2 books for « philippe ungar »Edit

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‎Philippe Ungar ‎

Reference : 59141

‎GIUSEPPE AND GIOVANNA PANZA : Collectors, An interview by Philippe Ungar ENG‎

‎, Silvana Editoriale 2012, 2012 Paperback, 208 pages, ENG, 210 x 150 mm, New, dustjacket, with 80 illustrations in colour. ISBN 9788836625222.‎

‎Giuseppe (1923-2010) and Giovanna Panza di Biumo are known as passionate and tireless collectors who over the course of more than fifty years built an extraordinary collection of contemporary art. Extraordinary for the artists included - Rothko, Kline, T pies, Lichtenstein, Oldenburg, Rosenquist, Andre, Serra, Nauman, Kosuth, LeWitt, Weiner, Sims and Fredenthal, among others - but especially for its implied vision: an innate and bold capacity to recognise in each work its radical, peculiar content of truth, well in advance of the critics and art market. This volume is the result of a long conversation with Philippe Ungar between 2007 and 2009. In this cultured and moving dialogue, the inner need to discover and acquire works of art is revealed as an intellectual adventure and a spiritual journey but also as the creation of a familiar lexicon founded on the tenacious search for beauty through art. Masterpieces from the collection are displayed in the world's most prestigious museums (from the Guggenheim in New York to MOCA in Los Angeles), in many cases constituting the original nucleus of the collection, as well as in the historic Villa Panza in Varese, now a FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano - Italian National Trust) property. The images that accompany the text are an attempt to recover, at least in part, the thread that unites them: the eye, the thinking and the wonder of two true collectors.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Rotraut Klein-Moquay, Audrey Jeanroy, Philippe Ungar‎

Reference : 61958

‎Yves Klein/Claude Parent - le M morial, projet d'architecture‎

‎, Dilecta, 2013 Paperback, 123 pages, Texte en Francais, 255 x 210 mm, Nouveau, avec ill. en couleur. ISBN 9791090490369.‎

‎A travers une s lection de dessins originaux, d'oeuvres et de photographies, Le M morial, projet d'architecture met en lumi re la relation intense entretenue par Yves Klein et Claude Parent. Leur rencontre, rendue possible par le projet de L'Architecture de l'air de Klein, donne l'impulsion une relation pleine de cr ativit : l'artiste conceptualise, l'architecte dessine et peint. C'est ainsi autour de la rencontre d'Yves Klein et Claude Parent et de leur fructueuse collaboration - autour du Rocket pneumatique, de L'Architecture de l'air et du projet des Fontaines de Varsovie - que ce livre se construit. Il pr sente, enfin, le projet de M morial con u par Claude Parent pour Yves Klein, peu de temps apr s sa disparition, la demande de sa m re, Marie Raymond, et de son pouse, l'artiste Rotraut.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )
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