Louaize, Notre Dame University Press 2004 100pp. + 68pp., softcover, 24cm., VG [bilingual: text in English and Arabic]
Firenze, Istituto Italiano di preistoria e protostoria 1975 xxiii + 437pp.with 108pp.of illustrations (of which some folding plates), 24cm., softcover, text in Italian, good condition, G85981
, Sdu 1988 192pp. with numerous illustrations in colour and in bl/w, 30cm., illustrated softcover, bilingual: English-Nederlands, good condition, [Catalogue of the exhibition held in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, November 9 till December 31, 1988], S94825
[Mechelen], 1960 Volume 45 (1960) complete: 679pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98858
[Mechelen], 1961 Volume 46 (1961) complete: 664pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98859
[Mechelen], 1958 Volume 43 (1958) complete: 687pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98860
[Mechelen], 1959 Volume 44 (1959) complete: 700pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98861
[Mechelen], 1957 Volume 42 (1957) complete: 688pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98862
[Mechelen], 1955 Volume 40 (1955) complete: 796pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98863
[Mechelen], 1954 Volume 39 (1954) complete: 826pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98864
[Mechelen], 1956 Volume 41 (1956) complete: 792pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98865
[Mechelen], 1964 Volume 49 (1964) complete: 616pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98866
[Mechelen], 1966 Volume 51 (1966) complete: 688pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98867
[Mechelen], 1967 Volume 52 (1967) complete: pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98868
[Mechelen], 1962 Volume 47 (1962) complete: 648pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98869
[Mechelen], 1963 Volume 48 (1963) complete: 632pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98870
[Mechelen], 1970 Volume 55 (1970) complete: 494pp., last volume ever published, 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98871
[Mechelen], 1969 Volume 54 (1969) complete: 570pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98872
[Mechelen], 1968 Volume 53 (1968) complete: 606pp., 24cm., hardcover binding, good condition, [Contains numerous articles on theology, in various languages], R98873
Mechliniae [Mechelen], P.J. Hanicq 1845 xvi + 651pp. + 2 portraits and one folding table out of text, 27cm., bound in modern hardcover in blue cloth, few occasional foxing, good condition, weight: 1.6kg., [Most texts are in French and Dutch, few in Latin], B113947
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën [1951] 295pp., illustrated with figures in text, contains articles in English French & German, 26cm., publication by the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren", very good condition, W83883
Lisboa, 1959 xv + 182pp., 26cm., in the series "Junta de investigacoes do ultramar, centro de ciencias politicas e sociais. Estudos de ciencias politicas e sociais" volume 22, pages still uncut, printed on Vergé paper, text in Portugese, very good condition, C90947
Lisboa, 1965 169pp., 26cm., original softcover, in the series "Junta de investigacoes do ultramar. Estudos de ciencias politicas e sociais" no.76, very good condition, [Contains 6 contributions in Portugese by various authors, dealing with "Influencia do Ultramar nas belas-artes, na musica, na arquitectura, na literatura de ficcao, na dança, na poesia"], S94485
Bombay, Examiner Press s.d. [ca. 1922] iv + 127pp. + 1 map out of text, "For private circulation only", 25cm., hardcover (bit soiled, spine in brown leather with gilt lettering), text is clean and bright, [Account of the first common Episcopal Conference of India under the chairmanship of Apostolic Delegate Pisani, with papers and proceedings], rare, X106703
Riga, 1931. Royal8vo. In later half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Two small stamps to title-page, otherwise a fine copy. 494, 63 pp. + 2 folded maps.