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‎Arents, Prosper Thijs, Alfons K.L. [edit.] Baudouin, Frans [bew.]‎

Reference : 1928


‎Antwerpen, Vereniging der Antwerpse Bibliofielen, 2000-2001 softcover, originele uitgeversomslag met flappen, 16.2x24.8 cm., 387 pages, Tekst NL. ‎

‎Jaarboek van de vereniging der Antwerpse Bibliofielen. Met facsimile veilingcatalogus bibliotheek Albert Rubens feb. 1658 Ruim een halve eeuw geleden begon de bibliograaf Prosper Arents aan de realisatie van zijn vermetel plan om de bibliotheek van Pieter Pauwel Rubens virtueel te reconstrueren. In 1961 publiceerde hij in Noordgouw een bondig maar nog steeds lezenswaardig verslag over de stand, op dat ogenblik, van zijn werkzaamheden onder de titel De bibliotheek van Pieter Pauwel Rubens. Toen hij in 1984 op hoge leeftijd overleed, had hij vele honderden titels achterhaald, onderzocht en bibliografisch beschreven. Persklaar kon men zijn notities echter allerminst noemen, iets wat hij overigens zelf goed besefte. In 1994 slaagden Alfons Thijs en Ludo Simons erin onderzoeksgelden van de Universiteit Antwerpen / UFSIA ter beschikking te krijgen om Arents' gegevens electronisch te laten verwerken. Lia Baudouin, classica van vorming, die deze moeilijke en omvangrijke taak op zich nam, beperkte zich niet tot het invoeren van de titels, maar heeft ook bijkomende exemplaren opgespoord, Arents' bibliografische verwijzingen nagekeken en aangevuld en de uitgegeven correspondentie van P.P. Rubens opnieuw gescreend inzake lectuurgegevens. Een informele werkgroep, bestaande uit Arnout Balis, Frans Baudouin, Jacques de Bie, Pierre Delsaerdt, Marcus de Schepper, Ludo Simons en Alfons Thijs, begeleidde L. Baudouin bij haar ?monnikenwerk?. Na het verstrijken van het mandaat van de onderzoekster bleef toch nog heel wat werk te verrichten om het geheel persklaar te maken. Elly Cockx-Indestege, Jacques de Bie, Marcus de Schepper en Alfons Thijs behartigden deze laatste productiefase. Anna E.C. Simoni was zo vriendelijk voor Engelse samenvattingen te zorgen. De redactie achtte het nuttig dat Alfons Thijs, via bio-bibliografische gegevens over Prosper Arents, de cultuurhistorische context schetste waarin deze ?poging tot reconstructie van de Rubensbibliotheek? tot stand gekomen is. Zij prijst zich gelukkig dat Frans Baudouin, met zijn grondige kennis van Rubens en diens wereld, bereid was in een verkennende studie te peilen naar de inhoudelijke verscheidenheid en de functionele betekenis van deze kunstenaars- n geleerdenbibliotheek. De titelbeschrijvingen vormen uiteraard de hoofdbrok van de publicatie. Hierbij dient onderstreept dat noch Prosper Arents noch de bewerkers van zijn notities alle beschrijvingen met het boek in de hand konden controleren. In een minderheid van de gevallen moesten zij zich verlaten op bibliografische informatie uit bibliotheekcatalogi, bibliografie n en andere referentiewerken, soms op door bibliotheekverantwoordelijken schriftelijk verstrekte inlichtingen. Bij de aanduiding van bewaarplaatsen van de aangehaalde edities is niet naar volledigheid gestreefd. Enkel die exemplaren zijn vermeld welke door Arents of de bewerkers bij het onderzoek betrokken werden. Zoals uit de bijdrage van Frans Baudouin nog zal blijken, zijn de titels gegroepeerd in een aantal afdelingen, zelf geordend op basis van de toenemende mate van onzekerheid over de vraag of P.P. Rubens van het geciteerde werk wel degelijk een exemplaar in zijn bibliotheek had. In vele gevallen is op basis van het bronnenmateriaal niet uit te maken welke editie van een bepaald werk P.P. Rubens exact bezat. In zulke omstandigheden heeft Prosper Arents, in de regel, voor de (ten aanzien van de bron) meest recente uitgave geopteerd. De gebruiker van het corpus weze er zich dus steeds van bewust dat P.P. Rubens in werkelijkheid eventueel een andere, met name oudere editie van het betrokken werk kan bezeten hebben. Slechts van drie titels uit Rubens' bibliotheek is een exemplaar bekend dat zeker ooit eigendom was van de meester, waar namelijk een handgeschreven opdracht aan P.P. Rubens in voorkomt. Rubens verwierf zijn boekenbezit deels via aankopen bij de Officina Plantiniana. Slechts een deel van de desbetreffende archiefgegevens is door Max Rooses in zijn Petrus-Paulus Rubens en Balthasar Moretus gepubliceerd. Prosper Arents heeft de boekhouding van Moretus er opnieuw op nageslagen. Uit diezelfde journalen transcribeerde Prosper Arents ook de vermeldingen van: 1o een 70-tal boeken in 1628-1633 aangekocht door P.P. Rubens voor rekening van zijn zoon Albert, en 2o een 115 boeken aangekocht door Albert Rubens zelf (althans tot 1640). Elk van die werken heeft Arents tevens, naar best vermogen, ge dentificeerd. We hopen dit materiaal n van de volgende jaren te publiceren. scripties van Max Rooses nagekeken, waar nodig gecorrigeerd en aangevuld en vervolgens alle aldus gevonden titels naar best vermogen ge dentificeerd en er exemplaren van opgespoord. Identificatie was vaak niet gemakkelijk, daar de bibliograaf vaststelde dat in de journalen vermelde formaten, vooral bij kleine boekjes, ?meer naar het uitzicht van het boek dan naar het vouwen van het blad? verwezen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )

‎Knaap, M. Putnam (eds.)‎

Reference : 45644

‎Art, Music and Spectacle in the Age of Rubens‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2013 Hardback, VIII 351 p., 203 b/w ill. 35 colour ill., CD, 210 x 280 mm Languages: English, Fine copy. ISBN 9781905375837.‎

‎This volume presents an interdisciplinary study of the triumphal entry of the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand into Antwerp in 1635, and pays special attention to Rubens?s monumental arches and oil sketches that ornamented the entry. This volume deals with the triumphal entry of the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand, brother of King Philip IV of Spain, into Antwerp in 1635, one of the largest and most spectacular festivals ever mounted in an early modern city. The outdoor festivities in honor of the city?s new governor included a citywide procession, performances, fireworks, music, and political speeches. Along the processional route appeared nine richly ornamented stages and arches designed by Peter Paul Rubens and executed by a group of local painters and sculptors, including Jacob Jordaens, Theodoor van Thulden, and Jan van den Hoecke. To commemorate the event, the city commissioned a lavish festival book, entitled the Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi (1641), which contains learned commentaries by Jan Gaspar Gevaerts, a city official and Latinist, as well as folio engravings by Theodoor van Thulden after Rubens's stages. More than a simple description of the event, Gevaerts? volume offers a rich compilation of references to ancient writers and reproductions of ancient coins.While most literature on the subject has focused on Rubens?s nine monumental arches and his twelve preparatory oil sketches for the designs, this volume will examine the entry and its accompanying festival book as a whole. A group of highly distinguished specialists from different disciplines will discuss the entry and Gevaerts? book from a myriad of viewpoints, including art, architecture, music, theater, history, politics, classical knowledge, and economic and intellectual networks. It is the first time that the entry will be examined from a truly interdisciplinary perspective. The book draws on a wide variety of primary sources, including Rubens?s preparatory oil sketches, Gevaerts? festival book, pamphlets describing the entry, and political songs from the period. Contributors: Jonathan Israel (Princeton), Peter Miller (Bard Graduate Center), Bart Ramakers (Groningen), Louis Grijp (Utrecht), Anne Woollett (Getty), Anna Knaap (Emmanuel College, Boston), Michael Putnam (Brown), Carmen Arnold-Biucchi (Harvard), Frank Fehrenbach (Hamburg), Caroline van Eck (Leiden), Ivan Gaskell (Bard Graduate Center) Table of Contents Introduction: Anna C. Knaap, Emmanuel College, Boston Part I: Historical Background and Intellectual Milieu 1. Rubens, Antwerp, and the Fight for Domination of the World Trade System (1572-1650)? Jonathan Israel, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 2. Peiresc, Rubens, and Visual Culture, c. 1620? Peter N. Miller, Bard Graduate Center, New York Part II: Music, Vernacular Theater and Performance 3. Ferdinand?s Triumph and the Vernacular Dramatic Tradition Bart Ramakers, University of Groningen 4. Music Performed in the Triumphal Entry of the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand into Antwerp (1635)? Louis P. Grijp, Utrecht University Part III: Art and Enlivenment 5. The Unmoved Mover? Frank Fehrenbach, University of Hamburg 6. Animation and Petrifaction in Rubens?s Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi? Caroline van Eck, Leiden University Part IV: Classical Antiquity 7. Virgil and the Pompa Introitus Ferdinand ?Michael C. J. Putnam, Brown University 8. Coins and Classical Imagery in the Time of Rubens: The Stage of Welcome in the Pompa Introitus Ferdinand?Carmen Arnold-Biucchi, Harvard Art Museums Part V: Rubens?s Oil Sketches: Preparation and Display 9. The Burden of Invention: Rubens and the Stage of Welcome ?Anne T. Woollett, J. Paul Getty Museum 10. Being True to Rubens ?Ivan Gaskell, Bard Graduate Center, New York Appendix 1: Track list Audio CD performed by The Imperial Trumpets, La Caccia and Camerata TrajectinaAppendix 2: Explanation of Audio CD? Louis P. Grijp Appendix 3: Song texts of Audio CD with short introductions‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR139.00 (€139.00 )

‎A.-M. Logan, K. Belkin‎

Reference : 61715

‎Drawings of Peter Paul Rubens, A Critical Catalogue 1-4, - 4-volumes catalogue raisonn of all drawings.‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021-2023 4 vols., 536 pages + 732 pages, 216 x 280 mm , 260 + 291 colour ill., English, Hardcovers, FINE ISBN 9782503595702.‎

‎This is the 4-volume catalogue raisonn of all drawings considered by the authors to be by Rubens. It covers the years 1590- 1608, Volumes II and III dealing, respectively, with the periods 1609-20 and 1621- 40. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement provides the user with a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject and functions of Rubens?s drawings at an one time. Volume I consists of the drawings of the artist?s childhood, apprenticeship and first years as a master in Antwerp to his formative years in Italy, spent mostly in Mantua and Rome, with an excursion to Spain. These are the years primarily devoted to learning and absorbing the art of the past, from sixteenth-century German and Netherlandish prints to the works of the ancient and Italian Renaissance masters. A large number of these drawings consists of copies after the works of other artists, largely executed as part of the artistic training at the time. For the first time, Rubens's copies and their models are not discussed and illustrated as a separate entity but are fully integrated into the rest of his graphic oeuvre, thus showing copies and original compositions created at the same time side by side. The volume contains 204 entries, including several sheets with drawings on recto and verso. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. In addition, Volume I contains an essay on the history of the scholarship of Rubens?s drawings, a subject that has not been treated before. All drawings by Rubens and the works by other artists he copied as well as a selection of other comparative images are reproduced in color. This is Volume II in the three-volume catalogue raisonn of the drawings by Rubens covering the years 1609?20. The project is a collaboration between Anne-Marie Logan, to whom belong all the Rubens attributions, and Kristin Lohse Belkin. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement offers the user a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject matter and functions of Rubens?s drawings at any one time. Accordingly, Volume II consists of the drawings from the time of Rubens?s return from Italy and the establishment of his workshop in Antwerp to the completion of his contribution to the furnishing and decoration of the city?s new Jesuit church, today?s St. Charles Borromeo. The decade is characterized by a broad range of genres and iconography: large altarpieces stand next to cabinet-size pictures, book illustrations next to designs for tapestry, sculpture and architectural reliefs; religious, mythological and historical subjects alternate with allegories, portraits, exotic hunts and scenes from country life. Copies after other artists? works that constitute such a large part of Rubens?s early years discussed in Volume I have given way to original inventions in pen and ink and, above all, by life studies in chalk of the human body, naked or dressed. The whole spectrum of Rubens?s extraordinary creativity, nowhere presented as directly and immediately as in his drawings, is there to be contemplated in all its astonishing diversity. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. All drawings by Rubens as well as a selection of comparative images are reproduced in color.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR425.00 (€425.00 )

‎Elizabeth McGrath, Paul van Calster (eds)‎

Reference : 63266

‎Thinking through Rubens Selected Studies by Arnout Balis.‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardcover, Pages: 220 pages,90 x 255mm,Illustrations:18 b/w, 88 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9781915487285.‎

‎Over the course of his life, Arnout Balis (d. 2021) did a lot of thinking about and around Rubens. A principal beneficiary of this was the Corpus Rubenianum, that multi-volume catalogue of the work of the artist to which he devoted so much of his scholarly endeavour ? as author, and, still more, as the most generous of editors. But he also produced wide-ranging, as well as more closely detailed, studies on the artist that were written for a variety of contexts. Arnout Balis was an artist before he was an art historian, and the question of how Rubens channelled his ideas into visual form constantly attracted and intrigued him. He was fascinated, too, by the practicalities of the artist?s method of production, given the enormous output of Rubens?s studio. Not only did he rigorously assemble and analyse every scrap of information about pupils or associates of the master, but he made himself an expert in the work of each of Rubens?s artistic contemporaries. In all his investigations, whether involving the attribution of a painting, an iconographic puzzle or the solution to a historical problem, he took nothing for granted, treating any received idea or initial intuition with due scepticism until it could be shown to stand the test of the evidence, documentary and visual. The present volume shows the Balis method in action. It includes several studies already acclaimed as exemplary, and others which deserve to be more widely known. Five of them are made available here for the first time in English translation. Preface Arnout Balis: A Personal Memoir by Elizabeth McGrath 1 Hippopotamus Rubenii: A Small Chapter in the History of Zoology (1981) 2 Image and Counterimage: On Dissident Rubens Biographies (1985) 3 Picturing Fables in Seventeenth-Century Flemish Painting (1985) 4 ?Fatto da un mio discepolo?: Rubens?s Studio Practices Reviewed (1994) 5 Working it out: Design Tools and Procedures in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Flemish Art (2000) 6 Rubens and Inventio: The Contribution of his Theoretical Notebook (2001) 7 Rubens and his Studio: Defining the Problem (2007) 8 A Painting by Willem Panneels, an Intriguing Pupil of Rubens (2020) 9 Many Hands in Rubens?s Workshop: an Exploration (2021) 10 A Sheet from Rubens?s Theoretical Notebook (2021)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎Guilloux, C. Dr ze (eds.)‎

Reference : 52659

‎Rubens et la musique. ‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2019 Paperback, 306 pages ., 16 b/w ill. + 141 colour ill., 190 x 290 mm, Languages: French. ISBN 9782503584560.‎

‎Ouvrage collectif et interdisciplinaire interrogeant sous divers angles le rapport de Rubens et son oeuvre l'art musical. Quelle tait la culture musicale de Pierre Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Les archives et les t moignages directs restent vasifs et laconiques sur la question. Son oeuvre pictural comporte en revanche de nombreux l ments qui permettent non seulement de restituer l'univers sonore du peintre mais galement d?appr cier sa haute ma trise des codes iconographiques contemporains. Pour la premi re fois, cet ouvrage collectif jette un regard neuf sur la production du doctus pictor, ses sources d'inspirations, ses influences et ses dispositifs iconographiques en mati re de musique et, plus largement, contribue une meilleure connaissance de l?iconographie musicale des xvie et xviie si cles C line Dr ze Musicologue, elle consacre ses recherches la culture musicale des ordres r guliers et des chapitres canoniaux s culiers l? poque moderne et s?int resse galement aux pratiques musicales des confr ries de d votion. Fabien Guilloux Musicologue, ing nieur d? tudes l?Institut de Recherches en Musicologie (CNRS), il consacre une partie de ses travaux l?iconographie et aux pratiques musicales dans les milieux claustraux et canoniaux des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe si cles. Table of Contents introduction (C. Dr ze & F. Guilloux) I. Rubens et l?Europe musicale Dipingere il suono. Repr senter la musique l? poque de Rubens (N. Guidobaldi, Universit di Bologna ) Rubens et les milieux musicaux anversois (C. Dr ze, Universit catholique de Louvain) II. Pr sences musicales Les instruments de musique dans l??uvre de Rubens (N. Lallement, Centre de recherche du ch teau de Versailles) Les repr sentations instrumentales dans les frontispices anversois : l?apport de Rubens (A. Lemmens, Universit catholique de Louvain) La Sainte C cile de Rubens : une enqu te organologique (A.-E. Ceulemans, Universit catholique de Louvain / Mus e des instruments de musique) Deux couvercles de clavecins des ateliers Ruckers peints au si cle de Rubens (F. G treau, Iremus-CNRS) III. l? coute des images L?application des sens dans la culture spirituelle et artistique anversoise du XVIIe si cle (R. Dekoninck, Universit catholique de Louvain) L?exercice spirituel de la musique. Sainte C cile selon Coxcie et Rubens (M. Guggioli, Universit di Firenze) Repr senter l?inaudible. Les anges musiciens de Rubens (F. Guilloux, Iremus-CNRS)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : 37192

‎Ziel van de Meester , The Spirit of the Master , L'Ame du Maitre. Antwerpse tekeningen van Rubens tot Panamarenko , Antwerp drawings from Rubens to Panamarenko , Esquisses anversoises de Rubens a Panamarenko.‎

‎, BAI, 2012 Hardback, 240x180mm, 112p, throughout colour illustrations, English/ French/ Dutch (NL) edition . ISBN 9789085866350.‎

‎De ziel van de meester. Antwerpse tekeningen van Rubens tot Panamarenko. brengt uitzonderlijke tekeningen en schetsen van grote meesters en hedendaags talent. Elf gastcuratoren zijn aangesproken en stelden de tentoonstelling samen. Ze brengen tekeningen samen van oude meesters met hedendaags werk, leggen verrassende thematische verbanden of zien verwantschap in stijl, compositie of lijnvoering door de eeuwen heen. Buurtbewoners en vrijwilligers met een hart voor het museum kozen hun lievelingswerken. Modeontwerper Dries Van Noten, illustratrice Kaatje Vermeire, galeriehouder Adriaan Raemdonck en illustrator-cartoonist Benoit selecteerden vanuit hun tekenervaring. De specialisten Ger Luijten, professor Katlijne Vander Stighelen en conservator Stefaan Hautekeete maakten een keuze met hun professioneel oog. De tentoonstelling is uitgegroeid tot een boeiende tocht langs eilandjes van persoonlijke smaken en voorkeuren. Voor De Ziel van de Meester. Antwerpse tekeningen van Rubens tot Panamarenko selecteren specialisten, liefhebbers, jonge mensen en gepassioneerde kunstenaars 100 tekeningen uit de collectie van het Prentenkabinet. Niet alleen de hoogtepunten uit de collectie, maar ook verrassende pareltjes zullen te zien zijn. Het wordt een confrontatie en een samenbrengen van werk van meerdere kunstenaars uit verschillende periodes. Tekenen is intiem. Met een tekening zet een kunstenaar een eerste impressie op papier, een vluchtige pose, een momentopname, een emotie. Het is een snelle manier om een gedachtestroom vast te leggen en ideeen te ordenen.-** For The Spirit of the Master. Antwerp drawings from Rubens to Panamarenko, experts, impassioned artists, enthusiasts, locals and young people were allowed to choose a total of 100 drawings from the Prentenkabinet collection. Drawing is an intimate activity. A drawing captures a first impression, a fleeting pose, an emotion. It is a snapshot in time. It is the artist's way of quickly recording his ideas and ordering his thoughts. For The Spirit of the Master. Antwerp drawings from Rubens to Panamarenko, experts, impassioned artists, enthusiasts, locals and young people were allowed to choose a total of 100 drawings from the Prentenkabinet collection. Surprisingly perhaps, rather than just go for the collection's highlights, many chose less familiar works. The resulting exhibition is an encounter between contemporary talent and old masters.**- Pour L'Ame du Maitre. Esquisses anversoises de Rubens a Panamarenko, des specialistes, amateurs, riverains, des jeunes et des artistes passionnes selectionnent 100 esquisses de la collection du Prentenkabinet. Le dessin est intime. Par une esquisse, un artiste immortalise une premiere impression sur papier, une pose sommaire, une image ephemere, une emotion. Soit un moyen rapide de fixer une succession de pensees et de remettre ses idees en place. Pour L'Ame du Maitre. Esquisses anversoises de Rubens a Panamarenko, des specialistes, amateurs, riverains, des jeunes et des artistes passionnes selectionnent 100 esquisses de la collection du Prentenkabinet. L'exposition ne presente pas seulement les pieces maitresses de la collection, mais egalement des ouvres surprenantes qui gagnent a etre connues. L'exposition se mue en rencontre entre talents contemporains et anciens maitres.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 44073

‎Peter Paul Rubens and His Landscapes: Ideas on Nature and Art ‎

‎be-, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2014 Hardback, 300 pages., 38 b/w ill. 12 colour ill., 190 x 250 mm, Languages: English fine! . ISBN 9782503550381.‎

‎Painting landscapes was very much a private activity for Peter Paul Rubens. Whilst the majority of his other works were commissioned, the landscapes seem to have been painted for his own pleasure and delight and stayed in the artist?s possession until his death. Most of them were painted in the last decade of his life; a happy period, in which Rubens retired from public duties and spent most of his free time studying the antique and enjoying sojourns on his country estate, castle Het Steen. To grasp this profoundly personal character of Rubens?s landscapes, this book considers the artist?s highly complex method of pictorial invention to illuminate the perception, implementation, dissemination, and posthumous reception of views on nature and landscape as depicted in Rubens?s landscape art. By investigating contemporary notions on the changing perception of nature and landscape in late 16th and early 17th-century southern Netherlandish culture, Rubens?s position within this socio-cultural matrix will be established, thus shedding new light on the artist?s own perception of nature and landscape. The re-assessment of the influence of classical and contemporary ideas about nature and landscape, as well as Rubens?s personal sense of place, will illuminate important characteristics which further define Rubens?s ideas about nature implemented in his landscape art. Also, fresh light will be cast on the sudden promulgation and dissemination of Rubens?s apparently private views on nature and landscape through a novel examination of the print series of the Small and Large Landscapes, reproducing the artist?s landscapes. The final theme in this illuminating book considers the posthumous reception of Rubens?s ?painted ideas of landscape?. The book also contains an updated version of the catalogue raisonne of Rubens?s landscape art, supplemented by a record of the Small and Large Landscapes prints series‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR145.00 (€145.00 )

‎PAAW, Petrus.‎

Reference : LCS-17640

‎Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg : ouvrage composé de vingt-cinq estampes, soit en couleur, soit en noir, Avec l’explication historique et allégorique de chaque Sujet. Superbe collection de 24 tableaux consacrés par Rubens à la vie de Marie de Médicis et destinés à orner le Palais du Luxembourg.‎

‎Bel exemplaire de ce rare recueil orné de 25 superbes planches en vifs coloris de l’époque, conservé dans sa reliure de l’époque en demi-chagrin rouge. Paris, chez Desève, artiste-éditeur et Deterville, libraire, de l’imprimerie de Crapelet, 1809. Grand in-folio de (2) ff. de faux-titre et titre, 2 pp. d’Avertissement, 8 pp., 7 pp. d’explication, 25 planches en couleurs accompagnées chacune de 1 ou 2 ff. de texte explicatif et protégées par des serpentes. Qq. discrètes piqûres. Relié en demi-chagrin rouge à coins, dos à nerf orné de filets dorés. Qq. frottements aux charnières et aux coins, manque à la coiffe supérieure. Reliure de l’époque. 546 x 356 mm.‎

‎Superbe et rare recueil présentant les tableaux peints par Rubens pour orner le palais du Luxembourg construit pour Marie de Medicis. Graesse, Trésor de livres rares, 12 ; Sander 747 ; Cohen, Guide de l’amateur de livres à gravures, 914 (pour l’édition de 1808) ; Brunet, IV, 1443. « C’est l’histoire allégorique de Marie de Médicis. Les originaux de Rubens, qui ont orné longtemps le Palais du Luxembourg, construit pour cette princesse, sont maintenant au Louvre » (Cohen). Un recueil similaire avait déjà paru en 1710 sous le titre : « La Galerie du Palais du Luxembourg, peinte par Rubens », mais le présent ouvrage, publié presque cent ans plus tard, est entièrement nouveau, avec des gravures différentes, accompagnées d’un texte explicatif. Les bibliographes mentionnent une édition de Paris, 1808 mais nous ne sommes parvenus à en localiser aucun exemplaire. On apprend dans l’Avertissement que : « La Galerie du Luxembourg, cette belle collection des tableaux de Rubens, avait déjà été reproduite par le burin. Mais depuis longtemps le recueil en était devenu rare dans le commerce. L’éditeur actuel s’est flatté qu’en reproduisant de nouveau [cette belle collection des tableaux de Rubens], sous une forme plus commode, accompagnée d’un texte historique et allégorique, elle serait bien reçue du Public. Il a pensé ainsi que Rubens ayant excellé dans le choix et l’éclat des couleurs, ce serait lui faire perdre plus qu’à un autre de se borner à rendre les traits et l’expression. Il a donc mis tous ses soins pour imiter, autant qu’il est possible, le charme du coloris de l’original ». La superbe illustration se compose d’un portrait de Rubens par Le Clerc gravé par Benoist et de 24 planches d’après les tableaux de Rubens gravées par Benoist, Duthé, Gauthier le jeune, Gabriel, Gouyon, Disart et Pierron. Elles représentent : un Portrait de Marie de Médicis en Minerve, un Portrait de François II, un Portrait de Jeanne d’Autriche, les Parques, la Naissance de la reine, l’Education de la reine, Henri IV qui délibère sur son futur mariage, le Mariage de Marie de Médicis avec Henri IV, le Débarquement de la reine à Marseille, la Ville de Lyon qui va au-devant de la reine, l’Accouchement de la reine, Henri IV qui part pour l’Allemagne, le Couronnement de la reine, l’Apothéose de Henri IV, le Gouvernement de la reine, le Voyage de la reine au pont de Cé, l’Echange des deux reines, la Félicité de la régence, la Majorité de Louis XIII, la Reine s’enfuit de Blois, la Reine prend le parti de la paix, Conclusion de la paix, la Paix confirmée dans le ciel, le Tems découvre la vérité. « Les figures existent en noir et imprimées en couleur. En noir, reliure, 350 francs ; en couleurs, reliure, 2 000 francs » (Sander). Précieux exemplaire du tirage de luxe, dont l’ensemble des planches ont été imprimées en couleurs et finement rehaussées à la main à l’époque. Le présent ouvrage étant l’un des premiers à comporter des planches imprimées en couleurs qui reproduisent fidèlement des tableaux d’un grand maitre, il occupe une place importante dans l’étude de l’histoire de l’art. Bel exemplaire de ce rare recueil orné de 25 superbes planches en vifs coloris de l’époque, conservé dans sa reliure de l’époque en demi-chagrin rouge.‎


Phone number : 01 42 84 16 68

EUR9,000.00 (€9,000.00 )

‎G. Martin‎

Reference : 31382

‎Rubens in London. Art and Diplomacy ‎

‎, Brepols Publishers, 2011 hardcover, 205 p., 68 b/w ill. 22 colour ill., 210 x 280 mm, English. ISBN 9781905375042.‎

‎The Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens is probably the most important foreign artist to have worked in England. The story of how this came to be, of what he did when he was in England and what he painted for King Charles I is the story of this book. Charles and his father, the first Stuart monarchs of Great Britain, led and promoted a great wave of interest in the arts, in particular the visual arts, that culminated in Rubens painting nine large canvases to decorate the ceiling of Inigo Jones?s Banqetting Hall, the ceremonial centre of the Court in Whitehall - a monument that is still intact today. It is this cycle, an hitherto unappreciated masterpiece of Baroque state art, that is the focus of this book. How Rubens came to obtain the commission is a tale of international politics and diplomacy in which the artist himself played a significant role. The author relates these complex political relationships and missions with great insight and clarity, and in doing so also describes the cultural and social setting in which Rubens found himself while in London. The illustrations that accompany the text include not only many of Rubens's own paintings and drawings made when he was in London, but also some of the now well-known works by the Italian and North European Renaissance masters that Rubens would have seen in the magnificent art collections of the King and the English aristocracy. Foremost however among the illustrations are the reproductions of the Banqueting Hall ceiling itself: these are mostly in colour, showing each of the three central scenes both complete and with striking details that would be difficult to see in the Hall itself. Also the corner oval painting as well as the long, celebratory, exuberant processions on either side are reproduced in colour and in detail, so that the reader, guided by the author's full descriptions and interpretations, can experience a unique viewing and understanding of Rubens's masterpiece. The Author, Gregory Martin, has been interested in the ceiling paintings of the Banquetting Hall ever since he worked at the National Gallery in the 1960s, when he wrote the catalogue of the Gallery's Flemish paintings. Towards the end of his subsequent career at Christie's, where he was a director concerned with old master paintings, he was commissioned to write the Corpus Rubenianum volume on the ceiling decoration of the Banquetting Hall which was published in 2005. In the present book he returns to the subject, treating it and the related matter of Rubens in London in a way designed to appeal to a wider readership. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR106.00 (€106.00 )

‎[Sir Peter Paul Rubens] - ‎ ‎Logan, Anne-Marie and Michiel C. Plomp‎

Reference : 080978


ISBN : 0300104944

‎Peter Paul Rubens. The Drawings.‎

‎Logan, Anne-Marie and Michiel C. Plomp: Peter Paul Rubens. The Drawings. Exhibition: New York, Metropolitan Museum, 2005. 332pp with 145 colour plates and 151 monochrome illustrations. Hardback. 27x21cms. Over 100 of the finest and most representative of Rubens's drawings from private and public collections around the world are shown. Essays provide overview of Rubens's career as a draughtsman and of the dispersal of his drawings after his death. With discussion of the various functions of his drawings as preparatory studies for paintings, sculpture, architecture prints, and book illustrations. Includes his early anatomical studies and copies after antique sculpture, and drawings by other artists that Rubens retouched, restored or reworked.‎

‎Over 100 of the finest and most representative of Rubens's drawings from private and public collections around the world are shown. Essays provide overview of Rubens's career as a draughtsman and of the dispersal of his drawings after his death. With discussion of the various functions of his drawings as preparatory studies for paintings, sculpture, architecture prints, and book illustrations. Includes his early anatomical studies and copies after antique sculpture, and drawings by other artists that Rubens retouched, restored or reworked. Text in English‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP80.00 (€88.57 )

Reference : bd-80bfbf33be43a9c6

‎Album. Robertson C. Rubens. 108 selected paintings drawings and etchings. Rube‎

‎Album. Robertson C. Rubens. 108 selected paintings drawings and etchings. Rubens. 108 tableaux dessins et gravures choisis et presentes par Keith Roberts. Paris: Sacelp 1986./Albom. Robertson K. Rubens. 108 izbrannykh kartin risunkov i gravyur. Rubens. 108 tableaux dessins et gravures choisis et presentes par Keith Roberts. Na fr. yaz. Paris: Sacelp 1986.Album. Robertson C. Rubens. 108 selected paintings drawings and etchings. Rubens. 108 tableaux dessins et gravures choisis et presentes par Keith Roberts. Paris: Sacelp 1986./Albom. Robertson K. Rubens. 108 izbrannykh kartin risunkov i gravyur. Rubens. 108 tableaux dessins et gravures choisis et presentes par Keith Roberts. Na fr. yaz. Paris: Sacelp 1986.12 p of text 96 p of colour illustration 41.4x29 sm. SKUbd-80bfbf33be43a9c6.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Ben van Beneden ; Dr Amy Orrock‎

Reference : 62491


‎, , PB ,192 pages, ENG edition, 280 x 240 mm, NEW, 65 coloured illustrations, . ISBN 9781898519492.‎

‎The art of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) is synonymous with the female nude, with the term 'Rubenesque' first coined in the 19th century to describe a voluptuous female body. Yet remarkably, there has never been a focused study of Rubens' depictions of women, making this book, and the exhibition that it will accompany, a first. Bringing together a diverse range of paintings and drawings from throughout the artist's career and from a range of international lenders, the exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery (October 2023 - January 2024) will challenge the popular assumption that Rubens only painted one type of woman. Instead, it will present a more nuanced view of the varied and essential role that women played in the artist's life and work, uniting and contributing to recent scholarly developments in subjects such as the identities of Rubens' sitters, 17th century artistic theory and practice, and Rubens' treatment of the human body. Rubens evidently enjoyed painting the female figure, especially in its sensual and unclothed form. But his women are never mere bodies trapped by the male gaze, on the contrary; they are proud and complex heroines, full of character and gravitas. No other male artist has created such potent images of female power, assurance, determination, commitment, and beauty. Providing a catalogue for the works in the exhibition and featuring three introductory essays that contextualise Rubens' work, this publication will both contribute to the existing corpus of scholarly literature on Rubens and introduce his masterpieces to new audiences, discussing them in the context of current debates around sexuality, power and feminism. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR36.50 (€36.50 )

‎Nora De Poorter, Frans Baudouin‎

Reference : 60160

‎Rubens's House architecture and sculpture Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XXII.2 (Rubens house) 2 volumes.‎

‎, , 2022 Hardcover, 704 pages, 2 vols., ENG, 265 x 180 mm, NEW, dustjackets, illustr. 199 b/w, 245 col., . ISBN 9781912554645.‎

‎The house that Rubens built a few years after his return to Antwerp from Italy, and where he lived to the end of his life, was for the most part lost during the course of alterations carried out over the years. Two original parts survive, and they attest to the grandeur of the artist?s house: the portico and garden pavilion. When the house came to be reconstructed in 1938?1946 a great many unsolved questions had to be tackled, but eventually the difficult project was concluded successfully, although the result sometimes departs from what is historically correct. The reconstructed house became a popular museum. Undoubtedly the house, which included the family?s living quarters and contained Rubens?s much admired art collection as well as his famous studio, was built according to the master?s own ideas. It is thus part of Rubens?s oeuvre and forms the subject of this catalogue raisonn . Regrettably almost nothing survives of Rubens's designs, which certainly must have existed. The present volume is the result of a quest to gather together and critically assess all authentic architectural elements and written, pictorial, and archaeological sources. This allows us to form an impression of the appearance of Rubens?s unique house as well as the functions of its various parts. In addition, the sources that the pictor doctus Rubens used for inspiration in his design are discussed at length: architectural treatises, ancient art as well as the Renaissance architecture he had come to know during his stay in Italy.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR275.00 (€275.00 )


Reference : R160217054


‎Le Courrier 30e année juin 1977 - Pour le 400 e anniversaire de Rubens - Rubens - les logis de Rubens - illustrateur chez Plantin - l'éternel féminin - des flammes d'enfer au vert paradis - hommage philatelique à Rubens etc.‎

‎Unesco. 1977. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 38 pages agrafées - nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎

‎Sommaire : Pour le 400 e anniversaire de Rubens - Rubens - les logis de Rubens - illustrateur chez Plantin - l'éternel féminin - des flammes d'enfer au vert paradis - hommage philatelique à Rubens - la plus noble conquete du peintre - Spinoza ou les audaces d'un philosophe - Antonie van Leeuwenhoek l'explorateur de l'infiniment petit - médailles pour l'année Rubens etc. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎ Nils B ttner, Anna Orlando‎

Reference : 62754

‎Rubens a Genova‎

‎, Electa, 2022 Paperback, 416 pages, ITA., 280 x 240 x 35 mm, in good condition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9788892822795.‎

‎The volume is the catalogue of the homonymous exhibition held in Genova at Palazzo Ducale from 6 October 2022 to 22 January 2023, an extraordinary exhibition to tell the greatness of the most important Baroque painter ever: Peter Raul Rubens and his relationship with the city. The project was born on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the publishing in Antwerp of the Rubens? famous volume of Palazzi di Genova (1622). Rubens stayed on several occasions in Genova between 1600 and 1607 and thus had direct contacts relations ? in some cases very close ? with the city?s richest and most influential aristocrats. In exhibition and in the catalogue are presented more than 150 works, including more than twenty Rubens works, playing the role of protagonists, from European and Italian museums and collections (with some very significant ?re-entries?), which sum up to the ones present in the city, reaching a number such as there has not been since the end of the 18th century in Genova; since, that is, the crisis of the aristocracy with the repercussions of the French Revolution triggered an inexorable diaspora of masterpieces towards the collections of the world. From the Rubensian nucleus, the story of the cultural and artistic context of the city in the period of its utmost splendour is completed by paintings by artists whom Rubens certainly saw and studied (Tintoretto and Luca Cambiaso); whom he met in Italy and in particular in Genoa during his stay (Frans Pourbus the Younger, Sofonisba Anguissola and Bernardo Castello) or with whom he collaborated (Jan Wildens and Frans Snyders). Drawings, engravings, tapestries, furnishings, antique volumes, even clothes, feminine accessories and jewels allow to celebrate the grandeur of an artistic capital visited by one of the major artists of all times and confirm that appellation of Superb, given to Genoa. The catalogue is richly illustrated and gives account of the long path of studies and scientific insights by the curators and the thematic essays see contributions from a consistent number of international scholars. The exhibition guide and the guide to the Rubens? Genoa, a fascinating urban itinerary on the trail of Rubens? masterpieces, complete the proposal for the visitors and enthusiasts.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Anne-Marie Logan, Kristin Lohse Belkin‎

Reference : 61714

‎Drawings of Peter Paul Rubens, A Critical Catalogue, Volume Two (1609?1620) Part One: Text and Part Two: Images‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2023 2 vols; Part One: Text and Part Two: Images, 732 pages; Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:291 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9782503599533.‎

‎This is Volume II in the three-volume catalogue raisonn of the drawings by Rubens covering the years 1609?20. The project is a collaboration between Anne-Marie Logan, to whom belong all the Rubens attributions, and Kristin Lohse Belkin. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement offers the user a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject matter and functions of Rubens?s drawings at any one time. Accordingly, Volume II consists of the drawings from the time of Rubens?s return from Italy and the establishment of his workshop in Antwerp to the completion of his contribution to the furnishing and decoration of the city?s new Jesuit church, today?s St. Charles Borromeo. The decade is characterized by a broad range of genres and iconography: large altarpieces stand next to cabinet-size pictures, book illustrations next to designs for tapestry, sculpture and architectural reliefs; religious, mythological and historical subjects alternate with allegories, portraits, exotic hunts and scenes from country life. Copies after other artists? works that constitute such a large part of Rubens?s early years discussed in Volume I have given way to original inventions in pen and ink and, above all, by life studies in chalk of the human body, naked or dressed. The whole spectrum of Rubens?s extraordinary creativity, nowhere presented as directly and immediately as in his drawings, is there to be contemplated in all its astonishing diversity. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. All drawings by Rubens as well as a selection of comparative images are reproduced in color.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎[Sir Peter Paul Rubens] - ‎ ‎Buttner, Nils, Anna Orlando‎

Reference : 122428


ISBN : 9788892822795

‎Rubens a Genova‎

‎Buttner, Nils, Anna Orlando: Rubens a Genova. Exhibition: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, 2022. 413 pages. Fully illustrated in colour. Paperback. 28x24cms. A consideration of Rubens' production in Genoa. Six chapters discuss his relationship with the city, its architecture, court life and political and social context. Also considers Rubens' depiction of women, important clients like Ambrogio Spinola and his treatment of the sacred and the profane. Each chapter includes a catalogue of exhibition highlights including illustrations, comparanda, provenance and bibliographies. Concludes with an exhibition checklist and layout. Text in Italian.‎

‎A consideration of Rubens' production in Genoa. Six chapters discuss his relationship with the city, its architecture, court life and political and social context. Also considers Rubens' depiction of women, important clients like Ambrogio Spinola and his treatment of the sacred and the profane. Each chapter includes a catalogue of exhibition highlights including illustrations, comparanda, provenance and bibliographies. Concludes with an exhibition checklist and layout. Text in Italian‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP60.00 (€66.42 )


Reference : 12041


‎, Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1972.**, Gebonden,met foudraal, vergulde titel op de voorplaat, rug versierd met vergulde titel, originele geillustreerde omslagwikkel in kleur, 26x34cm, 289pp, geillustreerd z/w en in kleur.‎

‎Rubens en zijn Sociaal en Cultureel Milieu. De Portretten van rubens' Grootouders. Een jeugdwerk van Rubens, 'Adam en Eva' en de relatie Van Veen-Rubens. Altaarstukken uit de periode 1609 - 1620. 'De Geseling van Christus' in de Sint-Pauluskerk te Antwerpen. ' De Aanbidding der Herders', een schets van Rubens. Rubens en de Antwerpse Jezuietenkerk,...‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Rubens - Musee Jaquemart-Andre‎

Reference : 25793

‎Du Baroque au Classicisme, Rubens, Poussin et les peintres au XVIIe siecle‎

‎BE, Mercatorfonds / Fonds Mercator, 2010 Hardback, 280x240mm, 192p, French edition . ISBN 978906153973513.‎

‎Musee Jaquemart-Andre, Paris Expo: 24/9/2010 - 24/1/2011 Cet ouvrage souligne le renversement d'influence qui s'est opere au XVIIe siecle entre la peinture baroque flamande - avec Rubens comme chef de file - et l'ecole classique francaise - avec Poussin comme le meilleur representant. Au debut du XVIIe siecle, 70 % de la production anversoise est exportee, dont une grande partie vers la France. A Paris, la foire du bourg Saint-Germain des Pres, animee par des marchands nordiques, diffuse un grand nombre d'oeuvres flamandes. Sous le regne d'Henri IV, puis sous la regence de Marie de Medicis, les artistes flamands, Pierre-Paul Rubens grand maitre du baroque, en tete, obtiennent une grande partie des commandes royales : Philippe de Champaigne dans le domaine du portrait ou Frans Snyders dans celui de l'art animalier. Cette forte presence en France incite des artistes francais comme les freres Le Nain a adopter les sujets et les modeles flamands. Parallelement a ce rayonnement d'un art venu des Flandres, Nicolas Poussin initie et prefigure un art ideal dote d'un pouvoir poetique qui seduit bien au-dela des frontieres francaises. Sous le regne de Louis XIII, se forge une identite picturale proprement francaise qui nait simultanement chez des artistes tels que Poussin, profondement marque par son sejour a Rome et chez ceux, comme Eustache Le Sueur ou Laurent de La Hyre, qui n'ont jamais quitte Paris. Tous elaborent un nouveau langage pictural : le classicisme francais. Peu a peu, la France se constitue une identite culturelle propre qui va influencer de nombreux artistes, notamment les flamands. Attires par le potentiel enorme du marche francais et la magnificence de Louis XIII puis de Louis XIV, de nombreux artistes se rendent a Paris pour se perfectionner et apprendre les techniques picturales francaises, en particulier les artistes de la principaute de Liege. Le XVIIe siecle voit ainsi les courants artistiques se renverser, l'ecole classique francaise venant influencer l'Europe des Arts soutenue par le rayonnement politique du regne de Louis XIV Dit werk benadrukt de verschuiving van de invloed van de Vlaamse barokschilderkunst - met Rubens als aanvoerder - naar de klassieke Franse school - met Poussin als beste vertegenwoordiger, een verschuiving die plaatsvond in de XVIIde eeuw. In het begin van de XVIIde eeuw werd 70% van de Antwerpse productie geexporteerd, een groot deel naar Frankrijk. In Parijs werd op de beurs van Saint- Germain des Pres, waar handelaars uit het noorden heel actief waren, een groot aantal Vlaamse werken verspreid. Onder het bewind van Henri IV en later onder het regentschap van Maria de Medicis sleepten de Vlaamse kunstenaars, de grote barokmeester Pieter-Paul Rubens op kop, een groot deel van de koninklijke opdrachten in de wacht: Philippe de Champaigne voor de portretten of Frans Snyders voor de dierenkunst. Deze sterke aanwezigheid in Frankrijk spoorde Franse kunstenaars zoals de broers Nain ertoe aan om de Vlaamse onderwerpen en modellen over te nemen. Parallel met deze uitstraling van kunst uit Vlaanderen, gaf Poussin de aanzet tot een ideale kunst met een poetische kracht, die bekoorde tot ver buiten de Franse grenzen. Onder het bewind van Lodewijk XIII ontstond een specifieke Franse picturale identiteit gelijktijdig bij kunstenaars zoals Poussin, die sterk beinvloed was door zijn verblijf in Rome, en bij anderen zoals Le Sueur of de La Hyre, die Parijs nooit verlaten hebben. Allemaal werkten ze een nieuwe picturale taal uit: het Franse classicisme. Geleidelijk bouwde Frankrijk een eigen culturele identiteit op die talrijke kunstenaars, meer specifiek de Vlaamse kunstenaars, zou beinvloeden. Aangetrokken door het enorme potentieel van de Franse markt en de luister van Lodewijk XIII en na hem Lodewijk XIV, trokken veel kunstenaars naar Parijs om zich te vervolmaken en de Franse schildertechnieken aan te leren, vooral de kunstenaars van het prinsbisdom Luik. Zo zien we hoe in de XVIIde eeuw de artistieke stromen omkeerden en de klassieke Franse school het 'Europa der Kunsten' ging beinvloeden, ondersteund door de politieke uitstraling. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )


Reference : 48314

‎andere Rubens: activiteiten, interesses, leefwereld‎

‎, Davidsfonds, 2004 Paperback, 348 pagina's, NL, 240 x 165 mm, in nieuwstaat, met illustraties / foto's in kleur en z/w ISBN 9789058262691.‎

‎Heldere antwoorden op frisse vragen over de boeiende figuur van Rubens. Nieuw licht op de merkwaardige persoonlijkheid, de veelzijdige interesse en het meesterschap van Rubens. Op 28 juni 1577 zou Pieter Paul Rubens geboren zijn in het Duitse Siegen, op driehonderd kilometer van Antwerpen: zo staat het meestal vermeld, maar is dat wel zo? Eindelijk dit boek, dat over Rubens' levensloop frisse vragen stelt en nieuwe, genuanceerde antwoorden formuleert, los van bestaande fantasma's. Het richt zich vooral tot wie onbevangen wil kennismaken met het ware verhaal achter de kunstenaar. Ook voor de specialisten verschijnt een andere, onvermoede Rubens. Want de auteur roept omgevingsfactoren op, die waar ook 'onderweg' op de kunstenaar hebben ingewerkt. Een fascinerend beeld van de vermaarde schilder-diplomaat, maar ook van onder meer een verwoed verzamelaar, een 'stadsbouwmeester'-idealist, een theaterbouwer, een tuinarchitect, een merkwaardige persoonlijkheid met zin voor humor... Ruim honderd vierkleurenillustraties zijn evenveel visuele noten bij de analyse. Woord en beeld werpen zo een nieuw licht op de merkwaardige persoonlijkheid, de veelzijdige interesse en het meesterschap van Rubens. Juist daarom is dit boek ook anders dan zomaar een boek over Rubens. Dr. RUTGER TIJS studeerde architectuur aan de Hogeschool Antwerpen en stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening aan de K.U.Leuven. Als planoloog is hij verbonden aan het Stadsontwikkelingsbedrijf te Antwerpen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.00 (€22.00 )

‎Sasha Suda, Koen Bulckens & Bert Timmermans‎

Reference : 52655

‎Early Rubens, Expo: 6/4/2019 - 2/9/2019, Legion of Honour, San Francisco‎

‎, DelMonico Books, 2019 HB, 280 x 240 mm, 280 p, 100 colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9783791358444.‎

‎This book charts the evolution of Peter Paul Rubens's style from 1608 until 1620 and his rise from relative anonymity to celebrity. In 1600, Peter Paul Rubens left his home in Antwerp to travel to Italy and study the Italian masters. Eight years later, he returned to Belgium and quickly established himself as one of the foremost painters in Western Europe. This book explores Rubens's work from 1608 until 1620 and how, acutely aware of the possibilities for commercial success, he rose to fame by establishing a "brand" and promoting himself. He created multiple versions of paintings with subjects that had proven to be successful, used similar subject matter of famous artists in the past, and sought collaborators to create more ambitious works than he could have done alone. He also created a studio and workshop with numerous students and assistants, the most famous being Anthony van Dyck who frequently collaborated with Rubens. Through paintings, drawings, and prints, this book shows how a desire for commercial success influenced and changed Rubens's artistic style. Essays delve into Italy's effect on Rubens, on the narrative aspect of his paintings, and how he managed commissions from famous patrons. Filled with new insights on the most fruitful phase of Rubens's career, this book offers a refreshing look at one of the most influential Baroque artists‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR51.00 (€51.00 )

‎A.-M. Logan, K. Belkin‎

Reference : 57156

‎Drawings of Peter Paul Rubens, A Critical Catalogue, Volume One (1590-1608)‎

‎, Brepols 2021, 2021 2 vols., 536 pages ., 216 x 280 mm , 260 colour ill., English, Hardcover, . FINE ISBN 9782503595702.‎

‎This is Volume I of the three-volume catalogue raisonn of all drawings considered by the authors to be by Rubens. It covers the years 1590- 1608, Volumes II and III dealing, respectively, with the periods 1609?20 and 1621?40. It is the first publication that presents the artist?s entire drawn oeuvre in chronological order, previous such publications containing only selections of drawings. By leafing through the illustrations, this arrangement provides the user with a quick visual impression of the variety of techniques, media, subject and functions of Rubens?s drawings at an one time. Volume I consists of the drawings of the artist?s childhood, apprenticeship and first years as a master in Antwerp to his formative years in Italy, spent mostly in Mantua and Rome, with an excursion to Spain. These are the years primarily devoted to learning and absorbing the art of the past, from sixteenth-century German and Netherlandish prints to the works of the ancient and Italian Renaissance masters. A large number of these drawings consists of copies after the works of other artists, largely executed as part of the artistic training at the time. For the first time, Rubens?s copies and their models are not discussed and illustrated as a separate entity but are fully integrated into the rest of his graphic oeuvre, thus showing copies and original compositions created at the same time side by side. The volume contains 204 entries, including several sheets with drawings on recto and verso. Each entry consists of a detailed physical description of the drawing, provenance, exhibition history, full bibliography and a critical, interpretive discussion. In addition, Volume I contains an essay on the history of the scholarship of Rubens?s drawings, a subject that has not been treated before. All drawings by Rubens and the works by other artists he copied as well as a selection of other comparative images are reproduced in color. Anne-Marie Logan is a specialist in Rubens?s drawings and in those of his Flemish contemporaries, especially Van Dyck?s. Kristin Lohse Belkin is a Rubens specialist who has carried out extensive research on the artist.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR177.00 (€177.00 )

‎[Sir Peter Paul Rubens] - ‎ ‎Büttner, Nils, and Sandra-Kristin Diefenthaler‎

Reference : 121411


ISBN : 9783954986521

‎Peter Paul Rubens: Becoming Famous‎

‎Büttner, Nils, and Sandra-Kristin Diefenthaler: Peter Paul Rubens: Becoming Famous. Exhibition: Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, 2021. 344 pages, fully illustrated in colour. Hardback. 31 x 25cms. Departing from the portrait of Geronima Spinola with her granddaughter, the exhibition explores the way Rubens expanded his network of patrons during his Italian period. With a catalogue of 119 works, including 13 pieces that have been newly examined, discussing the results of the technical analysis in the context of Rubens' practice. Text in German.‎

‎Departing from the portrait of Geronima Spinola with her granddaughter, the exhibition explores the way Rubens expanded his network of patrons during his Italian period. With a catalogue of 119 works, including 13 pieces that have been newly examined, discussing the results of the technical analysis in the context of Rubens' practice. Text in German‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP56.00 (€62.00 )


Reference : RO10023109


‎L'oeil n° 556 - Rubens, humanisme et génie d'un peintre par Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée, Rubens par lui même par Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée, Rubens, collectionneur par Manuel Jover, Rubens ou l'ampleur du dessin par Manuel Jover, La Grande Parade‎

‎Artclair Editions. Mars 2004. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 130 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 700-LES ARTS‎

‎Sommaire : Rubens, humanisme et génie d'un peintre par Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée, Rubens par lui même par Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée, Rubens, collectionneur par Manuel Jover, Rubens ou l'ampleur du dessin par Manuel Jover, La Grande Parade, interview de Jean Clair par Colin Lemoine Classification Dewey : 700-LES ARTS‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO60096744


‎EL CORREO UNESCO, AÑO XXX, JUNIO 1977 (Sumario: El el cuarto centenario de Rubens, M. Makagiansar. Rubens el magnifico, R. Avermaete. La casa de Rubens. El eterno femenino? Rubens, diplomatico al servicio de la paz, F. Baudouin...)‎

‎Unesco. 1977. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, 1er plat abîmé, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 38 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc et en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 460-Langues espagnole et portugaise‎

‎Sumario: El el cuarto centenario de Rubens, M. Makagiansar. Rubens el magnifico, R. Avermaete. La casa de Rubens. El eterno femenino? Rubens, diplomatico al servicio de la paz, F. Baudouin... Classification Dewey : 460-Langues espagnole et portugaise‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )
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