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‎TROST (J.W.)‎

Reference : 5076

‎Die mathematischen fächer an den niederen gewerblichen lehranstalten in Deutschland -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎Leipzig & Berlin, Teubner, 1914, un volume in 8, broché, 150pp.‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 8402

‎Directions de Borel des fonctions méromorphes‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars, 1938, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎VALIRON (Georges)‎

Reference : 5135

‎Théorie des fonctions‎

‎P., Masson, 1948, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, (2), 2pp. 522pp.‎

‎---- Deuxième édition (REVUE et AUGMENTEE) ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- G. VALIRON fut professeur à la Faculté des sciences de Paris ** (N5DE.5135)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )


Reference : 8067

‎Elémens de mathématique -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Brunet, 1731, 2 parties en un volume in 4 relié en plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouge (reliure de l'époque), (petites auréoles marginales sans gravité aux 3 premiers feuillets), (6), 66pp., 155pp., (1pp.), (4), 22 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Fully occupied by his teaching duties and his responsibilities as an academician, Varignon had no leisure to prepare works for publication... From the papers he left at his death, most of which are now lost, his disciples assembled several posthumous works : Nouvelle mécanique, Eclaircissements sur l'analyse des infiniment petits and Elémens de mathématiques (1731) which was based on his courses at the Collège Mazarin. His intense pedagogical activity, extending over more than thirty years, constituted his chief contribution to the progress of science and was the source of his fame. By inaugurating a chair devoted specifically to mathematics at the Collège Mazarin, he joined the handful of men who were then teaching advanced mathematics ; and it is in this context that his work was of great importance...". (DSB XIII p. 582) ---- Géométrie spéculative - Des lignes droites et des angles qu'elles renferment - Des lignes circulaires et de leur rencontre avec les lignes droites - Mesure des angles rectilignes - Des surfaces - Triangles rectilignes - Parallélogrames - Des proportions - Proportions des lignes droites et des figurent qu'elles contiennent - Trigonométrie - Des corps ou des solides - Géométrie pratique - De la position et de la mesure des lignes droites - Mesure des surfaces rectilignes - Additions, soustraction, multiplication et division des grandeurs entières - Des proportions - Des proportions géométriques - Des fractions - Extraction des racines - Des équations - etc**8067/K1‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR1,000.00 (€1,000.00 )

‎VARIGNON (Pierre)‎

Reference : 5158

‎Eclaircissemens sur l'analyse des infiniment petits‎

‎P., Rollin, 1725, un volume in 4 (23,5 cm X 18,5 cm), relié en pleine basane, dos orné de fers dorés (reliure de l'époque), habiles restaurations à un mors), (4), 118pp., (1), 6 PLANCHES dépliantes‎

‎EDITION ORIGINALE ---- TRES RARE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Fully occupied by his teaching duties and his responsibilities as an academician, Varignon had no leisure to prepare works for publication... From the papers he left at his death, most of which are now lost, his disciples assembled several posthumous works : Nouvelle mécanique, Eclaircissements sur l'analyse des infiniment petits (1725) and Elémens de mathématiques (1731). His intense pedagogical activity, extending over more than thirty years, constituted his chief contribution to the progress of science and was the source of his fame. By inaugurating a chair devoted specifically to mathematics at the Collège Mazarin, he joined the handful of men who were then teaching advanced mathematics... In working with the model of falling bodies, Varignon encountered difficulties in obtaining acceleration as a second derivative. This problem had the advantage, however, of obliging him to reassess calculus. His acceptance of the new procedures occurred between 1692 and 1695, and he was among those who gave the most favorable reception to the publication of L'Hospital's Analyse des infiniment petits. The Eclaircissemens is composed of critical notes that Varignon, as professor, considered necessary in presenting L'Hospital's pioneering work to young mathematicians - further evidence of his constructive role in the movement to transform the operations used in mathematics. But Varignon accomplished even more : in 1700-1701 he refuted Rolle's arguments against the new calculus, challenged the cabal that had formed within the Academy, and obliged Leibniz to furnish a more precise account of his ideas. Leibniz, to be sure, did not give him all the aid desired. Nevertheless, he encouraged Varignon to cease debating principles and to start developing mechanical applications of the new mathematics. The questions that Varignon subsequently treated show how faithfully he followed Leibniz' advice. In his course at the Collège Royal for 1722-1723, Varignon planned to discuss the foundations of infinitesimal calculus but was able to do no more than outline his ideas. Although he died before he could present what was undoubtedly the core of a lifetime's experience, that experience had already borne fruit". (DSB XIII)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR3,000.00 (€3,000.00 )


Reference : 5185

‎Leçons sur la théorie des équations selon Galois précédées d'une introduction à la théorie des groupes‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars, 1939; un volume in 8 broché, couverture imprimée, 8pp., 347pp.‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎VESSIO (Paul) - ZADOU-NAISKY (Georges)‎

Reference : 9001

‎A la conquête de l'espace. Les structures algébriques de la géométrie euclidienne -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎P., OCDL, 1963, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, (notes manuscrites au stylo rouge sur le feuillet d'errata), (1), 495pp., un feuillet d'errata volant de 7pp.‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )


Reference : 9008

‎The method of trigonometrical sums in THE THEORY OF NUMBERS translated from russian, revised and annotated by K.F. Roth, and Anne Davenport ---- FIRST ENGLISH EDITION -- BON EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎London/New-york, Interscience Publisher, sans date (1948), un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, 10pp., 180pp.‎

‎---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- PREMIERE TRADUCTION EN LANGUE ANGLAISE DE CET OUVRAGE DE I.M. VINOGRADOV (FIRST ENGLISH EDITION) ---- "I.M. VINOGRADOV, (1891/1932), est le représentant le plus important de l'école soviétique de la théorie des nombres. Après avoir d'abord étudié les fonctions arithmétiques, il fut amené, de 1934 à 1937, à imaginer une nouvelle méthode relative à la théorie analytique des nombres et à résoudre, dans ce domaine, une série de problèmes particulièrement délicats, notamment en 1937, pour les nombres impairs, le fameux problème de Goldbach qui avait été posé en 1742" ** (N6DE.9008)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 5260

‎Proprietates algebraicarum curvarum‎

‎Cantabrigiae, Archdeacon, 1772; un volume in 4 relié en demi-soie noire (reliure moderne), (titre monté sur onglet, restaurations aux planches et renforcées, petits trous de vers dans la marge de qq. ff., qq. rousseurs), (2), 11pp., 123pp., 7 planches dépliantes‎

‎EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "WARING published Proprietatis algebraicarum curvarum in 1772 and Meditationes analyticae in 1776... These works contain many new results". (Cajori p. 248) ---- WARING received the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1784". (DSB XIV pp. 179/180)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎WEBER (H.)‎

Reference : 5265

‎Lehrbuch der algebra‎

‎Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1895/1896; 2 volumes in 8, brochés, (couvertures défraîchies, manque de papier par endroit au dos du tome 1), T.1 : 15pp., 653pp., T.2 : 14pp., 796pp.‎

‎EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Weber investigated important contemporary problems in algebra and number theory, the fields in which he did his most penetrating work... His studies culminated in Lehrbuch der algebra which for decades was indispensable in teaching and research". (DSB XIV p. 202) ---- Cajori‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎WEBER (H.)‎

Reference : 5264

‎Traité d'algèbre supérieure. Principes. Racines des équations. Grandeurs algébriques. Théorie de Galois. Traduit de l'allemand sur la deuxième édition par J. Griess‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars, 1898; un volume in 8, broché, cuverture imprimée, 11pp., 764pp.‎

‎PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- "Weber investigated important contemporary problems in algebra and number theory, the fields in which he did his most penetrating work... His studies culminated in Lehrbuch der algebra which for decades was indispensable in teaching and research". (DSB XIV p. 202) ---- Cajori‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR170.00 (€170.00 )


Reference : 5273

‎Formeln und Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche der eliptischen Functionen. Nach Vorlesungen und Aufzeichnungen des Herrn K. Weierstrass bearbeited und herausgegeben von H.A. Schwarz‎

‎Göttingen, Kaestner, 1882; un volume in 4, broché, (couv. défraîchie, dos cassé, manque de papier sans atteinte au texte, cachet de bibliothèque sur la première page), 96pp.‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR230.00 (€230.00 )


Reference : 63720

‎Formules et propositions pour l'emploi des fonctions elliptiques d'après des leçons et des notes manuscrites de M. K. WEIERSTRASS, rédigées et publiées par M. H.A. SCHWARZ. Traduit de l'allemand par Henri PADE -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE -- RARE -- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Padé, 1894, un volume grand in 4 relié en pleine toile verte éditeur, filets dorés et titre en lettres dorées sur le premier plat de couverture, 8pp., 96pp.‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR490.00 (€490.00 )


Reference : 5659

‎La méthode dans la philosophie des mathématiques -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Alcan, 1911, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, 200pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- La méthode métaphysique (considérations générales - application des considérations précédentes au kantisme et au néo-kantisme) - La méthode logistique (la définition du nombre irrationnel et la généralisation du nombre ; les intégrales irréductibles et le nombre des idées primitives ; la notion de fonction et ses conditions restrictives pour son usage mathématique) - La méthode historico-critique (le nombre imaginaire en arithmétique, les nombres idéaux et les idéaux, la notion de groupe en arithmétique, les mémoires de Lagrange, théorie de Galois concernant la résolubilité des équations algébriques, extension de la notion de résolubilité : Hermite, Kronecker, Brioschi, Gordan, travaux de Jordan et de M. Klein - etc**5659/K3‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 5313

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎WOLF (C.)‎

Reference : 5315

‎Cours de mathématique traduit en françois et augmenté considérablement par D*** (A.J. Pernetty et Dom Berzillac)‎

‎P., Jombert, 1747, 3 volumes in 8 reliés en plein veau, dos ornés de fers dorés (reliures de l'époque), T.1 : (1), 4pp., (1), 12pp., 388pp., 15 planches dépliantes, T.2 : (2), 357pp., 3pp., 20 planches dépliantes, T.3 : (2), 326pp. (37), 33 planches dépliantes‎

‎PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "After three years at Jean, Wolff received the master's degree from Leipzig in 1702, becoming first a lecturer in mathematics and then, in 1706, professor of mathematics and natural science at the University of Halle. He was recommended for the latter post by Leibniz, with whom he had established a correspondence and whose philosophical ideas, although somewhat modified and vulgarized, subsequently became the cornestone of his own philosophical writings. At Halle, Wolff lectured on mathematics and algebra, building and fortification, as well as experimental and theoretical physics... Wolff was essentially a popularizer and (to some extend inspired by Leibniz) sought to effect a formal synthesis between Scholasticism, the new mathematical methods and more recent scientific conceptions. From Leibniz he also inherited the emphasis on certain philosophical ideas...". (DSB XIV pp. 482/784) ---- Cajori ---- Tome 1 : Arithmétique, algèbre, géométrie, trigonométrie rectiligne, mécanique, hydrostatique, airométrie & hydraulique - Tome 2 : Optique, catoptrique, dioptrique, perspective, géographie, chronologie, gnomonique, astronomie & navigation - Tome 3 : Fortification, attaque & défense des places, artillerie, feux d'artifice, architecture‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR1,000.00 (€1,000.00 )


Reference : 7033

‎Philosophie de la technie algorithmique. Première section contenant la loi suprème et universelle des mathématiques‎

‎P., Didot, 1815, un volume in 4 relié en demi-basane de l'époque, dos orné de filets dorés, (une coiffe émoussée, cachet annulé sur la page de faux-titre), 12pp., 286pp., (1)‎

‎EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "Hoene-Wronski's extant manuscripts and published writings cover a wide range of knowledge. His philosophy, which is central, forms the basis for reforming various branches of the exact and social sciences. His philosophical notions were formed under Kant's influence... He applied his philosophy to mathematics in a series of works that began with Introduction à la philosophie mathématique... A recurrent pattern in Hoëne Wronski's relations with various institutions indicates a marked psychopathic tendency... His aberrent personality tempt one to dismiss his work as the product of a gigantic fallacy engendered by a troubled and deceived mind. Later investigation of his writings, however, leads to a different conclusion. Hidden among the multitude of irrelevancies are important concepts that show him to have been a highly gifted mathematician whose contribution, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the imperative of his all-embracing absolute philosophy". (DSB Suppl. pp. 225/226)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR380.00 (€380.00 )


Reference : 5326

‎Exposé des méthodes générales en mathématiques, résolution et intégration des équations, applications diverses d'après Hoëné Wronski‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars, 1886, un volume in 4 relié en demi-chagrin marron, dos orné de fers dorés (reliure de l'époque), 10pp., 314pp.‎

‎EDITION ORIGINALE ---- Résolution et intégration des équations (méthode secondaire élémentaire, résolution des équations primitives, digression sur les séries, intégration des équations différentielles, intégration des équations aux différences finies ne contenant qu'une variable indépendante, résolution et intégration des équations simultanées...) - Complément : loi suprême, application de la loi suprême au développement des fonctions, agrégats, intégrations des équations différentielles linéaires à coefficients constants ; fonctions symétriques et sinus des ordres supérieurs‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR550.00 (€550.00 )

‎WRONSKI (Hoëné de)‎

Reference : 5323

‎Introduction à la philosophie des mathématiques et technie de l'algorithmie‎

‎P., Courcier, 1811; un volume in 4 relié en demi-basane, dos orné de filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (1 mors légèrement fendu, cachet de bibliothèque annulé), (4), VIpp., 270pp., 1 tableau dépliant‎

‎EDITION ORIGNALE ---- RARE ---- NOMBREUSES NOTES MANUSCRITES DE L'ÉPOQUE SUR LES FEUILLETS DE GARDE ---- "Hoene-Wronski's extant manuscripts and published writings cover a wide range of knowledge. His philosophy, which is central, forms the basis for reforming various branches of the exact and social sciences. His philosophical notions were formed under Kant's influence... He applied his philosophy to mathematics in a series of works that began with Introduction à la philosophie mathématique... A recurrent pattern in Hoëne Wronski's relations with various institutions indicates a marked psychopathic tendency... His aberrent personality tempt one to dismiss his work as the product of a gigantic fallacy engendered by a troubled and deceived mind. Later investigation of his writings, however, leads to a different conclusion. Hidden among the multitude of irrelevancies are important concepts that show him to have been a highly gifted mathematician whose contribution, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the imperative of his all-embracing absolute philosophy". (DSB Suppl. pp. 225/226)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR900.00 (€900.00 )

‎WRONSKI (Hoëné de)‎

Reference : 5324

‎Messianisme ou réforme absolue du savoir humain ; nommément : réforme des mathématiques comme prototype de l'accomplissement final des sciences et réforme de la philosophie comme base de l'accomplissement final de la religion‎

‎P., Didot, 1847, 3 TOMES reliés en 2 volumes in 4, pleine toile bleue marine, dos orné de filets et fleurons dorés, étiquettes de titres rouges (reliure moderne), (mouillures dans les marges inférieures des derniers feuillets au tome 3), T.1 : 1 frontispice, (3), 392pp., 328pp., T.2 : 12pp., pp. 393/600, 224pp., T.3 : (3), 136pp., 224pp., 24pp.‎

‎EDITION ORIGINALE ---- RARE ---- EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET ---- "Hoene-Wronski's extant manuscripts and published writings cover a wide range of knowledge. His philosophy, which is central, forms the basis for reforming various branches of the exact and social sciences. His philosophical notions were formed under Kant's influence... He applied his philosophy to mathematics in a series of works that began with Introduction à la philosophie mathématique... A recurrent pattern in Hoëne Wronski's relations with various institutions indicates a marked psychopathic tendency... His aberrent personality tempt one to dismiss his work as the product of a gigantic fallacy engendered by a troubled and deceived mind. Later investigation of his writings, however, leads to a different conclusion. Hidden among the multitude of irrelevancies are important concepts that show him to have been a highly gifted mathematician whose contribution, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the imperative of his all-embracing absolute philosophy". (DSB Suppl. pp. 225/226) ---- Réforme du savoir humain - Accomplissement final des sciences par la réforme des mathématiques - Complément historique et didactique de la réforme des mathématiques dans leurs parties pures et appliquées - Accomplissement final de la religion par la réforme de la philosophie - Supplément à la réforme de la philosophie pour servir de transition ; de la réforme des mathématiques à la réforme de la philosophie - Résolution générale des équations algébriques de tous les degrés précédée du manifeste historique concernant l'actuelle réforme du savoir humain - Supplément à la réforme de la philosophie pour servir de transition ; de la réforme des mathématiques à la réforme de la philosophie - La réforme scientifique de la locomotion présentée au Conseil général des Ponts et Chaussées de France.‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR1,300.00 (€1,300.00 )


Reference : 6590

‎Réfutation de la théorie des fonctions analytiques de LAGRANGE -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Blankenstein, 1812, un volume in 4 relié en demi-chagrin noir à coins (reliure de l'époque), (2), 135pp., (1)‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Hoene-Wronski's extant manuscripts and published writings cover a wide range of knowledge. His philosophy, which is central, forms the basis for reforming various branches of the exact and social sciences. His philosophical notions were formed under Kant's influence... He applied his philosophy to mathematics in a series of works that began with Introduction à la philosophie mathématique... Hoëné Wronski criticized the standpoint taken by Lagrande in his Théorie des fonctions analytiques, disagreeing with both Lagrange's insufficient grounds for the use of the series development and his opposition to the introduction of infinite quantities in analysis... A recurrent pattern in Hoëne Wronski's relations with various institutions indicates a marked psychopathic tendency... His aberrent personality tempt one to dismiss his work as the product of a gigantic fallacy engendered by a troubled and deceived mind. Later investigation of his writings, however, leads to a different conclusion. Hidden among the multitude of irrelevancies are important concepts that show him to have been a highly gifted mathematician whose contribution, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the imperative of his all-embracing absolute philosoph". (DSB Suppl. pp. 225/226)**6590/N5AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR460.00 (€460.00 )


Reference : 6591

‎Critique de la théorie des fonctions génératrices de M. LAPLACE -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Didot, 1819, un volume in 4 relié en demi-chagrin noir à coins (reliure de l'époque), (2), 4pp., 135pp., (1pp.), ‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Hoene-Wronski's extant manuscripts and published writings cover a wide range of knowledge. His philosophy, which is central, forms the basis for reforming various branches of the exact and social sciences. His philosophical notions were formed under Kant's influence... He applied his philosophy to mathematics in a series of works that began with Introduction à la philosophie mathématique... A recurrent pattern in Hoëne Wronski's relations with various institutions indicates a marked psychopathic tendency... His aberrent personality tempt one to dismiss his work as the product of a gigantic fallacy engendered by a troubled and deceived mind. Later investigation of his writings, however, leads to a different conclusion. Hidden among the multitude of irrelevancies are important concepts that show him to have been a highly gifted mathematician whose contribution, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the imperative of his all-embracing absolute philosoph". (DSB Suppl. pp. 225/226)**6591/N5AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR440.00 (€440.00 )
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