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‎Blanqui aîné, Jérome Adolphe.‎

Reference : DZN-1574


‎Histoire de l'économie politique en Europe depuis les anciens jusqu'à nos jours, suivie d'une bibliographie raisonnée des principaux ouvrages d'économie politique.‎

‎Paris Guillaumin 1842 (deuxième édition), 2 volumes in-8, 468+494 pages(1). Demi chagrin brun époque. Bel état intérieur.(1100gr)-(LXXVIII).‎

‎Frère aîné d'Auguste Blanqui"le socialiste", disciple de J.B. Say,théoricien et économiste libéral,il fut le premier historien de l'économie politique.‎

A la librairie Gauzy - Montagnac sur Lède
EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 36626aaf


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF40.00 (€40.94 )

‎BLOCH (Camille)‎

Reference : 18598

‎Etudes sur l'histoire économique de la France (1760-1789). Préface de Emile Levasseur.‎

‎ In-8, reliure éditeur, ix, 271 p. Paris, 1900 [reprint 1977].‎

‎Reprint. Epuisé. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎BLONDEL (Georges)‎

Reference : 20729

‎Etudes sur les populations rurales de l'Allemagne et la crise agraire. Avec la collaboration de Charles Brouilhet, Ed. Julhiet, Lucien de Sainte Croix, Louis Quesnel.‎

‎ In-8, demi-toile (défr.), xii, 522 p., 9 cartes et plans dépliants hors texte. Paris, Larose, 1897.‎

‎Bon état intérieur. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎[BLONDEL (Jean)]‎

Reference : 19213

‎Des Hommes tels qu'ils sont et doivent être. Ouvrage de sentiment.‎

‎ In-12, broché, couverture papier moderne, 12,186, (2) p., qqs mouill. claires et rouss. Hambourg, Chrétien Hérold, 1760.‎

‎"Morale sociale. Calcul sur la vie humaine... L'esclavage, le célibat et le luxe sont condamnés. Éloge de l'agriculture" (Cf. longue analyse in INED, n° 540).Avocat, l'auteur devint président à la Cour impériale de Paris, et l'un des rédacteurs du code criminel.(Colon, 'Siècle des Lumières', 58:517).Bon exemplaire, intérieur frais, grand de marges. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎BLOSSEVILLE, Marquis de.‎

Reference : 8882


‎ Histoire de la Colonisation Pénale et des Etablissements de l'Angleterre en Australie.‎

‎ 1859 Evreux, Hérissey, 1859 ; in-8°, demi-basane tabac de l'époque, dos à nerfs, filet maigre doré sur les nerfs, palette dorée en pied; (4),viii( avertissement, xxxii( introduction), viii ( encore quelques réflexions préliminaires),( 2) (poids et mesures), 569pp.‎

‎Seconde édition augmentée de cette importante étude sur la déportation des populations anglaises de condamnés ayant servi à la colonisation de l'Australie. Relation des difficultés du transport, et de l'implantation des colonies des condamnés libérés sur les terres désertes ou peuplés jusqu'alors par les aborigènes australiens. Dos de la reliure foncé, passé au brun, quelques piqûres.( Reu-CH1 ) ‎


Phone number : 33 (0)2 54 49 05 62

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

‎BLUM (Léon)‎

Reference : 34313

‎Révolution socialiste ou Révolution directoriale ?‎

‎ In-18, broché, couverture imprimée, 17 p. Paris, J. Lefeuvre, 1947.‎

‎Edition originale, parue dans 'Les Egaux'. Léon Blum répond à John Burnham qui dans "Lère des directeurs" annonçait la fin du capitalisme et le règne d'une élite de techniciens. Il montre que l'analyse de Burnham porte sur une période de transition qui doit aboutir au socialisme intégral.Bon exemplaire, très frais. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎BOESLER, Felix:‎

Reference : 22240aaf

‎Ertragswert und gemeiner Wert in der deutschen Vermögensbesteuerung. ‘Probleme des Geld- und Finanzwesens’, 3.‎

‎Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1925, gr. in-8°, XII + 128 S. + 9 Anlagen, Original-Broschüre.‎

‎Enthält (u.a.): Der moderne Vermögenssteuerbegriff / Die Struktur der steuerlichen Wertbegriffe / Zur Geschichte des Problems in Deutschland, usw. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF30.00 (€30.70 )

‎BOISGUILBERT (Pierre de)‎

Reference : 9937

‎Le détail de la France sous le règne présent. Augmenté en cette nouvelle édition, de plusieurs mémoires traitez, sur la même matière. La cause de la diminution de ses biens et la facilité du remède, en fournissant en un mois tout l'argent dont le Roy a besoin et enrichissant tout le monde.‎

‎1707 2 parties en 1 volume in-12 reliure plein veau (reliure fatiguée, coiffes arrachées, quelques manques, charnières fendues), dos à 5 nerfs orné de fleurons dorés (pièce de titre manquante). 276 + 264 pp. Première édition des oeuvres économiques complètes. ‎

Phone number : 06 82 09 51 82

EUR750.00 (€750.00 )

‎BOISGUILBERT (Pierre de)‎

Reference : 6547

‎Pierre de Boisguilbert ou La naissance de l'économie politique. I- Préface. Études - Biographie. Correspondance - Bibliographies. II- Oeuvres manuscrites et imprimées.‎

‎ 2 volumes in-8, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette imprimée, xx, 1032 p. (pagination continue), tableau généalogique dépliant et planches de fac-similés hors texte. Paris, INED, 1966.‎

‎L'édition de référence. La première partie contient des études sur Boisguilbert par : A. Sauvy, J. Spengler, J. Bast, L. Salleron, J. Féry, A. Kubota, J. Molinier et S. McDonald ; suivis d'une biographie, correspondance de Boisguilbert et bibliographie par Jacqueline Hecht. La seconde renferme les oeuvres de Boisguilbert, manuscrits inédits et édition critique des oeuvres imprimées.Exemplaire à l'état de neuf, relié. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR130.00 (€130.00 )

‎BOISGUILBERT (Pierre Le Pesant de).‎

Reference : 41632


‎Le Détail de la France, sous le règne présent. Augmenté en cette nouvelle édition de plusieurs Mémoires & Traitez, sur la même matière.‎

‎, , 1707. 2 parties en 2 vol. petit in-8 de (2)-294-(2) pp. ; 16 pp. (Suplément du Détail de la France) ; (2)- 302 pp. (pages 277/178 mal chiffrées), veau brun, dos orné à nerfs, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge (reliure de l'époque). ‎

‎Édition longuement décrite dans Boisguilbert et la naissance de l'économie politique, p. 495-497. « Boisguilbert réunit dans cette édition, parue avant le 14 mars 1707, les plus importantes de ces oeuvres antérieures et y ajouta de nouveaux textes : Traité du mérite et des lumières de ceux que l'on appelle Gens habiles dans la Finance, ou Grands Financiers, et, Sentence du Châtelet de Paris, qui fixe le prix du pain ».Très bon exemplaire malgré des rousseurs. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 46 33 57 22

EUR1,500.00 (€1,500.00 )


Reference : 18572

‎Le détail de la France, sous le regne present. Augmentée en cette nouvelle Édition, de plusieurs Mémoires & Traitez, sur la même matiere.‎

‎No place (Rouen?), Année 1707. 2 volumes in 1. (2), 294 pp.; (2), 300 (misnumbered 302, 277-278 omitted in numbering) pp. 8vo. Contemporary green vellum, raised bands, red label with gilt lettering, red edges. Kress 2542; Goldsmiths 4429 & 4430; Einaudi 581; Mattioli 370; Carpenter VIII (9); INED, Pierre de Boisguilbert où la naissance de l'économie politique, i, p. 495 ff; Gerits, A., Le Détail de la France in 'Quaerendo', vol 16/3 (1986), pp. 198-207. One of at least 7 editions published in 1707. This is the edition normally found, without the rare supplement of 12 pages. The importance of this edition is that "Boisguilbert réunit dans cette édition, parue avant le 14 mars 1707, les plus importantes de ses oeuvres antérieures, manuscrites et imprimées, et y ajouta de nouveau textes" (Pierre de Boisguilbert où la naissance de l'économie politique, vol. i, p. 495 ff). These new texts are the following: "Traité du mérite et des lumières de ceux qu'on appelle Gens habiles dans la Finance, ou Grands Financiers" (pp. 164-183, vol. 1); "Sentence du Châtelet de Paris, qui fixe le prix du pain. Du sixième May 1649. De par le Roy, et Monsieur le Prévost de Paris, ou son Lieutenant Civil" (pp. 192-195, vol. 11). The "Détail de la France ..." contains minor changes, additions and corrections, the "Traité de la Nature, Culture, Commerce, .... " (pp. 184-294, vol. i) is a new text and the principal text by Boisguilbert "sur les Bleds"; the "Memoire, qui fait voir en Abrégé, que plus les Bleds sont à vil Prix, ..... (pp. 179-191, vol. ii) was published in 1704 "en deux feuilles" with a slightly different title; the "Causes de la Rareté de l'Argent, ...." (pp. 196-212, vol. ii) is published here for the first time; the "Dissertation de la Nature des Richesses, de l'Argent ....." (pp. 213-302, vol. ii) is published here for the first time. In the second half of the seventeenth century the great advance in economic theory and method had been concentrated mainly in England. The appearance of the first writings of Pierre de Boisguilbert, notably his Détail de la France (first published in 1695), can be taken as a sign that eventually, in the course of the eighteenth century, pre-eminence in political economy would pass to France - before subsequently being assumed by Scotland. As regards France, the title of the definitive edition of Boisguilbert's writings (1966) is well justified: Pierre de Boisguilbert: où la naissance de l'économie politique ...... Boisguilbert regarded the economic situation of France as one of disastrous decline and widespread poverty, and he began to study, with mounting passion, the causes and policies in the preceding decades which had brought this about. The depression seemed to have been specially severe in agriculture, which had suffered from Colbert's policy of favouring industrial development. Whether or not his alarming assessment of France's economic decline was correct, Boisguilbert, in seeking to analyse and establish the causes of what had happened, made general, theoretical and conceptual contributions of fundamental importance, including, among others, such monetary, or macro-economic, concepts, clearly though precisely formulated as: the propensity to consume or save, the velocity of circulation, the state of confidence, the expectations of businessmen, multiplying or cumulative effects, and, especially, the fundamental notion of equilibrium (Hutchison, T., Before Adam Smith. The Emergence of Political Economy 1662-1776, pp. 107-115). Boisguilbert was 'chiefly preoccupied with the problem of French fiscal policy and nearly as fact-minded as was Vauban, he differed from the latter not only in the much wider scope of his interests but also in the fact that he was theoretically articulate - perhaps more so than any other writer before Cantillon' (Schumpeter, p. 215 note). 'Boisguilbert is largely remembered as a precursor of the Physiocrats and as the economist whom Marx linked with Petty as marking the start of classical political economy. His influence was undoubtedly more extensive: much of Cantillon's circular flow analysis appears inspired by his work; while Roberts in his Boisguilbert, Economist of the Reign of Louis XIV, (1935) argues for considerable similarity between his fundamental economic ideas and some of Adam Smith's' (New Palgrave, i, p. 259). ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR900.00 (€900.00 )


Reference : 18571

‎Le détail de la France, sous le regne present. Augmentée en cette nouvelle Édition, de plusieurs Mémoires & Traitez, sur la même matiere. ‎

‎No place (Rouen?), Année 1707. 2 volumes in 1. (2), 294 pp.; (2), 300 (misnumbered 302, 277-278 omitted in numbering), 12 pp. 8vo. Contemporary calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands, red label with gilt lettering, spine and joints damaged at head and foot, some damage to rear cover with some loss of calf at extremeties. Kress 2542; Goldsmiths 4429 & 4430; Einaudi 581; Carpenter VIII (9); INED, Pierre de Boisguilbert où la naissance de l'économie politique, i, p. 495 ff; Gerits, A., Le Détail de la France in Quaerendo, vol 16/3 (1986), pp. 198-207. One of at least 7 editions published in 1707. The 12 pages at the end of volume two are printed in a small caracter and contain the supplement, here written with one 'p' and which is only rarely found. Aiiii and Aiii in the supplement have been interchanged.This is the edition normally found, but often without the rare supplement of 12 pages. The importance of this edition is that "Boisguilbert réunit dans cette édition, parue avant le 14 mars 1707, les plus importantes de ses oeuvres antérieures, manuscrites et imprimées, et y ajouta de nouveau textes" (Pierre de Boisguilbert où la naissance de l'économie politique, vol. i, p. 495 ff). These new texts are the following: "Traité du mérite et des lumières de ceux qu'on appelle Gens habiles dans la Finance, ou Grands Financiers" (pp. 164-183, vol. 1); "Sentence du Châtelet de Paris, qui fixe le prix du pain. Du sixième May 1649. De par le Roy, et Monsieur le Prévost de Paris, ou son Lieutenant Civil" (pp. 192-195, vol. 11). The "Détail de la France ..." contains minor changes, additions and corrections, the "Traité de la Nature, Culture, Commerce, .... " (pp. 184-294, vol. i) is a new text and the principal text by Boisguilbert "sur les Bleds"; the "Memoire, qui fait voir en Abrégé, que plus les Bleds sont à vil Prix, ..... (pp. 179-191, vol. ii) was published in 1704 "en deux feuilles" with a slightly different title; the "Causes de la Rareté de l'Argent, ...." (pp. 196-212, vol. ii) is published here for the first time; the "Dissertation de la Nature des Richesses, de l'Argent ....." (pp. 213-302, vol. ii) is published here for the first time. The "Suplément ....." was published separately in early 1707 and added in some, but not all, copies. 'In the second half of the seventeenth century the great advance in economic theory and method had been concentrated mainly in England. The appearance of the first writings of Pierre de Boisguilbert, notably his Détail de la France (first published in 1695), can be taken as a sign that eventually, in the course of the eighteenth century, pre-eminence in political economy would pass to France - before subsequently being assumed by Scotland. As regards France, the title of the definitive edition of Boisguilbert's writings (1966) is well justified: Pierre de Boisguilbert: où la naissance de l'économie politique ...... Boisguilbert regarded the economic situation of France as one of disastrous decline and widespread poverty, and he began to study, with mounting passion, the causes and policies in the preceding decades which had brought this about. The depression seemed to have been specially severe in agriculture, which had suffered from Colbert's policy of favouring industrial development. Whether or not his alarming assessment of France's economic decline was correct, Boisguilbert, in seeking to analyse and establish the causes of what had happened, made general, theoretical and conceptual contributions of fundamental importance, including, among others, such monetary, or macro-economic, concepts, clearly though precisely formulated as: the propensity to consume or save, the velocity of circulation, the state of confidence, the expectations of businessmen, multiplying or cumulative effects, and, especially, the fundamental notion of equilibrium' (T. Hutchison, Before Adam Smith. The Emergence of Political Economy 1662-1776, pp. 107-115). Boisguilbert was 'chiefly preoccupied with the problem of French fiscal policy and nearly as fact-minded as was Vauban, he differed from the latter not only in the much wider scope of his interests but also in the fact that he was theoretically articulate - perhaps more so than any other writer before Cantillon' (Schumpeter, p. 215 note). 'Boisguilbert is largely remembered as a precursor of the Physiocrats and as the economist whom Marx linked with Petty as marking the start of classical political economy. His influence was undoubtedly more extensive: much of Cantillon's circular flow analysis appears inspired by his work; while Roberts in his Boisguilbert, Economist of the Reign of Louis XIV, (1935) argues for considerable similarity between his fundamental economic ideas and some of Adam Smith's' (New Palgrave, i, p. 259). ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )

‎BOLINGBROKE (Henry St. John).‎

Reference : 1763


‎Testament Politique de Milord Bolingbroke, écrit par lui-même ; ou considérations sur l'Etat présent de la Grande-Bretagne, principalement par rapport aux Taxes & aux Dettes nationales, leurs Causes & leurs Conséquences. Traduit de l'Anglois.‎

‎A Londres, [], 1754. In-12 de (2)-IV-103 pp., veau havane, dos lisse orné, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, triple filet doré sur les plats, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque). ‎

‎Première édition française. « Ecrit inséré déjà sous le titre de Réflexions politiques parmi les discours de David Hume. Bolingbroke n'a pas mis la dernière main à ce travail, sans quoi le titre de Testament Politique lui eût paru trop pompeux pour un opuscule de 103 pp. Il y décrit la situation financière de l'Angleterre sous un jour très sombre, dénonce les dilapidations commises et l'accroissement considérable de la dette, etc. » (Stourm). Epidermures sur les plats. Stourm, 98 ; Kress, 5330. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 46 33 57 22

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎BOLTS (William)‎

Reference : 32004

‎Histoire des conquêtes et de l'administration de la Compagnie anglaise au Bengale.‎

‎ In-12, broché, couverture imprimée, (2) f., lix, 246 p., non coupé. Paris, Michel Lévy frères, 1858.‎

‎Réédition de ce célèbre ouvrage, dans la traduction de Jean-Nicolas Démeunier, donnée opportunément à l'occasion de la révolte des Cipayes, soulèvement populaire qui eut lieu en Inde en 1857 contre la Compagnie anglaise des Indes orientales.Marchand hollandais, William Bolts (17381808) dénonçait, dans cet ouvrage, l'exploitation et la spoliation du Bengale par la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales. "Les observations qu'il relate sont une source unique pour les études sur la nature de la domination britannique au Bengale".Bel exemplaire, très frais, imprimé sur beau papier, entièrement non coupé, tel que paru. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : 17548

‎De la nécessité et des moyens d'occuper avantageusement tous les gros ouvriers.‎

‎A Paris, De l'Imprimerie de Lottin l'aîné & J.R. Lottin, 1790. viii, 40 pp. 8vo. Modern boards. Cf.: Martin & Walter 4024; INED 606; Kress S.5343; Goldsmiths 13965. Second edition, largely expanded, first published in 1789, with 16 pages only. On the expense and danger to public order of unemployed workmen, formerly employed in public works, with suggestions for their employment. Includes an extensive table: Etat des matières du sol, & des fabriques étrangères importées dans le royaume, pendant l'année 1788, & que la France peur obtenir pour la plus grande partie de son sol & de ses fabriques, si les opérations qu'on a indiquées sont faites, même en partie.Pierre-François Boncerf, French writer on agrarian subjects. While a clerk in the ministry of finance under Turgot he published a pamphlet, Les inconvénients des droits féodaux. According to Palgrave the work was published with the consent of Turgot. In it he attacked the contemporary system of feudal dues as ruinous to those who pay them, of little advantage to its benificiaries and contrary to the principles of freedom. - Slightly browned, name in blank portion of title-page erased, some pencil underlinings in the text. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

‎Bonelli Laurent - Pelletier Willy ‎

Reference : 18597

ISBN : 2707160199

‎L'état démantelé Enquête sur une révolution silencieuse‎

‎ La découverte / Le Monde diplomatique.2010 - Broché, 15.5 x 24cm, 323 pages. Très bon ensemble. ‎

‎ N'hésitez jamais à nous joindre directement. Réponse immédiate pour d'autres titres non répertoriés sur LRB . Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 30 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques ( fractionnement possible) et virement acceptés. Nous accompagnons toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse pour vos propositions de ventes ( chiffrages et partages) .‎

Artlink - Saint-Haon-le-Vieux

Phone number : +33 47 78 70 476

EUR23.30 (€23.30 )

‎BORET Victor ‎

Reference : 115133


‎Pour et par la terre.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 318 pages. Couverture réparée.‎

‎Livre. Editions Payot (Collection : Bibliothèque politique et économique), 1921.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR16.20 (€16.20 )

‎Boris Komarov‎

Reference : POL131C55

‎LE ROUGE ET LE VERT. La destruction de la nature en URSS.‎

‎Postface de L. Pliouchtch. 1981 / 213 pages. Broché. Editions Seuil.‎

‎Très légérement frotté. Bon état.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )


Reference : 15840

‎Des libéralités des particuliers envers la patrie, et de l'organisation d'une caisse patriotique: plan proposé à l'Assemblée nationale.‎

‎Versailles, Baudouin, 1789. 16 pp. 8vo. Modern half morocco. Not in Kress; Goldsmiths 13862; not in Stourm; not in INED; Martin & Walter 4412. Original edition. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )


Reference : 16490

‎Histoire de l'ancien gouvernement de la France. Avec XIV lettres historiques sur les Parlemens ou États-Généraux. A La Haye, Amsterdam, Aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1727. 3 volumes. Titles printed in red and black. - (Followed by:) (BOULAINVILLIERS, H. DE.) Mémoires présentés à Monseigneur d'Orléans, contenant les moyens de rendre ce royaume très-puissant, & d'augmenter considérablement les revenus du Roy et du peuple.‎

‎A La Haye & A Amsterdam, Aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1727. 2 volumes. - Together 5 volumes bound in 4. (34), 352 pp.; (2), 324 (misnumbered 224) pp.; (2), 240, (6) pp.; (6), 158 pp.; (2), (1-4), 5-230, (2, table & errata) pp. 12mo. Contemporary marbled calf, spines gilt with raised bands, labels with gilt lettering. First work: Camus 874; Monod, Bibliographie de l'histoire de France, 1057; Conlon 27:348. First edition. Claims the re-establishment of the États-Généraux. The absolutism of the royalty had destructed the feudal system which had assured the people of more freedom. In Boulainvilliers's view, absolutism had destructed not only the freedom of the people, but especially the religious freedom. He claimed that the absolute power of the King should be controlled by the States General. He may be considered as one of the very first historians, who considered government as a science. The above work is considered as the author's main work."He shared the humanitarianism and the somewhat antimercantilistic sentiments of Vauban and Boisguillebert. He agreed (..) that the condition of the masses, particularly that of the peasants, must be improved. In his indifference to, and criticism of, the established religion, he anticipated the philosophes. The power of the state, Boulainvilliers believed, depended upon its having happy and comfortable subjects and a great number of common people - in his opinion, the most useful class of the state and the source of the nation's labor supply and soldiers; upon the existence of respect for the rights and liberties of individuals; and upon the absence of absolutism" (Spengler, p. 36). See also at length: Simon, Boulainvilliers, pp. 144 and ff. Second work: Kress 3678; INED 714; Goldsmiths 6532; not in Einaudi; Bourgeois & André 6557; Weulersse, i, xix; Monod, Bibliographie de l'histoire de France, 4344; Conlon 27:349.First edition. Political and economical improvements are suggested. With great frankness the author lays bare the causes of the financial distress of France. His work was prohibited in France. The mémoire against the financiers and proposing a state-treasurer's office; the mémoire against arbitrary taxation; the mémoire against the excessive salt-tax and the mémoire against disorderly financial administration in general, are of special interest. In many ways the author anticipates the ideas of the Physiocrats, who held him in great esteem. Boulainvilliers's works were all published after his death, mostly in Holland or under Dutch imprint, and were forbidden in France. -Ex-libris of Caboud on front paste-downs, removed from the first volume.Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722) was an eclectic philosopher, a historian, an astrologer with scientific pretensions, and a freethinker in religion. The coherence of his works lay in a dramatic effort to reconcile the principles and culture of the nobility with the social, political and cultural tendencies of the modern world. In his early years, his encounter with Baruch de Spinoza's Ethics was decisive. After translating that text into French, he wrote an Essai de Métaphysique that was intended to lift the burden of "mathematical dryness" from Spinoza's thought. Boulainvilliers was one of the aristocratic fathers of the Enlightenment. The philosophes read Spinoza through the intermediary of the Essai de Métaphysique ..... Voltaire used Boulainvillier's name to symbolize free thought in his Diner du Comte de Boulainvilliers. His historical studies influenced Montesquieu and were debated throughout the century (see: Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, vol. i, pp. 168-9). ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR900.00 (€900.00 )


Reference : 26479

‎Histoire des Anciens Parlements de France, ou Etats Generaux du Royaume, Dans laquelle on marque la qualité de ceux qui les composoient, la forme de leurs déliberations, l'étenduë de leur pouvoir, les jugemens les plus celebres qu'ils ont rendus, la caractere des Princes qui les ont convoquez &c. depuis Charle-Magne jusqu'à Louis XI. Avec l'Histoire de la France Depuis le Commencement de la Monarchie jusqu'à Charles VIII; accompagnez de reflexions politiques sur les Changemens arrivez dans le Gouvernement &c. A quoi l'on a joint des Memoires presentez au Duc d'Orleans, Regent de France, concernant les Affaires de ce Royaume. Par le Comte de Boulainvilliers.‎

‎A Londres, Chez Jean Brindley, Libraire de S.A.R. Monseigneur le Prince de Galles, dans New Bond-street, 1737. Title printed in red and black. (4), 572 (misnumbered 590), (6) pp. Folio. Contemporary polished calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands, red label with gilt lettering, front joint at top split, loss of calf to foot of spine, some scratches and spots. Bourgeois & Andre, 6257; Monod, Bibliographie de l'Histoire de France, 1058; Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi; not in Conlon. This is in actual fact the third volume of the "Etat de la France" with a new title. Contains the "Lettres sur les Anciens Parlements de France ....." (pp. 1-189); "Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire de France" (pp. 190-501); "Memoires presentés A Mgr. Le Duc d'Orleans, Regent de France pendant la Minorité de Louis XV" (pp. 502-590). The "Table des Matieres" is numbered (25)-29, last page (verso of 29) contains a publishers list: "Books Printed for and Sold by John Brindley, at the King's-Arms in New Bond-street, Bookseller to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The title is followed by an "Avertissement" and an "Avis au Libraire" This "Avis" states that the present volume was hitherto offered for sale with the two volumes of the "Etat de la France" but that demand for this (the present) volume alone has made him decide to publish it separately. This volume has been described as "It is a remarkable work: 'un ouvrage remarquable pour l'époque; l'auteur connaît les sources les plus importantes, les documents essentiels, et les interprète avec une grande intelligence" by Henri See in his Les Idées Politiques en France au XVIIe siècle, (p. 271 ff.) Boulainvilliers sets out to prove that there is no tradition in which the king makes important decisions without consulting the nation: there have always been 'assemblées, origine des Etats Généraux, qui ont persisté pendant de longs siècles', thus condamning absolutism and trying to prove that France is not a seigneurial monarchy. The English folio editions are to be preferred, while hardly flawless, because they present Boulainvilliers' Mémoires historiques and Lettres sur les Parlements in their entirety and in the states in which he wrote them (Harold E. Ellis, Boulainvilliers and the French Monarchy, p. 249).Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722) was a philosopher and historian. He was an eclectic philosopher, a historian, an astrologer with scientific pretensions, and a freethinker in religion. The coherence of his works lay in a dramatic effort to reconcile the principles and culture of the nobility with the social, political and cultural tendencies of the modern world. In his early years, his encounter with Baruch de Spinoza's Ethics was decisive. After translating that text into French, he wrote an Essai de Métaphysique that was intended to lift the burden of "mathematical dryness" from Spinoza's thought. Boulainvilliers was one of the aristocratic fathers of the Enlightenment. The philosophes read Spinoza through the intermediary of the Essai de Métaphysique ..... Voltaire used Boulainvillier's name to symbolize free thought in his Diner du Comte de Boulainvilliers. His historical studies influenced Montesquieu and were debated throughout the century (see: Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, vol. i, pp. 168-9). ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR900.00 (€900.00 )


Reference : 18215

‎Mémoires présentés à Monseigneur d'Orléans, régent de France, contenant les moyens de rendre ce Royaume très-puissant, & d'augmenter considérablement les revenus du Roy et du peuple.‎

‎A La Haye & A Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1727. 2 volumes in 1. (6), 158 pp.; (2), (1-4), 5-230, (2, Table des Mémoires, Fautes à corriger) pp. 12mo. Contemporary polished calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red label with gilt lettering, very lightly rubbed. Kress 3678; INED 714; Goldsmiths 6532; Mattioli 398; not in Einaudi; Bourgeois & André 6557; Weulersse, i, xix; Monod, Bibliographie de l'histoire de France, 4344; Conlon 27:349. First edition. Political and economical improvements are suggested. With great frankness the author lays bare the causes of the financial distress of France. His work was prohibited in France. The Mémoire against the financiers and proposing a state-treasurer's office; the Mémoire against arbitrary taxation; the Mémoire against the excessive salt-tax and the Mémoire against disorderly financial administration in general, are of special interest. In many ways the author anticipates the ideas of the Physiocrats, who held him in great esteem. Boulainvilliers's works were all published after his death, mostly in Holland or under Dutch imprint, and were forbidden in France.Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722) was an eclectic philosopher, a historian, an astrologer with scientific pretensions, and a freethinker in religion. The coherence of his works lay in a dramatic effort to reconcile the principles and culture of the nobility with the social, political and cultural tendencies of the modern world. In his early years, his encounter with Baruch de Spinoza's Ethics was decisive. After translating that text into French, he wrote an Essai de Métaphysique that was intended to lift the burden of "mathematical dryness" from Spinoza's thought. Boulainvilliers was one of the aristocratic fathers of the Enlightenment. The philosophes read Spinoza through the intermediary of the Essai de Métaphysique ..... Voltaire used Boulainvillier's name to symbolize free thought in his Diner du Comte de Boulainvilliers. His historical studies influenced Montesquieu and were debated throughout the century (see: Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, vol. i, pp. 168-9). ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )


Reference : 26957

‎Mémoires présentés à Monseigneur d'Orléans, régent de France, contenant les moyens de rendre ce Royaume très-puissant, & d'augmenter considérablement les revenus du Roy et du peuple. Tome I [ - Tome II.]‎

‎A La Haye & A Amsterdam, Aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1727. Title of volume one printed in red and black. 2 volumes. (6), 158 pp.; (2), (1-4), 5-230, (2) pp. 12mo. Contemporary speckled calf, richly gilt spines, raised bands, contrasting labels with gilt lettering, marbled edges, front covers with a gilt stamped (castle ?) tower in the center. Kress 3678; INED 714; Goldsmiths 6532; not in Einaudi; Bourgeois & André 6557; Weulersse i, xix; Monod, Bibliographie de l'histoire de France, 4344; Conlon 27:349. First edition. Political and economical improvements are suggested. With great frankness the author lays bare the causes of the financial distress of France. His work was prohibited in France. The mémoire against the financiers and proposing a state-treasurer's office; the mémoire against arbitrary taxation; the mémoire against the excessive salt-tax and the mémoire against disorderly financial administration in general, are of special interest. In many ways the author anticipates the ideas of the Physiocrats, who held him in great esteem. Boulainvilliers's works were all published after his death, mostly in Holland or under Dutch imprint, and were forbidden in France.Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722) was an eclectic philosopher, a historian, an astrologer with scientific pretensions, and a freethinker in religion. The coherence of his works lay in a dramatic effort to reconcile the principles and culture of the nobility with the social, political and cultural tendencies of the modern world. In his early years, his encounter with Baruch de Spinoza's Ethics was decisive. After translating that text into French, he wrote an Essai de Métaphysique that was intended to lift the burden of "mathematical dryness" from Spinoza's thought. Boulainvilliers was one of the aristocratic fathers of the Enlightenment. The philosophes read Spinoza through the intermediary of the Essai de Métaphysique ..... Voltaire used Boulainvillier's name to symbolize free thought in his Diner du Comte de Boulainvilliers. His historical studies influenced Montesquieu and were debated throughout the century (see: Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, vol. i, pp. 168-9). - A very nice copy. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎BOULAINVILLIERS (Henry de, comte de Saint-Saire).‎

Reference : 41763


‎Etat de la France, Dans lequel on voit Tout ce qui regarde le Gouvernement Ecclésiastique, le Militaire, la Justice, le Finances, le Commerce, les Manufactures, le nombre des Habitans, & en général tout ce qui peut faire connoître à fond cette Monarchie.‎

‎A Londres, Chez T. Wood & S. Palmer, 1752. 8 vol. in-12, veau havane, dos orné à nerfs, pièces de titre en maroquin rouge (reliure de l'époque). ‎

‎Dernière édition, la plus complète. Cette importante étude est fondée sur les rapports des intendants provinciaux, avec de nombreuses corrections et additions en particulier concernant la misère financière de la France. Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658-1722) fut partisan du féodalisme qu'il considérait comme le système le plus libéral, et critiqua fortement l'absolutisme royal.Une carte repliée : Carte de France divisée par Généralitez.Bon exemplaire ; coiffes usées.Kress, 3677 ; INED, 713 ; Bourgeois et André, 6257. ‎


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