summary Saint Patrick is a central figure in the medieval Irish Church. As the converter saint he was a central anchor through which Irish people came to understand their complicated religious past as well as their new place in the wider Christian world. This study considers some of the earliest and most influential writings focused on Saint Patrick, and asks how successive generations forged, sustained and redirected aspects of the saint's persona in order to suit their specific religious and political needs. In this book Elizabeth Dawson, for the first time, treats the Hiberno-Latin vitae of Patrick as a body of connected texts. Seminal questions about the corpus are addressed, such as who wrote the Lives and why? What do the works tell us about the communities that venerated and celebrated the saint? And what impact did these Lives have on the success and endurance of the saint's cult? Challenging the perception that Patrick's legend was created and sustained almost exclusively by the monastic community at Armagh, she demonstrates that the Patrick who emerges from the Lives is a varied and malleable saint with whom multiple communities engaged. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations Preface Chapter 1. Beginnings Chapter 2. T rech n Chapter 3. Muirch Chapter 4. Beyond the seventh century Chapter 5. Expanding the Tradition: Vita Secunda, Vita Tertia & Vita Quarta Epilogue Appendix Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎Elizabeth Haines ‎

Reference : 64031

‎Heide Hinrichs Morning Change‎

‎, Posture Editions Nr 33, 2019 PB, 297 x 210 mm, 160 pages, Illustrated. ENG-NL-GE edition. ISBN 9789491262340.‎

‎Morning Change is a book on movement, location and nomadism in the oeuvre of the Brussels based German artist Heide Hinrichs (b. 1976). It is an invitation to follow different lines that are directed east ? east of Kassel, east of Busan, east of Seattle, east of London. The lines are drawn over continents and oceans, against the Earth?s own movement we unconsciously witness with each sunrise. Within the traces of these lines, static objects are put back into motion and they are made to leave their recommended positions of meaning. The publication brings together three groups of works, developed over different periods of time between 1999 and 2018, exploring the artist?s recurring interest in these topics. the horse ? a story that starts 10 year after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Silent Sisters?/?Stille Schwestern together with a series of drawings and installations that were conceived in response to DICTEE ? a text written by the Korean-American artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and On Some of the Birds of Nepal (Parting the Animal Kingdom of the East) ? an installation that Hinrichs created in the context of the first Kathmandu Triennale 2017. An essay by Elizabeth Haines is woven through Morning Change‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Elizabeth Janus, Marion Lambert‎

Reference : 60765

‎Veronica's Revenge : Contemporary Perspectives on Photography‎

‎, Scalo, 1998 Hardcover, 254 pages, ENG, 240 x 180 x 24 mm, dustjacket, As New ! illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783931141783.‎

‎The Lambert Collection is one of the greatest collections of contemporary photographs in the world, made during a time in which photographic art has undergone fundamental changes in both its intentions and perceptions. This collection of essays by the foremost writers on international contemporary art accompanies full-page reproductions of 130 photographs from the collection, placing them in the context of contemporary art practice, and singling out particular artists and images for their own personal analysis.This book fills a real gap in photography publishing and critically examines the photographic creation of the recent decades.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR27.50 (€27.50 )

‎Elizabeth McGrath, Bert Schepers, Nils B ttner, Gerlinde Gruber, Fiona Healy, Eveliina Juntunen, Gregory Martin, Jeremy Wood‎

Reference : 60700

‎Hercules to Olympus Part XI, 2: Mythological Subjects Hercules to Olympus / 2 volumes.‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2023 hardcover with dusjacket, 2 vols, 946 pages.Size:175 x 260 mm Illustrations:450 b/w. Language(s):English. ISBN 9781912554867.‎

‎One remarkable feature of European culture as it developed in the Renaissance was the accommodation it made with ancient paganism. The classical gods and their legends were allegorised, transformed into symbolic figures or emblematic scenes that might accord with Christian morality. At the same time a secular space was created in art for the depiction of the most popular myths, above all the love stories recounted by the ancient poets. These stories were not only attractive in themselves; they offered the opportunity to depict nude figures in narrative action, which the example of antiquity held forth as the highest goal for painting. Rubens was one of the greatest creators of classical allegory; he was also a supreme interpreter of the classical stories. No painter was so at home in the literature of the Greeks and Romans. When he painted for pleasure, which, increasingly in the course of his life, he felt able to do, he used pagan myth to express and celebrate themes of love, beauty and the creative forces of nature, often in wonderfully idiosyncratic ways. At the same time, as a Christian committed to the ideals of the Catholic Reformation, Rubens respected the restrictions generally placed on the depiction of pagan tales. Most of his mythological paintings were made for private settings, for display within houses (including his own) or in the galleries of princes, noblemen and prelates. It is happy accident of history that these splendid paintings are now widely visible in the great museums of the world.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Elizabeth McGrath, Paul van Calster (eds)‎

Reference : 63266

‎Thinking through Rubens Selected Studies by Arnout Balis.‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardcover, Pages: 220 pages,90 x 255mm,Illustrations:18 b/w, 88 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9781915487285.‎

‎Over the course of his life, Arnout Balis (d. 2021) did a lot of thinking about and around Rubens. A principal beneficiary of this was the Corpus Rubenianum, that multi-volume catalogue of the work of the artist to which he devoted so much of his scholarly endeavour ? as author, and, still more, as the most generous of editors. But he also produced wide-ranging, as well as more closely detailed, studies on the artist that were written for a variety of contexts. Arnout Balis was an artist before he was an art historian, and the question of how Rubens channelled his ideas into visual form constantly attracted and intrigued him. He was fascinated, too, by the practicalities of the artist?s method of production, given the enormous output of Rubens?s studio. Not only did he rigorously assemble and analyse every scrap of information about pupils or associates of the master, but he made himself an expert in the work of each of Rubens?s artistic contemporaries. In all his investigations, whether involving the attribution of a painting, an iconographic puzzle or the solution to a historical problem, he took nothing for granted, treating any received idea or initial intuition with due scepticism until it could be shown to stand the test of the evidence, documentary and visual. The present volume shows the Balis method in action. It includes several studies already acclaimed as exemplary, and others which deserve to be more widely known. Five of them are made available here for the first time in English translation. Preface Arnout Balis: A Personal Memoir by Elizabeth McGrath 1 Hippopotamus Rubenii: A Small Chapter in the History of Zoology (1981) 2 Image and Counterimage: On Dissident Rubens Biographies (1985) 3 Picturing Fables in Seventeenth-Century Flemish Painting (1985) 4 ?Fatto da un mio discepolo?: Rubens?s Studio Practices Reviewed (1994) 5 Working it out: Design Tools and Procedures in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Flemish Art (2000) 6 Rubens and Inventio: The Contribution of his Theoretical Notebook (2001) 7 Rubens and his Studio: Defining the Problem (2007) 8 A Painting by Willem Panneels, an Intriguing Pupil of Rubens (2020) 9 Many Hands in Rubens?s Workshop: an Exploration (2021) 10 A Sheet from Rubens?s Theoretical Notebook (2021)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎Elizabeth Prettejohn.‎

Reference : 51639

‎Alma-Tadema - Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1836-1912.‎

‎, van Gogh museum / Waanders , 1996 softcover, 287 pagina's, met prachtige illustraties in kleur, lit. index.noten. ISBN 9789040099045.‎

‎Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912). Geboren in Friesland en vanaf 1870 werkzaam in Londen, was ongelooflijk succesvol in het Victoriaanse Engeland en behoorde tot de meest gevierde en best betaalde kunstenaars. Hij specialiseerde zich in het weergeven van antieke zeden en gewoonten. Zijn voorstellingen waren gebaseerd op de nieuwste archeologische ontdekkingen en geschilderd met verbazingwekkende details. Met koel marmer, diepblauwe zeeen, kostbare stoffen en elegante personages, dit alles gestileerd volgens de Victoriaanse smaak, riep hij een poetisch beeld op van de antieke wereld. Naast de bijna obsessieve aandacht voor het detail worden Alma-Tadema's schilderijen gekenmerkt door bijzondere lichteffecten, composities met duizelingwekkende perspectieven en fraaie doorkijkjes. Deze illusionistische trucs, waardoor de toeschouwer als het ware in het beeld getrokken wordt, zouden later worden opgepakt door de filmindustrie van Hollywood. Deze bijzondere publicatie geeft een representatief‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.90 (€29.90 )

‎EL KADI, Galila.‎

Reference : 91817

‎Le Caire. Cairo. Centre en mouvement. Centre in movement. Collection Petit altas urbain.‎

‎ Marseille, IRD Editions 2012, 270x240mm, 287pages, broché. Couverture à rabats. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.‎

‎ photos couleurs et n/b, édition bilingue: français - anglais, ‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF30.00 (€30.70 )

‎Ella Sophie Beaucamp, Philippe Cordez (eds)‎

Reference : 57175

‎Typical Venice? The Art of Commodities 13th-16th Centuries. , ‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller 2020, 2020 Hardcover, . iv + 268 p., 70 col. ills , 220 x 280 mm, English, FINE ISBN 9781912554300.‎

‎What is the art of commodities, and how does it contribute to shaping a city? The case of Venice, which perhaps more than any other late medieval or early modern city depended on trade, offers some widely applicable considerations in response to these questions. Commodities exist as such only when they can be bought and sold. Select materials, techniques and tools, motifs, and working processes are entailed in the conception and realization of commodities, with the aim of producing and selling in numbers. The art of commodities is an art of anticipation and organization, as complex as the material, social, and symbolic situations it results from, deals with, and contributes to shaping. In turn, an analysis of commodities allows for profound insights in these situations. The art of commodities ultimately presents specific challenges, solutions, and styles; it is an art of objects, as well as an art of cities and societies. In Venice, commodities did much more than circulate throughout the Lagoon: the city was made of them. The studies in this book consider the Serenissima?s diverse commodities, merchants, and routes from multiple perspectives. Ella Beaucamp is a doctoral candidate at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit t M nchen, where she developed her dissertation topic within the research group ?Premodern Objects. An Archaeology of Experience?, led by Philippe Cordez. She studies the high medieval stone reliefs of Venetian house facades, relating them to the larger context of Mediterranean trade and artistic production. The Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, the Gerda Henkel Stiftung, and the Max Weber Foundation ? German Humanities Institutes Abroad have supported her work. For her master?s thesis she was the recipient of the Heinrich W lfflin Prize from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit t M nchen. Philippe Cordez is Deputy Director of the German Center for Art History in Paris. His research and teaching deal with medieval art history and more generally with object studies in art history. This work has been supported by the cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, the Universit t Hamburg, the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz ? Max-Planck-Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit t M nchen, the Universit de Montr al, and the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown. His book Treasure, Memory, Nature: Church Objects in the Middle Ages, translated from French and awarded the Prize of the German Medievalists? Society (Medi vistenverband e.V.), is available at Harvey Miller Publishers.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Ellen Marie Moysons, Koen Van Damme. Fotografie: John Tromp‎

Reference : 57944

‎LUX AETERNA Ellen Marie.‎

‎, Stichting Kunstboek, 2022 HB, 290 x 240 mm, 144 pages, 80 Kleurenillustraties, EN-NL edition. ISBN 9789058566812.‎

‎Kunstenares Ellen Marie grijpt terug naar de ambachtelijkheid van oude meesters. Dat leerde ze niet aan de Willem De Kooning Academie waar ze eerst studeerde, maar aan de Barcelona Academy of Art, waar ze traditionele teken- en schildertechnieken kreeg onderwezen. Nu heeft ze een eigen studio in Barcelona en geeft ze er les aan de Academy. Lux Aeterna, 'Eeuwig Licht' is een reeks van 57 schilderijen waarin ze het proces volgt van een dansende man op weg naar zelfverwezenlijking, de hoogste der menselijke behoeften. In het eerste deel treffen we hem aan kronkelend van zielenpijn, getormenteerd doordat een blinddoek hem belet het licht dat hem omringt, waar te nemen. In deel twee valt de blinddoek af en komt er geleidelijk een dans op gang. Er ontstaat een dialoog tussen het licht dat op zijn lichaam valt en het onzichtbare licht, de levenskracht die van binnenuit opwelt, eerst ingetogen daarna steeds woester. In het derde deel spatten de klodders verf van het doek. De vorm valt meer en meer uit elkaar en transmuteert tot een onherkenbare massa waarin nog slechts de suggestie van een figuur zit. In het vierde deel ten slotte, vindt de man na een lange eenzame tocht verwantschap bij gelijkgestemde zielen die baden in het goddelijke licht. Dit verhaal verbeeldt de innerlijke zoektocht van de kunstenares naar Waarheid, Licht en Vrijheid. Kunstrecensent Koen Van Damme (The Art Couch) schreef vijf gedichten bij dit bijzondere werk.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.90 (€49.90 )

‎Elle Shushan, Essaka Joshua, Emma Rutherford, Ellie Smith, Alison Lapper‎

Reference : 63176

‎Without Hands - The Art of Sarah Biffin‎

‎, Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd, 2022 Softcover, 104 pages, ENG. edition, 250 x 195 mm, NEW , illustrated in color / b/w. ISBN 9781913645366.‎

‎Overview A celebration of an artist whose under-sung legacy testifies to the enduring power of originality, drive, and devotion. Accompanying an exhibition at Philip Mould & Company, Without Hands presents the art of Sarah Biffin. Biffin (1784-1850) was born with phocomelia, a condition described on her baptism record as "born without arms and legs." After learning to sew and write as a child, Biffin joined a traveling sideshow where she painted in front of an audience. Eventually, she rose to fame as a talented miniaturist, signing many of her works "without hands." Despite her prolific output, including commissions from royalty and exquisitely detailed self-portraits, Biffin's work has been overlooked by art historians. Beautifully illustrated and including original research, Without Hands celebrates Biffin as an artist who challenged contemporary attitudes to disability.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 12328


‎Amalienborg Interiører. Christian VII's Palæ 1750-1800.‎

‎Kbhvn., 1945. 4to. Med orig. omslag i smukt privat hpergamentsbd. 84,(10) pp. samt 67 plancher.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK450.00 (€60.35 )


Reference : 15248


‎Holmens Bygningshistorie 1680-1770.‎

‎Kbh., 1932. 133 pp., samt tavler. (Disp.).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK280.00 (€37.55 )


Reference : 15072


‎Monumenta Architectura Danicae. Danish Architectural Drawings 1660-1920. Copenhagen, 1961.‎

‎Copenhagen, 1961. Folio. Orig. hpergament i kassette. Topguldsnit. 402 pp. samt 181 plancher, de fleste i farver.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 38278


‎Holmens Bygningshistorie 1680-1930.‎

‎København, Henrik Koppel, 1932. Folio. Orig. hldrbd. Et stempel på titelbladet og forsatsbladet.190 pp., 32 opmålingsplancher, talrige tekstillustrationer.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK850.00 (€114.00 )
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