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‎A. Berteloot, G. Claassens, W. Kuiper (eds.);‎

Reference : 62770

‎Petrus Naghel Gulden Legende De Middelnederlandse vertaling van de 'Legenda aurea' door Petrus Naghel, uitgegeven naar handschrift Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 15140. Deel I.‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, 411 pages ., 156 x 234 mm. *volume 1 only ISBN 9782503544618.‎

‎The importance of the Legenda aurea for the Late Middle Ages can hardly be overestimated, as witness the impressive manuscript tradition of the original Latin text as well the different vernacular versions. This huge hagiographic collection, organised per circulum anni, can be considered as a compendium of the medieval religious worldview: it offers insights into the (deuterocanonic) tradition of the New Testament, the lives and deaths of the most important saints, the history of the church of Rome, and it can be read as a catechism in narrative form. But the Legenda aurea is also a treasure-trove of stories, motifs and themes splendidly reflecting medieval mentality in its entirety. The influence of the Legenda aurea on literature and iconography is so far-reaching, that the book is an indispensable aid for the 'reading' of countless medieval texts, paintings and sculptures. The text was translated several times into Middle Dutch and of the first southern Dutch translation (ca. 1357), made by Petrus Naghel (? 1395) in the Charterhouse of Herne, a modern edition is now available. This edition of the Gulden legende - the second volume of a set of two - contains the legends of Pope Urban to the Feast of Church Dedication, and carries a concise introduction. The first volume of the set will appear in print in 2013; it contains the remaining legends and an expansive introduction comprising an introduction of text and translator, a description of the manuscript used for the edition, a statement of editorial policy and indices of names. Het belang van de Legenda aurea in de late Middeleeuwen kan moeilijk overschat worden, getuige de indrukwekkende handschriftelijke overlevering van zowel de oorspronkelijke Latijnse tekst als van de verschillende volkstalige versies. Deze omvangrijke hagiografische verzameling, georganiseerd per circulum anni, kan beschouwd worden als een compendium van het middeleeuwse religieuze wereldbeeld: het biedt inzicht in de (deuterocanonieke) traditie van het Nieuwe Testament, het leven en sterven van de belangrijkste heiligen, de geschiedenis van de Kerk van Rome en het kan gelezen worden als een catechismus in narratieve vorm. Maar de Legenda aurea is ook een schatkamer van verhalen, motieven en themata waarin de gehele middeleeuwse mentaliteit een schitterende weerspiegeling vindt. De invloed van de Legenda aurea op de literatuur en de beeldende kunsten is zo verregaand dat het boek een onmisbaar hulpmiddel is voor het ?lezen? van talloze middeleeuwse teksten, schilderijen en sculpturen. De tekst werd meermaals in het Middelnederlands vertaald en van de eerste, Zuidnederlandse vertaling, rond 1357 vervaardigd door de Hernse kartuizer Petrus Naghel (?1395) is nu een kritische uitgave beschikbaar. Deze editie van de Gulden legende - het tweede deel van wat een tweedelige uitgave wordt - bevat de legenden van paus Urbanus tot en met Kerkwijding, en wordt voorafgegaan door een beknopte inleiding. Het eerste deel zal volgens plan in 2013 verschijnen en de resterende legenden bevatten, maar ook een uitvoerige inleiding met, onder andere, een introductie van tekst en vertaler, een beschrijving van het gebruikte basishandschrift, editieprincipes en indices op namen. Languages : Dutch, Middle Dutch.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR132.00 (€132.00 )

‎A. Bisogno;‎

Reference : 40426

‎metodo carolingio Identita culturale e dibattito teologico nel secolo nono,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Paperback, II+428 p., 2 colour ill., 16 x 24. ISBN 9782503528625.‎

‎Lo stretto nodo che congiunge il progressivo formarsi dell'identita culturale all'evoluzione dinamica del sapere in eta carolingia viene evidenzato in questo studio mediante una serrata analisi critica e storiografica delle diverse opere di argomento teologico scritte dai pensatori che furono piu coinvolti nei dibattiti sull'ortodossia cristiana tra i primi anni di regno di Carlo Magno (dal 780 in poi) e la seconda meta del secolo IX. La lettura, il commento e l'esegesi dei testi che documentano tali discussioni consentono l'accesso piu efficace e sostanziale all'evoluzione della teologia carolingia, che trovo proprio nel confronto con tesi ritenute eterodosse la spinta a chiarire i temi piu delicati della dottrina cristiana. Da Beato di Libana, Alcuino e Rabano Mauro, fino a Ratramno di Corbie e Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, gli intellettuali carolingi si impegnarono nel comporre opere tendenzialmente ispirate dalla volonta di confutare argomentazioni estranee all'ortodossia e di specificare dottrine non ancora stabilmente definite. Il patrimonio patristico, la lettura assidua e consapevole delle Scritture e lo studio delle artes profane, tutti elementi che si ponevano alla base della loro formazione sapienziale, vennero cosi rielaborati in una comune identita teologica: in essa prese forma e concretezza la stessa ossatura culturale della nuova entita civile che con gli strumenti della politica, dell'azione militare e del controllo economico si andava creando e consolidando nell'Occidente latino in quegli stessi anni. Le fasi piu intense del complesso quadro di dibattiti ricostruito nel presente volume evidenziano il duplice ruolo rivestito in eta carolingia dalla discussione su temi teologici: funzionale a contenere e delimitare deviazioni dalla ortodossia di autori contemporanei, e, al contempo, utile ad una progressiva definizione della dottrina e dell'identita culturale del nuovo impero barbaro-cristiano. Languages : Italian.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR82.50 (€82.50 )

‎A. B. Mulder-Bakker (ed.);‎

Reference : 40041

‎Living Saints of the Thirteenth Century The Lives of Yvette, Anchoress of Huy; Juliana of Cornillon, Author of the Corpus Christi Feast; and Margaret the Lame, Anchoress of Magdeburg,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, IX+416 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503520773.‎

‎This volume presents translations, with accompanying introductions, of the Lives of three thirteenth-century figures: Yvette of Huy, Margaret the Lame of Magdeburg, and the anchoress Juliana of Cornillon. This volume presents the Lives of three women of the thirteenth century, all written by contemporaries. In the late Middle Ages, almost every town in Northern Europe had its own anchoress, who would keep in touch with the citizens through a window looking onto the churchyard or through a door and window looking into the church (as shown in the cover illustration). Such women, along with the beguines, Cistercian nuns and monks, reform-minded clergy, and devout laywomen, formed what Barbara Newman has termed 'close-knit networks of spiritual friendship that easily crossed the boundaries of gender, religious status, and even language'. This volume presents the lives of two recluses, Yvette of Huy, whose life was recorded by her spiritual friend, the Premonstratensian Hugh of Floreffe, and Margaret the Lame of Magdeburg, whose lessons were recorded by her confessor, the Dominican John of Magdeburg (introduced and translated by Jo Ann McNamara, and Gertrud Jaron Lewis and Tilman Lewis respectively). The anchoress Eve of Saint-Martin was an author herself. Her memoir in French on her friend Juliana's and her own labour for the new Feast of Corpus Christi forms the basis of the Latin Life of Juliana of Cornillon (introduced and translated by Barbara Newman). Languages : English, Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR104.50 (€104.50 )

‎A. B. Mulder-Bakker (ed.);‎

Reference : 40029

‎Mary of Oignies Mother of Salvation,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, XII+260 p., 1 b/w ill., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503517032.‎

‎This volume contains translatiuons of all of the relevant medieval sources on Mary of Oignies (1177-1213), was one of the first holy women to transform religious life in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. Mary of Oignies (1177-1213) was one of the first holy women to transform religious life in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. Living as a beguine and a free anchoress she guided those who came to speak with her, both high clerics and common people alike. In the oral world of medieval Christianity one disregarded her word at considerable risk. This volume contains all of the relevant medieval sources on Mary of Oignies, translated by Margot King and Hugh Feiss OSB. They include: the Life written by her confessor, James of Vitry, and the Supplement thereof by Thomas of Cantimpre; the liturgical office of her feast-day; and the 'History of the Priory of Oignies'. Also included are an introductory essay about her life and significance, written by Anneke Mulder-Bakker; a study about Mary as a 'friend to the saints' by Brenda Bolton; and the manuscript transmission of her Life, by Suzan Folkerts. The volume therefore provides a comprehensive 'companion' to Mary of Oignies and her wider significance in medieval and modern scholarship. Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR77.00 (€77.00 )

‎A. B. Mulder-Bakker (ed.);‎

Reference : 40033

‎Seeing and Knowing Women and Learning in Medieval Europe, 1200-1550,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, X+205 p., 1 b/w ill., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503514482.‎

‎The studies within this volume apply insights gained from gender studies to re-consider the way knowledge and learning was transmitted in medieval Europe 1200-1550. Traditional scholarship has largely concentrated on the clerical and academic context of conventional learning. It tended to focus on the contents and methods of formal education, as well as on a small group of educational institutions from which women were excluded. In this volume, authors consider how learning was transmitted outside the schools, in particular within women's communities. They raise a range of questions: how was knowledge transmitted in an oral context, what varieties of knowledge were available to communities of women? What kinds of learning are characteristic of such communities? What techniques did women develop to preserve and transmit their knowledge and how was it valorized both within their communities, and by 'authoritative' outsiders? Under what circumstances could women themselves gain authority in passing on knowledge to a wider audience? Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR82.50 (€82.50 )

‎A. B. Mulder-Bakker, J. Wogan-Browne (eds.);‎

Reference : 40036

‎Household, Women, and Christianities in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, X+262 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503517780.‎

‎The essays within this volume unite study of the medieval household with that of women's religious practices, providing a new avenue of enquiry the history of the church. Both as God's house and as the dwellings of his monastic and other followers, the history of the church is in part that of an institution conceived as a household. In recent years, secular life and lifestyles in late antiquity and the Middle Ages have been illuminated through renewed attention to the economic and social history of households, while scholarship on women has produced studies of the lives and the devotional reading of laywomen and women religious. This volume is a pioneering collection that unites study of the household with women's religious practices as a focus of enquiry. It moves beyond consideration of the church's roles in women's history to the impact of women's householding on the history of the church. Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎A. Bolvig, P. Lindley (eds.);‎

Reference : 39887

‎History and Images Towards a New Iconology.,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Hardback, XXX+430 p., 155 b/w ill. + 26 colour ill., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503511559.‎

‎This important collection of essays represents a wide variety of new approaches to the deployment of images by historians. Methodological debates and historiographical concerns are explored by distinguished international scholars. Ground-breaking technological innovations in the last two decades of the twentieth century have led to the development of huge image databases, offering outstanding new opportunities for comparison, analysis and interrogation. This was apparent from the database demonstrations at the congress on History and Images in Copenhagen in 1999, part of the University of Copenhagen's Visual Construction of Realities research programme. Several of the papers included here summarise recent research or disclose the potential of the new technologies for posing - and answering - novel types of question. A common concern of many contributors to this volume has been the reconfiguring of Art History to encompass areas which have often been viewed as marginal - geographically, physically or intellectually, for example. As each of the nineteen essays demonstrates, approaches to the employment and interpretation of the visual image by historians have been increasingly rendered obsolete or inappropriate by postmodern intellectual diversity and by the dramatic development of technology. The subtitle of the book ('Towards a New Iconology') reveals that a potent new dialogue between historian and image and between contemporary and historical constructions of reality, is in the process of construction. Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR89.00 (€89.00 )

‎A. Buckley, D. Billy (eds.);‎

Reference : 39865

‎Etudes de langue et de litterature medievales offertes a Peter T. Ricketts a l'occasion de son 70eme anniversaire,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2005 Paperback, XIV+744 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503516400.‎

‎Peter T. Ricketts, Honorary Professor of French at the University of Birmingham, and Emeritus Professor at Queen Mary and Westfield, University of London, has led a long and distinguished career in the field of Romance Philology, and in Occitan studies in particular. In addition to his leading role in the Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes (AIEO), he has devoted many years in the service of Occitan Studies. Peter T. Ricketts is perhaps especially noted for an in-progress edition (with Cyril P. Hershon) of the Breviari d'Amor by Matfre Ermengaud, and for the Concordance of Medieval Occitan (CMO), a vast database the aim of which is to document the entire corpus of medieval Occitan texts and to make them available in electronic format as an active and exhaustive working tool for all scholars in the field. The first tranche of this project, on the poetry of the troubadours (Brepols 2001), has already been received with wide critical acclaim. The present publication includes articles by 63 specialists in fields as wide-ranging as history, literature, linguistics, philology, musicology, metrics and philosophy, addressing sources and topics from a variety of provenances in Old French and Old Occitan, as also in Medieval Latin, Castilian, Catalan, Middle High German, Hispano-Arabic, and Hebrew. It is divided into two major sections. The first is concerned with narrative texts: romance, epic, and religious literature; the second with the poetry of the troubadours: firstly their lyric legacy, its sources and influences, the vidas which accompany their transmission, the troubadours themselves, but also instances of their non-lyric output such as proverbs and ensenhamens. Also among the articles are editions of texts, some hitherto unpublished. Taken together, this collection represents a very broad panorama of current research, and offers a major contribution to the advancement of Medieval Studies. " Honorary Professor " de Francais a l'Universite de Birmingham, et Professeur Emerite a Queen Mary and Westfield, Universite de Londres, Peter T. Ricketts a mene une carriere longue et remarquable dans le domaine de la Philologie Romane, et dans les etudes occitanes en particulier. Outre son role majeur dans l'animation de l'Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes (AIEO), Peter T. Ricketts a consacre de nombreuses annees aux etudes occitanes. Son ?uvre est plus specialement marquee par l'edition encore inachevee (avec Cyril P. Hershon) du Breviari d'Amor de Matfre Ermengaud, et l'elaboration de la Concordance de l'Occitan Medieval (COM), vaste banque de donnees appelee a terme a couvrir l'ensemble des textes occitans du moyen age et mettant a la disposition des chercheurs un outil de travail exhaustif et performant. La publication de la premiere tranche consacree a la poesie des troubadours (Brepols 2001) a deja recueilli un accueil tres favorable de la critique. Le present recueil de Melanges reunit les travaux de 63 specialistes de la litterature medievale, dans des domaines aussi varies que l'histoire, la litterature, la linguistique, la philologie, la musicologie, la metrique ou la philosophie, explorant des materiaux et des sources de diverses provenances, en ancien francais et en ancien occitan, mais aussi en latin medieval, castillan, catalan, moyen-haut-allemand, hispano-arabe, hebreux. L'ouvrage est divise en deux sections principales, la premiere etant consacree aux textes non lyriques : roman, epopee et litterature religieuse, la seconde a la poesie des troubadours, soit naturellement a leur production lyrique, a ses sources et son influence, aux vidas qui accompagnent leur transmission, aux troubadours eux-memes, mais aussi a leur production non lyrique tels que textes proverbiaux et ensenhamens. Ces Melanges incluent egalement quelques editions de textes, quelquefois inedits. Leur ensemble constitue un panorama tres complet des recherches actuelles, avec des avancees capitale dans le domaine des etudes medievales. Languages : French, Occitan.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR86.90 (€86.90 )

‎Abu-L-Qasim Chabbi Chemli Mongi Mohamed Ben Ismaïl‎

Reference : 100121243


‎Journal - traduction / Littérature‎

‎Fondation nationale Carthage 1992 129 pages 15 6x1x23 2cm. 1992. Broché. 129 pages.‎

‎bon état de conservation couverture défraîchie intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 04730



‎Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2004. In-8 (22 cm), couverture souple illustrée, 319 pages, 438 gr. ‎

‎Très bon état‎

Bedot Bouquiniste - Le Mans

Phone number : 06 66 55 13 42

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 68870

‎Academy of the Hebrew Language. Dictionary of Strength of materials Hebrew - English - French - German.‎

‎ Jerusalem, Haifa, Academy, 1968, in 12 relié pleine toile de l'éditeur, 114 pages. ‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎[Académie d'Alsace]‎

Reference : LFA-126738013


‎COURRIER des MARCHES - N° 81-82 - 1968‎

‎Une revue de 52 pages, format 140 x 225 mm, illustrée, brochée, Impr. Subervie, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : Textes et poèmes ; Les lettres, les Arts ; Une anomalie judiciaire : l'exécution d'Ursula Semerler en 1863 ; Les localisations cérébrales du langage ; Paysages et visages du Banat, etc.‎

Phone number : 04 74 33 45 19

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎A. Claridge, I. Herklotz;‎

Reference : 40473

‎Classical Manuscript Illustrations,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, 424 p., 46 b/w ill. + 224 colour ill., 22 x 28,5. FINE ISBN 9781905375769.‎

‎The Paper Museum ('Museo Cartaceo') is a collection of some 10,000 drawings and prints assembled during the seventeenth century by the Roman patron and collector, Cassiano dal Pozzo, and his younger brother, Carlo Antonio. It represents one of the most significant attempts before the age of photography to embrace human knowledge in visual form, documenting ancient art and culture, architecture and topography, natural history and social customs. The 160 drawings catalogued in this volume are derived from five ancient manuscripts: the famous Vatican Vergil, the so-called 'Roman' Vergil, the Vatican Terence, and the less well-known Palatine Agrimensores, all in the Vatican Library, and from a fifth codex, now lost, known as the Chronography or Calendar of the year 354. The bulk of the drawings were copied for Cassiano between 1632 and 1634 for the purpose of studying both the characters depicted and the allied evidence of ancient costume and artefacts. By the later seventeenth century, when Pietro Santi Bartoli executed the last group of drawings in the present volume for Carlo Antonio, manuscript illustrations had come to be cherished as much for their rarity as examples of ancient painting as for their documentary value. Introductory essays provide an overview of the dal Pozzo commissions, the manuscripts and their history down to Cassiano's day, as well as their study in the wider context of classical scholarship through to the eighteenth century. All the drawings are reproduced in colour at full page, with accompanying descriptions of the subjects or relevant ancient verses in modern translation and brief commentaries. Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR159.00 (€159.00 )

‎Action & Pensée‎

Reference : 65154

Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Action & Pensée‎

Reference : 65088

Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎ ADAM Lucien. ‎

Reference : 7975


‎ Les patois lorrains. ‎

‎ 1881 Grosjean-Maupin et Maisonneuve et Cie, Nancy et Paris, 1881, in-8 broché, LI-460 p., broché,, une carte dépliante en fin de volume. , bon état mais il manque la couverture du second plat, l'ouvrage se termine par la carte dépliante (une déchirure sans manque) , dans l'état ‎

‎académie de Stanislas ‎


Phone number : 01 43 54 04 70

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 9072

‎Les tragédies d'Eschyle.‎

‎ Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1891, 444 pages, in 12 reliure cartonnée demi chagrin, dos à 5 nerfs et mors de cuir noir, bon état général, quelques frottements et usures.‎

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎A. Di Paolo Healey, D. McDougall, I. McDougall, N. Speirs, P. A Thompson;‎

Reference : 37414

‎Dictionary of Old English, Fasc. F,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Microfiche, XXIV p., + 35 microfiches, 135 x 215 mm. ISBN 9780888449290.‎

‎Languages : English. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎A. Di Paolo Healey, J. Holland, D. Haines, D. McDougall, I. McDougall;‎

Reference : 37415

‎Dictionary of Old English, Fasc. G,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Microfiche, XVI p., + 35 microfiches, 135 x 215 mm. ISBN 9780888449313.‎

‎Languages : English, Old English. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )


Reference : 15301


‎Essai historique sur l'église Saint-Séverin.‎

‎ 1903 Alphonse Picard & Fils éditeur, 1903, 186 pages, in 8 broché, état d'usage, papier jauni, coins cornés, coiffes frottées, pliures sur les bords des plats.‎

Phone number :

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎A. d. P. Healey, K. Kiernan (eds.); ‎

Reference : 41492

‎Making Sense Constructing Meaning in Early English,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Paperback, XII+138 p., 15 x 23. ISBN 9780888449078.‎

‎The five essays in this volume discuss texts either from the Old English period or from the transitional twelfth century, and each explores, from differing perspectives, how today?s readers make sense of, or construct meanings from, early English documents. Languages : English, Old English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR18.70 (€18.70 )


Reference : 18987


‎Etymologies comparées de mots français et d'argot parisien entièrement inédites et précédées d'un essai de synthèse du langage.‎

‎ 1896 Librairie Klincksieck, 1896 (1ère livraison,), 184 pages (en partie non coupé), in 8 broché, état moyen, dos scotché et réparé, tranches salies, papier jauni. ‎

Phone number :

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎AGEL Henri‎

Reference : AUB-1525

‎le cinéma. Etude richement illustrée et documentée. Photographies hors texte. Cinéma et société ; le langage du film ; le son, la couleur, lumière et décor, les interprètes, les procédés spéciaux ; signification du film ; tableau schématique de l'histoire du cinéma ; initiation au cinéma ...‎

‎Paris, éditions Casterman 1960 (4e éd. revue). Bel exemplaire broché, non coupé, couverture d'éd., fort in-8, 390 pages sur beau papier avec avant-propos, appendices, bibliographie, index des films, table analytique des matières.‎

CHF35.00 (€35.82 )

‎A. Hindley (ed.);‎

Reference : 39883

‎Drama and Community People and Plays in Medieval Europe,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Hardback, XX+294 p., incl. 8 ills., 1 plan and 2 tables, 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503507675.‎

‎This collection of essays examines various aspects of the inter-relation between a number of different medieval 'European communities' and the plays they performed. There has been a marked revival of interest in medieval drama in recent years, much of it informed by an increasing understanding that drama is not just literature, but a social and indeed commercial event, essentially a communal effort, inextricably bound up with social structures. This collection of essays examines various aspects of the inter-relation between a number of different 'European communities' and the plays they performed, covering a range of theatres and play-types, and providing an international perspective on performance cultures across Europe. Contributors include Alan Hindley, Introduction; Lynette Muir, 'European communities and medieval drama'; Graham A. Runnalls, 'Drama and community in late medieval Paris'; Robert L.A. Clark, 'Community versus subject in late medieval French confraternity drama and ritual'; Frederick W. Langley, 'Community drama and community politics in thirteenth-century Arras: Adam de la Halle's Jeu de la Feuillee'; Alan Hindley, 'Acting companies in late medieval France: Triboulet and his troupe'; Alan E. Knight, 'Processional theatre and the rituals of social unity in Lille'; Wim Husken, 'Cornelis Everaert and the community of late medieval Bruges'; Elsa Strietman, 'A tale of two cities: drama and community in the Low Countries'; John Tailby, 'Drama and community in South Tyrol'; Konrad Schoell, 'Individual and social affiliation in the Nuremberg Shrovetide Plays'; Alan J. Fletcher, 'Performing medieval Irish communities'; Pamela M. King, 'Contemporary cultural models for the trial plays in the York Cycle'; Chris Humphrey, 'Festive drama and community politics in late medieval Coventry'; Philip Butterworth, 'Prompting in full view of the audience: a medieval staging convention'; Alexandra F. Johnston, 'English community drama in crisis: 1535-80'; Jane Oakshott, 'York Guilds' Mystery Plays 1998: the rebuilding of dramatic community'. Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎AIMARD Paule,‎

Reference : 50066

‎Le langage de l'enfant, ‎

‎PUF, Le psychologue, 1981, 198 pp., broché, bon état.‎

Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )
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